The Blackmail® [Complete]

By Redstiletos

51K 1.6K 82

"I could pay you much more." He said quietly, his piercing blue eyes saying the opposite. "Oh yes you will... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-one
Chapter Twenty-two
Chapter Twenty-three
Chapter Twenty-four (Ovian's POV)
Chapter Twenty-five
Chapter Twenty-six
Chapter Twenty-seven
Chapter Twenty-eight
Chapter Twenty-nine
Chapter Thrity
Chapter Thirty-one
Chapter Thirty-two
Chapter Thirty-three
Chapter Thirty-four
Chapter Thirty-five
Chapter Thirty-six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter forty
Chapter Forty-One

Chapter Seven

1.2K 37 2
By Redstiletos

Hope you are enjoying the story so far?

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I want to give a shoutout to the first person who read and didn't just pass on. He made a comment! @colorsofleaving


The lavish mansion, the Hawthorne Manor, which belonged to the Hawthorne family, is to be our new home. The land spread beyond where my ordinary eyes could see. It has so many bedrooms and baths that I couldn't count. They are all glamorously decorated and beautiful. My room is so beautiful, I feel if I sleep in it, I may never wake up. It is all so hard to take in.

As soon as we arrive at the house the following morning, just as the prince had said, the whole staff were waiting outside. I was introduced to them by the valet of the mansion. As soon as the introductions were over, our things were taken to our respective rooms and we were ushered into the sun room as it was called. I guess its because the room is painted in a golden yellow tone and white colour. It also has the same colour of tapestries and furniture.

Before we left to the airport that evening, the prince had asked me to destroy any evidence as to my past. That we are to leave nothing to chance. He also told us to wear clothes that befitted a lady and her lady in waiting. No more old clothes or worn shoes. Everything is to be new. While on the flight down to the King's City, we had rehearsed our various roles and identities and the prince had told me to stop addressing him as 'Prince Ovian'. I should just simply call him Ovian.

A few minutes after we got there, Ovian said he needed to leave, that he had another engagement he had to attend. As I accompanied him out to his car, like I'm supposed to, I thought to, sort of, thank him. All of this was well beyond what I had thought.

He stood by his car and turned towards me. I was wearing a simple ivory lace dress which had a tight bodice that showed off a little cleavage. His gaze fell on my cleavage and I was uncomfortable again. Ignoring his gaze, I ventured. "I want to thank you for all this." I licked my lips out of nervousness. "Er... I know this must have cost you a great fortune but I promise my best to make our arrangement work." I finished and looked up into his eyes.

All of a sudden, he leaned down and kissed me. He merely brushed his lips on mine but it was a kiss none the less. I gasped and stumbled back. He reached out to hold me steady. "What was that for?" I asked trying to control my raging hormones.

He pulled me closer to his tall frame. "People will be curious. Even your staff. We don't want to disappoint them do we? Love is the only reason I would be crazy enough to marry the sickly daughter of the late Duke Hawthorne." He grinned.

I couldn't breathe; I wanted to pull away and at the same time I wanted to wrap my arms around his neck and never let go. "You can let me go now." I whispered.

"Not yet." He said, enjoying my discomfort.

I took a few deep breaths and asked, "Whatever happened to the real daughter of the duke?"

He grimaced and let me go, putting his hands into his pockets. "She died."

"Oh my God. I'm so sorry. Were you friends?"

He nodded. "But don't worry, I am the only person who knows that she actually died. Everyone else just thinks she's being taken care of somewhere far away. Well, not anymore, since you are here in the flesh."

"Can I ask another question?" I asked. He nodded. "Why are you not the heir apparent?"

He stared at me for a few seconds responding, "Aren't you satisfied with just being my wife? Are you aspiring to be queen already?"

"Queen? Who said anything about being queen. I was asking why... I didn't... I have never thought-"

"You? You who blackmailed me, who-"

"Ovian, please believe me." I sighed. "I know how low you think of me. Even I think low of me. But believe me when I tell you that, since all of this happened, I have never thought about being queen. I only asked because I've always been curious as to know why? When I was younger, I thought the reason was because you were cripple, and then I saw you for the first time in the morning paper, when I was fifteen, and realized you were, um...  er... okay. So I just assumed that maybe you had a disease or something."

"Well, as you can see, I am well and don't worry I won't die on you." With that he bent down and gave me a kiss on my cheeks, got into his car and drove off.

I sighed and went back into the house.

"Lady Hawthorne?"

"Yes?" I responded, after a few seconds. I made a mental note to get used to being addressed as Hawthorne.

"I was asking if you would like something to eat?"

"No, Jasper, but I would like an aspirin and some water. I have a slight headache from the travel. I will take them in my room. Also, please send them through Taylor. Thank you." I said and walked towards the stairs.

"Yes, my lady." He bowed and left.

Behaving like a lady wasn't something hard for me. My mum, bless her soul, raised me up to be like one. Working for a noble, she had picked up some mannerisms and inculcated them into me. I think she probably secretly hoped I would someday marry a noble. If she could see me now, engaged to a prince.

I came out of the shower to find Taylor lounging on my bed.

"Lady Hawthorne." She mused.

I smiled. "It does sound stiff. Ovian said the real lady Hawthorne is late. That she actually died from the same disease that killed her father."

"Oh my. Did he know her?"

I nodded. "According to him, he's the only person who knows that she died."

"Hmm. Maybe they had been in love?"

"Possibly." Thinking about it now, it is possible that Ovian and the real lady Hawthorne had been in love. That may be the only reason he alone knows she's dead.

Taylor just kept watching me as I took out a tank top and shorts and put them on. I still felt her eyes on me as I returned back to the chair that was across from my bed. I rolled my eyes and exclaimed, "What is it now?"

"Is there something you are not telling me?"

"Something like what?"

"The kiss?"

"What kiss? Oh that kiss. It wasn't really a kiss. He just brushed his lips against mine." And for the life of me, I blushed.

"Somebody liked the kiss." She sang.

I rolled my eyes again and reached for my aspirin. I popped them into my mouth and reached for my glass of water when Taylor snatched it away.

"Come on!"

"Tell me about the kiss." She said holding the water away.

"Taylor! What is there to tell?" I exclaimed, exasperated.

"Did you like it?"

"I don't know!"

"Oh you liked it!" She said and handed me the glass of water. "Is it possible for the two of you to fall in love-"

I almost choked on my water. "Taylor, please, I beg you. All I want to do now is sleep."

"But seriously-"

I shooed her away from my bed and sank down into the covers. I pulled my hair out and rested the thick mass over my right shoulder.

"Tania? Please, consider the possibility. If you-"

I turned towards her. "It's not possible Taylor. How can anyone fall in love with such a brooding, stuck up, tyrant? I am still wondering how I am going to cope as his wife, especially when he exerts his husbandly duties, of which I'm dreading like a plague. So don't worry about me falling in love with him. It will never happen."

"Okay. If you say so. Let me get some rest too. See you at dinner?" She asked at the door.

"Yes." As she was about to close the door. I called, "Taylor?"


"You are not going to tell me 'I told you so' this time."

She smiled. "We shall see." And she closed the door quietly behind her. 

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