The Sexy Triangle || Keith Po...

By Nialovebug18

14.7K 461 175

Read Falling for Each Other before reading this! It's been 2 1/2 years since Nia Rene decided to end her pre... More

This is Quincy
Why would you say that
Hi Mommy
What are we gonna do
Nia Im Yours
Nia...I love you
Thank you Quincy
Im Scared
I do
Book 3???
Book 3 baby

Keith we cant-Yes we can

1K 37 15
By Nialovebug18

Keith Pov

"Dwaddy." I heard. I looked behind me and saw the all to familiar baby girl smiling.

"Oh my princess! " I said walking to her and picking her up.
"Dwaddy  I want to meet my brother." She said throwing me back a little.
"How do you know you have a brother or sister, Karin isn't that far."
"No Dwaddy n-." She was cut off by thunder.
"I wasn't supposed to say that dwaddy." She pouted and leaned her head on my shoulder.
"It's okay sweetie I'm right here." I said holding her.
"Dwaddy its time for me to go bawck home ." She said . I put her down and smiled .
"You don't have to." I said.
"I have to Hes calling me. But He said I get to visit mommy soon." She said smiling at me.
"Wait you're visiting mommy?" I questioned .
"I have to go. He said so, but he also said it was time for me to come back to you and mommy." She smiles even brighter.
"I love you." I said hugging her
"I love you too daddy." She said  hugging back before running into the field to the staircase that appeared.

She smiled and ran and spun back around to wave back to me. She finally got to the top of the stairs and turned around a blew a kiss. I smiled and then she was gone .

I woke up from seeing my daughter, and I haven't seen her in awhile. I was confused and some things she said like brother, and her going to visit Nia cause she has never visited Nia. I got up and sighed and heard the shower start and Karin must be getting ready. I got up and got ready brushing my teeth and washing my face.

I soon heard the shower stop and Karin walked out. "Finally you're up." She laughed kissing my cheek and walking the the dresser where she kept clothes for when she slept over.

"Yeah time to go see our little boy." I smirked and she laughed shaking her head. I walked into the bathroom and into my shower. When I stepped in I started to remember when Nia was pregnant and she was riding me. I started to get turned on thinking about her body.

We sat in the room waiting for the doctor to come and Karin was so excited.

"Ms.Jinsui?" The Tech walked in.

"Hi." She cheered, then shaking the womans hand. And then the doctor came and shook my hand.

"So you believe you're pregnant?" She asked.

"Yes ma'am I took a test last night and me and my boyfriend are very excited." Nia said. Shit I mean Karin said.

"Well...Lets see what the ultrasound says." She said seeming unconvinced and I raised my eyebrow slightly.

"Since it's so early we use a different tool since the fetus is so small, it looks scary but I promise it doesn't hurt." She said smiling putting gel onto the stick and Karin laid back. And the lady inserted it slowly and we looked at the screen. I was looking for something small but I'm not trained so I can't tell what is what.

She looked around for about 5 minutes and then pulled it out and put it in the sink and smiled.

"So how does my baby look?" Karin asked. The woman smiled.

"I'm not allowed to tell you what I think only the doctor can." She said getting up and walking out. I grabbed Karin's hand and we waited.

"Hello Hello!" A man walked in looking at a clipboard.

"Hi." We both said

"So Ms.Jinsui...I'm sorry to say you aren't pregnant. You're pee test came back negative and when looking at the pictures and the notes that my ultrasound tech took, there is no embryo or fetus." He said.

Before I could even think Karin spoke."My test...The test I took home came back positive." She said. I held her hand tighter and I was happy she wasn't pregnant now, but now I can't make out what my daughter was telling me last night.

"Well there's many reasons as to why a test can show a false positive, something as simple as eating a heavy amount of a specific type of food." He said.

He talked to us and wished us well. And we walked out. Karin was super quiet. "Karin are you okay?" I asked.

"I really wanted a baby." She admitted.

"Karin we can try again in a few years, we have time." I reassured her.

"I want one now Keith!" She raised her voice.

"Karin chill out." I said shaking my head.


"Because! Karin we've been together for 6 months! Not even a year and you want a damn baby." I yelled.

"Take me to my damn place." She said, I laughed and drove 15 minutes to her apartment. She got out and slammed my door.

I drove to Woodys place to blow off some steam and to talk to him. I got out my car and walked to the door.
End of Pov

Nia Pov

Quincy is out of town right now with his step dad Diddy and his brothers for a weekend trip for his dads birthday. I wasn't mad or anything 😩 I just miss my baby. But of course since I'm lonely I'm over Driah and Woodys house.

"Kyle come one stop pulling my hair." I laughed.

"Kyle McClain stop pulling your aunts hair, or I will make nap time now." Driah said.

"Driah he's fine, you keep cooking and stop being mean to my nephew." I said rolling my eyes. Driah was making us brunch and Woody was up in his office doing business stuff for Driahs modeling career. The door bell rang and I wasn't expecting anyone but me to be over here.

"Nia can you get that." She asked.

"Yeah." I said walking to the door with Kyle on my hip and I opened the door to see Keith looking irritated and I got worried. I put Kyle down and told him to go play.

"Nia who is it?!" Driah shouted from the kitchen.

"It's me Driah." He said.

"Oh hey Keith!" She yelled

"What's wrong." I said touching his arm.

"My girl...She took a pregnancy test last night...It came out positive, but when we went to the doctors today they told us she wasn't pregnant and the test was false, I was fine with it cause I wasn't to crazy about he bring the mother of my child, but she was pissed and got mad cause I said we can try again in a few years, she was fussing about wanting to get pregnant right now, I told her after only 6 months we don't need to rush something like that. So she made me drop her ass off home, and it's always only her way, if I don't agree she gets a damn attitude. She wanted me to leave LA and say fuck my dream." He said in frustration.

"Now you know how I felt when I got pregnant and wasn't ready to give up my life." I said not realizing I should be more sensitive to his situation.

"Look Nia that's great it really is okay, that's of course what I needed to hear right now." He said rubbing his face with his hands.

"Keith I'm sorry...I shouldn't of said that to you, I was dead wrong...Look maybe puppy dog isn't for you if she's trying to force a baby on you like that, and plus you shouldn't have to deal with some puppy girl with an attitude, you're a strong man and you can sure do better." I said.

"Only one girl I think about daily." He said stepping closer to me.

"Keith come on now...You know we aren't meant to be." I said walking away.

"Don't walk away...Come on." He said grabbing my hand and leading me to the guest room on this floor.

"Keith why are we in here." I said, but he crashed his lips on mine. I pushed him away fast.

"Keith stop." I said tearing up because I got overwhelmed with the electric feeling I got from his lips I haven't felt in a long time. He came closer and kissed my neck and I started to moan.

"Nia I want you." He said making me become wet instantly.

"Keith we can't." I said holding onto him as he sucked on my neck more. And picking me up laying me on the bed.

"Yes we can." He said taking off his shirt. And then I took off mine and he trailed down and unbuttoned my pants sliding them down. He came back up one more time and kissed me deeply before he went back down and kissed my other lips.

Being connected with Keith again felt so damn good, but its so damn wrong.

End of Pov

Did y'all really think I was ready let Keith have a baby with her! 😂😂

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