By oudeuli

143K 6.5K 4.2K

❝her cries and her smiles are both different things.❞ ↬ story covers are made by @HYUNLIXS More

arcs + playlist
i. cry
ii. smile
iii. cry&smile
iv. cry
v. smile
vi. smile
vii. smile
viii. smile
ix. smile
x. smile
xi. cry
xii. cry&smile
xiii. smile
xiv. cry&smile
xv. cry
xvi. cry&smile
xviii. cry&smile
xix. smile
xx. smile
xxi. cry
xxii. cry
xxiii. cry
xxiv. cry
xxv. cry
xxvi. cry
xxviii. cry
xxix. cry
xxx. cry
xxxi. cry&smile
xxxii. cry&smile
xxxiii. cry&smile
xxxiv. cry&smile
xxxv. cry&smile
xxxvi. cry&smile
xxxvii. cry&smile
xxxviii. cry&smile
xxxix. cry
xl. smile
xli. cry
xlii. cry
xliii. cry&smile
xliv. smile
xlv. smile
xlvi. smile
xvlii. cry&smile
xvliii. smile
finale. navillera

xvii. cry

3K 116 86
By oudeuli

❝Someday I will tell you all the things I didn't say.❞ GFriend, Rough


eunbi was having a hard time.

yerin was worried.

yewon was picking her nails at the corner.

the hospital room was quiet, the faint sound of the tv filling up the room. yerin was beside eunbi at her bed while yewon sat at the sofa in the corner of the room.

the doctor's news was far from great. it was terrible.

eunbi felt like her world came crashing down at her and she felt like she couldn't breath.

". . .and your legs are fractured and you probably won't be able to dance till next year." the doctor said, tapping the clipboard with her pen. "your stomach is okay, the blow wasn't hard enough to injure it completely. although because of your last accident and now, it might take longer to heal and you'll probably have trouble moving your upper body."

eunbi's lip quivered. just as she thought.

"i. . ." she didn't know what to say. she wanted to scream, wanted to just cry her eyes out and punch every single person she saw.

yerin saw how the smaller girl trembled, the grip on her hand becoming tight and it hurt her a bit. she used her free hand to pat the younger's back, sometimes brushing her fingertips through the girl's freshly washed hair.

"doc, can you give us a moment please?" she said to the doctor. the doctor nodded and looked at the girl sympathetically before turning her heels, walking to the door and shutting it softly.

"eun. . ." yerin started. the girl looked up at her and flashed a small smile.

"i'm okay eonnie. i. . .i should've expected this to happen. it's just that i can't believe it. i have to stop dancing. dancing." eunbi sobbed, her tears rolling down her cheeks while she struggled to contain herself.

the youngest of the three immediately shot up from her seat and grabbed the nearest box of tissue and giving it to the crying girl.

yewon was biting her bottom lip, trying to keep her tears at bay. yewon didn't study dance or danced as a hobby, but seeing the girl cry about not being able to dance. something she was passionate about. it made her want to kick jackson's balls twice.

it wasn't just dancing. it wasn't just singing or painting or any other thing.

it was her life. she could see how dancing was a big part of the older girl's life, just as how music was a big part of her life as well.

and not being able to do so is frustrating. is hard. because it was her whole life.

"i-i'm fine. i just need some time to myself, yeah?" eunbi croaked out, a silent plea for the both of them to leave her alone for a while.

both girls nodded. yewon went out first while yerin stayed, pecking eunbi's forehead and mumbling "i love you" before leaving the room, the click of the door sindicating that yewon and yerin were gone.

and she couldn't help it.

eunbi screamed.


"is eunbi okay?" sojung's voice was laced with worry as she spoke through the phone.

"she's okay. but -" she paused, hearing eunbi scream again. yerin closed her eyes to stop herself from crying, forcing an intake of breath before speaking, "she wants to be alone for a while. does the whole campus know what's happening?"

yerin heard a soft thud before she heard the girl answer, "yeah. the news leaked last night and the students are signing a petition to kick jackson off the school. it's chaos i tell you. his fangirls are in shock and none of them went to their classes today. his friends were being questioned by the police if they knew about jackson's possesion of illegal drugs and abuse to eunbi. a guy called hoseok from the dance department was so mad as well as the rest of the dance crew. they demanded to know where jackson is before some senior calmed hoseok down." sojung breathed before continuing, "eunha's shaking like mad. she's worried for eunbi's health. i can't believe something like this has been happening. . ."

yerin sighed softly. she was so tired, so angry. her emotions becoming confusing and her head hurt a bit from staying up for so long.

after eunbi was sent to the hospital with both the girls with her, the police immediately pulled yewon and yerin aside for questioning.

yerin filled the police on what was happening and how jackson abused eunbi almost every single day and how he drank beer everyday.

yewon was silent, but when the police asked her what she was doing in the scene, she answered all the questions thrown at her and told the police that jackson almost killed the both of them.

the police promised that they are keeping jackson in one of their cells and isn't going to walk freely any time soon, informing them that students from the school also submitted videos of him in bars and drinking some unknown pill at the boys' restroom.

the interview took almost three hours and yerin was drained. she hadn't got any rest since she went out that day. but yerin thought that eunbi was more tired than her, as well as yewon.

so she mantained a positive smile, hiding the fact that she was so scared, so angry and so so tired.

