The Girl Next Door (Alex/You)

By MackenzieGrace21

40.6K 884 165

Everybody has always known Alex Morgan, the pretty, popular, talented captain of the soccer team at Diamond B... More



9.8K 171 83
By MackenzieGrace21

I groaned as I was shoved against a locker by one of the softball players.

"Watch yourself, Harris." The captain says and I huff to myself as I flinch involuntarily, which makes the girls in front of me laugh as they walk off and I sigh, turning around to look for my locker, I can never seem to remember where my locker is.

"You know, you could take all of them out if you really wanted to." Alexis Duncan, one of the two captains of the girls soccer team says and I sigh.

"Y-yeah, but I would feel bad about the medical bills." I stutter out, flinching when she claps my shoulder.

"That's why I like you, you'd never hurt a fly." Alexis says, walking off, and I sigh as I open my locker, grab my book for my third period, and head straight there, my head down, and my eyes always scanning for someone I could possibly run into, run into the wrong person and I'll get the shit beat out of me.

"Hey, Harris." I hear from behind me, and I sigh, turning around, not really wanting to put up with one of the lacrosse girls at the moment.

"I've already told you, it's only Algebra I, it's not that hard, so no, I won't do your math homework for you, no matter how hard you hit me or how much you offer to pay me." I say, turning around, but stopping when I see Alex Morgan, the girl that lives across the street from me, captain of the girl's soccer team, and Monopoly goddess.

"Damn, and here I thought you'd give your neighbor a freebie." Alex jokes and I sigh, taking the shove that comes my way, falling against the lockers and just sliding down them to sit on the floor.

"What can I do for you?" I ask Alex and she sighs.

"The soccer team needs a manager."


"And you need friends."

"Yes, thank you for that information. Tell me something I don't already know."

"Okay, uh, you're the new girl's soccer team manager, practices are from 4:30-6, Monday through Saturday, and I usually host an optional practice on Sundays after church." Alex says and I sigh.

"Do I get a say in this?" I ask and she smiles.

"Yeah, you get to say thank you at the end of the season when you're the one tossing people into dumpsters and slamming them into lockers. For revenge sake of course." Alex says and I raise an eyebrow at her. "I'll come find you after class and we'll walk to lunch together, you can sit with the team and I." She says, escorting me into my classroom, and I take my seat with my brow furrowed.


"I know, I just, I feel so bad. She has no idea what's going on, she actually thinks that I'm trying to get her friends. I mean, I really am, but still." I say to Alexis as I pace in the locker room for seventh period athletics with Coach Ross.

"What kind of dirt do you even have on Y/N for you to have this type of control over her?" Alexis asks and I smirk.

"None, but if she just thinks I have something on her that I'll expose to the entire school, she'll do what I say when I say."

"And here I thought the softball girls were asses to her." Alexis mumbles and I sigh.

"We need her, Alexis. I've seen her play, she's exactly what this team needs to erase our terrible records these past two years."

"So why don't you just say, 'hey, neighbor, I've seen you playing soccer a few times and I think you're amazing, how about you come try out for the team, I've got the coach up my ass, so getting you a spot on Varsity shouldn't be too difficult.' Instead of doing this to her?"

"Because she has no idea that I'm fake blackmailing her." I say and Alexis shakes her head.


"Y/N skipped practice, Alex, what's plan B?" Alexis asks and I glare at her.

"Bring the fake secret to her." I say before getting dressed and leaving.


"Hey, Y/N, we missed you at practice yesterday." I say, walking up to Y/N, who jumps, startled at my voice.

"Yeah, uh, I forgot to uh, care. Yeah, I forgot to care and went home." Y/N says and I sigh.

"Look, Y/N, I'm just trying to help you here. You have no friends."

"Kim J. is my friend." She says, pointing to the girl in school that probably sacrifices newborn kittens on a normal Tuesday night.

"Nope." Kim says before slamming her locker and walking away.

"Come on, Y/N. One practice, come to one practice."

"What do I have to do?"

"Stand there and act like you know what the coaches are saying, be moral support for the teams, get in goal when necessary."

"How often will that be?"

