1D Sickfics

By justlikefabi

96.5K 1K 406

Just a bunch of Oneshots. More

Carsick (Louis)
Sick at School (Louis)
Harry sick (Part 2 from Louis sick at school)
Starting a Headspace (Louis)
"We need to go the ER!" (Kid Liam)
Dating + Stomach Issues (Harry)
Hiding (Louis)
Acid Reflux (Niall)
Stomach Bug (Kidfic Larry)
Heatstroke (Niall)
Chest Infection (Kidfic Niall)
Antibiotics-Side Effect (Part 2)
Emetophobia (Liam)
R.I.P Félicité
Met Gala Anxiety (Harry)
Seasick (Zayn)
Roseola (Harry)
Stressed (Louis)
Badly Hurt (Louis)
Long Time No See (Louis)
Drunk (mostly Zayn)

Not so fun Party (Louis)

14.6K 79 34
By justlikefabi

I wrote this one with @justholdonlouis (hope its okay that I publish this). Hope you like it. (A little little little bit Ageplay at the end)

Louis sat next to Harry in the car, almost completely silent.

“Boo.. you need to put your seat belt on” Harry whispered knowing he wanted quiet. Louis sighed and complied even though it hurt his stomach with the pressure.

He stared out of the window, trying to pushing secretly the seat belt away from his bloated stomach. Harry gave his boyfriend a concerned look.

"Eyes on the street love.." mumbled Louis while he saw in his canthus Harry watching him.

"I am watching.."  Harry mumbled, looking on the street. Every curve or bumb made Louis stomach even sicker. "Can you slow down a bit..?"

Harry nodded a bit and slowed down just causing a longer, more sickening journey. They arrived at Niall’s and there was about 50 people just in the hallway. Louis managed to run off away from everyone in a sea of strangers to find Niall’s medicine cupboard and bathrooms.

He locked himself in a bathroom and searched for some stomach relaxers and successfully find some and took them with a sip of water from the tap. "This is not going to be fun.."  He whispered to himself.

"Hey Harry! Finally you are here!" Liam yelled as he walked to Harry and hugged him. "Where is Louis..?"

Louis stood by the sink holding his stomach and his water. He felt his tummy bubble uncomfortably but opened the door and went out to find a quiet space.

“Lou disappeared Li, I can’t find him. "Thats strange.." Liam glanced over all the people in hallway. "Maybe he is already inside?" Harry shrugged “Maybe, he’s acting strange."

Louis wander around in the big house, away from all the strangers. Finally he found a slightly quiter room with not that much people and sat down on a couch. He curled up and held his belly as he felt bubbles and discomfort.

"Do you want that I help you finding him?" Liam asked with a concerned look, worried about his friend. “Yes please” Harry sighed and ran off to find him. He knew something was wrong. Liam ran behind Harry, looking for the tiny boy.

"Maybe some alcohol calm my stomach.. Or let me forgett about it.."  Louis thought and stand up. A wave of dizziness came over him.

Louis grabbed some and held it with his stomach. He drank it quite quickly, knowing he’s comfortable with alcohol.
After he finished the drink he sat again down on the couch.

“Baby? Boo where are

"Louis? Are you here?"

Louis hid a bit in a ball.
"Harry here is he!"  Liam yelled in Harrys direction. Louis quickly sat in a normal position after he heard Liam.

He looked up a bit emotionally. His tummy hurt and he just wanted to curl up and rest.

Harry came over and cooed. “Baby?” "Yeah?" He tried to avoid the eye- contact. Harry knelt by him and stroked his little cheek. “Baby, are you feeling alright?”
"Yes I am alright.. In the hallway"- he stopped for a moment, his stomach makes some sick noises. "In the hallway were so much strangers. It was uncomfortable."

“Oh that’s okay sweetheart... You should’ve told me” Harry gave him a kiss and cooed. “Belly hurting though?” He whispered. "I am alright. Just a bit hungry I guess." Louis lied. He don't want to eat anything. His stomach hurts and he felt like he is going to throw up every second.

