The Stubborn Old Headmaster

By fucking_lit

49.7K 1.5K 302

All recognizable characters belong to J. K. Rowling, and I am not earning anything by writing this story. I a... More



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By fucking_lit

"Is the headmistress not residing in the headmaster's office?" Godric asked in apparent surprise, seeing that Severus chose the way up to Gryffindor tower.

"No, as you probably know, Professor McGonagall doesn't wish to be Professor Dumbledore's permanent successor, because she wants to be near Harry while she's working. Therefore, she chose to continue working in her normal office," Severus patiently explained to the founder.


When the guests entered her office, Minerva looked in awe at the founder of her house. "Hello baby cousin," Godric greeted her without any kind of introduction, leaving Minerva speechless for the moment.

Severus offered the guests a seat, before Minerva could even recover, called Malcolm to ask for tea, and put Harry onto the sofa, tucking him in carefully. "He's all right, he's only depleted his magic and is resting," he shortly explained to Minerva.

"Oyez, if you would please, I'm going to tell you the reason for my visit," Godric spoke up firmly. Seeing that he held everyone's attention, he started to explain. "About five hundred years ago, there was a huge goblin rebellion, during which the goblins also attacked our school. At that time, Hogwarts consisted of two large school buildings, the main part, which we currently stand in, and one other building. This additional building was the primary school part of Hogwarts."

Ignoring the incredulous look he received from Minerva, Severus and Tom, Godric continued, "The main school was able to resist the goblins because of the amount of magic from the students who resided within her walls added to the castle's magic; the primary school, however, was weaker, as the students were much younger and had not reached their magical puberty yet. We evacuated the young ones to this building at the time of the attack. The primary school was hit by a very bad spell, and due of safety precautions, the building became invisible to all." He stood up and walked over to the window that allowed the view onto the Quidditch pitch. "You see the forest over there; the building is located just behind the jousting arena down here."

"You mean the Quidditch pitch, Professor?" Tom confirmed quickly.

"Ah, whatever it is nowadays, in my time it was just a recreation area and a jousting arena," Godric replied impatiently. "Anyway, it's still there. Just where the forest begins, is the location of the primary school. It's dormant and hidden, thus invisible in every possible way, even to nature, and is the reason for so many trees being there in spite of it being the location of the school building. The only way to restore the school is a spell performed by all four founders or their heirs, and during the last five hundred years, there hasn't been even one time when we could get suitable heirs from all of us together. This is the first time after so many years that we meet at least the most necessary conditions to even try to attempt the spell, which is of course only because Harry was able to give me a second life."

Everyone gave him disbelieving looks, and Godric said offended, "I hope at least Tom and Harry will believe me, as they're the two who can help me."

"No, of course, we believe you, Professor," Minerva spoke up, hastily. "It just seems so unrealistic. So the three of you have to incant a Spell together?"

"Yes, baby cousin," Godric replied, smiling. "The only problem is that I don't know if Knave's magic is yet strong enough. Otherwise, we might have to wait for a few years, but as I'm here and alive again, it doesn't matter as much. However, I know that my three friends in the Founders' Lair can't wait for the school building to be finally restored. Oh, by the way, as the times have changed a lot since my original time, I want the building not only to be a primary school like it was originally, but also a school for higher wizarding education, which may help protect a situation that occurred 500 years ago, with the matured magic that would preside within its walls. Moreover, I hope you won't mind, baby cousin, that I will be the headmaster of the second building."

"I will mind if you don't stop calling me that immediately," Minerva replied very angrily, causing Harry to stir and lazily open his eyes. "Shouldn't you be the headmaster over the whole school, Professor? And higher education would be called a college or university."

"You can call me Godric as it seems that we'll be colleagues," Godric continued his monologue, "And no, running both would be too much; I only want to be headmaster for the primary school and university as I'd love to arrange everything according to what it once was and what the other founders and I have planned for how it should be in the future. However, if you don't want to be headmistress of this building, I suggest Tom as your successor. As Salazar's heir he would be qualified enough to fulfil the position, and the old grumpy one would finally be pleased too – at least I hope so."

