Fate / Sacred Fire

Oleh SdarkDeathgod

658 38 0

Set in an alternate universe from the Fate series. The second Holy Grail War is about to begin and with this... Lebih Banyak

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Final Chapter

Chapter Twenty Five

6 1 0
Oleh SdarkDeathgod

Somewhere in a residential part of the city, Neo was walking down the street while carrying a plastic bag full of groceries. It was already late in the evening so there weren't that many people around. A few moments later, Setsuko materialize and walks with him. As always, she had a serious look on her face.

Neo: What's wrong? (looks at Setsuko)
Setsuko: Nothing.
Neo: It's rare for you to show yourself like that, even if there was no one was around.

Setsuko didn't reply but instead was looking cautiously around.

Neo: Hey, are you listening?
Setsuko: Oh, sorry.
Neo: Alright, you're really acting weird. What is it? You can tell me anything you know.
Setsuko: It's nothing. It must have been my imagination.
Neo: Well, if you say so. I've always trusted your judgement and I always will.
Setsuko: By the way, what are you carrying?
Neo: Oh, this? Nia asked me for a few things. Since I didn't had anything to do, I went out to buy them.
Setsuko: Master, about that thing you asked me to do earlier.
Neo: Yeah. What about it? Did you find anything?
Setsuko: Yes. I followed it's presence and ended up in a building that was under construction. That place was littered with magic residue. No doubt that two Servant were fighting there. One was obviously from Servant Zerra and the other one was similar to the Servant that I saw at the beach during that one time.
Neo: I see. What else?
Setsuko: After looking around some more, I found out that one of them died. I believe it was the one that Servant Zerra was fighting.
Neo: Hmmm. So now we know that another Servant has died. That leaves us with five Servants left.
Setsuko: No, Master. You are half right.

This comes to a surprise to Neo as he stops walking.

Neo: Huh? What do you mean?
Setsuko: Not too long ago. I found the body of a dead Master while I was scouting the city.
Neo: A dead Master? Then, that must mean...!
Setsuko: Master, I know what you're thinking. No, that Master's Servant hasn't died. It's still out there. More specifically, it has found a new Master.
Neo: What? But that's...that's impossible! How can you be so sure?
Setsuko: I checked the body and his Command Spells were gone. No, they were taken from him.
Neo: Are...you serious?
Setsuko: Yes.

Neo silently thinks for a moment.

Neo: The Master is dead but his Servant is now under a new one. There's only four of us left including me. The only person I could think of who is capable of doing such a thing is....
Setsuko: Valerie.
Neo: Yes. It's got to be her. I mean, it has  to be her. Only she can do something like this.
Setsuko: I agree with you, Master.
Neo: But it's against the rule to have more than one Servant.
Setsuko: If it's her, she will find a way. Besides, this Holy Grail War might have some loopholes that we don't know.
Neo: You might be right. We need to eliminate Valerie as soon as possible. She's too dangerous to be kept alive. I don't know what she wants with the Grail but I don't like her methods.
Setsuko: I'll do whatever I can, Master. (bows)
Neo: There you go again. You're being too formal with me. You know I don't like it when you act like that.
Setsuko: My apologize.
Neo: Sigh. Let's just get home already. I'm sure Nia is waiting impatiently for her stuff.

Just after taking a couple of steps, a ringing sound was heard from Neo's pocket. He takes out a cellphone to see a message saying " Intruder ". He was so shock that he drops the plastic bag on the ground. Setsuko comes closer to see the message as well.

Setsuko: Someone has triggered our security system.
Neo: Nia...!

Neo suddenly grabs Setsuko by the arm.

Neo: Setsuko! Take us back to the house...NOW! By the power of the Command Spells, do it now!
Setsuko: Understood, Master.

Setsuko's body glows bright and slowly crawls toward Neo. In a blink of an eye, both of them disappears. Meanwhile, back at their house. A bright light appears in the living room and after a moment, Neo and Setsuko appears. When Neo realize that he was back home, he quickly leaves the room.

Neo: Nia! Nia! Answer me! Nia!

