By ValeNelson69

34K 1.8K 10.3K

Prince's inspiration to write songs and compose music has fizzled, leaving him concerned where the rest of hi... More

Chapter 1 - This Man
Chapter 2 - More Than Tickled
Chapter 3 - The Lie
Chapter 4 - Too Special
Chapter 6 - Christmas Eve
Chapter 7 - Jealous vs Territorial
Chapter 8 - The Devil in Horn-rimmed Glasses
Chapter 9 - Rome
Chapter 10 - Orvieto
Chapter 11 - Marissa Arrives
Chapter 12 - A Million Days
Chapter 13 - Overachiever
Chapter 14 - The Sweet Sting
Chapter 15 - Flatlined
Chapter 16 - Publisher Knows
Chapter 17 - Bernadine
Chapter 18 - Confessed
Chapter 19 - Memories
Chapter 20 - Breakfast With The Girls
Chapter 21 - A Piece Of Paper
Chapter 22 - The Sick
Chapter 23 - ๐Ÿ‘€Fuck Forever๐Ÿ‘€
Chapter 24 - "Prin..."
Chapter 25 - The Aftermath
Chapter 26 - In Agreement
Chapter 27 - An Unexpected Guest
Chapter 28 - Never Sew A Patch of Regret
Chapter 29 - Rock Her World
Chapter 30 - Your Heart Is Too Too Big
Chapter 31 - Reconciliation
Chapter 32 - Word Association
Chapter 33 - Juliette Dubois
Chapter 34 - Just a Few More Minutes
Chapter 35 - 1+1+1 is 3
Chapter 36 - You're My Moon
Chapter 37 - Bloom

Chapter 5 - The Meet

1K 60 482
By ValeNelson69

Daunt Books is a huge Edwardian style bookstore, old school, with oak galleries and skylights throughout.

It's a place Noelle could spend the day, getting lost in not only books but the architecture for there was something new to notice at every turn. For now, her attention had to be on following Bradley and the manager to the center of the store the stage for her signing.

There was a prominent display of 4EVER, a podium, a signing table with stacks of books that were ready to be signed by her aaand a large cardboard cutout of Noelle.

"Bradley I had no idea about the cutout, that's a little embarassing. Can I even say tacky?" She said under her breath careful for the manager to not hear her.

He chuckled a bit and mumbled, "The publisher is using what you got."

Scrunching her brow, "What?"

It was refreshing, Bradley thought, to meet a beauty like Noelle who wasn't stuck on herself. "Your book is hot and so are you, the publisher is just using both guns in selling your book."

Noelle turned blood red and buried herself in her purse, finding her favorite pens she liked to use when signing books.

Impressed with his ability to solicit that much of a blush, Bradley continued his work in setting up with a smirk.


Happy he arrived early, Prince headed to the second floor so that he could observe Noelle from above.

He knew the minute she entered the store, he could feel it. Sure enough, he saw her making her way to the middle of the store, her head constantly turning to take in all of the books and the architecture.

She looked beautiful wearing slim black dress pants with a spike ankle boot. Her untucked, tailored, crisp white, collared shirt with French cuffs was unbuttoned just enough to be make any man curious to look closer...hopeful to be lucky enough to see a little...more. Even from a distance, Prince could see a sexy lace something underneath the blouse. He has the radar for thst kind of stuff.

Her glossy brunette hair had a slight wave in it and swing with her every movement.

As she moved, hair sexily fell toward her face. "God I hope I have the opportunity to run my fingers through that someday."

Studious tortoise frames adorned her face making her...well no other words for it, classy sexy.

Prince found an armchair that gave him full view of her. Opening his book, pretending occasionally to read, he watch her smile, laugh and he even sensed a little nervousness which he found endearing.

He was so attentive during her reading and the question and answer section. Watching how the men and women responded to her.

He particularly paid attention when a young woman asked, "Are you seeing anyone?

Prince perked up in his chair, anxiously awaiting her reply. Noelle was suddenly uncomfortable, yet there was a hopeful smile on her face.

"I guess I have met someone recently, but it's very very new and I'm not sure where it's going. I'm just really living in the moment and it feels really good."

"Da fuck." He whispered upset. Gripping his book tightly and slightly smacking it on his forehead. Eventually leaning the book on his chin he whispered, "I didn't see that coming...but 'new' means that little boy needs to skedaddle."

After questions dwindled, the manager asked the audience if they would like to select Noelle's reading to finish up the night. A lady asked for page 173 and I saw Noelle's face drop a bit but she recovered quickly.