Before anyone could reply, Harry walked over to Minerva, climbed onto her lap, and glanced around curiously. 'Oh, I shouldn't have fallen asleep, Professor Gryffindor wanted to tell us something,' he thought, flabbergasted, giving the old man an anxious glance. "I'm sorry," he then said in a very small voice.

"That's all right, Harry," Minerva replied, soothingly stroking his cheek. "I will tell you later what you missed, sweetheart." She turned back to Godric, "Now, what can I do for you, Godric? Can we provide you with a room to stay or…?" She slowly trailed off, giving the founder a questioning look.

"No, thank you, Minerva," Godric replied, grinning. "I still have my own quarters in the castle. So far, obviously nobody has discovered the founders' quarters, and they're hidden behind several wards and passwords anyway. In fact, it's only a two-minute walk from here. However, Tom needs a place to stay if he doesn't mind remaining in the castle for the week or so." Seeing Minerva's disapproving look he added, "Don't worry, Minerva; Salazar has used Legilimency on Tom to be sure that Harry has efficiently cleansed him from the evil that once possessed him, and he seemed to be quite content."

Minerva let out a small snort and looked over to Tom. "Harry and Severus already told me about you. I shall assign you guest quarters near the Great Hall. If you go straight in the direction of the Great Hall, shortly before you descend the last staircase, you'll see a portrait of Arthur with the lizard. Malcolm, my house elf, will take you there; you only need to fix a password with Arthur."

"Thank you very much, Professor McGonagall," Tom replied, respectfully, with a slight bow of his head.

"I'd like to meet with all of you again tomorrow," Godric spoke up pensively. "Tom, Harry and I should practise the spell, even if Harry only says the words without doing magic, and I'm thinking on whether it would aid us to have both of you saying the incantation together with us to ensure that the magic will be strong enough. As far as we, the founders, know, it has to be all founders or their heirs. However, as many times great grand niece and nephew of the founders, the two of you would be the persons next nearest to an heir. Therefore, I can imagine that it could work to strengthen the spell with your power. I'll have a look in my private library later this evening."

"Shall we meet here tomorrow morning after breakfast?" Minerva suggested, and Godric, Severus and Tom agreed immediately.


From Monday onwards, Sirius began to teach Defence Against the Dark Arts, and Remus once again taught Harry. When Minerva told Harry the news on Sunday evening, he was very disappointed. 'Hmm, I like it that Uncle Padfoot and Uncle Moony are both staying at Hogwarts now, as I like both of them a lot. Especially Sirius, because he's very funny. But it was so much fun attending Aunt Minerva's and Uncle Severus' classes together with the big students,' he thought, feeling slightly saddened.

"What's wrong, sweeheart? You like Uncle Moony don't you?" Minerva enquired, astonished, wondering about her son's gloomy expression.

"Yes, I like him bunches, but it was so much fun being together with the other students," Harry replied solemnly.

Minerva sighed and pulled Harry close to her. "I believe that, sweetheart, but it's much better for you to learn primary school knowledge than attending classes with the students. If you learned everything that the first years learn now, what were you going to do once you're a first year? You would be bored to death. Apart from that, we hope that Professor Gryffindor, Tom and you will be able to revive the second school building, so that primary school can resume its work beginning the next school year. And in order to attend Hogwarts, it's better to have certain knowledge of Math and other things that are taught in primary schools. Moreover, Uncle Moony seems to be a very good teacher, and you know once a month around the full moon, you'll be able to attend classes with the students anyway."

When Harry didn't show any reaction at all, Minerva looked into his face and noticed that Harry was peacefully asleep in her arms.


After the classes on Monday afternoon, Harry went to play Quidditch with the Gryffindor team, while Remus stayed to have a conversation with Minerva. Remembering Harry's hesitation to resume his private lessons, Minerva enquired, "Was everything all right, Remus?"

