
By highfairyy

2.4M 76.9K 54.6K

❝ suddenly i'm drowning in the things i never told you.❞ ✵ A story where a seventeen year old girl moves int... More



37.7K 1.3K 711
By highfairyy

Hey guys! Better late than never— typa update.

I want to address something that I have been noticing frequently. A lot of people have been commenting or messaging me to update faster or to update again, even though I had just updated. Unfortunately, I don't have all the time in the world to update, as much as I wish I did. I can't update again and again at lightening speed guys, yeah it sucks but it's the way it is right now. My regular updating schedule is once a week, twice if we get lucky and I know it's way different than before. Before I updated either everyday or every other day but that was while it was still summer and the beginning of school— when I didn't have life punching me in the face everyday. I have a whole list of things outside of wattpad that I try dedicating time to as well and it's a bit overwhelming but I'm trying guys I swear. I'll try updating faster too if it makes you guys happier.

Vote - Comment - Share (If you wanna but I'd appreciate it if you did. But you don't have to. But please do.)


Thalia Lively

I was in the most intense staring contest, I've ever been in. I tried to keep my eyes open as I stared into Maya's hazel eyes that matched my own. She starting biting her whole bottom lip and squinting her eyes, desperately wanting to blink but trying everything to hold herself back. We had three pair of eyes watching us, well mainly Maya amusingly.

"Just blink already, woman!" She said in a begging tone but before I had the chance to let her win, she started blinking repeatedly as tears came out of her eyes. "I hate this game." She admitted and slumped in back into the couch while Emery awkwardly rubbed her shoulder as she tried giving comfort.

"Then why do you make everyone play it with you?" Emery questioned, teasing her. Maya slapped her hand away since Emery was still patting her shoulder in an uncomfortable matter.

"You're good." Maya said to me, trying to get over the fact that she had lost.

"But not better than Nathan." Emery piped up and looked at me apologetically. "Sorry but no ones ever beaten him before." I look up at Nathan who was leaning on the wall, rolling his eyes at Emery's statement.

"I can beat him." Carter said confidently, looking towards Nathan challenging him. Nathan raised his eyebrows but then let his face fall and they were all of a sudden having a stare down. Only a couple seconds went by until Carter's right eye started twitching and I snorted knowing he was going to lose. Nathan stared at him calmly, easily keeping his green eyes wide open.

"I take that back." Carter said without a second thought as he blinked and sat down on the couch. I looked back at Nathan and I think he felt my eyes on him since he looked right back at me. I was getting worse at ignoring the butterflies that flew inside of me crazily whenever I felt his eyes on me or even felt his presence near. I knew what was happening, and I was going to stop these feelings at all costs. I will not lose everything again, I will not put myself at risk ever again.

"I'm team Thalia." Maya said out of no where and I looked at her curiously.

"What?" I questioned her, not knowing what she was talking about.

"Just verse him. I think you're better than him so I'm on your team." She explained and excitedly sat up straight as she looked back and forth between Nathan and I. I have nothing to lose anyway— well I had nothing to lose until Nathan took this challenge to the next level.

"Oh yeah? Do you think you can beat me, Thalia?" He looked at me grinning, his challenging and compelling eyes searched mine. I seemed to have sunk deeper into their incredibly comfortable couch as I tried shielding myself away from Nathan's eyes. I averted my eyes anywhere else, finding myself looking around their living room. It was a huge house and normally big houses like this feel and look empty, but the Reyes family really did have a way to make it feel so homey. It felt complete, like nothing was missing.

"Uh, sure." I answered unsurely after I snapped out of my thoughts. I know deep down that I definitely would not win this one but because Maya was proudly nodding at my answer, I went along with it anyway. I looked back at Nathan with confidence, fake confidence of course.

Carter chuckled at my long sigh once I saw Nathan considering it. I could practically see the gears in his head turning, and I knew that this wasn't going to be a simple staring contest, was anything simple with Nathan?

"Okay, bet." He said to me simply and I immediately started taking myself out of this predicament, that I would a hundred percent lose. I was never good with bets, I never seem to win them.

"Nope. No bet." I denied his comment and looked away from him. I sure as hell was not going to bet on something I knew I would lose at, and plus he already looked cocky enough. I'm not adding anything else to the his ego. I could only imagine how big his ego really was, thankfully he wasn't the type of guy to brag or show anything off, and oh man, he definitely had a lot to show off. To others he may seem like the perfect human, the looks, friends, family, money, athletic, girls, he has it all. But to me, perfect doesn't exist. Everyone has flaws whether we acknowledge them or not. Humans are a flaw as a matter of fact, something must have gone wrong in the making of mankind because the only thing killing off our species, is indeed, ourselves.

He walked around the couch and stood in front of me. "Oh come on, it's just a staring contest, it's not even that serious." I squinted my eyes at him, still not taking him up on his bet. A smirk broke out onto his face, he definitely knew that he was going to win.

"Team Nathan for the win." Emery said, standing next to Nathan with a smug look on her face. I looked at Maya who was rolling her eyes at Emery. She looked back at me and we silently communicated a plan. Once a smile broke out onto both of our faces, we turned back to Nathan and Emery.

"Okay." I finally agreed and Nathan's smirk widened. "If we win, you have to buy the both of us dinner and desert." I said and he didn't even have to think about my side of the bet before he agreed easily. I expected him to easily agree anyway, seeing what type of house he lives in, buying two people dinner and desert didn't seem like much of a problem. I'm not even hungry, but I can still hear Maya's stomach growling now and then.

"Okay, and if we win, you have to try out for the girls indoor soccer team." I froze at his statement, looking up at him hesitantly. No way, not happening.

"No, think of something else." It didn't take me more than two seconds for me to deny it immediately. He looked down at me knowingly, I should've seen this coming. This was his way of getting to know me, I just gave him another thing about me, soccer was definitely a sensitive topic. It was strange, the way he did things. Instead of being a normal human and simply asking questions to get to know me, he did little actions and my reactions to them showed him who I was. My reaction to his side of the bet probably added onto his curiosity about my past, I can see it running through his eyes.

"You don't have to join the team, just try out." He pushed further and me, being very hardheaded, denied it even further.

I'm scared. I've never played again and I'm scared that if I try again, it might bring more memories and I frankly, don't want to remember. Not yet. I'm not ready to know how much I really lost. I'm not ready to feel deeper pain. The past year, I've disconnected myself from anything that might re-jog my memory, in fear of having it all rush back. The nurse told me that I needed to try and remember but she wasn't the one who woke up in a hospital bed alone with no family or friends to greet me at my wakening. She wasn't the one that had to live with the fact that her family was forever gone. What if playing again was the key to unlocking the memories? I didn't want to take the risk.

I sighed and looked down at my lap then back into his eyes. I knew he saw my reluctance, and he understood.

"If we win, you have to consider trying out." He negotiated and I gave into it, just so this topic will go away.

"Ready." I blinked once. "Set." I blinked again, in hopes that if I blink enough times that I won't have to blink again. "Go." I opened my eyes and darted them directly towards Nathan. I was doing good so far, it wasn't until I could see him breaking out into a smirk that my gaze started wavering. I wanted free food, I wasn't going to lose.

"Go, Nathan, go." I heard Emery say from my left side, I could feel her jumping up and down excitedly as she watched us stare each other down.

"Um, no." Maya commented on Emery's cheering, and a smile fought it's way onto my face. "Team Thalia, for life. You got this." Maya said to me softly, her voice encouraging me slightly but her support didn't stop my eyes from starting to water. I held back the tears that wanted to fly out of my eyes. Nathan's face was turning more and more smug as he saw me struggling to keep it together.

I was about to blink until I saw something flash in his eyes. It made me stop fighting to keep my eyes open and they remained open themselves as I searched his eyes, trying to find that hidden emotion again. It wasn't a look of anger, or sadness but rather a look of adoration. Maybe it was for his sisters quiet banter in the background. I knew I adored the two girls greatly, there was no denying that. I haven't known them for long, but I didn't need to, to know that they already held a special place in my heart.

"She's right, you're good at this." He said and I smiled wider.

"Damn right, now blink so I can too." I somewhat pleaded and ordered at the same time. The girls giggled at my response and I felt my eyes start squinting more and more, I really just wanted to blink, but I wanted some free food too.

"Nope, you first." He said and I could see him fighting the urge to blink as well. He was almost going to cave in, I just needed to hold on a little longer.

Maybe I wasn't meant to win since someone idiotically left the window open and a cold breeze flew in from the window not too far from where I sat. The breeze travelled around gracefully until it blew past my eyes and that was it for me, I couldn't hold it for much longer. I, sadly, blinked first.

Maya and I both groaned as I rubbed my eyes. I heard Nathan and Emery high five each other and I looked at Maya apologetically but she didn't seem that bothered by it.

She smiled up at Nathan cheekily. "So, what are you buying us for dinner and desert?" She said and Emery was the first to voice her opinion.

"Nothing, you guys lost." Confusion covered Emery's face completely. She looked at Nathan who was rolling his eyes with a small smile still stuck onto his face. Before anyone saw it coming, Nathan at lightening speed dashed towards Maya who was on the couch beside. He starting tickling her and her giggles bounced off the walls at ease. It wasn't until about now where I noticed Carter was still here. He was sitting on the opposite couch, watching the scene with a ghost of smile on his face. He wasn't looking at me, but rather Maya and Nathan as they went from tickling to wrestling. Something was wrong with him, I could easily see it.

I got up and went to go sit next to him, and he took notice of my movement towards him. He looked up at me, not lifting his head up but rather looking through his lashes. I sat down and remained silent as we watched the girls try teaming up on Nathan. Their laughter and happiness seemed to be contagious, I couldn't help the small smile that graced my face. I looked at Carter who also watched them with soft eyes.

"I haven't seen him smile or laugh this much in what feels forever." Carter said quietly, as if he couldn't believe this sight. As if he was watching a miracle happen right before his eyes.

"What do you mean?" I couldn't help but ask, that definitely spiked my curiosity.

He didn't look at me, and didn't respond either. He kept his eyes on the three siblings, watching them closely. What does he mean? Before I got the chance to ask again, his phone started ringing loudly which caused Nathan and the girls to stop in the middle of their wrestling match.

"Okay, okay, that's enough." Nathan said chuckling, sitting up straight on the ground that he was being tackled on previously. The girls bounced up onto their feet and darted away into the rest of the house. Nathan and I looked at Carter as he answered the phone blankly.

"Hello?" Carter said to the other line and immediately retracted the phone from his ear as I assume the other person must have said something very loudly. He rolled his eyes and put the call on speaker so that Nathan and I could also hear Austin's loud voice.

"Where are you guys?" Austin practically yelled.

"Why are you yelling? We're at Nathan's." Carter answered, shaking his head at us as we heard Austin let out a long 'ouh'.

"Come to Rex's Diner, I'm with Ethan and Emmett. Do you guys know where Thalia and Riley are? Tell them to come too." Austin said calmly, in the opposite tone of how he sounded a couple seconds ago.

"Hey Austin." I said in the phone since Carter pushed the phone towards me to say something.

"Hello sweetheart, where's your partner in crime? I have an issue I need to discuss with him." He sounded very authoritative and businesslike but I know he's the complete opposite of that. First he's yelling for no reason, then he's calm, then he's serious. I didn't even want an explanation.

I scrunched my eyebrows together, confusingly. "Who's my partner in crime?" I asked him.

"Mr. Reyes, Thalia catch up on the program." Oh, now he's feisty.

I extended my hand towards Nathan so he could take the phone. He reached over towards me and grabbed the phone. "Yeah?" He said into the phone.

"I have someone here for you." Austin groaned and we heard movement around the other line. We heard multiple cuss words and then a very familiar voice was being heard.

"Hey Nate." Megan's voice chirped. I fought the urge to roll my eyes but I kept my face blank, Carter however didn't resist the urge. He even added a long annoyed-filled sigh for emphasis.

"Uh, hey." Nathan answered.

"Why won't you pick up the phone? I've been calling you for hours." Nathan took his phone out of his pocket and the way his eyes widened, I can tell he missed a lot of calls and messages. He started scrolling down the messages and then he locked his phone, shoving it back into his pocket.

"I'm busy later, sorry." He said to her, I guess she texted him to meet up.

"Okay well—" Megan's voice was cut off by Austin's pretty aggressive tone.

"Give me my damn phone back." Austin paused and then continued before hanging up. "Rex's Diner, at 7." He hung up and Nathan passed Carter's phone back to him.

"Are you guys down?" Carter asked us and Nathan shrugged, looking at me.

"Do you wanna go?" Nathan asked me, standing up from sitting on the floor finally. He started fixing his hair that got messed up from the little wrestling match he had earlier. I fought every nerve in my body that was telling me to look at his flexed body. I kept my eyes locked with his and he caught onto what I was doing. He noticed me trying to avoid looking down and that oh so famous smirk reappeared.

"Yeah, I'll ask Riley too." I looked away from him quickly and took out my phone in hopes of Riley answering.

"I'll be back." Nathan raced up the stairs, leaving Carter and I to wait patiently in his living room.

"What about the girls?" I asked Carter, wondering if they're coming with us. I was hoping they were coming, I seemed to have grown attached to the two princesses.

"They're coming with us. Plus, he stills owes you and Maya dinner and desert." Carter chuckled, leaning back into the coach. I smiled then looked at my phone that buzzed on my lap, seeing Riley message me back.

Yeah I'm down, I'll meet you guys there.

Okay. Don't forget to wear something warm, it's freezing outside.

Okay, mom.

I snorted at her response then turned off my phone. As Carter and I waited, I took the opportunity to look outside of the window. My eyes widened immediately, this town wasn't huge so from Nathan's house, you can see directly into the forest. Because the weather has been gloomy lately, the fog covered up just the top of the trees, molding the different colour leafs together. I stared in shock of how beautiful it looked, god nature had a way of transferring me into another mindset. I couldn't tear my eyes away from the breathtaking sight. The different shades of brown, green and red leafs blended so perfectly, it was insane.

The loud footsteps coming down the stairs tore my gaze away and I turned around, unfortunately. I could stare at nature all day, however with that being said, the cold weather was not okay with me. I'll admire from inside.

Emery and Maya were already all dressed up in their winter jackets and hoodies, they looked so cute.

Maya excitedly looked at me, having a big smile on her face. "We're going to Rex's! Come on, get up, let's go already." She said impatiently, racing to put on her shoes. Emery was more calm in this situation, she chuckled at her little sister then followed her actions. It wasn't long until Nathan also came down, this time he wasn't in a white undershirt and sweatpants, now he was in a dark green hoodie and black jeans. He looked good in anything he wore, I don't think it's possible for him to ever look bad.

Carter stood up and looked back at me with his left eyebrow raised and I stood up stupidly. We all put on our jackets and left the house, being met with the unforgiving wind that spiked against our skin. I shivered in my winter coat, still being able to feel the cold wind flow around me. I, on instinct, started jumping up and down to try and somehow escape the shivers.

Carter drove me here so I followed him to his car, while Nathan went to his own with his sisters racing behind him. I got into Carter's car quickly and shut the door in relief, I could only bare the cold for so long.

"Emmett doesn't mind this type of weather, you could put in the North Pole and you would never hear him complain." Carter said unbelievably, while starting up the car and turning on the heaters. Carter's cheeks were red from the cold and I realized mine were probably matching his.

"I can't stand it when it's this cold outside, but I also don't like it when it's scorching hot either." I said, freely giving him facts about myself.

"Which do you prefer? If you had to choose." He asked, keeping his eyes on the road.

"Winter, because in the summer it's hot outside and inside if you don't have AC. But in winter I can just bury myself in a bunch of blankets and I'm good." I stated. I love the winter, when I'm inside, cuddled up in blankets and watching movies. However the second I step outside, it's a whole different story.

He hummed at my answer and continued driving. We sat in silence— a comfortable silence. Like we didn't need to speak, we were both content in just simply being in each other's presence. I looked out of the window, watching houses and buildings pass my view as we drove down streets. I leaned my head against the window and watched the streets as we drove. God, did I love car rides, any type of car ride. I loved them so much, that now I was dreading the moment we reach our destination.

I saw a big light up sign saying 'Rex's Diner' up ahead and I started checking if I had all my stuff with me since we were here already. I could see from the windows that there were a lot of people inside.

"Do you guys usually come here?" I asked Carter as he parked the car.

"We used to come here all the time, we haven't been here recently though. Everyone else always comes here though." He informed me and I nodded slowly. We got out of the car seconds after and started going inside, Nathan wasn't here yet though. I looked around the parking lot for his car but it was no where to be seen.

I turned my attention back to the Diner once I didn't have luck searching for him and the girls, walking the through the door that Carter held open for me.

"Thanks." I mumbled softly, getting overwhelmed immediately once I stepped inside and loud conversations hit my ears unexpectedly. I looked around for Austin, trying to find their table but I had to skim the Diner for a while before I saw Austin waving a pool stick around. I saw a huddle of teenage guys taking up quite a few tables. Then there was a big table filled with girls that entered my view, I skimmed past that table quickly but my eyes snapped back once I saw a familiar face. I looked closer and saw Megan sitting at the table with other girls I've never seen before. Maybe they went to our school but I never really payed attention to anyone else in school other than this little friend group that created itself, involving Riley and the boys.

I saw Megan smirking at something behind me, causing me to turn around and almost bump into a chest that was very close to me. I smelled the scent of coconut and I knew it was Nathan.

"Why are you guys just standing here?" Nathan questioned, looking at me weirdly and I rolled my eyes, turning around and walking towards Austin who was companied by Ethan, Emmett and Riley. Riley saw us walking to their table and flew out of her seat, attacking me in hug that made me stumble backwards.

"I'm so sorry about after school, I completely forgot that I volunteered and the librarian was a bitc—" I cut her off by chuckling.

"It's okay." I hugged her back tightly then let her go and turned to Austin who gave me a side hug and Ethan who had his mouth full of fries.

"Thalia, I've missed you." Ethan said, covering his mouth with his hand as he spoke, thankfully. I hugged him lastly and he smiled at me cheekily after he finished his food, remembering how last time I wasn't okay with him speaking while he was still eating.

"You saw her today, moron." Austin huffed, rolling his eyes.

"Okay and?" Ethan fired back at him challengingly.

I tuned out their conversation as I looked towards Maya and Emery who were sitting down calmly looking through the menu. Riley sat down beside them and started engaging in a conversation with the two that seemed eager to dive into a talk with Riley. I knew the two girls were very social since the first time I met them, it's good that they aren't shy. They both had a confidence to them and I hope they never lose that.

Nathan and Carter took off their jackets and put them on the booth beside me, where everyone else sat. Ethan was standing eating French fries while judging Austin as he played pool. The other three boys joined the game and laughed when Austin hit Ethan with the pool stick.

"I had enough of your shit." Austin spat at Ethan who gave him a disgusted look.

"You're so disrespectful like damn." Ethan retorted and walked away from Austin, going to the other side of the pool table where Nathan and Emmett stood. I was so absorbed in my thoughts that I was stuck watching them but I wasn't paying attention to what was happening around me anymore, I wasn't paying attention to the fact that there was a pair of eyes on me. I looked up to see Nathan and Emmett bantering but then his vision flicked onto me and he gave me breathless smile. I sent him a small smile back, but that small smile turned into an ongoing laugh when Ethan's head popped next to Nathan also smiling at me.

I started laughing harder when Nathan looked at Ethan slowly, and Ethan maintaining the smile on his face but now directing it towards Nathan. I think Nathan was about to say something until Emmett elbowed him and nodded his head towards the main entrance door, where a new group of people came in. I followed their gaze, and my eyes landed on someone I hoped to never see again.

James entered the Diner with his friends following behind him. James held this facade of intimidation and I had to hand it to him that he did deliver that, but not as well as Nathan. James basically radiated douche-ness. I looked back at Nathan to see his reaction and just as I expected, it wasn't pleasant. Nathan stared at James with a strong look of hatred that appeared in a matter of seconds, just the view of James set Nathan off into anger. I looked back at Maya and Emery and saw them still laughing along with Riley, none of them noticing the scene which I was thankful for.

This was going to be a long night, and by the way Nathan is looking at James, I knew there wouldn't be a good outcome.


{ not edited :// }


Hope you guys liked this one, I went through a lot trying to get this to come out as good as I could with the amount of time I had to write it.

We're almost at 300K and 30 chapters, damn we've come a long way and I couldn't thank you guys enough. I truly love you guys with all of my heart and I hope I can get my shit together in time for better updates.

Thank you all for reading!

^ me reading over this chapter and debating on what the rank would be from the scale "shit to complete shit"

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