
By HolyCraicHoran

9K 268 52


Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fourteen (2/2)
Chapter Sixteen (Final Chapter!)

Chapter Fifteen

322 11 1
By HolyCraicHoran

Louis was so stunned that he dropped his phone on the floor. He took a minute before picking the phone up and answering it again. "W….Why are you calling me?" was the first thing he asked. There was this long pause and Louis thought for a minute that Casey hung up; unfortunately he didn't.

"Where are you?" Casey asked. Louis blanched he had the audacity to ask him that, was Casey crazy.

Getting mad Louis build up his voice to reply, "I really don't think that's any of your business Casey." He said icily.

Heard Casey laugh, "Seriously Louis stop fucking around and tell me where you are so I can bring you home." He said.

Now it was Louis turn to laugh, "Are you serious, you honestly think I'm going to go back to you after what you did to me?" Louis stated.

Casey sighed into the phone, "Come on, stop blowing that situation out of proportion it wasn't that big of deal." He said carelessly.

"Out of proportion!" Louis yelled into the phone as he stood up in shock. "Are you out of your fucking mind, you tried to choke me you fucking bastard!" he cried.

"Louis listen—"No you listen!" Louis yelled angrily. "If you ever think about calling my phone again I won't hesitate to call the cops on you." He finished as he ended the call. Louis didn't notice that Harry walked out the bathroom, his curls all wet a towel wrapped around his waist. Louis turned around his eyes already tearing up from the conversation he had with Casey. He watched as Harry walked towards him, worry flooding those green eyes.

"Lou…who was that on the phone?" Harry asked as he brushed the tears away from Louis' eyes. Louis refused to speak, he wasn't sure his voice could even handle it. He felt Harry arms around his waist, pulling Louis in close.

"Louis?" Harry questioned again.

Louis started to shake his head as he buried his nose into the boy's neck, "Ca….Can you just hold me?" Louis asked tersely. Harry didn't question Louis' request and brought the boy closer, peppering his neck with little kisses. After a couple of minutes Louis sniffled and wiped his eyes, "You okay now?" Harry asked. Louis nodded his head.

"Wanna tell me who was on the phone and why you started crying?" he asked softly. Louis took a deep breath before catching Harry's eyes as he played with the end of the blankets. "…Casey…uh called." He said quietly.

Louis saw a flash of rage fly across Harry's face, "Why the fuck was he calling you?" he yelled. Louis flinched his gaze falling to the floor between their feet, "H….He wanted to know where I was." He answered quietly.

"Did you tell him?" Harry asked his voice still holding that anger tinge. Louis snapped his head up to look Harry square in the face.

"Of course not Harry….why would I even do that?" Louis asked incredulous. He watched Harry shrink back a bit.

"I'm sorry." He said. Louis shook his head, "It's fine…but he had the nerve to tell me that he wants to bring me home." Louis explained. Hearing this Harry's eyes darkened at the comment and not a second later was Louis wrapped up in Harry's scent.

"Louis you are home and if that twat even thinks about taking you I won't hesitate to kill him." He said as he kissed Louis lips. "I love you." Harry whispered. Louis hugged Harry close to his body, not wanting to ever let go.

"I love you to."

Well after Louis little breakdown Harry made sure to watch over the boy to make sure he was okay. He wanted to take Louis out the music room a couple times to just talk because he kept messing up his parts. However Louis insisted that he was alright and that he's over it, but Harry knowing the lad so long knew that he was still thinking about it.

It was at lunch when Harry noticed that Louis wasn't eating any of his food. He also noticed that he wasn't the only one noticing on how Louis was acting today. The rest of the boys were shooting Louis worried and concerned glances but the Louis chose to ignore them. It was Liam who asked first, him being the most observant of the group.

"Louis are you okay?" Liam asked as the other boy dissembled his chicken wrap. Louis looked up to see all the boys looking at him with concerned filled eyes. Sighing he straighten up, "I'm fine just nervous about the show." he said carelessly.

"Cut the bullshit Lou you've been acting weird since we left the flat this morning." Zayn said as he glared at Louis with hard eyes. Harry kicked Zayn from under the table, giving the boy a-lay-off look but Zayn ignored him.

Louis just stared and didn't say anything because his mind was stuck on about Casey. Even though Harry told him that everything would be alright, he just couldn't shake this feeling he had. Louis looked at Harry and he gave him a desperate look for help.

"Look guys nothing is going on alright just….give Lou some space alright?" Harry said. Zayn looked at Harry then to Louis before settling back into his chair, not wanting to stir something up for no reason. Liam nodded his head in understanding as did Niall, but Louis still looked on edge so he told the boys that he was going to walk around for a while.

Harry was going to say something but Louis was too quick. He watched solemnly as Louis walked out the cafeteria, he knew that Louis was still thinking about Casey. But he was sure that after they left the flat that everything was okay…..obviously not. Rubbing a hand over his face he let his head fall to the table with a sigh.

