One Direction Preferences

By tangledash

75.7K 472 45

Just a bunch of prefs Request to have a chapter dedicated to you Maybe even ask for an imagine More

One Direction Prefs
Your song that he sings
Where you met
Your name in his phone
His name in your phone
After the Break Up
Your strange obsession
Proposal Gone Wrong
Proposal Gone Wrong
He's drunk
Wearing his Clothes
Break up Song
The Future
Leaving after a Fight
How you know he is mad
Taylor Swift song
Your kid want to sleep with you
Valentines Day
First Valentines Day Together
Your Kid misses Him
He gives you the silent treatment
You have a Nightmare
You leave your phone at his place
You leave your phone at his place
He makes you cry
You give him the silent treatment
Ed Sheeran Song
Were done
The Brand of Shoes he buys you
The year you first met
Favorite TV show
anmument park
Shopping Trip
Where you Met
He hits you
Favorite Movie
Text the wrong person
First Time You Meet
1989 - t.s.
Group convo (louis)
Group Chats (niall)
Group convo (harry)
Group Convo (liam)
Disney Movie
Netflix Show
Song he write about You
Your kid doesn't recongize him
Secret Account
Salute - Little Mix
Taylor Swift
Concert he Takes You too
5 Seconds Of Summer
Your a high school couple
You surprise him
My Everything- Ariana Grande
Sorry I'm Late - Cher Lloyd
Your celebrity Crush
Suggesting Marriage
Break Up
Make Up
'It hit home'
You lie about your relationship
How you know he is the one
You met his parents
Favorite cartoon
Favorite reality tv
New home
You tell him your pregnant
You live in the country
Favorite book
What the fans think of you
Your wedding theme
You get sick on the tour bus
He is jealous of another band member
Who does that
Your lockscreen
Your wedding song
His best man
Handwritten - Shawn Mendes
Group Chat (Louis)
Group Chat (niall)
Group Chat (Harry)
Group Chat (Liam)
Group Chats (Louis)
Group Chats (Niall)
Group Chats (Harry)
The End

He breaks down and only talks to you

2.6K 15 0
By tangledash

I know that the title is long but it says 'He breaks down and will only talk to you'. I am trying to do ones that no one has ever done haha. It's kinda hard thinking of titles. I have written these forever ago and it is hard to think of what I was trying to think of what I wrote about it.

But anyway vote comment and follow if you love.

DM or kik me for a request and I will dedicate it to you.

Comment if you don't like something but say it nicely.

Please and thank you :).

Louis: You were sitting at home, Louis went out to the bar with the lads and no matter how many times he asked you did not want to go. He always got mad or drunk and you thought that Harry would watch out for him. You also could not drink an you thought it would not be fun. The TV was blasting music and you could not hear anything. You stand up and walk over to the fridge in the kitchen where your phone looked like it was having a heart attack, glowing ringing and moving around. You picked it up and seen it was Harry. "Hello?" You say, concerned onto why Harry might be calling you. "(Y/n) I need you, Louis refuses to move, he won't even talk. I think he is going to break down but he wouldn't say anything. I wrote something down on a napkin and he wrote your name back, please come, soon." Harry says, urgent. "Um, sure, the usual?" You ask, referring to the bar where they go to every time. Harry says yeah before hanging up and you head out the door. You pull up to the 'hot spot' as Louis refers to it. You walk into the club, some people look your way but most stay with the loud dancing and grinding against other people's sweat body's. Liam is standing by the door and he motions for me to come that way. I follow him and he points to what looks like a body, there seems to be no head from the back because of him laying his head down. I walk over and rub his back, he looks up and hugs me, tightly. "I was told there was something wrong love, what happened?" You ask him and he looks straight into my eyes. "Some guys came over to me and told me that I was, um, gay and that I sucked." Is all he says before he begins crying. Breaking down in front of everyone, I hear a few drunks laugh behind me. "You are not gay, I promise you, because if you were gay I wouldn't be here. You clearly don't suck because you wouldn't have sold out all those concerts and the Super Bowl stadium when they could not even do it, and you sold it out twice. Are you really going to let one hater get to you?" I say to him and he looks at me, I can feel the tears in my eyes from him crying. He hugs me even tighter. "How do you always know what to say?" He asks, a small chuckle in his voice.

Niall: You were at home, 1 in the morning, and Niall still did not come home from recording. Him and Liam still had a few parts to record in some of the songs that they started writing for the new album. He refused to let you hear the first song on it, he told you he wrote it and that he could only think of you. I finally have up around 2 and called Liam, knowing they left together. "Hello?" Liam asks confused onto why I am calling him at 2 in the morning. "Li? Are you in bed? Where is Niall?" I say, starting to get worried. "He told me he was going to call you and get you to pick him up." Liam said and I nod, hanging up and grabbing my keys and heading out the door. I walk into the studio and see Niall listening to Liam's solo over and over again. I walk in and hit the pause button, sitting on the other chair. He looks up at me and I see him crying. "Hey, don't cry, want to tell me what happened?" I ask but then Louis comes out from behind the couch. "He won't talk, he has only been listening to our solos, he skips his." Louis says, shrugging. "Thanks, you can go home to Eleanor, I am sure she is worried." I say and Louis nods, kissing my forehead and patting Niall on the back. Once the door closes Niall begins to cry, loudly and sadly. You rub his back, not saying anything until he has calmed down to where he can talk. "What happened?" You ask him and he sniffles his nose motions towards the microphone saying. "Management toke away all my solos but three. They kept on saying that I was only worth my money in playing the guitar" he said and I just shake my head. "They lie. They don't know that One Direction would be no where without you. Think about it, how many solos did you get on the X-Factor. How many times do you play the guitar at a concert? They don't know what they are doing. What is going to happen when that gets released. All those fans out there are going to defend you. I am not going to let it get released. You and the lads are not going to let them tear you to pieces. You have to stick up for what is right Ni. They don't understand that with out you, so many girls would die. They don't get it. You can not let them bring you down, just go on strike or something. Don't let them destroy you." I say and he kisses me. He wet, damp cheeks touching mine. He brings me closer to him, placing me on his lap as he says. "How did I get so lucky?" And he kisses me again, forgetting about everything.

