The Stubborn Old Headmaster

By fucking_lit

49.7K 1.5K 302

All recognizable characters belong to J. K. Rowling, and I am not earning anything by writing this story. I a... More



803 29 6
By fucking_lit

Harry immediately noticed, and was horrified, that the present was a Portkey. When the uncomfortable spinning stopped, he anxiously looked around, finding himself in a room he knew he had seen before. Still, he had no clue where he was. Only when he heard voices and turned around did he recognize that he found himself in the Dursleys' living room. He wearily noticed Dumbledore and Vernon Dursley sitting on the sofa, when his uncle began to verbally attack him while Dumbledore pointed his wand at him.

'Harry! Transform into your chameguise form and get away from wherever you are! You can do it!' Uncle Severus' voice suddenly penetrated his mind.

'Oh, that's right,' he thought and quickly transformed into his chameguise form, making himself invisible at the same time just as his body was riddled with pain. However, he still managed to escape and get back to Hogwarts in the blink of an eye.

'I'm in my room, hurts,' he managed to think to Severus, before he lost consciousness.

"Harry just informed me that he's all right. He's back in his room, but he's hurt, and we have to see what's wrong. However, now that he is back, he'll be all right," Severus' voice penetrated the Great Hall, where the children were huddled together in fright. "Go back to playing; Harry will join you as soon as he can," he told them, before he asked Minerva, Poppy and Tom to join him on his way up to Harry's room.

When they entered Harry's room, it was empty. "Stop!" Severus told the others. "Since we can't see him, he must be invisible."

"All right, I'll transform and check if I can see him," Tom announced and quickly transformed into his chameguise form. He walked next to the spot where Harry was lying in front of the bed and transformed back. "He's right here," he told the others pointing to the floor next to him.

Minerva immediately pointed her wand to the spot, transfiguring Harry back into his human form, before Severus carefully picked up the still invisible child and gently placed him down on his bed. Poppy waved her wand over him and frowned.

"He was hit with another dark spell that caused his whole body, meaning all his organs and joints, to become infected. He's suffering from an immense amount of pain. Thank Merlin that you found the antidote against the tenfold pain a few months ago; otherwise the pain would be unbearable. Severus, I'm afraid, as long as you don't have an antidote against the spell, we can only give him pain relieving potions." She pulled a small phial out of her robe pocket and spelled the content straight into Harry's stomach, before she woke him up and asked him to make himself visible.

"Harry, are you all right? What happened?" Minerva asked in concern as soon as Harry's eyes flung open.

"The dark blue present was a Portkey... took me to the Dursleys' living room... Dumbledore and Vernon there... Vernon shouted at me and Dumbledore attacked me... Uncle Sev told me to transform, and I did," Harry explained in a raspy voice.

"You did that extremely well, son," Minerva commended him and helped him to sit up, before she handed him a glass of water.

Everyone was terrified about the newest event. Who had placed the large, blue present onto the table, where all the other presents were? They had questioned everyone, who had attended Harry's birthday party, and all children and teachers had pointed out which of the presents was from them. The dark blue present seemed to belong to nobody.

One evening, Harry walked over into the living room, noticing that Minerva, Poppy, and Severus were drinking tea together and stood in front of Minerva, who automatically pulled him onto her lap.

"Trelawney said that she's seen Hagrid with the blue box right before the party started," Minerva told the others, after making sure that Harry was comfortable on her lap and had already drifted off to sleep again.

Poppy let out a snort, while Severus quirked an eyebrow. "The problem is that it has to be one of the party guests, because I checked the presents that were already on the table for magical signs, and I'd have detected a Portkey," Severus replied in a small voice.

"But I can't believe Hagrid would do such a thing," Minerva said thoughtfully. "He seems to be very fond of Harry."

"However, remember that Harry had tea at his hut once and was poisoned around the same time. Maybe we should at least be careful around him," Severus replied pensively. "What about the Weasleys? Maybe the stroke of their youngest son last winter was not a single action."

"No, definitely not," Minerva replied firmly. "I know the Weasleys very well."

"I can't imagine it was them either," Poppy agreed.


During the last two weeks of the holidays, Severus had to brew many potions for the hospital wing and used the opportunity to teach Harry in the potions lab on a daily basis, pleased how adept his godson was at brewing. Harry enjoyed learning how to brew a potion all by himself, and at the end of the holidays, he was able to brew all the easier healing potions for Poppy on his own.