"The playing? Not very often. Mostly just around time for State. JV will be done with their season, and people could be injured, keepers could have to step down from the team. This is high school, Harris, crazy shit happens, man." I say and Y/N sighs.

"Alright, alright, if I agree to show up to practice today, will you leave me alone?" She asks and I shrug.

"We'll see tomorrow after you go to practice today after school." I say before patting her shoulder on my way past her.


"So she actually showed. What'd you do?" Alexis asks.

"I just approached her at her locker this morning, guess I'm annoying."

"You didn't need Y/N to figure that out, I could've told you that." Alexis says and I push her away from me.

"I hate you." I say and she shrugs, walking over to Y/N to greet her.


"Hey hey, Harris." I hear, and look to my right to see Alexis walking up.

"Alexis, hi." I say and she smiles.

"I'm glad you came out." She says and I pause.

"Uh. I-"

"To practice, kid. I'm glad you came out to practice. We appreciate you coming on to manage us crazy freaks." She says and I laugh nervously.

"Yup. That's what I did. Have no other reason to come out...Yeah, I'm walking away now." I say before power walking over to where the goal keepers are warming up, just because it's the furthest away from that awkward situation I just created for myself.


It's been about a month since I started managing the team, and I'm actually enjoying myself, but I kinda wish the team would start winning. I sometimes train with the team, and the coaches have been trying to get me to join the team.

"Come on, you're amazing." Alex says and I sigh.

"I'm mad at you, go away." I say to Alex, closing my locker and walking away.

"What? What did I do?" Alex asks, obviously jogging after me, so I turn around and watch as she slams right into me.

"Alexis told me that you were going to blackmail me into joining the program if I didn't do it when you asked."


"Yeah. 'Shit.' Go fuck yourself, Alex." I say before walking off and to my sixth period.

At practice, I sat on the bench with the team, and looked at coach when she told me to suit up, so I put on my shinpads, socks, and my cleats before tossing my hair up. I worked hard during practice, and made sure the girls were getting worked how they would in game, and after practice was dismissed, coach pulled me aside.

"Look, Y/N, we really need you. I don't usually beg athletes to join, but you're incredible."

"You have Alex."

"We do, and she's incredible as well, but we need more than just her. What's stopping you from joining?" She asks and I sigh.

"Yeah, alright, I'll join." I say and she smiles.

"You won't regret it."

"I know I won't, because I'll do all the scoring myself if it comes to it." I say and she pats my back.

"Go get some rest, I'll see you tomorrow." She says and I nod.


The next day, in my English class, one of the DSS students comes in with a piece of paper, and hands it to the teacher before leaving. The teacher looks at the name and looks at me.

"Y/N." She says, and hands me the paper after I get up and go over to her, I go back to my desk and look at the schedule to see that my seventh hour has been exchanged for athletics with Coach Ross, so I went through the rest of my day, and when I showed up to my new seventh hour, I sat with the team and waited for Coach Ross to tell us what we were doing. We were going to watch film and start warming up after, when we were dismissed into the locker room, I hung back with Coach Ross when she told me to.

"What number do you want?" She asks and I sigh.

"What numbers are taken again?"

"1-7, 9-12, and 18-22." She says and I sigh.

"Ah, I'll take 17." I say and she nods.

"I'll get you the uniform after practice." She says and I nod. "Go pick a random locker, there's no real order." She says and I nod, going into the locker room so I can get changed. I pick a locker and quietly change into my practice clothes, of course, I have to get the film ready to watch, so I hurry and go get everything ready.

Once we got out on the turf, we warmed up for the last ten minutes of seventh period, and as the bell rang to dismiss school for the week, we moved to the practice field. There was a football game tonight, but none of the soccer girls cared enough to complain about Friday practices, I know I didn't care. Just a bunch of idiots chasing around an asymmetric ball trying to kill each other. Only reason I go to the games after practices is for the band at half time, and the dance company if they're performing at that game. Mostly because I have a massive crush on one of the dancers. Jade. She's an amazing dancer and one of the only people that wouldn't slam me into the lockers just for existing. She's actually helped me clean up after a few of the beatings I've taken.

"Alright ladies, who else found seventh hour confusing?" Alex asks and everyone raises their hand, except me. "Y/N, did you switch into Athletics?"

