Make it until June (Completed)

By lisaheft

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When Justine DeMont's Mom told her that she is sending her across the country to live with her Dad a week bef... More

Chapter One
Chapter 2
Chapter Three
Chapter 4
Chapter Five
Chapter 6
Chapter Seven
Chapter 8
Chapter Nine
Chapter 10
Chapter Eleven
Chapter 12
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter 14
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter 16
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter 18
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter 20
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter 22
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter 24
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter 26
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter 28
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter 30
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter 32
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter 34
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter 36
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter 38
Chapter Thirty Nine.

Chapter 40

127 10 2
By lisaheft


What is that.


Why do I feel like I was hit by a truck?


My body feels so heavy.


I can't open my eyes.


I hurt, everywhere.


What happened?


Someone is holding onto my hand.


I can make out the soft sounds of someone crying beside me.


Who is crying?


Why are they crying?


The blackness is taking over again.


No! Don't give into the blackness. Fight it. OPEN YOUR EYES!


Black oblivion takes over again.



I struggle to open my eyes, but they are so heavy.


I can still feel someone's hand wrapped around mine.


Slowly the memories of what happened come back to me.


Dad went fishing.


Lincoln couldn't come over today.


I was talking to Peter while I waited for Ferg to come over.


Someone was at the door.


Peter was yelling at me to run.


I was attacked.


So much pain.


I needed to open my eyes now. I tried and tried. They felt like they were glued shut.


'Any change today?' A voice spoke.


'Not yet.' This voice sounded broken. This voice brought warmth to me. Safety. Love.


I needed to let him know I heard him. Reassure him I was still here.


I tried to open my eyes again, but they still wouldn't open.


I felt something soft touch the back of my hand.


My hand! Maybe I can squeeze my hand, so he know I am here.


I put all of my strength into it. Just one squeeze. That's all I need, just once and he would know I am here.


A gasp.


I did it! I squeezed the hand. It wasn't very hard but I did it.


'Justine? Sweetie, are you awake? Open your eyes.'


I'm trying. But they are so heavy.


'Squeeze my hand again sweetheart'


I feel so weak, but I give everything I have and squeeze his hand again.


'Now open your eyes sweetie, open your eyes for me. Please, please open your eyes!' He was crying. I don't want him to cry.


I try again to open my eyes.


Nothing is happening.


'Please open your eyes for me.' He cries.


I desperately try to open my eyes for him. He shouldn't cry. He is my home.


I need to open my eyes. It is so hard, but I need to.


So bright. It hurts my head.


I let out a whimper and shut my eyes again.


'Turn the lights out. It is too bright for her.' He said urgently.


It went dark again. But I was still aware.


'Try opening your eyes again sweetheart'


I fought again to open my eyes. They really wanted to stay closed, but in the end I won.


There he is. Staring back at me. Eyes red and bags under his eyes. My home, my dad.


Looking around I notice I am in the hospital, hooked up to machines. That must be where the damn beeping is coming from.

I turn back to dad. He looks like he has been through hell and back again. I try to focus just on him, to centre myself.

The pain shooting in my body makes me whimper. I close my eyes to try to control it.

"No sweetie! Keep your eyes open for me. Don't close them, please." Dad says almost desperately. I open them back up and look at him again. I notice the tears quietly running down his cheek. "That's it, keep those eyes open. I need you to stay with me."

"Hur-" I try to say, but my throats feels like it is on fire.

"Here drink this" someone says handing me a glass. I turn slightly and smile gratefully. I was surprised to see that it was Joe, Ferg's brother. He looked just as tired as my dad. I was confused to why he was here, we weren't exactly friends. He held the cup to my mouth and I took a sip swallowing it hesitantly. It was soothing on my throat so I tried to gulp it all down, Joe pulled it back before I could finish it.

"Easy, not so fast" He said gently.

"Wha- What happened?" I croaked out, my throat on fire with each word. Joe glanced at my dad before turning back to me.

"What do you remember?" Joe asked gently.

"Dad went fishing and I was waiting for Ferg to come over." I paused and looked at the cup of water, Joe realizing what I needed brought the cup up to my lips. I felt better when the cool water ran down my parched lips. I took two more drinks before continuing. "I was talking to Peter when there was someone at the door, I thought it was Ferg. But It wasn't. It was Peters dad. He hurt me. I don't remember much, just trying to run to the back door. He attacked me in the kitchen and I must have past out."