"He made me feel amazing and worthless simultaneously..."

Prince hadn't read this part yet, but didn't like where it was going. He shook his head already getting torn up that she would ever feel that way about herself.

"I am never a second choice waiting in the wings for you to change your mind, run to when things get tough with another or your ego needs more attention.

Greatest Regret
Wearing a fake smile.

I met someone tall, dark and new.

Who smiled and made me feel pretty.

If he only knew.

Tempted...just wanting to feel

My error soon became all too real.

With just a slight of his hand

This one night stand...

Became my greatest regret."

It was hard for her to read that, he could tell. You could tell she was disappointed in herself.

A man popped his hand up, "You know what I like about your book is that it's full of very real moments. While I can tell that you weren't pleased about what transpired that evening, I'm sure you learned from it."

"Thank you. Yes I did...indeed I did."

Thankfully, the store manager moved to the signing portion of the evening immediately. A smile soon returned to her beautiful face distracted by the people and what they had to say to her.

Continuing to sit upstairs, Prince watched until the line began to dwindle, thinking over and over how to approach her.

Making his way downstairs, he eyed the exit for a moment and then turned the corner making his way to Noelle.

She was already packing up with Bradley, Prince eyeing him closely. Wondering who he was...publisher? Agent? The some-one new? Noelle had her back to Prince which probably was for the best because he could over hear their conversation.

Bradley asked her, "What are you going to do for Christmas? You're welcome to join us?"

"No I'm just going to hang out in my room and sign those advance books you gave me, maybe head to a couple of churches in the morning for a self tour, Westminster Abbey, Westminster Cathedral, they should be open for services. Maybe catch a movie in my room. I'll be fine. Enjoy your friends and I'll see you Friday morning."

"Come on Noelle, that sounds lonely."

Ensuring she didn't commit to being with him, Prince finally spoke up.

"Excuse me, is it true that you still have a Prince poster in your bedroom?"

Without turning around, Noelle replied, "Actually it's in my walk in closet."

"Don't you think I should be bedside?" Prince replied in his deepest voice.

Noelle paused and didn't move.

"Well if not bedside, what about above your bed?"

She slowly turned to see Prince sporting a sexy smile at her. Her lips were slightly parted and she was completely flushed, clear down to the exposed skin in between her open blouse. He liked the affect he was having on her and saw this start as a good sign.

She was shocked and couldn't take her eyes off of him. He looked so beautiful and couldn't even bring herself to speak.

"Willing to sign my book Ms. Dubois?" He asked softly, shifting on his heels and then biting his bottom lip making his soul patch more visible. Nerves were beginning to set in as he was growing concerned with her silence.

"Su- sure." Noelle's face was priceless and her hazel eyes were wide and bright. "You're Pri-..."

Prince closed his eyes and placed his index finger over his lips to shush her.

A slight puff of air slipped from her lips as she stared at his hands which she always had a thing for. The blush she was enveloped by was making her perspire a bit and had no sign of leaving. Trance-like, her eyes never left his.

He extended his hand, and upon her grasp, led her to the signing table. He pulled out her chair and got her situated before coming back around and sitting across from her.

Sliding his book across the table to her, he watched her brow furrow bewildered at the book's physical condition.

Quietly she whispered. "You're Prince."

"Who?" He winked. And you are Noelle, I've come to see you." He said shyly but with a slight smile, extending his hand to her. She placed hers in his expecting him to shake her hand, but instead he held it and they simply looked at one another.

"Why have you come to see me? What happened to your book?" She asked. "I just can't believe you are really here."

Prince was hooked on her honesty. "You want me to pinch you?" He asked with a chuckle.

Scanning the room, she looked uncomfortable.

"Tell you what...Have dinner with me and I'll answer most of your questions."

A huge but shy smile curved her lips. "You...you wanna have dinner with me?"

Prince smiled widely and joked, "Well that's mighty forward of you to ask me to dinner Ms. Dubois, I thought you'd never ask."

"No...no...I thought you were asking me..."

"I'm just being silly and teasing you."

"This is crazy." She blurted softly.

Prince became worried, as Noelle suddenly didn't look good. A bookstore employee walked by and Prince snagged him, "Excuse me, would you mind bringing Ms. Dubois a glass of water?"

"Will do. Be right back."

The man brought a bottle of water and handed it to Prince. Twisting the cap, he slid it across the table to her as their fingers gently touched.

"Thank you." She whispered and then began to drink.

