
By HolyCraicHoran

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Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fourteen (2/2)
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen (Final Chapter!)

Chapter Five

479 15 2
By HolyCraicHoran

Harry was watching Louis the entire time they were going over the song. And he couldn't help but notice that the boy just wasn't into it today. It seemed that his mind was somewhere else and it definitely wasn't on the song. He couldn't count the times everyone had to stop the whole song because Louis was so distracted he would get off key. Harry was pretty sure that everyone else was catching on to the boys weird attitude and it was starting to worry them.

And all these little things...

They all finished the song in perfect tune, even though Louis wasn't really in it he came together in the end. "Alright mates guess we finally finished yeah?" Zayn proclaimed as he clapped his hands. Niall gave a loud whoop and got hushed by the teacher.

"So you think we'd be ready for the talent show?" Liam asked. Harry gave the boy a crazy look, "With this song and the two other Lou and I put together...I'm pretty sure we'll win." he said boldly.

"Confident much." Zayn muttered. "S'not always a bad thing to have ya know." Harry replied.

Zayn raised his hands in defense, "Didn't say it was mate," he laughed. The bell rung and the teacher pretty much told to us to scat. Harry took his time getting all his things together because he wanted to get a chance to talk to Louis. As soon as he saw the boy situate his bag over his shoulder he called his name before he could walk out.

"Lou-"Louis we need to talk." Liam said all of sudden completely cutting Harry off. Louis turned to look at Liam and then back to Harry.

"Um okay." Louis said as he looked at Liam. He gave a quick goodbye to Harry before he disappeared from sight. Harry was standing there dumbfounded, Liam had completely interrupted him which was very rude of him. Plus he wanted to talk to Louis and now he couldn't, he sighed before walking out the classroom. He knew that he asked Liam to get to the bottom of what's going to with Louis but he just have this feeling in his stomach.


Yep that's exactly what he felt and he didn't understand why, because Liam wasn't gay for one. Two Louis' wouldn't out with Liam right? Harry always thought that he and Louis had a deeper friendship than anybody else and it kind of made him feel special. As he went to his locker these thoughts circled in his head, what if Louis ended up falling in love with Liam? No No he wouldn't do that, besides Louis was in a relationship anyway so he wouldn't be thinking about dating other people.

Which meant that Louis would never fall for him. Well only if he breaks up with Casey...but that's another story. He was walking out to the parking lot when he realized something. Liam was probably just checking up on Louis, he might just wanted to know what was going on with him and Casey.

"Yeah Yeah that's probably it." Harry said to himself.

"Talking to yourself isn't healthy Harry." Niall said as he jumped on Harry's back.

"Ugh Niall what th—get off me." he laughed. Niall giggled before he shifted around and ended up in the curly haired boys arms.

"What's got you so hyped?" Harry asked.

Niall gave a bright smile, "Zayn's taking me out to eat." he said excitedly.

"Ah I see so where is he?" Harry asked.

Niall shrugged, "I have n-"Niall there you are." Zayn said as ran up to the two.

"Looking for a lost leprechaun." Harry joked as he dumped the blond into Zayn's arms.

"Niall I told you wait I was going to be right back." Zayn sighed. Niall wrapped his arms around the others neck. "You were taking to long so I decided to go and bother Harry." he huffed.

Zayn just shook his head as he carefully set Niall back on the ground. "Alright come one our were gonna be late." he said as he grabbed the blondes hand. Niall gave a quick bye before he was dragged on by Zayn. Harry sighed as he ran a hand through his curls, he envied Niall and Zayn's relationship..a lot. He wanted that to be him and Louis, he wanted it so bad but Casey was like a huge brick wall in between them. He prayed and hope that something will happen with Casey and Louis, maybe they'll break up.

Louis felt bad because Harry really looked like had something to say to him. But them Liam came out of nowhere and wanted to talk to him. He gave a small smile and quick bye before Liam pulled him out the classroom. That what was about ten minutes ago, and now they were sitting out on one of the benches outside. Louis was sitting down opposite of Liam, wringing his fingers in his sweater. Louis knew exactly why Liam wanted to talk to him, besides Harry, Liam is the only person that could see right through him.

He could feel Liam's brown eyes boring at him, waiting for Louis to explain. "Louis he tried to choke you didn't he." Liam said, it was meant to be a question but Louis knew that Liam was stating the obvious.

Louis looked up to, "What makes you say that?" he asked quietly. Liam sighed before coming around to sit next to Louis.

"Lou that was the turtleneck I got you for Christmas last year and you swore that you'd never wear it." he said. Louis turned his head so Liam couldn't see his face, tears welling up in his eyes. He worried his lip as he rubbed at his arm.

"He did didn't he?" Liam whispered.

Louis was shaking by now, "Y...yesterday and in the stairwell today." Louis said as he slowly turned back around. Liam instantly put an arm over the boys shoulder for comfort. "Over what?" Liam asked. Louis sighed before wiping at his eyes in frustration, "Yesterday he mad that I caught an attitude with him." Louis explained. "And today...I...t...told him that I wanted to break up...a...and he got mad.

Louis tried so hard to hold the tears in but he just couldn't. He buried his face into Liam's shoulder his tears wetting the shirt the other boy had on. Liam felt his own eyes water a bit, Louis was in so much pain and he wasn't sure how long the boy would last. "Louis this has to stop." Liam said after awhile.