“Oh okay... the food table is busy, what would you like?” Harry asked with a slightly concerned face. "Uh.. Uhm..  Bread?" Louis isn't hungry at all, only the idea of food makes him feel more sick. “Oh okay... i’ll get you some baguette.. any cheese?” "No.. Just baguette. Thanks love" he fake smiled and gave him a little kiss on the cheek. “Okay baby, love you”

"I will wait here.." Harry disappeared for some minutes and came back with two plates. One with some baguette pieces and a coke and the other one with some noodlesalat and some grilled stuff.

Harry gave the tiny boy the plate and the coke with a concerned look. "I tought you want to drink something."
Louis hummed and took it. He drank it just as quick as the alcohol but it sat in his tummy awkwardly.


"Yeah Boo? Do you want some noodlesalad?"

“No thank you...”

"Oh its okay.. What do you want?"

“Just the bread..”

Harry nooded slightly "Do you want to say something?"

Louis sniffled a little. “Yeah.. alone”

"Should we go to the bathroom? There is nobody else and you look kinda pale.." Harry slightly stroke the brown hair out of Louis face. His forehead was sweaty and warm.

Louis nodded a bit and held his arms up for a carry. He didn’t want to walk through such a crowd again, being thrown about.

Harry lifted him and held him on his hip like a toddler cuddling. "You are cute Boo.." He carry him to the bathroom and sat him on the edge from bathtub.

Louis sat awkwardly on the bathtub and the echoing room highlighted his bubbly grumbly tummy. Harry knelt down in front of him and whispered "It is your tummy right?"

Louis nodded lightly and whimpered a bit feeling poorly. "Do you feel like this since the car ride?" Louis nodded again. "Baby you should have told me earlier.." Harry was worried. “My belly hurts” The older one cried.

"Dont cry boo or you will make yourself sick.. We will go home okay? Then we can cuddle and you became some tummy rubs yeah?" Louis nodded a bit. “Why does my belly hurt” He kept crying.

"Sssh..  I don't know honey, maybe you caught something. Calm down.. Everything will be alright. No more tears. For me okay?" Harry tried his best to calm him down.

Louis hiccuped "Harry! I feel sick!" “That’s okay baby, gonna throw up?” Harry asked calmly, used to his boyfriend not feeling very well because he was often sick. Louis nodded, he mumbled "I don't wanna be sick Har-" he felt a bile coming up his throat.

Harry quickly helped his poor boy over the toilet and rubbed his sweaty back.  Louis threw up immediately and started crying harder. “Hazzie it hurts my belly” He shouted crying and breathing heavily in the basin.

"It's okay Louis its okay.. It's gonna be over soon.  Take a deep breath for me." He rupped his back with one hand and with the otherone he rubbed carefully his stomach.

Louis burped sickly followed by a gag and the next round of sick splattered in the toilet.

“Hazzie.. i ... i need the bathroom too” He whimpered and panicked holding his stomach. "Its okay honey..  Niall have definitely a bucket here. Hold on a second."  Harry quickly opend the cupboards and found a bucket.

Louis whimpered not knowing what to do. “Hazzzziiieee” He whined. "Calm down Boo please.." Harry helped Louis to sat on the toilet and hold the bucket.

Louis started crying again “This is embarrassing...” "No its not.. Its perfectly fine.. No need to be embarrassed. Everybody gets sick sometimes."

“In Niall’s house, in front of their boyfriend, in a busy party!” Louis hiccuped.

"Sssch..  Its just bad timing baby and it's not the first time I see you in this state and you saw me in this state too." Harry tried to calm his boyfriend down.  "Please stop crying Babe.. You will make yourself even sicker."

“I think i’m done getting sick... just need the toilet” He whimpered head in hands. "Should I go out?"
“I don’t know..” Louis cried feeling so embarrassed.

"Boo.. Just let go okay? No need to be embarrassed. I am the only one here. Noboy else can see you.." Harry said still rubbing the stomach from his poor boyfriend.

“Okay..” He started going. "Its okay Boo..  Its okay.." Harry whispered some basically soothing words.

“Hazzie rub harder please...” "Of curse baby.." Harry rubbed a bit harder, scared that he can hurt him. Louis kept going feeeling really embarrassed.

Harry whispered soothing words to his tiny boyfriend. 

After some minutes Louis mumbled quietly " I'm done.. Wanna go home Hazza.." “Okay babyboy, let’s go home” Harry kissed his head. “Do you need any help, i’ll do anything bub”

Louis cleaned himself and made grappy hands to Harry. "Carry me.. I feel too weak to stand up..."  Harry helped him to stand up and pull up his pants. "Do you think you need a bucket in the car?"