Remus sighed. "On one hand, yes, Minerva, Harry is doing very well with all his studies. Of course I couldn't test him in Charms because Poppy advised me not to let him do any magic this week. I did have him take small tests in all his other subjects, and he remembers everything that I've taught him." He handed Minerva a few parchments, before he thoughtfully continued to speak.

"I'm not sure if Harry is really happy though. Of course, he loves learning, and therefore he enjoys his lessons. However, on the other hand, he seems to be missing company. At the beginning when he didn't speak at all, I could only teach him by himself, but now that he's speaking just like a normal child, I believe that it would be better for him to have his classes together with another child."

"Do you really think so, Remus?" Minerva asked, her expression brightening a little. Perhaps that was Harry's problem. "And would you be willing to teach another child along with Harry?"

"Yes, of course, if you can find someone, whom Harry will feel comfortable with, then it won't be a problem," Remus reassured her, gently.

"All right, Remus," Minerva replied in determination. "I'll contact a few of my friends and see if someone is interested, and I'll either contact you or tell you at dinner tonight."

When Harry returned home after dinner, Minerva made him sit down on the sofa. "Harry, I know that you're in need of a shower, but I just want to tell you something." Seeing that Harry gave her an interested look, she continued, "From tomorrow onwards, Neville is going to join you in your lessons with Uncle Moony."

Harry was stunned at first. 'Oh, that's too good to really be true,' Harry thought happily before he asked excitedly, "Really? Is it true? Neville will be coming here every day and have lessons together with me? Really?"

"Yes, Harry," Minerva replied, amused at Harry's ecstatic expression.

"But he'll already know so much more than me, won't he?" Harry asked, worriedly. 'Dudley went to school when he was about four, so that's three years of learning that I'm missing,' he thought, apprehensively.

"Don't worry about that, Harry. You're very intelligent, and you love to learn; I'm sure that you won't have any difficulties. There will be things that Neville will be able to do better than you, but there will also be things, which you can do better like charms. Everything will be all right, sweetie," Minerva told him in a soothing voice that made Harry relax and smile.


Harry realised soon that having classes together with Neville was much fun. During lunchtime on the next day, Remus asked the boys, "As you know, Halloween is on Friday. Have you already decided on a costume?"

'Halloween? I don't remember having done anything on Halloween before. I know that Dudley went out for trick and treats or something, but was that on Halloween?' Harry thought, confused, before he asked in a small voice, "Costume?"

"Yes, Harry," Neville replied eagerly. "On Halloween, we can dress-up in costumes so people don't know it's us and then go and get lots of sweets. I don't know how they do Halloween here in the castle though."

"We'll be having a party," Remus threw in, "and if would like to, you can join us for the party. I'm sure that you'll be very welcome to attend if you chose to Neville. I'll speak with Professor McGonagall, so that she can arrange something with your grandmother."

"Oh, that would be great, Harry, do you want to dress up as Dalmatians?" Neville asked excitedly.

"All right, why not?" Harry replied, smiling. 'That sounds great fun,' he thought. 'I'm glad that Neville is here every day now.' "Um… How will we get our costumes for that though?"

"Ah, my granny can conjure them, or I'm sure your mother can too if we ask," Neville told him. "That's not a problem with magic."

"I can transfigure these tissues for you if you'd like me to," Remus offered, grinning when Harry's face lit considerably and his eyes started to twinkle happily.

"Oh yes please, Uncle Moony," Harry shouted.

"Yes please, sir," Neville echoed.

Remus took one of the tissues and transfigured it to a Dalmatian's costume, holding it out to Neville, who threw him an enquiring glance and after a comforting nod from the teacher pulled off his robe and tried on the costume. "Wow, that's so cool; thank you, Uncle Moony," he shouted excitedly.

Remus did the same for Harry, and when Minerva entered her living room after the last afternoon class, she was more than surprised to be greeted by two Dalmatians, looking like twins. "How many times do we have to sleep until Halloween?" Harry asked excitedly when Neville returned home and Remus had left after a short talk, and Minerva couldn't help laughing at the child's excitement.

"Three times, sweetheart; did you have a nice day, attending lessons together with Neville?"