His Servant catch up to him as he enters room to room, trying to find his sister. After a while, he ends up at the staircase leading to the second floor. He was about to take a step when Setsuko grabs him by the shoulder, preventing him from moving.

Setsuko: Wait a minute. Let me go first. You need to calm down.

Neo push Setsuko's hand away and glares at her with an intimidating expression. He then goes upstairs anyway, not listening to Setsuko's words. She gives a sigh and quickly follows her Master. Neo soon enters a room and was shock to find that everything was a mess. The bed was destroyed, the desks were torn apart and claw marks were all over the walls and ceiling. There was also a large hole on one wall that leads outside. It looked like that something crashed through it. The sight was too much for Neo as he falls on his knees.

Neo: N-Nia....She's....She's gone.
Setsuko: We're too late.
Neo: Shut up! If you have the time to talk nonsense, then hurry up and find her! She could still be nearby! (looks at Setsuko)
Setsuko: Master, yelling won't make things better.

Neo stands up and unexpectedly slaps her on the face. Despite this, Setsuko's expression remains neutral however, Neo's face was showing more and more rage.

Neo: You're suppose to be my Servant! When I say you find her, you FIND HER!
Setsuko: Master, charging towards an enemy in your current condition isn't advisable. I suggest you calm down first.
Neo: I can't calm down damn it! How can I calm down when my sister got taken by the enemy?! For all I know, she could be dead by now! What the hell is Kuro doing?! Why the hell isn't he protecting his Master?! DAMN IT!

In his rage, Neo turns around and kicks a flower vase that was on the ground. It flies across the room and shatters when it hit the wall. Setsuko could only watch as her Master's emotion starts to get the better of him.

Setsuko: This is bad. When Neo snaps, he gets too emotional. In his condition, I know what he'll be thinking of doing next. (thinks to self)

Neo slowly turns and face Setsuko. This time, his expression was normal but his eyes was the complete opposite as they were filled with rage.

Neo: Setsuko, by the power of the Command Spells, I order you to search for Nia. Kill the one responsible. If anyone gets in your way, get rid of them.
Setsuko: "Anyone"?
Neo: You heard me. Now, go.

After giving the command, a bright red light glows from within Neo's clothes, somewhere in the chest area.

Setsuko: As you wish, Master.

She then jumps through the hole and jumps from rooftop to rooftop with great speed.

Setsuko: Sigh. I knew he was going to use a Command Spell. It's too late now. All I can do is follow his order. (thinks to self)

Setsuko doubles her speed and was heading straight towards the city. Meanwhile, back at Jun's house. Zerra was standing outside by the porch of the front door. She was looking at the direction of the city with a serious look on her face. Just then, the door opens and Jun walks out. He notice that Zerra was looking at something at the distance.

Jun: Zerra? What's wrong?
Zerra: Oh, Jun. (looks at Jun)
Jun: You've been standing here for quite some time. Has something caught your attention?
Zerra: Yeah, something like that.
Jun: What is it?

Zerra again looks toward the city's direction.

Zerra: I'm sensing a Servant's presence heading towards the city.
Jun: A Servant? Who is it?
Zerra: I'm positive that it's Neo's Servant. What's more, she's traveling really fast. Like she's in a hurry.
Jun: What? Something must have happened.

Their conversation was cut when a cloud of swirling black smoke suddenly appears in front of them. It's sudden appearance startled both Jun and Zerra as they take a step back.

Jun: W-What the hell...?!
Zerra: Jun! Get behind me!

The smoke quickly fades away and in it's place was Nia's Servant, Kuro.

Zerra: Wait a minute. Isn't that....her Servant?
Jun: Yeah. Neo's little sister.

Kuro starts talking but Jun could only hear gibberish. There wasn't a single word he could understand.

Jun: Huh? What's he saying?
Zerra: You mean you can't understand him? (looks at Jun)
Jun: No. Not a word. Can you?
Zerra: Yeah. Clearly.
Jun: What's he saying?

Zerra turns her attention at Kuro. He continues talking while Zerra translate his words.