"Seriously though what happened after we left?" Niall asked as he poked Harry's side. Harry lifted his head and stared at the other boys.

"Casey called Louis this morning." He said angrily. He heard the three boys gasp, "The hell was he calling for?" Zayn shouted causing people to look over at their table.

"Shush up you could be any louder." Liam said as he elbowed Zayn in his side. "Sorry…now why did he call." He asked more quietly.

"That asshole had the nerve to say that he wanted Louis back to live with him." Harry stated his face scrunching up in annoyance.

"Is that bloke mental?" Niall asked incredulous, "Certainly he doesn't think that Louis would agree?" the blonde added.

Harry just shook his head, this whole situation needed to get sorted out before the show tonight. Because if it doesn't than everyone gets edgy, Liam would forget lyrics, Niall will mess up chords, Zayn would just not even be into the music, and Louis…God Louis probably wouldn't even get on stage. As for him he would break down because he can't handle that type of stuff.

"You need to go find him and talk." Liam said sensing Harry's distress. Harry nodded his head as he got from the seat, "Yah he's probably outside by the football field." He muttered before heading out the cafeteria.

When Louis left the cafeteria he headed straight for the football field. He always loved watching people play football, it relaxed him for some reason. He really missed playing during high school but he had to stop after he ruptured his Achilles heel. It was a real blow because he really love playing the game, however if he didn't stop playing he would've never got into music. Because the football players had a period to be out on the field Louis had to be put in another class….and that was music and that's where he met Harry.

So now sitting on the bleachers he watched silently as the players ran back and forth across the field. It was cold outside and he forgot to bring his jacket…which he wished that he brought. Sighing he wrapped his arms around himself trying to conserve any type of warmth. Suddenly he felt something cover his shoulders and looking up he expected it to be Harry but he was terribly wrong.

"You looked like you were cold." Casey said as he smiled down at Louis. Louis just stared up in shock before snatching the jacket off his shoulders and throwing it at Casey's face. How dare this bastard just walk up to him and try to play all nice, he was going to get up and leave but a hand came down on his shoulder. Louis was forced to sit back down on the bleachers with Casey hovering over him menacingly. Looking at Casey for the first time in a while he didn't feel the fear and nervousness he usually does when he was around the boy. So feeling this rush of confidence he slapped Casey's hand off his shoulder and stood up again.

"Get out my way Casey." Louis stated as he made a move to pass him. Casey didn't move an inch so Louis shoved him making the boy trip over one bleacher; Louis watched with some satisfaction when Casey fell in between one the seats. Smiling to himself he started to walk down the steps, "Louis get your ass back over here." Casey yelled as he followed Louis.

Just as Louis got to the last step he was shoved up against the railing, "Don't ignore me when I speak to you." Casey hissed, "When I talk you listen." He added. Louis felt his eyebrows pinch in annoyance, this sudden feeling of complete rage wreaked havoc inside his body and before he even thought about it, he spit in Casey's face and then kneed the boy in the balls.

"Fuck you Casey, I don't have to listen to anything that comes out of your fucking mouth." Louis yelled, "I don't like you, and I want you out of my life, I'm with Harry now so you just piss the fuck off and leave me the hell alone." Louis finished as he watched the boy curl up into a ball on the floor. After his ran he started to walk away but Casey grabbed him by the ankle and yanked.

Louis fell to the floor and as he quick as he did, Casey was straddling his hips in a heartbeat. Louis felt the confidence leak out his body at the look on Casey's face, he was mad…beyond mad…livid was the correct term for this. He saw Casey ball his hand into fist and reeled it back.

"Casey I swear to God if you hit Louis I will beat the shit out of you." Came a voice. Louis looked to the side to see Harry, his red lips set into a thin line, his hair getting whipped by the wind and from the look on his face, he wasn't impressed with the situation. Louis felt his heart pick up a bit, it was always Harry to his rescue, always him to show up and save him.

Casey turned to look at Harry his mouth screwing up into a snarl, "You have nothing to do with this." He growled.

Louis rolled his eyes because Casey was so fucking thick sometimes, he watched Harry walk closer to them, his face getting angrier and angrier. Then what shocked Louis the most was when Harry started to laugh….like it was a full on stomach clenching laugh. Confused Louis gave a Harry a what-the-fuck are you doing look.

Harry calmed down and wiped his eyes, "You have got to be the biggest tosser in London…seriously." Harry started as he bunched up Casey's shirt, he hauled the boy of Louis and slammed him against the railing. Louis watched Casey's struggle in Harry's grip, but Harry was to strong and Louis could tell that the boy was getting angry.

"Ya know after I beat the shit out of you the first time….I would've thought you would've learned your lesson but obviously not." He sneered. Casey opened his mouth to say something but Harry quickly kneed him in the stomach, "I'm not finished talking." He growled. And Louis couldn't help but think that Harry was fucking hot when he was angry. Harry leaned in close so that he was face to face with Casey.