"Yes, Aunt Minerva, it was absolutely great! We had a whole lot of fun," Harry shouted happily.

"I'm very glad to hear that," Minerva replied softly, hugging the boy close. "Now Harry, you know that we have an appointment with Professor Gryfffindor, Uncle Severus and Tom in a few minutes; you should take the costume off now."

"Where are we meeting them, Aunt Minerva?"

"We are meeting them in the Entrance Hall, and then we'll use an unused classroom for our practice."

Harry inwardly groaned. 'How am I expected to do the spell this weekend if I can't practise even once before then? And the adults get to starting practicing their part today,' he thought in frustration.

"What's wrong, Harry?" Minerva wondered over Harry's sad expression. "Don't you want to go?"

"Of course I want to," Harry answered, "but I need to practise too. If I don't, then I won't be able to cast the spell this weekend. I'm not tired anymore, and I want to practise with everyone else."

Minerva gave the child a piercing glance and decided, "All right, Harry, we'll ask Aunt Poppy if it'll be okay for you to practise. If she says that you're better and gives you permission to practise, I will allow you to practise a bit this evening as well."

"Thanks Aunt Minerva," Harry replied happily and started bouncing through the halls all the way down to the hospital wing.

Fortunately, Poppy was alone and could check on Harry immediately. "Harry, do you know how to summon more or less magic in order to do a spell or a charm?" she asked, thoughtfully.

Harry gave her an unsure nod. "I can't describe it, but I know how to do that thing that causes my arm to feel tingly and that I need to do that when I know I am doing something that's difficult."

Poppy gave him an encouraging smile. "You've described that very well, Harry. When it feels tingly as you say, that's when you summon a lot of magic. You'll have to do that when you really do the spell on Saturday or Sunday. For today, you may practise the spell once or twice, but you mustn't summon a lot of magic."

'So not make it tingly,' Harry thought and replied, "All right, Aunt Poppy, thanks." Then he turned to Minerva, "See, Aunt Poppy said I could, so can I please, Aunt Minerva?" he asked her happily bouncing down the hall when she gave her consent for him to practise.

That evening, they practised the spell and the incantation several times, until they were all sure that they would be successful in bring the castle back into view, so that it could once again be used.


Finally, Halloween arrived, and Harry was very excited. Neville had been allowed to stay at Hogwarts for the Halloween party that evening, and the two boys changed into their Dalmatian costumes immediately after lunch. They both had a lot of fun in their afternoon lessons. Remus made them paint a picture, before he took them out for a walk around the lake until dinner time, knowing that they wouldn't be able to study anyway. Quidditch practice was cancelled for that day, since all students were preparing for the Halloween party.

When Harry and Neville finally entered the Great Hall, running in front of Minerva, Harry stopped in his tracks in shock upon entering. He had not expected the Great Hall with such spine-chilling decorations and he was slightly afraid of the dark decorations. Seeing that many of the students were dressed in costumes, so that nobody knew who they were, Harry suddenly thought, 'Why did I put on this costume when I could have practised shape shifting into a Dalmatian.' Frowning a little about his own mistake, he at least changed the features of his face to be unrecognizable to everyone but the few, who knew who he was. Harry enjoyed his first Halloween very much and nearly threw a temper tantrum when Severus accompanied the boys to Minerva's quarters, while the party in the Great Hall was still underway.

"I'm sorry, Harry, but the students are much older than Neville and you and thus can stay up longer. Also, Neville has to Floo home, before his grandmother begins to worry about him," Severus told his godson in a stern voice that made Harry shut up immediately. Severus put Harry to bed and started to read him the requested story, inwardly smiling when the child's eyes drooped after only a few sentences. He carefully tucked the boy in and settled down comfortably in a chair to read and watch over the child until Minerva would arrive home from the party.


Later that night, Harry woke up by a strange sound, as if a house elf popped into his room, but before he could lazily open his eyes wide enough to see anything but a blue light, he sensed an impact against his right arm before he felt a distinctive pull from behind his navel and was whisked away from the castle's safety.

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