"No, Coach Ross switched me into Athletics."


"Because I joined the team."

"Finally!" Everyone shouts and I smile a little.

We spent the entire practice working on defending, since that was the team's weakness.

"Guys, you know I love you all, but you guys are terrible defenders."

"That's because not everyone is a defender." Isabele says and I sigh.

"You're a forward, okay. How many of you want to go on to play college and maybe even national soccer? Like, on the national team?" I ask and all hands go up, as well as mine. "Do you want my honest opinion as to how many of you will make it to the national team?" I ask and they all nod, so I grab Alex and Alexis's wrists and hold them up. "Just these two, myself too if I buckle down and train hard enough to make up for time lost being stubborn." I say and sigh when everyone looks at me like I killed their dog. "You want to know why? It's not arrogance or favoritism. It's because the attacking players only attack, and the midfielders only do their job, if they're attacking, they attack, if they're holding, they hold, if they're defending, they defend. Even the back line only does their job, they only defend, but that's not how this game works, the forwards are the first line of the defense, and the keepers are the first line of the attack. Everyone should attack and everyone should defend, but attackers only attack and defenders only attend, and that's why you haven't won in two years." I say and everyone looks at me. "Trust me. Alex is a forward. Yes, but she also defends, Alexis is a defending mid, but she also attacks. I like to believe that I do both as well, and that's what makes our captains so amazing, they attack, they defend, and they do one hell of a good job." I say and look at Coach Ross. "That's all I have to say." I say, stepping between Alex and Alexis, listening to coach as she tells us that she agrees with what I said, and tells us when she wants us up here for the game in the morning, of course, I'm not playing, I have to have five practices in before I can play.

"Alright, enough of me talking, go enjoy the rest of your nights. Be safe, I'll see you all at 11:45." She says and we all go over to our bags and change out of our cleats before heading to the game, I get into the student section with the girls I walked over with just as the dance company leaves the locker room, and of course my sweaty self bumps into Jade.

"Shit, my bad." I say, and she chuckles.

"Watch where you're going next time, Harris. Stay out of that pretty little head of yours." She says, toussling my sweaty ass hair before walking off with a wink, and I hear both Alex and Alexis freak out.

"No way!" Alexis says, grabbing me by the wrist and dragging me to where they were standing. "You so like Jade." She says and I scoff.

"What? No, I don't." I say and Alex and Alexis share a look, I shake my head and watch the half time show before saying good night to them and the others that came with us, and head to my car so I can drive home. When I get home, my brother greets me with a glass of cold water. "I'm gonna kill you!" I shout, throwing my bags down on the floor by the door and taking off running after my 12 year old brother, my face still soaked. Of course though, as soon as I get the little shit into a head lock, mom steps in and makes me release him. "Next time you won't be so lucky." I say and he sticks his tongue out at me, so I slap him.

"Y/N!" My mom exclaims and I go grab my bags, and go to my room, knowing I'll be sent there anyway.


I sigh as I get home from the game, and get a shower right away. I wonder what Y/N is up to, so after I'm dressed, I go across the street and knock on her front door, her dad answers and smiles at me.

"Alex. To what do I owe the pleasure?" He asks and I smile.

"I was just checking on Y/N."

"Oh, she can't come to the door right now."

"Why? What happened? Is she okay?"

"She's fine, she just slapped her brother, so her mother is talking to her."

"Well, I hope it's resolved. She has a game in the morning." I say and he raises a brow.

"She joined the team finally?" He asks and I chuckle.


"Well, we'll have to see what happens.


"Don't yell at me! He's the one who threw water at me for no reason!" I shout back at my step mother.

"I am your mother!"

"You're my fucking step mom!" I yell, standing up and glaring at the woman my dad married after my mom died. "And your son needs to fucking grow up! He's an immature little asshole that is going to have his ass handed to him once he gets to high school." I say, and lock my jaw as a stinging sensation appears on my cheek.

"Never talk about my son like that."

"Then get the fuck out of mine and my dad's life." I say, shoving past her and to my closet so I can grab some pajamas, a change of clothes, and shove them into my soccer bag, grabbing my keys and leaving my room.

"Y/N? Honey?" My dad asks as I walk into the living room and I look at him before glaring back at Gina.