"i can't believe that jackson would do that to her. just because he saw a photo of both of us. . ." she gritted her teeth, massaging her forehead in frustration. just thinking about what happened makes her blood boil and yerin just wanted to curse his whole being. "the bastard. fucking asshole." yerin sighed once again before saying goodbye to the girl on the phone, not waiting for her reply and ending the call, her left hand gripping the phone tightly, yewon feared that it might snap in half.

the girl flinched when she heard the older curse. yerin didn't curse unless it was something serious or if she was really angry and hearing her older friend curse the douchebag made her think that she was really angry.

yewon gripped yerin's shirt lightly, snapping her out of her reverie and she smiled slightly.

"is there something wrong?" yerin asked, her eyes soft and kind. yewon shook her head before answering,

"no. i just want to get some food outside. like chicken or something. . ."

"oh. do you want me to come with you?" she asked, already pocketing her phone and grabbing her bag next to her.

"it's fine. i just need some. . . time to myself that's all." yewon mumbled, yerin smiled once again, her smile was sad but had a hint of understanding.

"okay. there's a nice chicken store nearby. you can buy the three of us -" she stopped after hearing her phone release a soft 'ping' indicating a new message. yerin got the phone out of her pocket and looked at the message.

from: sojung eonnie

we're visiting eunbi later. joongi hospital right? we also have food for the three of you.

don't worry yerin. everything will be fine.

"make that six. sojung eonnie and eunha will be coming later at lunch time so we need lots of food." yerin said, fishing her wallet put of her bag and giving yewon the amount of money needed. "you can take as long as you want." she finished, giving yewon a faint smile before the younger nodded and walked away.

she was left all alone again.

yerin sighed. the tired girl sat at the bench outside eunbi's room, resting her head at the wall.

and suddenly it all came crashing down at her.

eunbi. jackson. her reccomendation. . .

her tears fell like a waterfall. she couldn't stop crying and yerin just wanted to curl up in a ball and hug the nearest person for comfort or for warmth.

but no one was with her. she was all alone. crying outside her girlfriend's room and enduring the pitying gazes of the nurses or the passerbys.

eunbi-yah. . . eun. . .baby. . .i love you so so much.

and she finally went to sleep, the soft buzz of the coffee blender lulling her to sleep.

(the male nurse from earlier noticed her sitting at the bench all by herself when he was doing his rounds and grabbed a clean blanket from the stock room and wrapped it around the girl's body. yerin immediately nuzzling her face into the heat of the blanket falling asleep comfortably.)


sojung, eunha and yewon arrived together after meeting up at the chicken restaurant near the hospital after sojung texted the youngest that they were almost at the hospital. yewon texted her back to go together since she was just buying food for the five of them.

the three of them found yerin sleeping at the bench outside the hospital room and was in danger of falling from where she slept at due to her head lolling from side to side and also because she was a girl who moved a lot in her sleep.

sojung carried her ("oof.") inside eunbi's room and laying her down at the sofa next to the hospital bed where eunbi sat.

the girl was surprised to see the three of them together and how sojung was carrying yerin all the way to the sofa (she was struggling.), eunha trudging alomg with her girlfriend her arms spread out as if she will catch yerin if she fell due to how the eldest was carrying her.

yewon smiled at eunbi when she caught the girl staring at her, shaking the plastic bags filled with food softly. eunbi's eyes lit up when she saw the chicken restaurant logo stamped in the plastic bag.

"i went out to buy us some food since you seemed to be hungry. i mean, i was hungry too but you know." yewon said, making eunbi smile up at her. "yerin eonnie probably fell asleep waiting for me outside." she finished, pointing at the unconscious girl who was now in a proper sleeping position. eunbi looked at yerin and let a small fond expression wash over her face as she watched her girlfriend breath softly.

"eunbi?" the girl in question looked at eunha. the shorter's face was full of worry. "i was so worried when i heard the news. . .you look okay though?" eunha spoke softly, her voice made eunbi smile a bit.

eunha was one of the few people who was friends with her, kids were scared of her 'resting bitch face' that no one dared to talk or mess with her.

but eunha was different. the older talked to her and gave her candy as a sign of them being friends and they have been inseperable ever since eunha went to college.