Louis furiously shook his head, "But look what he did to me Liam!" he cried, "I can't break up with him." he shouted. Liam looked off to the side for minute to take a breath, he needed to calm his own self down before trying to calm Louis down. He couldn't bare to see his friend in so much despair, seeing him like this was almost bringing him to tears.

"This has to stop Louis if you can't handle it than I will, or do you want Harry to get in this to?" Liam asked as he turned back around.

Louis frantically shook his head back and forth, his eyes wide with fear. "No you can not under any circumstances tell Harry." he cried. Liam actually jumped at the sudden outburst from the other boy. He sighed, he knew that telling Harry would probably be best because he knew Louis better than anybody. Plus he was the whole reason why Liam was so hell-bent on figuring out why Louis has been acting the way he is these past months. However Harry won't take it well if he finds out what's been happening to Louis.

He rubbed a hand over his face," Alright I won't tell but I don't want you living with him anymore." Liam said as he stood up from his seat. Louis stared up at him with watery eyes, "What do you mean?" he asked.

"I mean that you are going to pack your things and stay with me for now on." he stated. Louis opened his mouth to object but Liam held a hand up. "Isn't it time for him to go visit his brother anyway?" Liam questioned.

Louis perked up, "Yah...I think he's leaves tomorrow night." he said. Liam smiled at this, "So just pack your stuff up now and just stash it somewhere until tomorrow and then I'll come and pick you up." he said. Louis thought about this for a minute, he had totally forgot that Casey leaves every so often to go visit his older brother whose been...put away. Louis tried to get Casey to tell him why exactly his brother was placed there, but all he could get out of the boy was that his brother had some serious anger issues. But other than that, it would be easy to just pack his stuff up tonight because it's Monday so Casey probably won't be back till six or even later. The more he thought about it the more it sounded like a good plan.

"Okay I'll do but please don't tell Harry." Louis said. Liam stared down at his friend and shook his head before holding out a hand. Louis took it and stood up from the bench a confused look settled on his face.

"Louis you need to tell Harry." Liam said simply. Louis started shaking his head but Liam continued, "I don't know if you noticed but he's been really worried about you...hell all of us are worried about you Louis and I know you don't want us to but you just can't shy away from us when you need us the most."

Louis stubbornly wiped at his eyes, "I know Liam but I don't want Harry involved at all, because of Casey sees me with him...-" Louis' sentence trailed off as he looked off to the side and Liam had a good gist of what the boy was going to say. That explained why he didn't stop to say hi after first period when they past in the hallway.

Liam smiled before giving Louis a hug, "Don't worry everything will be alright okay?" he whispered.

Louis only nodded his head, he knew that Liam was trying to help. But telling him that everything will be okay is a bit cliche, usually things like this never end well. However Louis will try to look on the bright side of things and hopefully it will turn on good.

It was two hours later that Louis finally got most if his stuff into some bags and stashed under the bed. He was sitting down on the couch with a cup of tea with his lyric sheets in front of him. He really wish Niall was here so he could play his guitar and practice the song a bit, but he had to settle for humming.

However his humming stopped when heard the front door open, a slew of curses following it. Louis tensed as he watch Casey saunter into the living room with a smirk on his face. He tried to act like he didn't see the other boy at all and went back to music. Suddenly the papers he had in hands were snatched away from him, Louis looked up irritated.

"Do look at me like that Tommo." Casey stated waving a finger in Louis' face. Louis refrained from pushing himself into the couch, hoping that Casey wouldn't do anything. Louis waited for the other boy to do something, but when he didn't he hesitantly look up. Casey frowned before raising a hand to touch Louis' cheek, said boy flinched slightly.

"Why do you always flinch away from me?" Casey asked, a look of complete sorrow on his face. Louis' mouth fell open a bit, was Casey seriously asking that question? Has he gone completely mad, he was going to voice this but Casey was playing with the end of his shirt.

"Take you sweater off." he said softly. Louis didn't hesitate to do what the other boy told him. He learned very quickly that if you didn't listen to Casey then things will get ugly. So he put his pencil down on the coffee table and slipped his sweater over his head. Louis let the sweater fall to the floor, then looked back up to Casey. The boy was staring at his neck and he could already feel the tears welling in his eyes...he hated it when Casey did this.

"I'm sorry Louis." he whispered as he touched the bruises on Louis' neck. Casey bit his lip as his hands trailed from my throat and down to my wrapped arm. He looked back up at Louis, "Let me love you." he said as he pushed Louis down on the couch. Louis stared up at Casey, trying to figure out why he was having butterflies in his stomach. His breath hitched when he felt the other boys lips ghost over his, he waited for but nothing happened.

He felt Casey smile a little before rubbing his nose against Louis' own. Louis couldn't help it as he rubbed back; this is what made him fall in love with Casey. The little sweet things that Casey used to do is what got to Louis the most. It would be anything; Casey would come all the way to his dorm to bring roses, or drive him to his classes, and on date nights it was just perfect. But then everything went down hill four weeks after they've been together. Louis wasn't really sure what caused Casey to get distant, and then violent, but on days like this he just couldn't..."You know I have to leave tomorrow night right?" Casey asked suddenly. Louis nodded his head yes, getting the feeling that he would be so sore tomorrow.

"Louis." Casey drawled as the boys hand dipped into Louis' pants. "I love you." he whispered.

Louis looked up and with a sigh he...whispered the words back.

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