winter to spring | discontinu...

By sexylalifoxy

77.3K 1.6K 1.3K

She was mistakenly born, unwanted, betrayed....Sakura was despised by her own parents since she was born... More

Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
A/N (edited)
Chapter 11
Chaper 12
!Karin admitted that Sarada is Sakura's daughter!
Discontinue? NANIIII!?!?
Discontinue and Adopt??


3.2K 89 35
By sexylalifoxy

Hey guys!! Its been a very very long time!! I missed you guys!!! I know I have a lot of explaining to do.. So.. Yeah.. And I'm still writing the other story called the Hidden Sakura Tree.. And I wish you enjoyed that. That's all!!! Bai Bai!😘😘😘


And showed...

A girl with pink pigtails and blue eyes with a boy whom is tinier than her with messy blonde hair and green emerald eyes.

Everyone's jaw drops. I paled and saw the 'other' boys glaring bullets at Naruto's head while Sasuke's Sharingan is activated.

'Jealous aren't they?? Hihee!! U got boys over your heels!!!! KYAAAA!!! -I mean! 'Our' heels! Hehehehehe!!' Inner was screaming like crazy and bought wedding dresses.

'Where the fuck did u get those?!?!!'

'Secret!~ just in case for emergencies~~ '

'Emergency my ass Inner..'

'I know you like them!~ soooo don't be mean~ hehe..' Inner battered her eyelashes.

'You're the only one who likes them inner..  So don't get me into this situation..💢'

'Hehe.. What ever you say~ *giggles*'

I looked at Naruto and saw flowers and stars surrounding him..

"My beautiful children!~ waaaaaaaahhh!!!! I wanna see them right now Sakura-chan!~ So come on!~~ —Itai!!!! " I hit his head and I felt my cheeks heat up..

"Sh-shut up-p!! Ba-aka!!!! I will never ever going to get a husband!! (Since I already got Seichi in my life)"

Naruto ran when he saw the boys stand up and started chasing him..

"Waaaaahhh!!! Help me!!~" Naruto shouted outside the school while herd of boys chasing him.. Including Sasuke who is in the lead about few inches from Naruto..


And there it happened... I walked back in my seat and sat and watched the 'Fun Run' from the window..


Naruto: *pauses the screen*

Naruto: Fun my ass!!!

Me: Hn.. Just do as I say doofuss... *eats pocky*

Sasuke: hn.. Copy cat.. *eats Tomato*

Kakashi: you called??~


Kakashi: Asshole..

Sakura: Can we just go on with it?

Me: Okie Dokie.. *plays the TV again*

Naruto: *still gets chased*

Kakashi & Sasuke: *arguing*

Me: weird people I say.. *mumbles*


A few moments later.. (Recess)

I went to the cafeteria and bought a strawberry cheese cake with a few cherries and a cup of coffee. I walked outside the school and went to a bench near a cherry blossom tree. I sat and ate my snack...

'Mmm!! So delicouse!' Stars appear in my eyes.. This was literally the best cake I have ever tasted!!

'I agree Outer!~ now! Can I have sooomeee??~~' Inner pouted and I sigh as I imagine the cake I was eating.

'Arigatou Outer!!~~ this is the most nicest thing you have ever did to me~' Inner started crying and stopped.

'Hey Outer.. Aren't they the one  we bumped into the other day or t?'

'I don't know.. Maybe they are; hn who cares? I don't care if they transferred in this school' I rolled my eyes and ate my cake.

The Akatsuki approached me..

"We forgot to introduce ourselves.." The guy with orange  hair said.

"My name is Sasori Akasuna, cherry.." Plank-boy.

"Mine is Deidara sweetie! And art is a bang!!" He flipped his hair...Cinderella.

"Its eternal, Brat.."

"A bang!"





They started arguing about 'Art'..

"Kisame Hoshigaki" Fish-face

"Itachi Uchiha.." Weasel. 'Hmm so this is Sasuke's brother.

"Are you the brother of Sasuke Uchiha?" I asked.

Itachi's POV

'So my foolish brother met her before me.. Tch, I'm not gonna let Sasuke get 'too' close to her.. She's mine..'

Sakura's POV

"Yes, I am Sasuke's elder brother.. I see you have met Sasuke.."

I nodded.