"I bet you're hungry and that's why you feel a little uneasy."

She laughed quietly. "Yeah I'm sure that's it...it can't have anything to do with the fact you're sitting across from me."

Prince liked her sarcasm and decided to walk to the other side of the table, moving a chair right up next to hers sitting sideways in the chair.

"Would you prefer me here?" He whispered in her ear.

Noelle was overwhelmed. The heat of his minty breath in her ear gave her the shivers.

She was blushing heavily again and turned her face away from Prince trying to compose herself. He did things to her. Well he's always done things to her, oh my god if he knew the things she has thought about him. Never...never did she imagine meeting him let alone having a dinner with him.

Prince could tell that he might have been coming on too strong.

"Come on...my business proposition is more than appealing."

"Business proposition?"

"Yep, I have a business opportunity for you."

"Where would we go?"

"I'll take that as a yes. Leave it up to me."

Rising before she could change her mind, he extended his hand and assisted her from the table, once again enjoying the feel of her hand in his.

They stood eye to eye as Noelle said goodnight to Bradley. Prince turned his back hoping he wouldn't have to speak to Bradley directly. He just wanted to get her out of there, alone and under his protective wing.

Bradley reminded her, "If you change your mind about Christmas Eve or Day lemme know. Just don't spend it alone. Get out for a bit or I'll feel bad."

Prince's ears perked up at the fact she didn't have plans for the next two days.

When he turned around, she was putting on her coat and he jumped at the opportunity to assist her.

"Thank you." She said and Prince guided her by the low back toward the front door.

"Can you walk a couple of blocks in those heels, or shall I hail a cab?" He asked thinking of her comfort.

"I'll be good."

It was a bit icy, so Prince extended his arm to her and she appreciatively accepted.

Once inside the Pollen Street Social, the host took them to a corner table in a room that wasn't very populated. It was late so most had already had dinner. It was quiet, with the exception of the bar area.

Taking off her coat, her blouse spread allowing him to slyly catch a glimpse of her white lace bra and ample cleavage.

It was a little chilly in the restaurant, and Prince was careful, but enjoyed a quick glimpse of her nipples through her unlined lace bra.

The waiter stopped by for their drink order so Prince asked her what she would like.

"Water right now would be great, until I eat something."

"Let's decide on what we'd like to order because you need some food. Plus we can speak more freely and without interruptions." Prince suggested.

After ordering, Noelle cut to the chase. "So tell me...why are you here?"

That was such a loaded question. He can't be crazy and tell her that he's in lov-...

"I wanted to talk to you about a business opportunity." Prince said formally.

"What? With me? I'm like the furthest thing from music. What are you suggesting?"

"Well...musically it's like things have shut off in my brain and fingers...until I saw you at the Minneapolis Barnes and Noble."

"Wait you were there? I didn't see you and it certainly wasn't crowded."

"Yeah...well I don't tend to try to be out there for all to see. I stay in the wings at most places."

She was full of questions. "Why is your book in such poor condition?"

"I think every good book should look like this. It means it's been loved."

Noelle felt her face flush again. Without knowing it she breathed, "You are so beautiful."

Leaning in closer to her, "No you are the beautiful one." He whispered running his finger gingerly along her chin.

She exhaled embarassed realizing she had said that compliment out loud and at his seductive touch. Noelle became even more flustered once she thought she might be behaving like all the women that came in contact with him. Composing herself, she knew she had to get it together.

"Why did you read my book?" She asked cringing when thinking about all of the Prince references in her book.

"Hearing you speak that night it uh...made me curious. I haven't read it cover to cover yet, but I'll get there I like to pick and choose what I read and when. It's unconventional but that's me."

Prince noticed Noelle's hand shake a little as she drank some water. When her hand placed the glass down and rested on the table, he gently took her hand in his and soothingly stroked the top, "I don't want you to be nervous."

Her face softened and she calmed a bit, so he didn't let go of her hand.

"What I've read of your book, I have
truly enjoyed. It's been an inspiration to me...musically. The way you write about emotions and your feelings is so...so moving." Tapping his heart, "I feel it right here, and admittedly, sometimes in other places."

Prince's grasp on her hand noticeably tightened when he declared his admission causing her to release his hand and fix her napkin in her lap.

Prince interrupted, "The way you write...it's beautiful art."

Noelle was struggling for words, so he helped her.

"Just say thank you."

"Thank you." She giggled and pushed her hair back.