"i'm fine. i just won't be able to dance for a while. . ." eunbi smiled sadly, glancing at her legs and fixing her face when she saw the three of them were looking at her weirdly, a mixture of sadness and a little bit of stress. it took her off, she didn't want anyone pitying her again after that person, so she assured them again. "i'm telling you, i'm okay. why don't you wake up yerin to tell her we're going to eat?" eunbi finished, completely changing the subject.

the couple's attention was now on yerin who was sleeping peacefully at the hard sofa, she was pouting a bit as she hugged the blanket closer.

sojung and eunha approached yerin with mischievous smiles and proceeded on waking her up while yewon laid the spare table with plastic plates and utensils. the youngest was already unwrapping the chicken from the alimunum foil when the couple shook yerin awake from her deep slumber.

"yah. yah. jung yerin!" yerin stirred from her sleep, swatting the hand that was shaking her awake, mumbling a 'leave me alone' and going back to sleep, completely unaware of her surroundings.

eunbi silently chuckled, smiling at yerin's cuteness. (half of her still can't believe that yerin was her girlfriend. someone like her to someone like me? it was crazy.)

"there's food!"

yerin woke up.


the five of them almost finished eating when yewon asked something that she shouldn't have.

"hey eonnie?" yewon called, tying to plastic bag that contained used tissues and empty sauce containers.

eunbi looked up from her food as well as the other girls, "yeah?"

"who was the person that came a while ago? i mean she was really fancy and her neck was full of golden necklaces. she wasn't a doctor though. . ." yerin perked at what yewon said, her face morping into confused frown.

eunbi paled.


the couple noticed this and both of them looked at each other. eunha pursed her lips nervously while sojung nervously chuckled.

the air was thick with silent panic.

"w-who?" eunbi stuttered.

"yeah, who?" yerin seconded, completely oblivious on eunbi panicking at the mention of the person who came by to see her. she was too busy prying the garlic sauce's lid open.

"you know, she looked a bit familiar to me. i saw her coming out of your room earlier. yerin eonnie was asleep and the three of us saw her went out with two tall men in black suits." yewon said. it was too late when she realized that she should've asked this in private when eunbi let go of the fork she was holding.

yerin's frown deepened. "black suits? fancy woman?" she asked, looking at eunbi's panicked expression.

"e-eonnie i was going to tell you sooner. . ." eunbi muttered, ducking her head down low and biting on her bottom lip hardly.

"going to tell me what? is there something you didn't tell me?" yerin asked once again, hurt lacing her tone. she wasn't frowning this time and her once calm expression turned into something unreadable.

the three felt the tension between the two of them. it was a flurry of emotions and yerin was gazing deeply into eunbi's ducked head, trying to get an answer from the stuttering girl.

("we should leave."

"what the fuck is happening."

"holy shit this is my fault.")

"can. . .the three of you leave us alone?" yerin said, her gaze still stuck on the now trembling girl. yerin's voice faltered a bit when she said this, not wanting to hurt the younger girl's feelings but she had to do this.

eunbi was hiding so many things from her and she just wanted to know.

i just want to know what's going on in your mind. just let me in, please?

sojung, eunha and yewon scrambled off immediately after being adressed by yerin. grabbing their belongings and in a flash the three of them were gone.

eunbi finally looked up, her face shining with tears. yerin's eyes widened and grabbed some tissues, softly dabbing it into her girlfriend's eyes.

"it's okay. we don't have to talk about it if you want to -" she was cut off with a tap on her cheek.

"i want to be honest with you. i-i want to be a girlfriend that has no secrets." eunbi hiccuped.

this stopped yerin from her actions. she stood up from her chair, push aside the eunbi's bed table and sat next to her.

eunbi breathed heavily.

yerin's hands held hers and squeeze it tight for comfort.

"eun, it's okay. . .you can tell me anything." yerin whispered.

"i." eunbi stopped, breathing in and out before continuing,

"i was pregnant."

a tear rolled down yerin's cheek.

and another.

and another.

her tears rolled down her pale cheeks silently.

eunbi. . .


the first arc is finally finished! i'm so sorry if it took this long! i had so much things in my plate and i couldn't ignore them.

i've been writing this chapter slowly since i didn't want to dissapoint all of you who had been waiting for this and counting on a good chapter.

i am so sorry for the major cliffhanger i left. it is all part of the story line i had planned and i kind of cried when i wrote the last scene.

thank you all so much for supporting this book and for almost three hundred and thirty votes. i love every single one of you.

please don't worry about this being the end. there are three arcs (+final):

summer rain, snowflake & rainbow

the reason why i was using gfriend's summer rain mv gifs was because that was the the first arc's title.

that is also why i added the arcs on the intro chapter so you won't be confused. please check it if you want to understand the arcs' titles better.

the gif above is for snowflake (↑)

the first chapter of the second arc will be posted before christmas so you wouldn't wait that long to know what happened next!

i love all of you and again, thank you so so much for all the support you have given me!! ♡

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