"Zetsu, Nice to meet you.." Plant.. "Now, can I eat you? Zetsu stop."

I shook my head.

"Pein Yahiko.. I am the leader of the Akastuki.." (A/N well I kinda mix Yahiko's and Pein's (AKA Nagato) name cuz I don't have the perfect name for Pein.. So I made it his last name as Yahiko.) Tin-can

"Konan Yaguri..." She's pretty..

"My name is Sakura Haruno-!" I got tackled by the weirdo..

"Hi Saku-chan!!Tobi's name is Tobi!! And Tobi likes sweets like Saku-chan!!! Tobi is a very good boy!" He shoves his head to my breast... 'PERVERT!!!!'

He got torn off of my breast by a grandpa..

Tobi cried like a child and rolls on the ground.

"The names Hidan, Bitch!!" Old man!

"Hi Bitch.." I waved at him and got slapped at the head.

"Oi! What was that for??!!!" He shouted at Dolly.

"Kakazu.." Dolly..

"Plank-boy, Cinderella, Fish-face, Weasel, Plant, Tin-can, Angel, Lollipop, Grandpa, and Dolly.. Got it."

Rriiiinnggg!!! The bell rang.

"Hn.. Gotta go.." I walked away from them and heard–

"Oi!!! Bitch! That's now our Fucking name!!!!– Itai!!" That old grandpa...

"Shut the fuck up Hidan.. " Dolly smacks the head of Hidan.

I ignored their argument and continued walking..

Once I reached the hallway, I saw pineapple head smoking and leaning on the wall. I dashed right infront of him and pulled out the cigarette out of his mouth.. I glared straight at his eyes..

"You do know that smoking is prohibited in this school..." I said while crossing my arms.

"So? Why do you even care?" He grab the cigarette and continues on smoking.

"You actually do know that smoking can make your life span short little by little." I grab the cigarette and crushed it with my hand.

"Yeah..I 'do' know that." He pulled out a cigarette and lights it. There was a long pause and we have a staring competition. And.......guess what, I was winning.

"Fine, but we have to make a deal.. " he smirked.

I sigh "And what kind of deal?" I raised my eyebrow.

"You will call me Shika-kun from now on.. Then I will stop smoking.. Deal?" Fuck him.

"Arhg, fine!" A tint of pink appears in my cheeks.

Shikamaru's POV

I saw Sakura blush and look away. 'Heh, troublesome woman.. So cute –wait, what am I saying!?!'

"C-come on let's go..." Wd 'What am I so nervous about?! I- I don't even like her, do I?...maybe I do.. Well, she's all mine..'

Once we walked inside the classroom, everyone's attention went to us..

"What are they doing together?"

"Shika-kun is only mine!" (A/N I forgot to mention that they 'the konoha 12 boys' are very popular so they get a lot of fangirls, including Naruto..Yay🙌..🙆...😓.. I know.)

We ignored them and walked back in our seats, after the 'boring' lesson the bell rung. Sakura stood up and Hinata joined Sakura to lunch.

Naruto pat me in the shoulder.

"Why are you together with Sakura-chan??? Did you convince her to join us??"

"Naruto, stop shaking me... Its making me dizzy. No I forgot to ask her that." I approached Sakura and Hinata near the door.

"Umm Sakura, I'm just gonna ask you something. ERM, can you join us now?" I was waiting for her answer and then she smirk.

"I'm still thinking about it, Shika-kun."

Sakura's POV

"I'm still thinking about it, Shika-kun."
'Fuck this deal...'

I walk with Hinata to the cafe.

Back to Shika's POV

I felt my cheeks heat up as I watch Sakura leave the room.
I suddenly felt a group glaring behind me. Naruto jump at me and strangle me.

"What did you do to Sakura-chan?! How did you make her to call you that?? Tell me!!!!!"

"Oi! Chill out, she doesn't want me smoking..." I said coolly.

"That's it???? Give some!" Naruto shake my shoulders and some crushed cigarettes came out..

"Eh?" Naruto raised his eyebrow, giving me a look.

"I'll buy some myself.." Neji said.

"Don't Neji, you already look pale to even smoke."


We started laughing and chuckling.


I'm still working on it 😐... Well, I'll just show you guys a picture.. Just to make your day! 😂😂😂

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