"Sweetie, Peter called Ferg's house when he couldn't get a hold of me. Ferg and David rushed over to help you." Dad paused taking a deep breath, tears running down his face before continuing. "David manage to hold off Kyle until the police were almost to you. Ferg rushed in to help you and when Kyle managed to knock out David, Ferg covered you with his own body to protect you." He said softly. I was filled with horror. Ferg and David were there?

"Are they okay?" I squeaked out, looking back and forth between dad and Joe. Joe looked away, but not before I saw pain flash through his eyes. I focused back on dad. "Dad? Are they okay?" I whispered, dreading the answer. 

"Justine, Kyle had a gun with him. He shot David and when he tried to shoot you Ferg shielded you, to keep you safe. Both of them were in serious condition when the ambulances came and took the three of you to the hospital. Ferg is still recovering down the hall from you but-" Dad stopped as a sob left him. Tears were running down my face in a constant flow.  

"David died last week, on the operating table Justine. He didn't make it." Joe said quietly. 

My heart dropped. No, it couldn't be true. David couldn't be gone. He was not only my dad's best friend, but he was also the first person who has ever shown me kindness. He was there when I arrived, had helped me. He was my favourite teacher, someone I considered family. I knew how close he was to my dad. I reached out and clutched my dad's hand, gripping it tight. He looked up and reached out, gently gathering me in his arms. 

"I'm so sorry dad, I didn't mean for this to happen. I swear I didn't." I sobbed. He pulled back a bit but I wouldn't let him go any further. 

"Hobbit girl, this isn't your fault. You know that, right." Joe said gently. "No one blames you."

"But it's my fault if I-" I started before being cut off. 

"NO." Dad said loudly "You are not to blame here. That f*cking bastard Kyle is, not you."

"What about Ferg? How is he?" I asked shakily. 

"Well I don't know all the medical crap, but basically he was shot in the upper back and it hit a lung. They patched him up and he is going to be just fine. They kept him here to make sure he was healing properly. He is actually really enjoying having Marsha play nurse." He smirked at the end. 

"How long was I here for?" I asked confused.

"Sweetheart you have been here for nine days. You slipped into a coma, we were so worried about you." Dad said tried to gain his composure back. 

"We had to practically throw Lincoln out. He refused to leave your side for the first 4 days, then his mom came in and made him go home. He's still here when visiting hours start and stays until they end. He has been doing his school work here." Joe said gesturing to the small desk in the corner with piles of school books on it. 

"Really, where is he now?" I ask surprised. It warmed my heart to know that he cares so much about me. 

"Considering that it is almost one in the morning, I am going to guess that he is at home in bed. But that's nothing compared to Peter. That kid has been parked in the waiting room down the hall since he arrived. He never leaves. The staff has taken pity on him and let him use the showers here, even offered him a bed to sleep in. They also feed him." Joe said offhandedly. 

"Peter's here?" I asked. 

"He flew in the night you were attacked. I offered him our house to stay in, but he always refuses, saying he would rather be here, close to you." Dad says softly.

"Even though the kid hasn't stepped foot into this room." Joe said. I looked over at him, eyes wide in surprise. 

"Joe!" Dad snapped. I looked over to my dad and after taking one look at me he let's out a long sigh. "He feels guilty, and also blames himself for what happened, because it was his father." 

"But it wasn't his fault!" I say, my throat burning from the strain of talking. 

"I know sweetie." Dad said, a look of exhaustion on his face. I wonder how much sleep he has had since that day.

"You look so tired." I say softly, gazing up at him. He offers me a small smile before reaching down and smoothing my hair away from my face. 

"I'm fine. a lot better now that you are awake. I was so worried sweetie. I thought I lost you, then you just wouldn't wake up." He said sadly, his voice breaking at the end. 

"I'm sorry you were worried about me dad." I say with a yawn. I was exhausted, even though I was sleeping for the past 9 days, I couldn't find the energy to stay awake. "You should go home tonight and get some sleep." I said, my eyes drooping. 

