Here We Go {Vauseman}

By bayvause

23.1K 703 17

Piper, hacker genius, too smart for school and friends. Will Alex Vause change that? Or will they have the sa... More

Chapter 1.
Chapter 2.
Chapter 3.
Chapter 4.
Chapter 5.
Chapter 6.
Chapter 7.
Chapter 8.
Chapter 9.
Chapter 10.
Chapter 11.
Chapter 12.
Chapter 13.
Chapter 14.
Chapter 15.
Chapter 16.
Chapter 17.
Chapter 18.
Chapter 19.
Chapter 21.
Chapter 22.

Chapter 20.

588 19 0
By bayvause

"Well it's tomorrow." I said to myself as I woke up. (Even though I know tomorrow will never come *wink*)

I turned to my side to see if Alex was there but she wasn't. I heard the shower turn on and I figured she was in the bathroom. I stretched in my bed and stayed there for a while daydreaming. Few minutes later I heard the shower turn off then the faucet turned on and I can hear her brush her teeth and spit out whatever's in her mouth when she finished.

I was still in bed, too lazy to get up. She came out with only a bra and panties on. I laid there following her every movements. Her hair is still wet so she grabbed the towel she abandoned and dried her hair the best she can, then she went to her suitcase and grabbed her hair blower and completed drying it out.

I heard the hair dryer turn off and heard her come back to the room. I looked up at her and she looked at me too and got her clothes then started putting them on.

"You know, I liked it better when you had on your bra and underwear." I commented.

"I liked it better when you slept naked." She replied.

"I never slept naked?" I said confused.

"Then maybe you should start." She said then winked at me.

"If only you join in." I said smirking.

She was about to say something but was interrupted with the babies cry.

"I got it." I said as I got up off the bed to baby Cal.

"What's the plan?" Alex asked.

I looked at her confused.

"The plan to find your brother!?" She continued.

"Oh! Uh.. I don't know.. I'll just call Matthew to track him and send me his address." I said cradling the baby making him hush down a little.

"Okay." She nodded and handed me the baby bottle.

"Thanks." I said and took it from her hand.
I put the bottle in the baby's mouth soothes him gently.

"I hope you won't have my life munchkin." I whispered to him.

"I'm sure he won't." Alex said rubbing my back. She had got done changing.

"What if he does." I said frowning.

"Let's Not think about the ifs." She said.

I nodded.

I put the baby in Alex's arms and she happily took him while I go take a shower.

"Hi peanut!" She said in a high pitch baby voice. I heard the baby's cute tiny laugh.

I turned around and admired the adorable view before I turned back and walked to the bathroom with a real smile on my face.


"It's your turn to give the baby a bath." I said drying up.

I had my bra and underwear on and went through my luggage to pull out a 'New York' t-shirt and skinny black jeans with my glasses.

I heard splashing in the bathroom and Alex's struggling from across the room. I chuckled to myself.

"Come on bud! Don't do that!" Alex groaned at baby Cal.

I walked to the bathroom and I see baby cal naked in the bathtub with a smile on his face playing with his toys we brought for him.

"I'm here to rescue you." I said chuckling.

"Thank god!" Alex said groaning. "I'm too young for this." She said laughing.

I bent down and started helping Alex wash the baby. I washed the body, she washed the head and face. When we were done she took the baby out and dried him up. She gave him to me and that's when I started to put his baby clothes on him.

"We make a great team." Alex confirmed.

"Yes we do." I agreed, smiling and kissed her on the lips.

I put on his baby shoes and put him on my hip while I slip on my shoes and grab the baby bag. Alex was putting on hers as well and she got her phone and hotel room key then held the door for me so I could walk out.

Alex was following close behind as we got out to the open. I took out my phone and pulled up Matt's chat and found the address to his house. I told the taxi driver to pull over. We got in and I told him the address.

It wasn't a long car drive it was twenty minutes of sitting in comfortable silence. As soon as he pulled up at a big house but not as big as mine, I payed him and got out with Alex behind with the baby.

I walked up to the porch and rang the doorbell. Few seconds later I heard a deep voice say 'coming!' And loud thuds getting louder until it was now on the other side of the door. Then that's when the door opened and I froze up. He looked like mom and dad mixed together.

