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"Is the headmistress not residing in the headmaster's office?" Godric asked in apparent surprise, seeing that Severus chose the way up to Gryffindor tower.

"No, as you probably know, Professor McGonagall doesn't wish to be Professor Dumbledore's permanent successor, because she wants to be near Harry while she's working. Therefore, she chose to continue working in her normal office," Severus patiently explained to the founder.


When the guests entered her office, Minerva looked in awe at the founder of her house. "Hello baby cousin," Godric greeted her without any kind of introduction, leaving Minerva speechless for the moment.

Severus offered the guests a seat, before Minerva could even recover, called Malcolm to ask for tea, and put Harry onto the sofa, tucking him in carefully. "He's all right, he's only depleted his magic and is resting," he shortly explained to Minerva.

"Oyez, if you would please, I'm going to tell you the reason for my visit," Godric spoke up firmly. Seeing that he held everyone's attention, he started to explain. "About five hundred years ago, there was a huge goblin rebellion, during which the goblins also attacked our school. At that time, Hogwarts consisted of two large school buildings, the main part, which we currently stand in, and one other building. This additional building was the primary school part of Hogwarts."

Ignoring the incredulous look he received from Minerva, Severus and Tom, Godric continued, "The main school was able to resist the goblins because of the amount of magic from the students who resided within her walls added to the castle's magic; the primary school, however, was weaker, as the students were much younger and had not reached their magical puberty yet. We evacuated the young ones to this building at the time of the attack. The primary school was hit by a very bad spell, and due of safety precautions, the building became invisible to all." He stood up and walked over to the window that allowed the view onto the Quidditch pitch. "You see the forest over there; the building is located just behind the jousting arena down here."

"You mean the Quidditch pitch, Professor?" Tom confirmed quickly.

"Ah, whatever it is nowadays, in my time it was just a recreation area and a jousting arena," Godric replied impatiently. "Anyway, it's still there. Just where the forest begins, is the location of the primary school. It's dormant and hidden, thus invisible in every possible way, even to nature, and is the reason for so many trees being there in spite of it being the location of the school building. The only way to restore the school is a spell performed by all four founders or their heirs, and during the last five hundred years, there hasn't been even one time when we could get suitable heirs from all of us together. This is the first time after so many years that we meet at least the most necessary conditions to even try to attempt the spell, which is of course only because Harry was able to give me a second life."

Everyone gave him disbelieving looks, and Godric said offended, "I hope at least Tom and Harry will believe me, as they're the two who can help me."

"No, of course, we believe you, Professor," Minerva spoke up, hastily. "It just seems so unrealistic. So the three of you have to incant a Spell together?"

"Yes, baby cousin," Godric replied, smiling. "The only problem is that I don't know if Knave's magic is yet strong enough. Otherwise, we might have to wait for a few years, but as I'm here and alive again, it doesn't matter as much. However, I know that my three friends in the Founders' Lair can't wait for the school building to be finally restored. Oh, by the way, as the times have changed a lot since my original time, I want the building not only to be a primary school like it was originally, but also a school for higher wizarding education, which may help protect a situation that occurred 500 years ago, with the matured magic that would preside within its walls. Moreover, I hope you won't mind, baby cousin, that I will be the headmaster of the second building."

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