The Stubborn Old Headmaster

By fucking_lit

49.7K 1.5K 302

All recognizable characters belong to J. K. Rowling, and I am not earning anything by writing this story. I a... More



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By fucking_lit

"Harry!" Lily shouted happily upon seeing her son.

James then asked, while fidgeting nervously in his picture, "Harry, would you do me a favour?"

"Of course, Dad; what can I do for you?" Harry inwardly grinned at his father's nervous attitude.

James sighed and gave Harry a piercing look. "You know Severus Snape, don't you; I mean, sorry, of course you know him, he's your new Dad, isn't he?"

"James, just get on with it, you're just delaying with your rambling," Lily threw in, rolling her eyes.

"Oh okay, anyway, my friends and I, especially Sirius and I, we didn't treat Severus very well, when we were students here at Hogwarts," James began to explain. "Would you please tell your new father that I'm ashamed of how we acted when we were younger and that I'm sorry?"

'Wow,' Harry thought. 'Uncle Sirius would never apologize to Severus.' Feeling very proud of his birth father, he replied, "Yes Dad, I'll tell him that you want to apologize, and I'm sure he'll be very glad to hear it."

Harry spent nearly two hours talking to his parents. His mother, who had been best friends with Alice, Neville's mother, was happy to hear that Harry, Severus, and Godric had been able to cure the Longbottoms.

"Harry, please fetch Godric for me. I want to thank him too for helping our friends," Lily instructed her son, and once Harry had the Founder come over to visit their portraits, she profusely thanked him for his help.

"You're welcome; I'm glad I could help; in fact, I didn't do anything," Godric replied. "Harry took the notes that Salazar gave us and prepared the ingredients, and Severus brewed the potion.

"Very good, thanks a lot, Harry," Lily said, wearing a very proud expression. "By the way, Harry, I'm glad to have you here, but won't Minerva and Severus be worried when they can't find you?" she enquired in apparent concern.

"They will, especially since Harry has just barely recovered from a bad case of the wizard's flu and isn't yet allowed back into his house dormitories," Godric replied, causing Harry to roll his eyes in annoyance.

He sighed. "Well, we have to return now, but I'll try to come back soon. Oh by the way, I almost forgot to tell you, I'm going to have a baby brother at the end of the school year. Isn't that brilliant? All right, bye Mum, bye Dad," Harry said, before he hurriedly followed Godric grabbing Kori's tail feathers, finding himself back at the entrance door of their quarters in the blink of an eye.


When Harry entered the living room he found his parents sitting on the sofa, seemingly pensive. "Is everything all right?" he asked, slightly worried because of the silence in the room.

"Yes of course, Harry, but we were worried because you missed dinner. Are you all right?" Minerva asked in obvious concern, motioning him to sit between them. She gently felt his forehead and gave him a piercing look. "You're still a bit warm, Harry. Maybe you shouldn't attend classes just yet."

"No, it's all right, Mum," Harry replied thoughtfully. "Um... err... Would it be possible if I only missed Defence Against the Dark Arts? Today, everything was all right, but Uncle Sirius made me practise with the others even when I told him that I wasn't feeling well enough yet. He told me that if I wasn't well enough to participate in my classes, I should have stayed in bed," Harry explained sadly.

"I'm going to ask Tom to talk to him right now," Severus said angrily. "Harry, you'll be exempt from the Defence Against the Dark Arts class for the rest of the week."

"Dad, please wait a moment," Harry replied quickly and hurriedly relayed what James had asked him to tell Severus.

"Thanks Harry. When you get to see him the next time, please tell him that I've already forgiven him and that I'm proud of being his son's new father." To Minerva he said, "I'll be back soon. Why don't you ask Harry if he has an idea? And Harry still needs to eat dinner." He kissed Minerva and Harry, before he stepped into the fireplace, shouting, "Headmaster's office."

"Harry, we were trying to think of a name for the baby. Do you have a suggestion?" Minerva asked gently, apparently noticing that her son cast her a questioning look.

Harry sighed in surprise. "Have you come up with any ideas yet?" he asked curiously.

"The only name, which we both like so far, is Alexander, but we're still hoping for a better idea," Minerva admitted in a soft voice.

"What about Felix?" Harry suggested. "As far as I remember from the Latin that Uncle Moony taught me, Felix means happy in Latin, and I think that he'll be very happy to be born into a family with three people who already love him very much."

"Oh Harry, you're so sweet," Minerva said and smiled, pulling her son into a bear hug. "I like Felix. Let's see what Dad says."

Once Severus returned and was given Harry's suggestion he replied, "Why not? We can always save Alexander for the next child," with a smirk, causing Minerva to groan and Harry to laugh.


Felix Severus McGonagall-Snape was born during the second week of the summer holidays.

When Harry woke up in the morning, his godmother Alice was sitting on the edge of his bed. "Good morning, sweetie. Did you sleep well?" she asked, gently.

"Good morning," Harry replied in sudden concern. "Is something wrong with my parents?"

"No Harry, but you're going to become a big brother very soon," Alice said softly. "Your father had to take your Mum to the hospital wing very early this morning, and your parents asked me to keep you company, because they didn't want you to wake up alone. Why don't you get dressed and come with me to our quarters? Your father will come and get you as soon as the baby is born."

Neville, Harry, and Teddy spent the morning talking in Neville's room, and Harry's two friends did their best to distract Harry, who was very excited and couldn't wait to see his baby brother.

"I miss playing Quidditch with our team from primary class," Harry said all of a sudden. "I won't even be able to join one of the Hogwarts house teams, because I don't belong to just one house."

"That's really a pity, especially because I'm sure the team captains would kill to have you as Seeker. You're better than anyone else," Neville replied firmly.

"Maybe you could play for both teams," Teddy replied thoughtfully and then suggested, "and when Gryffindor has to play Slytherin they have to use someone else."

"No," Harry laughed suddenly. "I have a much better idea. Listen, we could..."

Alice interrupted him, before he could explain his thoughts to Neville and Teddy, "Harry, your father is here."

"Harry, you're a big brother now," Severus told him, smiling happily at his oldest son. "Do you want to visit Felix?"

"Did you really name him Felix?" Harry asked in surprise.

"Yes Harry, we named him Felix. We both like the name, and we thought it was a good idea to let you name your brother."

"I love that." Harry replied excitedly. 'Wow; I got to name my baby brother. That's so cool.'

"Once Felix is old enough we'll tell him that it was you who came up with his name and why, and once he hears it, he'll be very proud to have such a brilliant big brother," Severus said. Gently laying an arm around Harry's shoulders, he slowly walked with him into the hospital wing to the small extra room, where Minerva had given birth to Felix.

"Oh, he's so tiny!" Harry exclaimed in complete amazement.

"Sit down, Harry, and then you may hold him," Minerva said gently, carefully putting the baby into her oldest son's arms.

"Hey little one, I'm glad to finally meet you. I'm Harry, your brother. You have to grow up a bit, and then we can do lots of things together," he whispered into the baby's ears, while he watched in amusement as the small baby hand gripped his finger.

Felix had black hair and green eyes just like Harry. 'He looks adorable,' Harry thought, gently caressing the baby's soft cheeks.

All of a sudden, Felix began to wail, and Harry quickly gave him back to Minerva, who laid him on her stomach and began to breast feed him, causing Harry to chuckle. 'He's like a little monkey when he's hungry,' he mused, watching his brother drink greedily, 'or maybe more like a tiger cub?'

"When are you going to come home?" he asked hesitantly, giving Minerva an enquiring look.

"I hope any minute now," Minerva replied, looking at her husband questioningly.

Severus sighed. "Poppy said she wants to keep you and Felix until this evening," he explained.

As if on cue, the healer entered the room and shooed Severus and Harry out. "You may come back right before dinner and take your family home. Until then, I want them to sleep," she informed them in a no-nonsense voice.

Severus and Harry left the hospital wing heading down the stairs to the entrance hall. "Harry, what are we going to do? This will probably be our last quiet afternoon for quite a while. Shall we go to the zoo?" Severus suggested.

"Really?" Harry asked, excitedly. "I'd love that, Dad." He remained pensive for a moment, before he corrected himself, "No Dad. Can we go to Hogsmeade? I'd like to buy a present for Felix, you know like my green dragon, the one that Mum gave me when I was little."

"That's a good idea," Severus said, warmly, glad that Harry did not seem to be jealous of his little brother so far.

Together, the two wizards walked down the street to Hogsmeade, heading to the toy shop first. There were so many toys that Harry had a hard time deciding what to get his little brother, and it took him more than an hour, before he finally decided on a colourful teddy bear that played a soothing melody if one looked into its eyes.

Harry proudly carried the bag containing the teddy bear and happily followed his father to the bookshop, to the apothecary, to Honeydukes, and finally to The Three Broomsticks, where they enjoyed a Butterbeer.

"Oh, that's delicious," Harry said, licking his lips.

"So none of the older students gave you Butterbeer to drink yet?" Severus asked in surprise, inwardly regretting that he could not award house points to all houses during the summer.

"Do you think Felix will like the teddy I picked out for him?" Harry asked, worriedly, when they were back on their way to the castle.

"Of course, Harry; I'm sure he'll love it," Severus replied in a firm voice, smiling at his enthusiastic son, who had enjoyed the afternoon with his father greatly and was beaming with joy when he thought about how happy the baby would be when he received the teddy.

