Charisk Adventure through Det...

By RyanLaMotte

18.7K 234 68

as Chara and Frisk get along some things happen that may change the ways they feel for each other More

Undertale Charisk Nightmares
Charisk Frisk Self Harm
Charisk Lemon
Charisk Kidknapped
Frisk's Soul Tapped Part one
Frisk's Soul Tapped Part 2
Chara's Past
A Day at the Mall
Chara Hospitalized
Chara's Possession
Chara's Old home
From Red to Monster
Blue Magic and Sans' Power
Green Magic
Fire Magic
A New Magic
Frisk's Magic Problem
Saving the Others?
A Day to Remember
Breaking Surface
new book update
Before Everything

A Night Like No Other

415 9 0
By RyanLaMotte

O you guys are going to L.O.V.E (hah see what i did there) this chapter
After Frisk and Chara got back from MT. Ebott, Frisk said she'll be back in a few hours and Chara said ok, while Chara goes in their kitchen for chocolate, Frisk goes and grabs something then she said goodbye and left. A few hours pass and Frisk comes back and before Chara opens the door she can hear another person talking to Frisk. Frisk then raised her voice thinking that Chara was upstairs, to come down and meet a new person added to their family. Chara reluctantly opened the door and began crying and the person said "ugh howdy... Chara it has been a long time hasn't it." Chara then hugs him tight and said "Yes it has been Asriel yes it has been, but how did you come back to life?" Frisk said "ok I'll answer this one." She takes a deep breath and yelled "DETERMINATION!!" then they all laughed, after a few minutes of laughing Frisk seriously said "nah just some help with Alphys and her machines and the other souls that I brought back to life." Frisk then opened the door back up and said "ok I'll let you to catch up with each other I'll be back in like 30 minutes because I feel like going on a walk while you to catch up with each other." Frisk walks out and Chara and Asriel start to catch up again 20 minutes go by and they hear the door being slammed shut and locked they go and see who it is and they both see Frisk with cuts, and bruises, Frisk tried to walk towards them but starts to fall, then gets caught by Chara before she hits the floor. Chara then said to Frisk "who did this to you?" Frisk weakly said before passing out "my d dads coworkers." Chara then picks Frisk up and tells Asriel to go look everywhere in the house for a first aid kit, then goes upstairs and sets Frisk down on their bed. Asriel comes back and helps bandage up Frisk. After they are done Chara gets a message on her phone from Toriel saying "can you come downstairs and open the door and hel0 me bring stuff in?" Chara replied with "ok but I have someone new here you have to meet." Then before Toriel could reply Chara went downstairs and told Toriel what happened to Frisk. Chara said she'll take care of the items that are in the car and goes upstairs to look at Frisk's condition. She opens the door and looks at Frisk and said "here let me heal you, hmm that's odd, why do I feel that there is some magic from Asriel on you?" Chara sets every item in the kitchen then goes upstairs with Asriel walking behind her and the reach the door and Chara said "turn around and look whose back." Toriel turns around and Chara steps out of the way and Asriel said "howdy mother glad to be back." Toriel cries and hugs Asriel and Chara and said "how are you back my child?" Asriel said "umm I guess, ugh I don't know...DETERMINATION!! (ok I'll stop it's just fun) nah seriously Frisk and Alphys and the other souls brought me back, Alphys with her machines and Frisk and the 6 other souls used their magic to give me a soul here look." Asriel pulls out a rainbow looking soul. Toriel and Chara look at it in awe they all look back to Frisk seeing that she is slowly waking up from being healed by Asriel and Toriel. After ten minutes pass Frisk is now fully awake and said " o cool I guess mom already found out about you being back Asriel that's great, o yeah now that I'm awake and now that you are here mom I can now tell you that me and Chara are engaged and are having the wedding in maybe 2 weeks." Toriel said "awe so cute my children are growing up so fast." Frisk and Chara blush while Asriel and Toriel laugh. Frisk said " o yeah I almost forgot here is the photo when I proposed to Chara, I wanted to make it the most beautiful sight it could be." Chara replied with "well I can tell you you didn't really need to get it this beautiful because I'm staring at the most beautiful sight right now and nothing will change that." Frisk and Chara hug while Asriel and Toriel are still laughing, they calm down and Toriel said "ok since now Asriel is back how about we go downstairs and I make my most famous butterscotch cinnamon pie?" Chara, Frisk, and Asriel race downstairs while Toriel laughs behind them saying "ah children never change." After the pie was made and eaten, Toriel said to Asriel "ok you are going to have to sleep on the couch tonight since I didn't know you were coming back." Asriel nods and they all head to bed for the night, they all say goodnight and they all fall asleep. During the night Frisk couldn't stop waking up due to nightmares, but also couldn't leave the bed since Chara was holding her, so she teleported out of bed and went outside and saw a save point that she hasn't seen in a while and she pressed it and she saved, and it said "seeing all of your friends alive and well, it fills you with determination.

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