Finally, the first of September arrived, and primary school began. Harry was very excited. Contrary to the main school of Hogwarts, in which the students arrived in the evening of September 1st and classes started on the second, primary school commenced in the morning of September 1st. The castle had created a door, which connected the entrance hall of the main school with the primary school's entrance hall, so that Harry and the few teachers, who were all residing in the Hogwarts main building, could easily access the new school building without having to walk around the grounds.

The primary school consisted of three classes divided by age groups, one for the children from four to six years, which was taught by Remus, one for the children from seven to eight years, which was taught by Tonks, who had just taken her NEWTs, and the last class for the nine and ten year olds that was taught by the headmaster.

Harry loved being in class together with Neville and Ginny, and the trio soon became good friends with Luna. He also liked their teacher Tonks very much. 'She's too funny,' Harry thought, giggling, when Tonks stumbled over Ron's school bag and accidentally knocked her wand, which was hidden in her robe pocket, against a chair, causing it to make hundreds of colourful butterflies emerge that fluttered around the classroom.

The children had classes comparable to a muggle primary school like Writing, Reading, and Mathematics in combination with classes about the magical world like Basics and Customs of the Magical World, Magical Creatures, Flying, and Easy Charms. The upper class had also introductions into the classes which were taught at the Hogwarts main school, and Harry knew that Minerva and Severus each taught the upper class once a week about easy Transfiguration and Potions.

Harry liked all his classes, but he especially loved the flying class, although he could not help feeling a bit awkward flying together with Ron Weasley. However, so far nothing happened, and Tonks and the Hogwarts flying instructor, Madam Hooch, were both watching the children. Moreover, they were even allowed to bring their own brooms for the flying class, so that Harry slowly began to relax and enjoy the flying class. A few weeks into the school year, Madam Hooch and Tonks decided that all children could fly well enough, so that they could give in to the children's pestering for a Quidditch game.

"All right, we need to form two teams with six people on each side," Tonks told the twelve children one day, causing everyone to become very excited. "Whom do you want as Seeker?" she asked, looking over the group.

"Harry!" Ginny and Neville shouted simultaneously.

"Draco," Harry said at the same time, remembering that the other boy had told him once that he loved to play Seeker.

"Well, we need two Seekers anyway, so Draco and Harry it is," Tonks said contentedly, motioning Harry and Draco to stand on each side of her. "Whom do you want as Keeper, Draco?"

Draco looked around. "I have no idea; who wants to play Keeper?" he asked his classmates.

Blaise Zabini was the first to raise his hand. "Okay, Blaise," Draco decided.

"Neville," Harry called immediately, receiving a grateful smile from his friend, who was always a bit uncertain when it came to flying.

"All right, three Chasers each please," Tonks told the children.







"All right then, that leaves Seamus and Ron to play Beaters," Tonks cheered.

"Seamus," Harry spoke up quickly, causing Draco to raise an eyebrow at him and grudgingly hissed, "Weasley."

"All right then; is there anyone, who knows how to play Quidditch?" Tonks enquired, causing all the children to raise their hands and cheer.

From that time onwards, the flying classes were dedicated to Quidditch with the two fixed teams. While Blaise was the better Keeper and Draco's team was able to score much more often, Harry did not give Draco a chance to catch the Snitch.

While Harry slowly forgot his anxiousness towards Ron, the other boy apparently was not able to put his jealousy and hatred aside and several times attacked Harry with his Bludger. Since Harry was flying above all the other players in order to search for the Snitch, he did not notice the Bludger coming in his direction until Ginny warned him telepathically.

'Harry, be careful; a Bludger!' he heard Ginny shout in his mind and quickly let himself fall down a few metres to escape.

Tonks, who was observing the game in the air, flew over to Harry to enquire what happened, and Madam Hooch, who was watching from the ground, called everyone down for a stern conversation, in which Ron did not apologize but merely said he'd have to practise more with the Bludger. Since it was the first time, everyone but Harry, Ginny and Neville believed him. However, a week later, Harry once more barely escaped a Bludger, because Draco had managed to warn him only seconds before the Bludger would have hit his friend.

"Ron, if you attack Harry one more time with your Bludger, you'll be banned from the flying class until the end of primary school," Madam Hooch threatened, and Tonks nodded her head in agreement.

Nevertheless, Ron was stupid enough to try to hit Harry several times. However, Harry was now even more alert and always escaped easily, so that nobody else even noticed what was happening. On Wednesday before the beginning of the winter holidays, however, the inevitable happened.