"Now I'm only going to tell you this once." Harry started, "Stay the hell away from Louis…from us, I'm his boyfriend now and he doesn't want you, doesn't need you in his life, doesn't love you…do you get me?" Harry asked. Casey shakily shook his head yes.

"Great!" Harry praised, "Now if I even see you near Louis, or you so much as touch him I'm going to fuck you up, got it?" he asked.

Harry then finally let go of his shirt, and he watched amusingly as Casey walked swiftly off the bleachers. Turning around he helped Louis off the ground and fixed the boys shirt and brushed the dirt off his pants. Then he hugged Louis tight to his chest not letting go until Louis couldn't breathe.

"Are you okay?" Harry asked clasping Louis' face into his large hands. Louis smiled sheepishly before nodding his head yes.

"Thank you Harry." Louis said softly as he stared into Harry's green eyes. Harry shook his head as he rubbed his nose against Louis'.

"It's my job to protect you." he said, making Louis laugh, "Now are you ready for the show?" Harry asked as they made their way back into the building.

Louis nodded his head, "Yah definitely ready." he sounded confident, and that's what Harry wanted to hear.

He was pacing and it was starting to make Harry nervous. It was finally time for the talent show and everyone was ready but Louis. Everyone tried to calm him down; Liam tried talking to him in a calming voice but it just made Louis even more nervous, Zayn just told him to suck it up and charge through the whole show, and Niall just told him to eat something. Harry shook his head, he was trying to figure out why the boy was stressing so much about this, and he seemed fine an hour ago.

"Hey you guys are up in ten minutes." Our music teacher called peaking around backstage. That's when Louis started to spazz, we didn't even get a chance to ask what was wrong before he was sprinting to the toilets.

"Is he okay?" Niall spoke aloud as he looked at the group.

Harry stood up from the chair he was sitting in, "I'll make sure he's alright." he said.

"Hurry up mate we got ten minutes." Liam called after him.

Harry quickly made his way to the bathroom, and once he was in there he automatically heard Louis throwing up in one of the stalls. Wincing at the sounds he softly knocked the door, "Lou...babe you okay?" he asked.

There was another sicking sound of wreching before Louis opened the door, looking a bit pale. Harry moved out the way so that he can come out. "Are you alright?" Harry asked. Louis nodded his head before making his way to the sink to wash his mouth out. Harry watched him closely knowing something was wrong with his boobear, and was determined to figure out what it was.

"Here" Harry said as he gave Louis a stick of gum, "Now tell me what's wrong." he said leaning against the sink.

Harry watched Louis fiddle with his fingers as he stared at the floor, "I'm just nervous…like really nervous about the show." Louis confessed, his cheeks going red. Harry's green eyes softened, Louis was damn innocent and cute sometimes.

"It's alright Lou everything will be alright, we practiced these songs like a million times." Harry said, but Louis kept shaking his head.

"But what if I mess up, or forget a lyric or a dance step, Haz you know how uncoordinated I can be or wha—Harry cut the boy off with a soft kiss to his lips, cupping Louis' cheek as he did. Pulling away he saw pretty blue eyes staring at him. "You're not gonna mess up okay? Harry said bringing Louis close to his chest, as he peppered kisses on his neck.

"You need to relax." He whispered, biting Louis' ear. Louis whimpered, letting his head fall back. Harry chuckled at the action before fiddling with Louis' pants, unzipping them and pulling his cock out. Louis whined at the sight of Harry getting on his knees in front of him. "N…No you don't have to." Louis said as he Harry shimmed his pants and boxers down a bit.

Harry couldn't help but let a hearty laugh, "Oh really….then why his your hand pulling my hair in such a desperate way." He drawled. He watched a scowl form on Louis face, "You are such an ass." He retorted.

Harry only hummed in delight, "We got about five minutes so ima make it quick." Harry said, licking the head. Louis didn't even respond only tightened his hand in Harry's hair, pushing the boys head further. Harry growled low in his throat, the vibrations making Louis throw his head back in pleasure. Harry started to bob his head quick and fast, his other hand coming up to cup Louis' balls.

"Fuck H….Haz." Louis cries out. Harry went all the way down taking all of Louis in his hot mouth. Louis was so close to cumming but he wanted this to last a bit longer, wanted to feel Harry's mouth just a bit longer. But then Harry dragged his teeth slowly back up and that's when Louis lost it, cumming into Harry's mouth.

Harry came off with a pop, licking his lips as he stared right into Louis' blue eyes. "Taste so good Boo." Harry state as he stood up to kiss Louis, slipping his tongue into the boys mouth. Harry wrapped his arms around Louis' neck bringing him closer, breaking apart he lent his forehead against Louis'.

There was this silence before he felt Louis moving his jaw around, "I do taste good." he mused softly. Harry threw back his head and laughed before backing up. Louis cracked a smile to before giggling him self.

"What am I gonna do with you." Harry laughed. Louis hopped down of the sink and pulled his pants back on.

"So are you ready?" Harry asked taking Louis' hand in his.

Louis pecked him on the cheek, "Yah, let's do it."

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