"I'm going to Alex's for the night." I say before leaving the house and heading across, knocking on the Morgan family's front door, and after a moment, Alex opens the door.


"Hey. Can I spend the night here?" I ask and she nods, her brow furrowed with worry as she steps to the side, allowing me into the house. Once we were in proper light, Pamela spoke up.

"Y/N! Honey, what happened?" She asks, rushing over to me and taking my face in her hands, tilting my still stinging cheek toward the light some more.

"My step mom." I say and Pamela scoffs.

"Gina hit you? What's gotten into her? Does James know?" She asks and I shake my head.

"No, I came over as soon as it happened before I assaulted Gina." I say and Pamela sighs.

"Alex, honey, get Y/N an ice pack." She says and Alex disappears into the kitchen for a few seconds, reappearing with an ice pack and a washcloth to wrap around it so it doesn't get too cold too fast. I'm sat on the couch in the living room where the rest of the Morgan family are sitting and I sigh as I hold the ice pack to my face.

"Thank you." I tell both Pamela and Alex, who nod.

"Of course, honey." Pamela says and I smile a little.

Half an hour later, Alex shows me to the guest room, and I thank her.

"Stop." Alex says and I furrow my brow.

"Stop what?"

"Thanking everyone for everything. Our families have been close since before we were born, it shouldn't be a surprise that we're going to help you out when your bitch of a step mom hits you."

"Alex, honey. Language."

"Sorry mom." Alex says before turning back to me. "Get some rest. We can't be late for the game." She says and I nod.

"Th-good night, Alex." I say before closing the door and getting ready for the bed.


In the morning, Alex and I rush out of the house, since we woke up at 11.

"Get in the car!" Alex shouts at me, and I get in her car.

"Okay, okay, damn." I say, buckling up as she backs out of the driveway and drives off. "Now, why did we rush out of the house and decline breakfast with your family if we're 30 minutes early."

"Because we're going to get breakfast with the team." She says and I sigh.

"I'm so not used to being on the team."

"You'll get used to it." Alex says and I chuckle.

At the game, as I'm standing behind the bench watching JV, one of the girls turns around and starts to attempt to communicate with a family member, so I scan the crowd, and stop when I see my dad sitting near the top of the stands. He sees me and waves at me, smiling, so I go up to him.

"What are you doing here?"

"Came to support my baby." He says, hugging me before taking my face in his hands and looking at the faint bruise that's formed. "Can't believe she did that to you." Dad says and I sigh.

"You can't help who your wife turns into when her dominance is challenged."

"I told her to take Jason and move out. I'm divorcing her."

"What? Dad-"

"Nobody lays a finger on my child and gets away with it, even if she is my wife. My daughter comes before my marital status." My dad says and I hug him tight.

"I love you, dad."

"I love you too, baby." He says, kissing the top of my head, and I sigh, pulling back from the hug. "You should get back to warming up." He says and I smile.

"I can't play yet. I don't have enough practices in, and I don't have my uniform yet. Rylie is supposed to get it to me today." I say and he nods.

"But still go down to the girls. Looks like Alexandra is looking for you." Dad says and I chuckle.

"It's just Alex, dad. She doesn't like her full name. But you're right." I say before walking down the stands and hopping over the front fence, landing on my feet and walking over to the girls.

"There you are. I got worried." Alex says and I chuckle.

"I'm right here." I say and she smiles.

"Y/N!" I hear, and turn around to see Jade standing there.

"Go to her." Alex says, pushing me gently toward where Jade stands, so I walk over to her and look up at her, since she was standing where I just jumped down from.

"Hey." I say and she smiles.

"I came to support you, but I see you aren't playing today." She says and I smile.

"Next Saturday." I say and she nods.

"I'm still going to stay and watch. I had to pay $5 to get in. Just to talk to you."

"I'm honored." I say and she smiles.

"I'm gonna go sit now." She says before walking off and I walk back over to the bench.

"Look at you." Alex says, tossing an arm around my neck and I roll my eyes at her.

"I don't like her." I say and she raises an eyebrow. "Ugh, fine, I do. Happy now? Put that eyebrow down, it's annoying." I say and she smiles.

"This is so cute."

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