"I can't leave, not without knowing you are going to be fine. I just need to know you will be okay." He whispered, his eyes welling up with tears. 

"I understand, dad." I replied.

"You go to sleep, I'll be here when you wake up. 

Okay, night Dad, night Joe." I said as my eyes drifted closed.

"Good night Sweetie. I'll be here when you wake up." He said softly. "Please wake up again." He whispered so low I could barely hear it. 

"Night Hobbit Girl." Joe said. 

I let my body drift off to sleep after that. 


"She woke up last night? Are you serious, because I don't think I can handle it if this is a joke." Someone whispered.

"I wouldn't joke about this Lincoln. She woke up. Joe was here checking on us before he went home from visiting Ferg. The Doctor came in and checked her vitals and ran some tests and they all came back normal. She woke up!" My dad whispered excitedly. 

"Ugh, you're being too loud." I mumbled out groggily. 

"Teeny, baby you're awake!" Lincoln cried out. My hand engulfed in a large one. I'm going to go ahead and assume that it was Lincoln who grabbed onto my hand. 

"Still too loud." I whimpered, my head pounding. 

"Sorry sweetie, but you can't really blame us. We are so happy to see you awake, we were worried about you." Dad replied sheepishly. I smiled up at him, and he quickly returned the smile. 

I looked over to Lincoln, first thing I noticed was he looked like crap. He had dark bags under his eyes from lack of sleep. He looked rumpled, like he just threw on whatever was in front of him. It made me sad to see him this way. 

"Wow, you look horrible." I squeaked out. He and dad both chuckled.

"Well, you look fantastic Teeny." He chuckled, brushing a piece of hair from my face. 

"Liar." I smiled.

"No, he's right. You do look fantastic." Dad said lightly. 

"You both need sleep." I stated bluntly. 

"In our defense, we were really worried about you. We didn't know when or even if you would wake up. So sleep wasn't really high on our To Do List." Lincoln said. 

"I'm sorry I worried you. All of you."

"Wasn't really your fault Teeny.." Lincoln smiled sadly. 

"Where is Peter?" I asked changing the subject. Lincoln and Dad shared a look before looking back at me. 

"Umm... Well..." Lincoln started.

"He still won't come in Justine. He is carrying a lot of guilt on his shoulders, he feels responsible for what happened to you." Dad said sadly. 

"But it isn't his fault-"

"We know that Teeny. It is just hard for him right now. He thought he was going to lose you. We all did for a while. Plus with the knowledge that it was his dad that put you here." He sat down on the chair beside me and let out a long sigh. "We keep telling him over and over again that it wasn't his fault. It was never his fault and we never blamed him. But he is a stubborn one, won't listen to reason."

"Can you tell him that I want to see him?" I asked.

"I can try, but don't be disappointed if he isn't able to do it yet. Mom told us to give him time. When he is ready he will come in to see you, Okay." Lincoln said gently.

"Okay." I said. 

The thought of Peter blaming himself is heart breaking. My chest felt a heavy pressure on it just thinking of it. Lincoln stood back up and leaned over and placed a gentle kiss on my forehead before turning around and heading out the door. Dad and I fell into a comfortable silence while waiting for Lincoln to return. Finally the door opened and in walked Lincoln with Peter following close behind him. Lincoln was smiling brightly. 

"I didn't just find Peter, Ferg is demanding on coming along to see you as well." He said walking over to reclaim his chair by my side. Peter walked in and stood at the foot of the bed. He was staring at the floor, slouched over with his hands in his pockets. My heart broke at how broken and defeated he looked. Ferg rolled himself in the room with a wheelchair. He smiled at me just as brightly as Lincoln did. I looked back at Peter.

"Giant Weasley?" I asked softly,. "Are you okay?"

He let out a breath that sounded like it was a cross between a scoff and a laugh, before finally looking up at me. His eyes were red rimed and blood shot, like he hasn't stopped crying for days. His eyes lost all of the usual fire in them and just looked sad and broken now. 

"Really Kitten, you are laying in a hospital bed, just woke up from a coma and you are asking if I am okay? You are laying there broken and you are still worried over me?" He asked incredulously, shaking his head. 