Even if Felix wasn't yet able to cuddle his teddy he quietened down immensely at the sound of the melody, and Minerva thanked Harry profusely for being so considerate to buy his small brother a cuddly toy.

Over the next few weeks, Felix slept most of the day. He only woke up when he was hungry, and Harry was a bit disappointed that he did not have the opportunity to entertain his brother. During the last week of the holidays, Felix finally began to remain awake for longer times during the day, and Harry spent a lot of time sitting with him, reading to him from his books and telling him stories.

"Mum, Dad?" Harry hesitantly addressed his parents in the evening before the beginning of the new school year. "Would it be possible if I stayed at home this year? I mean... I'd like to return here after dinner and stay overnight, so that I can spend some more time with Felix and help Mum look after him," he explained, giving his parents a pleading look.

"Of course you may do that, Harry. It's fairly easy to decide since we're the heads of your houses anyway," Severus replied gently, and Minerva nodded her agreement, handing Felix to Harry, so that he could make him burp over his shoulder.

"Thanks," Harry replied in relief, trying to make the baby burp. "Um... There's also something else that I'd like to speak with you about. I miss playing Quidditch a lot, and I've thought about something. Like the tournament between the houses we could have a Quidditch tournament for one student team from all houses, a teacher team, and a primary school team."

"I think that's a brilliant idea, Harry," Minerva replied, gently. "Severus, do you think we'd be able to gather a teachers' team together?" she then enquired, glancing at her husband.

"Of course; that's no problem," Severus assured her in apparent determination. "Let me tell Tom and Godric about Harry's idea; I think that it's brilliant, and a teachers' team is long overdue."

Severus headed to the fireplace, and Harry and Minerva took Felix into the bathroom to prepare him for the night.

"I'm glad to have such a fine big son to help me," Minerva said proudly, remembering the first evenings on which she had tried to bathe an abused Harry six years ago.

"I'm glad that I can help," Harry replied, smiling. "Felix is just too cute. May I take him into the houses when he's a bit older like the students took me sometimes?"

Minerva laughed. "Yes dear, you may do that when he's older. You were at least six years old when the students first babysat you in their common rooms."

They had just put a peacefully sleeping Felix into his crib, when Severus returned with an angry expression painted on his face.

"What's wrong, Severus?" Minerva asked in concern.

"Ah, Tom agreed to everything, and then he called Godric, and he said, "No, why should we have another tournament; we've enough Quidditch matches going on as it is."

"What?" Harry blurted out. "Why wouldn't he allow the tournament?"

"Because he is too stubborn," Severus replied, looking ready to kill.

"No," Minerva contradicted gently, "he's worried that it would cause more accidents, because Poppy already has too much work. I think Harry should speak with Godric directly. He hardly denies Harry anything that he suggests, especially if you explain about your problem about not being able to play on a house team."

"All right," Harry spoke up eagerly. "May I go right now?"

Minerva sighed. "It's already a bit late considering that it's the last evening of the holidays, but if you promise to show Aunt Poppy the scratch on your arm, you may go."

"What scratch?" Severus asked astonished, giving Harry a piercing look.

"Ah, it's nothing. I fell to the ground when I landed the other day after flying with Teddy, and I got a few scratches."

"It is not nothing, Mr. McGonagall-Snape," Minerva countered sternly. "The scratch on your left arm doesn't seem to be healing at all. Show it to your Dad."

Harry groaned, holding out his arm to his father.

"Of course it's not healing; it's infected," Severus said, sternly. "I will accompany you to Aunt Poppy." He grabbed a disinfection salve and a healing cream from his lab and took Harry to the hospital wing.

While Poppy dealt with Harry's arm, lightly scolding him because he didn't come earlier, Harry explained everything about his idea to Godric, who finally agreed on the new Quidditch tournament.

"Thanks a lot, Uncle Godric," Harry said gratefully, watching as Poppy wrapped his arm in a bandage.

"If you don't take better care of yourself, I won't allow you to play any Quidditch at all," Poppy said sternly. "Didn't you notice that your arm had become infected and that you were running a temperature?"

"No Aunt Poppy, I'm sorry," Harry replied in a small voice, averting his eyes to the floor.


Severus and Harry had just returned to their quarters when Cecilia and Malcolm appeared with a pop.

"We is sorry to disturb, Mistress Minerva, Master Severus, and Master Harry, but Peeves and ghost Dumbledore is trying to destroys Gryffindor tower, and we needs help," Cecilia explained, looking very distressed.

"Harry, can you please stay here with Felix, while we handle this," Severus ordered him gently and, seeing Harry nod, he followed his wife out of their quarters.

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