Harry woke up in the morning feeling ill. His head and his stomach hurt, but under no condition did he want to miss school, especially since they were going to have their last flying class before the holidays. However, by the time the flying class took place in the early afternoon, he had a splitting headache, his stomach felt as if it was going to empty its contents at anytime, and he felt hot and cold at the same time. 'Maybe it'll get better if I fly,' he mused when he mounted his broom, not noticing that Ginny and Luna were watching him with growing concern. Of course, flying did not help at all, and he had to concentrate hard just to hold himself upright on his broom. 'I have to catch the Snitch soon, so that I can go home and lie down,' he thought, frantically searching for the golden ball. However, as soon as his hand snatched the struggling ball out of the air, a Bludger hit the child in the head full force.

Fortunately, Madam Hooch and Tonks, who had both observed what had been happening, managed to catch Harry while he was tumbling towards the ground. While Madam Hooch put Harry on a stretcher and made him float in front of her to the hospital wing, accompanied by Ginny, Tonks motioned the rest of her class to follow her back into the primary school. She led the class straight to the classroom, where the headmaster was teaching.

"I'm sorry to interrupt your class, Professor Gryffindor," she said, before she told her class to sit down on the floor, and explained what had happened.

The Headmaster glared at Ron. "Why did you hit Harry with a Bludger?" he asked sternly.

"Because I hate him," Ron mumbled, looking straight at the headmaster.

"And why is that?" Godric enquired.

Ron mumbled something incoherent, and even though Godric tried several times to get an answer out of the boy, it was impossible. "Well, if you don't give me an appropriate answer, I'll do it the easy way and expel you right away. Accompany me to my office, Ron Weasley," Godric shouted angrily, motioning Tonks to take over both classes for a few minutes.

"Professor, we know the reason Ron continues to try to hurt Harry," Fred and George spoke up simultaneously, while the teacher turned to the door. "He's always been jealous of Harry ever since they met for the first time, and Harry beat him at Quidditch at our home last winter. Professor McGonagall can tell you more about that."

"All right, thank you Fred and George," Godric replied and escorted Ron to his office, from where he Floo-called Mrs. Weasley, who came to take her youngest son home.

"Is Harry all right?" she asked worriedly. "I'm so sorry. I don't know why Ron holds such a grudge against him; Harry is such a nice boy."

"We don't have any information yet," Godric replied. "Rolanda Hooch and your daughter took him to the hospital wing."

"Ginny is with him? That's good." Mrs. Weasley sighed, slightly relieved. "Then we won't disturb you further, Professor," she excused herself, before she dragged Ron into the fireplace and floo-ed home.


In the meantime, Poppy checked on Harry several times, shaking her head in concern and confusion at the same time.

"What is it?" Minerva asked impatiently. She had been sitting at Harry's side along with Ginny, since Rolanda had called her out of her last afternoon class because of Harry's accident.

"I'm sorry, Minerva, I'm not sure yet," Poppy replied hesitantly. "He definitely has a concussion, but I don't think that's all." She turned to Harry, who was barely conscious, and asked, "Harry, did you already feel ill before your accident?"

"Yes, my stomach was upset and my head was sore," Harry admitted in a small voice.

"All right," Poppy replied, and Minerva noticed that an expression of upmost concern flashed over her friend's face. She magically took a few drops of blood from Harry's wrist into a small phial and spelled a potion into Harry's stomach, causing him to fall asleep immediately. "I need Severus to check his blood; he probably has been poisoned again."


Late in the evening, Harry woke up, still feeling absolutely horrible. Hearing voices quietly talk to each other right next to his bed, he lazily opened his eyes.

"How did he manage to poison Harry again, Severus? We were so careful, weren't we? What else can we do to protect him?" Minerva asked, sounding horrified.

Severus calmingly put an arm around his older colleague's shoulders. "I don't know, Minerva. Our only advantage is that Albus is a dunderhead at potions and isn't able to create any of the more dangerous potions. Harry is bad off this time, but that's because of his concussion and not because of the poison. Since I already had a dose of the antidote left from the last time, we got it into his blood stream quickly enough, so that the poison didn't cause any harm."

Suddenly, Harry watched Teddy pop up next to the teachers, totally hysterical. "I is so sorry, Mistress Professor McGonagall, Master Professor Snape. I is supposed to see that Master Harry is safe, and I seed him when he bringed the potion to place into Master Harry's pumpkin juice in the kitchen, but I thinked that he is friend of Harry's and means no harm. And...uuah," Teddy sobbed, drowning the rest of his sentence.

"It's all right, Teddy; it's not your fault," Harry spoke up in a small voice, causing the adults to turn their heads to him in surprise. "Who was it, Teddy?" he asked softly, but did not receive an answer.

Teddy was too engrossed in his self-reproach and sobbing to even notice that Harry was awake.

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