"Of course I'm worried about you Peter. You are my best friend, no more than that, you are my family. I know that this is hard for you and you are upset over it. I know that it is hurting you, knowing that it was your father that put me here. I don't want you to worry or hurt about this. It wasn't your fault. No one blames you. In fact it was you who saved me-"

"I didn't save you, ferg did." He interrupted me.

"How did he know I was in trouble?" I asked raising my eyebrow at him. Dad let out a small chuckle. "If you didn't call him it would have been too late for me. You saved me." 

"Hell yeah he did, we both did." Ferg smiled but it didn't quite reach his eyes. As if he is trying to be cheerful for our sake but is sad inside. 

"Peter, when was the last time you slept in a bed or even left the hospital? You look exhausted." I asked.

"The night before you were attacked." He smiled sheepishly. 

"You need some sleep. It looks like all of you do. You all look like crap." I deadpanned. 

"Thanks Teeny." 

"Brutal, Jussy." 

"Okay Kitten."

"I do need sleep." Dad says yawning. 

"You should go get some now, I'll be fine."

"No, we can wait until Marsha and Emily get here." Lincoln says.

"They are coming today?" I ask.

"They come everyday. Right after school. How do you think Lincoln gets his school work for the day?" Ferg states. 

"Okay, fine. But as soon as they get here all of you need to go get sleep. You are not allowed back until tomorrow morning." I say firmly. 

"Dude, your girlfriend is really bossy." Ferg said.

"Yeah, but she's adorable so she gets away with it." Peter laughed. 

"Yeah, she really is." Lincoln said smiling at Peter. 

"I really am what? Bossy or adorable?" I ask narrowing my eyes at Lincoln playfully. 

"Both." All three said at the same time. My Brutus of a father laughed at me.

For the next few hours we carried on taking turns to tease the other. I could almost forget my pain at times. I found out that the reason I was in so much pain was that I had a broken wrist, three broken ribs and I fractured the same arm that I had the broken wrist. After a while a nurse came in and took Ferg away for some tests and to rest back in his room. Dad went to get all of us lunch, he returned with a chocolate milkshake for me, making me love him even more. When Emily and Marsha arrived they gently attacked me with hugs. They both found it humorous when I kicked all of the guys out, making them all go home and sleep. Peter was going home with my dad.

 I found out from the girls that they already had a memorial for David last week. They didn't have a funeral because his family brought him home to England. I was really sad that I didn't have the chance to go. I found out that they are going to build a fountain out in front of the school in honour of his bravery. I still couldn't believe that he gave his life for me. Both he and Ferg put their life on the line and in the end David lost his to protect me.

They also told me how Peters dad was shot by the police right after he shot Ferg. He didn't die, he is now in jail and is charged with Murder and 2 counts of Attempted Murder. He was denied bail and won't be getting out of jail for a very long time. 

It is an overwhelming feeling to realize that people care about you that much. I spent most of my life either being invisible or being a punching bag for the people around me. My own mother couldn't stand me and hurt me every chance she had. When teachers saw me getting bullied or beaten up at school they just ignored it, pretending to not see a thing. 

Then I moved to Bentley and my whole world changed. People saw me. When I was at school I had people protect me, even when they didn't know me. I have friends now. Good friends, who care so much about me that they shielded me from a bullet, or flew in from another Province because I was in the hospital. Who visited me in the hospital everyday. I had my dad. He has to be the single most important person in my life. He is my rock, he loves me so much that when my mom took me he never gave up looking for me. He never gave up hope that one day he would find me and he could bring me home.   

Even though I am laying in a hospital bed fresh from a coma with several broken bones after being attacked, I know that I am going to be okay. I know this because I have finally found people who care about me. Who love me. And I love them. 

I am home.  


Authors Note. 

Well this has been a very long Journey. This is the last Chapter, I am making an Epilogue after this. Hopefully it is done by New Years. I had such a strong start and kind of fell off the momentum with the updates after my Nanny died a year ago. I lost my gumption to finish the story but forced myself to continue. I would like to thank a few people who kept me on task or full out threatened me to get a new Chapter.  My sisters Andrea and Terra, my niece Harmony, my friends Justine, Katrina, and Aimee. And my Kelsea who scared me into making quite a few of these Chapters.  

Thank you for sticking with me too the very end:)

Love you all,


Now Vote/comment/share the hell out of my book if you like it. 

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