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Dumbledore opened the window, letting the seven owls in, only to watch in horror when they were followed by more owls that dropped red envelopes on his desk.

'Albus Dumbledore! Leave poor Harry in peace. You can't send him to his relatives if they're abusing him, especially not when he is dangerously ill. We would love to take Harry in, Albus, but I'm sure that Minerva will make a wonderful guardian for him. So you better think wisely,' Molly Weasley's voice echoed through his office.

'Albus Dumbledore! Do not even think about hurting little Harry any further! He is my daughter-in-law's godson and as she is in no condition to watch over him, I strongly suggest that you let Minerva McGonagall care for the little boy. You would do well not anger me any further or you're going to regret the consequences!' Augusta Longbottom's voice was as threatening as Molly's.

'Professor Dumbledore!' Xenophilius Lovegood, the editor of 'The Quibbler', spoke. 'Do you want to see a headline, "Harry Potter killed by the hands of muggle relatives and Albus Dumbledore"? If not, I advise you strongly to let Harry grow up in the wizarding world with people who care about him!'

#They are completely right, you know# Fawkes, the old man's familiar spoke up. #You're a real bastard when it comes to Harry Potter, and I can't understand why. I almost feel as if this place wasn't the right for me to stay anymore.#

Dumbledore sighed and proceeded to open the letters, popping a lemon drop into his mouth at the same time. He nearly choked on the drop though, realizing that seven of his best teachers had handed in their resignations. Without McGonagall, Sprout, Flitwick, Hooch, Pomfrey, the Care of Magical Creatures teacher and the Ancient Runes teacher he could not keep the school open, especially since three of them were head of a house.

The Headmaster leaned back in his seat, unconsciously rubbing his forehead. "Oh, Fawkes, I really messed up this time, didn't I?" On his familiar's nod, he continued, "I need Harry to grow up as a helpless boy with his relatives, who hate him. It has to be me who will rescue him when it's time to come to Hogwarts and it must be me who helps him vanquish Voldemort later. Minerva should be the one able to understand that."

#Are all teachers against you now?# Fawkes trilled, calmingly.

"No, Fawkes, you're right, I have to speak to Severus." He called his Potions professor, who elegantly climbed off the fireplace a mere minute later. "Thank you for coming, Severus," he greeted the young man, offering a lemon drop, knowing that it wouldn't be accepted, before he explained what had happened.

Severus listened to the old man hiding his own thoughts proficiently behind a blank mask. "Albus, I believe it would be wise to make a compromise with them as we'll be on the losing side if they all quit their positions. If they leave, they'd well be able to open their own school, starting with seven skilled staff members that we are lacking, which would cause an enormous uproar in the wizarding world. As much as I detest everything that has to do with the name 'Potter' – he spat the name – might I suggest letting the Potter brat stay at Hogwarts on weekends, but he has to return home during the week, after his recovery of course?"

Dumbledore gave his spy and friend a thoughtful look before he replied. "Yes Severus, I do believe you're right. I don't like it, but we'll have to agree on your suggestion. Can you please call everyone together for a staff meeting, here in my office, in an hour?"

"Yes, I will. Do you need me to be here as well? Otherwise I can offer to stay with the brat, as Poppy won't leave him alone in his current condition."

"Very well, Severus, thank you," the Headmaster dismissed the Slytherin, not noticing the smirk on his lips as he headed towards the hospital wing, knowing that his seven colleagues were in Poppy's office drinking tea.

The Stubborn Old HeadmasterOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz