You Are My Sunshine ~ Jeffmad...

By PeggyAtTheDisco

4K 201 219

In a world where you can only see black and white, Thomas Jefferson gets quite the shock one day when he meet... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen

Chapter Eleven

189 14 8
By PeggyAtTheDisco

Y'all, this story has almost 1,000 reads! How??? It's, like, trash supreme. Thank you though, for each and every one of your reads, votes, and comments!

-Hannah 💕💕💕


Thomas jerked back, his eyes narrowing slightly. He hugged himself, trying his hardest not to lash out at the obviously shaken up waiter.

"I have a boyfriend," He said evenly, keeping his tone blank and calm. "He is my soulmate, and he's back there in our car. Please don't try to kiss me."

Lafayette nodded tearfully, wiping at his eyes.

"But you- you're my soulmate. What- what am I gonna do?" He choked, looking completely pitiful. "Mon Dieu, this is a mess..Help me, please.."

"I have no idea- listen. You seem like a good guy. You really do. But I just can't be with you. We can be friends, of course, we can be friends. I can't offer you anything more than that, though. I'm sorry. Call me, okay?"

And with that, he scurried away from Lafayette, chills running up and down his spine. He had a million thoughts running through his head, but the most prominent one was 'dear God, please not have let James see the kiss.'

Apparently God was not on Thomas' side, because when he climbed into the passenger seat of the car, James was hunched over the steering wheel with silent tears dripping down his cheeks.

"I'm so fucking sorry," Thomas whispered, shaking his head at the sorry state of his boyfriend. He reached over, leaning across the center console, and wrapped an arm around his boyfriend's shaking shoulders. "I had no idea that I- I was somebody else's soulmate. No idea at all."

"It's not your fault, really. It's just scary to think about, that's all. We're perfect for each other, but you're also perfect for someone else? What if you leave me for him? What if he's better?What if I'm not good enough? What if-"

Thomas cut James off by pressing a firm but loving kiss to his lips, taking his hand and giving it a small squeeze. James didn't kiss back though, just sat there stiff as a board, his mouth unresponsive.

"I'm not going to leave you for him, and he's not better than you. He's not my soulmate, you are," Thomas assured James, his voice gentle and calming. "And you're definitely good enough for me. You're more than good enough, I don't deserve you."

"Why should I believe you?"

And with that sentence, Thomas' heart shattered.

It wasn't because he was hurt by his boyfriend's, either. It was because James looked so genuinely hurt, so beaten down by this situation, and life in general. It was like his boyfriend truly believed that he was not good enough, that Thomas would actually leave him for some stranger he'd met just seconds ago.

"Because- Because-" Thomas faltered, frowning slightly. He looked down at his lap, brows creasing together as he struggled to form words that just weren't there.

"Yeah, that's what I thought," James said sadly, wiping away his tears. He sat up in his seat, staring out of the windshield with what was supposed to be a blank face, though it continued to look rather sad. "I'm probably just overreacting. My depression- I know I shouldn't use it as an excuse but..I often- Fuck. It just hurts, Thomas, and I'm so self conscious, and I honestly have no idea why I should believe you."

"Because I love you."

James froze, his hands gripping the steering wheel so hard that his knuckles turned white, bone pressing hard against skin. A pained whimper fell from his lips, the tears immediately pooling back up in his eyes.

"You don't mean that," He mumbled, turning to look at Thomas. He tried to blink his tears away, but it didn't work, so he looked like a toddler on the verge of a meltdown, lip trembling and eyes wide.

"Oh, but I do," Thomas whispered in reply, leaning forward to close the gap between them. He kissed James long and slow, but sweetly and lovingly, at the same time. It wasn't like any of the kisses they'd exchanged in their previous makeout sessions. No, this one was different.

This kiss was softer and more experienced, while the others had been rougher around the edges. Before, they didn't know what they were doing. They hadn't known what each other liked, and they'd still been trying to figure things out. But now, they knew each other's lips, they knew how they worked and what they liked and how to treat them.

So that made it much, much, different. The other kisses had been..lustful, or teasing, or something else that was good, but not quite right.

This kiss..this kiss was something nether James nor Thomas had ever experienced before, and that could only mean one thing.

Thomas was telling the truth. He loved James.

"I love you too," James whispered, once he'd broken the kiss. He rested his forehead against the other man's, letting out a shaky breath.

"Now, let's go back to my place, okay? I'll make you some tea, and we can cuddle and watch a cheesy movie. Sound good?"

"Sounds good..let's go home."


Aha! Notice how James said 'Home' instead of 'Your house'? ;)

Anyways, I hope you enjoyed the chapter! I've been in a writing slump lately, and in all honesty, I don't feel like this, nor the previous chapter were all that good.

I'm hoping I get into it again though, and I have plans to introduce a new character and ship into the story, so stay tuned!


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