Noelle was beside herself. He was watching her so intensely. She's heard about what a great mentor he is, especially with women...but she too knows how much he loves women.

He licked is lips and Noelle kind of shook her head a bit.

"You ok?" He asked.

"Yeah. I just think..."

Tilting his head to the side and leaning a bit in toward her.

"Tell me what you're thinking..."

Scrunching her nose, "I'm not sure what I'm thinking. This is all so unexpected and it's been a long day."

Prince wasn't sure he liked where she was going and thankfully their meals came and he decided the make the conversation lighter.

"Tell me about yourself. I don't sense a thick French accent." He asked even though he already knew the answer.

"I grew up in the States for a while, then moved to Toronto and now I live in Paris."

"Ahhh the city of love. So you have a counseling practice there and you write?"

"Yeah. Well I write but I wouldn't say I'm a writer...I mean I wrote a little book..."

"You're published. This little book of yours has you doing an international sign tour you know. Don't sell yourself short on the impact it's had. I saw the crowd you drew today."

She was uncomfortable with his praise so she changed the subject, but little did she know her question was going to keep her in the spotlight.

"What brings you to London? Are you doing a concert here?"

"You bring me to London. I wasn't kidding when I said I was here to see you."

Noelle teased her food with her fork trying to place her focus on something other than his eyes which were still set on her.

She decided to call him on it thinking it would cause him some unease and stop, but that too backfired.

"Can you please stop staring?"

"I don't mean to make you uncomfortable." He smirked. "You can't expect to look as fine as you do and not have men admire you."

"Wow...you are smooth. If you'll excuse me I'll be back."

She could tell his eyes followed her to the restroom. Once inside she exhaled like she had been running a marathon. "Oh my gawd." She emitted as she looked in the mirror.

How she wished she could call Marissa or Chantal right now for a quick pep talk, but this was going to require more than a few minutes. You can't just call and say, 'Yeah I'm having dinner with Prince and he just called me pretty and I can't seem to cope.'

It was probably gonna take Marissa hours to digest this tidbit of information and then once she did it would evolve to 'but that's my man' and then eventually hit the old 'are you getting your money's worth from that lasered snatch.'

No...Noelle was on her own right now and she was going to have to get through this alone.

Stepping back to the table she got the nerve to become super professional as a way to deflect his cute advances.

"So what is this business proposition you have?"

He grimaced and chuckled, "Uh ok...you wanna get down to business."

Prince was no dummy. He's seen women try and avoid his advances before and knew what she was up to and played along.

"Ok Ms. Dubois, I would like to hire you to share the details of your life's romances in the hopes for Stella, in this case, Prince to get his groove back musically. I need to be able to write music and lyrics and this opportunity would require a lot of time and dedication on your part. Plus you'd have to come to think of me as one of your girlfriends sharing such detailed information.

"You want me to what?"

"Share the details from your romances. Think how you're contributing to the community by doing this. All the fans that want music, I'm dried up right now."

"You wanna pay me to inspire you? With my words only? Right? Nothing else?"

Prince understood where she was going with this and let her squirm a bit.

"With just words yes."

She just laughed out loud.

He loved her laugh.

"I don't know about this. Are my romances turning into songs for everyone to hear about my romance and sexual experiences? I mean my parents are still living, I don't think I'm comfortable with them..."

"Your experiences would be unrecognizable, I promise." He assured.

Noelle stared at her plate of food and then took a few bites.

"How about we do this...I overheard your conversation earlier. You don't have anything going on for the next couple of days. Spend that time with me. Let's get to know one another a bit. You can share a little, I can ask you some questions and then you can decide if you're willing to take the job."

Shortly thereafter, Prince paid the check and took a cab back to her hotel.

Noelle was surprised when he got out of the car.

"Oh you can't come up, I..."

Prince chuckled loudly, "I wasn't assuming anything Ms. Dubois. My hotel is across the street."

Noelle was redder than a baboon's behind.

"What room can I ask for when I call tomorrow?" Prince asked.


That is most definitely sign he thought with a big smile.

Kissing her hand, "Goodnight Ms. Dubois."

Prince giggled back to his hotel while Noelle raced to her room.

She could call anyone right now, but realized she couldn't. For now, this was going to have to stay quiet until she figured things out.

Looking in the mirror Noelle was scared for the first time in her life. She knew this man was gonna be trouble for her business opportunity, or otherwise.

I hope their meeting was all you thought it would be.

Is it a mistake she doesn't tell her girls?

Thank you for the votes, comments and thoughts shared. 💜

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