"That's not my baby is it!?" He asked nervously.

"Um, no! It's ours!" I said snapping out of my trance. He froze.

"No! By ours I mean me." I pointed at myself. "And Alex." I pointed at Alex.

"I see." He said still a little freaked out.

"Listen I came here to tell you... I'm your long lost sister." I spit out.

He was in silent shock for a few minutes.

"Piper!?" He asked.

"Yes.. how do you know my name."

"My adopted parents told me a lot about my original family, but they were pretty rude about it. We weren't much of a nice family"

"Don't worry.. I didn't have much of a nice family either, matter of fact I wish I had your life."

"Well things happen for a reason." He shrugged. I nodded.

We stayed in awkward silence while the baby makes gurgling noises.

"So come in!" He offered and we accepted.

"What's his name?" Danny asked.

"Cal." I said.

"You mean our brother Cal."

'No my brother Cal... you were never there.' I said in my head

"I thought Cal was older than that." He said chuckling.

"He is.. well he was until he.. passed.. and we decided to name the baby after Cal to keep memory of him." I said almost tearing up.

"Oh... I'm so sorry." He said sympathetically.

I nodded while flinging away a few tears.

"It's okay." I said smiling warmly.

After a long silence he finally spoke up.

"What if it was a girl, what would be it's name?" He asked.

"Diane." I said, then looked at Alex.

She looked back at me with shock in her eyes and her eyes started to water as she smiled lovingly at me. Danny in the background confused as ever.

"Anyways, tell me about yourself. I didn't even know I had a brother till yesterday." I said chuckling.

"Well I lived here for about a few years, I'm seeing someone.. yea she makes me happy." He said smiling at the thought.

"And I'm starting to feel sad I wasn't there for any of you guys and so if you need anything I'm here for you." He smiled. "But like, you know... there isn't much to tell about me, I'm pretty boring" he said chuckling then asked me about myself.

"Okay well.. Alex and I plus the baby are living together. Also lots of drama happens but not only towards us." I said indicating me and Alex. " but towards things that comes are way so hopefully you're not one of them." I smiled.

"My life isn't all that boring but it isn't fun either." I said and he looked confused. "It's complicated." I shrugged.

"You guys wanna stay here until you can go back home? Or.." he suggested.

"No, no! It's fine we have a hotel." I smiled.

Then there was this awkward silence. It hadn't been anything that I've picture the last forty eight days and it sucks. Alex did warn me about trying to meet my expectations with how this would play out and to be honest I should've listened.

I cleared my throat and checked the clock that was on the wall. It was getting late and like it was planned, baby Cal started crying.

"We should get going, it's getting late and Cal needs a nap it's been a long day." I said explaining.

"Oh yea totally I understand." Danny said.

"But we should hangout tomorrow though you know? We'll get to know each other more and be more comfortable." I said and he agreed.

I saw a notepad and a pen on the table and walked up to it to write my number down.

"You can text me when you wanna meet up and I'll be there." I said smiling as I walked out the door.

He smiled brightly and nodded in agreement.

"Okay, thank you for stopping by I will be sure to text you tomorrow." He said waving us goodbye.

As we walked out Cal was crying harder as Alex tried to hush him. We hailed a cab and got in. The driver was so annoyed and disturbed of the baby I never seen someone race so fast to get to a destination.

He stopped at the hotel and we got out to check in and go up to our rooms. I grabbed Cals bottle and handed it to Alex while she fed him.

"Well that was interesting." Alex said as she fed Cal.

"Tell me about it." I said rolling my eyes.

"Hey what'd I tell you about expectations." She said.

"I know, I know, but I didn't think it was gonna be that awkward." I frowned.

"We all think about what's gonna happen but faith has other plans so we gotta just let things play out instead." Alex said as she put the sleeping baby down on its bed.

"I know." I said frowning.

Alex put the bottle down and came towards me.

"Hey." She said. "It's okay, I promise. Maybe tomorrow will be different."

"Maybe." I said then hugged her.

After a while, we got dressed for bed and went to sleep.

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