Harry: He was away on tour, like always but you got used to it, whether you wanted to admit it to yourself or not. You never wanted to get used to him gone but his job was him being away so it came naturally. You could never say you did not miss him though, you did. It always hurts but you remember that he was coming home soon, and you always thought of the positive side. He was doing what he loved and you were doing what you loved. (Your dream job). Everything was perfect until that night when you got a phone call. "(Y/n) Harry, he broke down on stage, he won't talk or anything. He keeps on trying to leave, he's off to the air port but I keep on stopping him." Liam says into the phone. "I can't do anything Li." You say into the phone. You were at home and he was at a stop during the tour. "Can you call him or video call or something he won't talk or anything." Liam says and you say yes before hanging up and grabbing you computer. You set up a video call and call Harry. It is less than 10 seconds before he answers. "Harry?" You say, seeing his cheeks red, stained from tears and his eyes blood shot. "(Y/n) I am so glad to see you." He says, bring his hand up to my camera, where my cheeks would probably be on his screen. "What happened today?" You ask and he looks at you, scared and shocked. "I, um, I started crying on stage." He said, embarrassed of himself. "Why?" You say and he just shake his head, too shy to say why. "I am not going to laugh. I would never dream of laughing at you. " you say and he nods before opening up and letting the flood gates clear. "I was singing Little Things and I thought of you and I seems sign that said I love Harry and then I started to think about how long it has been since I heard you say that, face to face and I broke down. I could not help it. I made a fool over myself I am so sorry!" Harry said, burring his head in the blanket. No longer looking and me. "Hey, I am coming out there, okay? Tomorrow, pick me up and then we can talk, if it makes you feel better I will say I love every second of every minutes of every hour of every day of every week of every year that I live because we are going to be together forever" I say and he nods. It toke you 10 minutes to get the ticket and 6 hours to fly out there. But it did not take long for him to hear you say I love you.

Liam: You were away while he was at home but you could not help it. You job toke you out of the country, everywhere around the world. He was not the happiest about it but he said that it was okay since it was your job. He called you every day, texting non stop and everything in between. But today was different, he never called you and you were starting to get worried. He normally called by this time, twice I might add but he didn't. You made sure before walking into a meeting. You turned your phone on silent except for Louis Liam and Niall just in case one of them called. You were about half way through the meeting before you had to excuse yourself for a phone call you had received from Niall. "Ni, I am in a meeting, I can't talk." I say, listening closer and hearing sobs. "Ni?" I say, loosening up, maybe he was crying. "Liam, he won't talk. He kept on motioning to the phone and the photo of you him. He said that his phone was dead so I called you. Please just talk to him." Niall says "sure" I hear shuffling. "I miss you so much" was the first thing out of his mouth before more crying. "Hey, did you forget that I am coming home tomorrow. I am going to be there, with you less than 12 hours. Liam please just stop crying." You say. A tear rolling down your cheek. "You are ruining this for us!" Your boss says, pointing at you and the door. You nod, ignoring your boss and listen to Liam sob. "(Y/N)! Come on, you need to get in there and sell this." Your boss once again shouted at you. You ignored once again, just wishing you could hold Liam in your arms and tell him everything would be alright. "That's it, your fired!" You boss shouted, you stood up walking away, going to the airport. "Liam, I need to go" you say and he crud harder. You hang up the phone, buying ticket and grabbing your already packed suitcase and heading to the airport where you get home in less than 3 hours, finding Liam still on the couch, crying but he soon stops when he sees you.


He never really spoke about his grand mama dying. You knew they were really close but he never shredded a tear or show any emotion. It has been 5 months since that day, but today is not any ordinary day, it is her birthday and Zayn has been around Louis all day. You were in the office, upstairs and the music was blaring, blocking out the fun shots coming from the video games from below. I hear pounding on the door so you stop the music and yell come in. There stands a Louis pushing on Zayn, telling Zayn he needs to talk, use your words but Zayn does not say anything. "Louis go home and shut up, I will take care of my baby." I say, standing up and leading Zayn to the bed room where he finally stops crying and tells you everything that happened. How he saw an older looking woman who had a purse and it reminded him of his grand mama and everything connects and he finally broke. You just sat there, rubbing his back, unaware of what you should do. He eventually stopped crying and thanked you for being there for him.

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