Zerra: " My Master was taken by an unknown Servant. I chased after them but was gravely wounded by that Servant. In order to recover, I hid myself not too far from here. "
Jun: An unknown Servant?
Zerra: " I believe that Neo found out and, in his rage, used a Command Spell to force his Servant to find the culprit. "
Jun: Why use a Command Spell? I'm sure it wasn't necessary to use one.
Zerra: " Neo can't think straight when he's too emotional. If it's his sister, he'll do anything to get her back. Even if it means hurting civilians.
Jun: What? Is...Is that true?

Kuro nods as a reply.

Zerra: What do we do, Jun? (looks at Jun)
Jun: It's kinda hard to believe that Neo would snap just like that.
Zerra: I don't. You did something similar before. Seeing you like that really frightened me a little.

Jun recalls the time at the beach when Valerie appeared before him.

Jun: Y-Yeah. I put you in harm's way because I couldn't cope with my feelings.
Zerra: So, what now? I think we should go and met up with Neo's Servant. I have a bad feeling about this.

Suddenly, they hear an explosion coming from the city. Even though they were far away, it was clear to see that a small part of one of the tall skyscrapers had exploded and caught on fire. The sound of police and firetruck sirens can be heard all the way from the city.

Jun: Looks like it's already starting.

Erica walks out the door and joins the conversation. She had a cellphone in her hands.

Erica: The Organization called. There's a Servant running wild in the city right now. But I guess you probably know that by now.
Jun: We'll do everything we can to prevent more damage. (looks at Erica)
Erica: I just got word that the Organization will be sending some specialist to deal with this. Try and end it before they get here.
Jun: Right. (nods)
Zerra: Jun, lets' go.

Jun grabs Zerra by the waist as a pair of flaming wings materialize on her back. She then jumps up in the air and flies toward the city. Kuro transform into a thick cloud of smoke and follows the two.

Erica: Good luck, Jun. (murmurs)

Zerra flies as fast as she could and within minutes, they have arrived at their destination. Once there, they were shock to find that most of the streets were covered ice. Some stores were destroyed by large spikes made of ice.

Jun: Did she really do all this?
Zerra: If she's under the influence of a Command Spell, then yes.
Jun: If she's looking for the one who kidnapped Kuro's Master, why is she recklessly attacking everything?

Jun scans around to see that there were still some civilians in the area. Some were hiding while others were running for their lives.

Jun: We can't let this go on any further. These people will die if this continues.
Zerra: First, we need to deal with this ice.
Jun: Can you do something about it?
Zerra: Yeah. I'll give it a shot.

Zerra concentrates and as she does, Jun notice that her body was getting warmer. With a wave of her hand, the heat quickly spreads in all directions. Almost instantly, the ice and the large ice spikes begins to melt until there was nothing left.

Jun: Zerra, that...was amazing.
Zerra: Thanks. I'm glad that it went well. (smiles)
Jun: Now all that's left is to find--.

Suddenly, three small but sharp ice shards hits Zerra at the back of her right shoulder. Blood drips from her wounds but despite this, she doesn't lose focus and continues floating in the air.

Jun: Zerra! Are you alright?
Zerra: Y-Yeah...I'm fine...

The ice shards soon melts from the heat that Zerra was producing. Her wounds also heals up soon after. Zerra turns around to see that standing on the roof of one of the buildings was Neo's Servant, Setsuko. Zerra flies closer but not too close since she was being cautious.

Jun: What are you doing?! Answer me!
Setsuko: I'm merely following my Master's order.
Jun: But you're endangering everyone here! You know you can't involve civilians!
Setsuko: They were in my way.
Zerra: What are you talking about?!
Setsuko: I followed the one who took Nia here but soon lost track of them. I figured that if I simply destroy everything, I'll be able to find them.
Jun: That's just crazy!
Setsuko: I don't care. If you're going to get in my way as well...(eyes glow)

A powerful gust of cold wind swirls around Setsuko's body. The mere presence of it was more than enough to completely freeze the roof that Setsuko was standing on.

Setsuko: ....I'll kill you, Servant Zerra.

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