Louis nodded lightly grabbing his cleaned out bowl. “Yeah... sorry” He cuddled into harry.

“It’s okay, it’s a long journey i understand."

Harry lifted him up and held him on his hip again. They met Niall on the way outside. "Hey mate..  Louis just got sick. We need to go home. Have fun."  Harry explained quickly and Niall nodded in fully understanding.

They got in the car and Louis laid a bit in the back. After 20 minutes or so Lou started crying “Hazzie you need to pull over”

"Hold on a second.."  Harry pulled over as fast as possible.  He helped Louis out of the car and the poor boy immediately fell on his knees and gagged.

“Poor baby” Harry cooed and rubbed his back. Louis cried out as he spit a bit of stomach acid in the grass. "Let it out Louis, you are doing great.." Harry rubbed his back and vomit splattered on the ground.

Some awful minutes later Louis mumbled a really quite "Done.." Harry helped him up. “Awwww... poor baby... try and have a nap in the car."
"I don't want in the car again.. " Louis cried and nearly fell over his own feet.

Harry picked him up and cuddled him. “Baby, would you like to change into some comfy clothes?” Louis gagged slightly as Harry lifted him up and doesn't say a word. Not trusting his stomach.

Harry kissed his cheek. “Let’s get you into some comfy joggers and a hoodie yeah? All snuggly” Harry cooed and took off his uncomfy skinnies.

"No hoodie Hazza.. It's too hot.."  Louis protested.
“Okay baby, just a tshirt and joggers, make you all comfy”

After Harry changed him, Louis laid in the back of the car and fall asleep quickly because he was so exhausted. Harry cooed and drove the rest of the way home, putting him to bed with his bucket and stayed close to him.

After a while Harry drifted to sleep.

Harry woke up the morning by an horrible gagging sound and a heartbreaking sob. "Harry!" Louis panicked. Harry reacts quickly and grabbed the bowl just in time as Louis threw up everything what was left in his system.

“Oh baby, it’s okay, that’s it, you’re doing so good, bub” Harry rubbed his back and held his fringe back as the bowl was in his lap.

"I don't like this.."  Louis croaked with a sore throat, breathing heavily over the bowl. "Don't say anything Boo.. Take a deep breath for me.. Your done?" Louis took a deep breath and nodded slightly. Harry whipped his mouth gently with a tissue.

“You’re okay baby, how’s your belly feeling this morning?” Harry cuddled. "A bit better now..  It doesn't hurt that much like yesterday.."  Louis mumbled in Harrys chest. 

"Do you want something to eat or drink?" Harry smiled as he felt Louis not so warm forehead on his chest. "Water please..” Louis whimpered wanting to clean his mouth out.

"Yeah sure Boo.." Harry stand up and gave him a glass of water. "Spit it in the bowl, I will clean it afterwards."

Louis nodded lightly sighing sipping and spitting it out. Harry grapped the bowl and cleaned it in the bathroom.

“Hazzie im so upset” He whimpered curling up. "I know bub, do you want a cuddle?" Harry cooed. “Yes..” Louis whimpered and started sucking his thumb. "Baby don't do that.. Its not good for a your tummy.." Harry cuddled him close. "Love you Boo". Louis whined and kept his thumb in his mouth “Luff’oou”.

"Oh you are so cute... Do you maybe want a dummy?" Harry asked carefully don't want to upset him. Louis nodded lightly and got one from his draw that he hid from harry.

"You already have one? You are so cute.. You are my little baby boy.." and cuddled him closer. Louis blushed a little. “Only use it when i’m upset or poorly..” He said around the dummy.

"Its okay Bub.." Harry really loved the way how Louis looked with the dummy. Louis sat suckling it. “Hazzie be my daddy?”

"Of course baby" he said smirking a bit. Louis cuddled closely whimpering. "Try to sleep honey..  You will feel better.."

Shortly after that Louis fell asleep and cuddled close with his daddy until the morning.

The next days were full of puking, crying, cuddling and a lot of tummy rubs.

After a week Louis was again on his feets. Everything was normal again. Well. Not everything. Harry was now a proud daddy of his little Louis.

The end

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