The Blood of Olympus

By MichaelPeleshaty

88.2K 1.4K 509

In the house of Hades Percy and Annabeth escaped Tartarus. Nico and Jason visit Cupid. Frank becomes a Roman... More

The Blood of Olympus
Percy l
Leo ll
Annabeth lll
Jason IV
Nico V
Hazel VI
Percy Vll
Leo Vlll
Annabeth IX
Jason X
Nico XI
Hazel Xll
Percy Xlll
Authors Note Please Read!
Annabeth XV
Jason XVI
New Book!
Percy XIX
Piper XX
Frank XXIV
Jason XXV
Annabeth XXVI
Poseidon XXVII

Hazel XXI

1.4K 25 14
By MichaelPeleshaty

Hazel was to shocked to rush forward with the demigod army, Polybotes disappeared in a flash of light. He got sent to Tartarus, she noticed her father had his eyes narrowed in thought as well. Something did not sit right with him or her. Nico was already up and attacking monsters left, right and center.

The demigod son of Hades was wrecking havoc on the monster army, he was a whirlwind of death. The site filled Hazel's heart with pride and courage she went and joined her brother's side, the two siblings covering each other's back like they have been fighting for years. 

Hazel fought hell hounds and empousia covering her little brother's back. A voice in the back of her mind kept saying something wasn't right, why weren't the giants fighting? She shook the feeling, it did not matter. With out the giants the army of monsters were slowly being pushed back. She heard the screaming of dying and wounded demigods but she pushed the thought away hoping it was none of the seven. Her only friends, her only family. 

Hades ordered all the hellhounds back home that were in the area which weren't very many, the giants probably forseen it and made sure they went some where else. 

Hazel and Nico continued their onslaught with the monsters pushing them back bit by bit, these minor monsters stood no chance against the house of Hades as they pushed deeper into the enemy lines. Nico was moving so fast it was absolutley insane, Hazel was having trouble following his movements.

In her awe she got distracted, she felt a hand push her down and felt the air move and a sword cut through it as it flew over her head. She heard a gurgle as she looked up a telekhine grasping at its now slit neck. 

She saw a grim looking Hades. "Thanks dad." 

"Try not to get distracted again, Hazel I don't know how many times I can do that." Hades shrugged as he blasted a lunging Dracnae away with godly magic and than stabbed a cyclops in the throat with his sword. 

Hazel sprinted forward and bashed her shield into an cyclops neck snapping its windpipe, she ducked under a sword and jumped up off a empousia trying to tackle her legs. She jumped off it and stabbed the lastrigonian giant in between his collarbone and neck sinking her blade deep into its skin and into it's heart it howled in agony before crumbling to dust. Hazel landed on the empousia she used as a spring board, snapping it's spine underfoot. 

She saw the silver and golden arrows flying toward the monsters she took a look back, every person shooting a bow had six arrows notched at once and kept firing at will. Anytime a hunter or one of Apollo's children ran out of arrows, Apollo or Artemis would conjure up more.

So the arrows were unlimited, the ground rumbled and shook as Hades summoned the dead to fight the war as well bolstering up the Olympian army to over one thousand five hundred warriors. Which wasn't much compared to the monsters army, but most of the monsters that the opposing army was made up of dumb monsters. 

They Olympian army was pushing back the monsters till she heard a scream, that wish she didn't. She heard her friend Annabeth scream. Hazel looked at Hades and Nico who nodded in understanding as she sprinted toward the sound of her friends voice. Worry her main thought as she cut through the monsters in a dead sprint with her sword and shield giving the Ares/Mars children a much needed break as the monsters seemed especially eager to kill of the war gods kids. 

The rest pushed the monsters back to the very base, killing the five thousand monsters at the base fairly quickly. While Hazel saw a blond haired girl sobbing over a still body, Hazel fearing the worst sprinted over. 

"Annabeth are you ok?" Hazel shouted, Annabeth looked over. Her eyes red and puffy from crying, when she looked at Hazel, Hazel looked down seeing her dead friend Piper. Hazel stopped in shock. 

"No, no, no!" Hazel mouthed her voice not working, tears streaming down her face. Piper and Hazel grew extremely close when Percy and Annabeth were in Tartarus being the only two girls on the ship at the time. 

They swapped information about how well their respective boyfriends treat them and of course the annoying quirks both of them had. But now Hazel was staring at the bloodied face of her friend. 

"Who did this?" Hazel snarled. 

"Khione." Annabeth said grimly, her stormy grey eyes determined to rip the minor snow goddess apart with her bear hands. 

"Shall we?" Hazel sensing her friends anger as it matched her own. 

"Let's do it." Annabeth answered before getting up and sprinting toward the enemy line, Hazel was sure of one thing. Her and Annabeth would be a site to remember, the Venus children sensing a powerful angry presence behind them glanced back at the enraged girls faces. They retreated back as gold coins and other precious metals shot out of the earth, hovering about the grief stricken daughter of Pluto. 

The monster line barely held as Hazel shot all the precious metal she could summon at them, the metals flying through shields, armour and bodies. Annabeth ducked under a spear and stabbed the dracnae in the throat before ribbing the blade out and moving deeper into enemy lines. 

"Khione!" Annabeth screamed calling the goddess out. Hazel and Annabeth both got flung back as a blizzard like wind errupted in front of them. 

Khione stood in front of them, her ice sword still out. Covered in the blood of Piper's blood. 

"What do you want Chase, I was just about to clean my blade, I hate Aphrodite and her children even their blood is disgusting." Khione sneered. Without responding both girls charged at Khione the murderer of their friend. 

Khione blocked Annabeths thrust and pushed her back before leaning back and dodging Hazel's imperial golden sword that would have cut her in half. With a smirk Khione caught both of the girls swords on hers and raised them above their heads, she kicked Annabeth back before twirling Hazels sword out of her hands. Hazel tracked the movement of her sword as it got flung behind Khione who had a sadistic smile on her face. 

Hazel felt her body stiffen as her eyes left Khione. She looked down and screamed as she saw her armour had a deep gash in it with blood pouring out of it at an alarming rate. 

"Have fun with your Aphrodite friend." Khione smirked before kicking Hazel in the chest sending her tumbling backwards. The last thing she saw was Nico battling the ice goddess with grief and rage in his eyes. 

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