Finding my way to Love

By Smurfette2121

184 15 3

Music. Boys. Booze. Girls. Weed. What's not to love? People aren't always who you think they are. There is a... More

Study Hall Observations
Friends with Benefits
Shopping Trip
Fashion Show
Party: Part 2
Hangovers and House guests
Sunday Funday
Play-off Game and After Party
Mike Wonders Off

Meeting the Boys

38 1 0
By Smurfette2121

The halls were crowded with kids trying to get their books before the bell rang for first period. Half the kids tried to get their stuff ready for the day, the other half were socializing like they didn't have to get their asses in a class and seated in five minutes. I was blessed with having a last name that fell in between two popular guys so one can only imagine my luck trying to get into my locker every morning. It's my own fault really. I insisted on being at school early so I didn't get caught in a hallway traffic jam but somehow, I always got side tracked and missed my narrow window to get to my locker before they did.

I approached my locker with my best friends, Ally and Scarlett, walking beside me. Here we go, I thought. I looked the boys up and down, partly checking them out with no shame, and partly deciding what mood they were in. Monday wardrobe can tell you a lot about someone's mood. I approached my locker with my best friends, Ally and Scarlett, walking beside me. Here we go, I thought. I looked the boys up and down, partly checking them out with no shame, and partly deciding what mood they were in. Monday wardrobe can tell you a lot about someone's mood. I'm always tired so my long dark brown hair is usually in a bun. I like it up though because then people can actually see the red I have underneath.

James had on a pair of black jeans with a couple holes down the legs (against school dress code, not that a boy would ever get called out for it but still..) and a tee shirt that said something about being a life guard for hot blondes. He was leaning against the lockers with his foot resting on the locker under him. His shaggy dirty blonde hair covered his eyes as he stared at an interesting spot on the floor near him. He towered over me at around five foot eight. I didn't have to see his face to know the look he would have plastered on. His dark blue eyes smoldering but empty of emotion, his jaw set in stone.

KJ had on some faded blue jeans and his varsity jacket. His brown hair spiked and I knew his hazel eyes would be sparkling with flirtatious humor. He was leaning on the locker against one raised arm. His back was to us, though the way he was standing I knew his mood. He was relaxed against the locker and I could hear his flirty laugh all the way down the hall. He was talking to a blonde cheerleader that stood in front of him. Taller than me but shorter than James, KJ was less intimidating and too pretty boy to cause anyone real harm.

Rebellious and arrogant.


"The rebel and the star. Ready to take on the day yet?" I looked between my friends, knowing neither one would answer and would just take my lead on however I decided to handle the situation. And believe me, if this wasn't a situation yet then it would be by the end of the day. The quarterback and the badass didn't get through a week without making some kind of a scene. Mostly the badass because, well, it's his role to make trouble. Just like it's a football players role to throw parties, slack off, make girls weak in the knees, play pretty boy, and do it all while pretending they don't know what they're doing. Yeah right.

I stopped at the edge of the crowd around my locker. I tapped KJ on the shoulder. "'Scuse me. Hi. That's my locker. I only remind you every day." He turned to look at me and smirked.

"Would it kill you to be nice every once in a while? You tell me every day and yet you never ask. Rude." KJ joked while he looked me up and down, much like I just did to him.

"I'm only nice to people I like KJ. Now can I please get to my locker?" I sighed, two minutes into the day and already exhausted. Still smirking he moved and gestured to my locker like he was giving me permission to access my locker. "Thank you."

I tossed my bookbag in the locker, grabbed my aero bag with my first few books already in it and picked a pencil off my locker handle. Without looking up I said to no one in particular, "Three pencils. One missing and you're toast." I closed my locker and left. Damn boys keep stealing my pencils.

I walked to my friends who were still standing a few lockers away. "Feeling ballsy today Izzy?" Scarlett commented on my weak threat and laughed. Ally just shook her head and smiled.

"Always am baby," I winked and let out a laugh. "Let's see if we can get through this shit day."

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