
By HolyCraicHoran

9K 268 52


Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fourteen (2/2)
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen (Final Chapter!)

Chapter Three

626 20 1
By HolyCraicHoran

Louis couldn't stop the words that came out of his mouth when Liam called. He told the other boy everything about Casey and what's been going on for the past couple of weeks. He begged and cried for Liam not to tell the other boys especially not to Harry. It's been hours now that Louis has been crying his eyes out when he promised Liam that he would break up Casey soon.

"Promise Louis?" Liam asked

"I...p...promise Liam just don't...t...tell Harry." he breathed as he wipes his eyes.

He heard Liam sigh before saying a soft goodbye. After Louis got off the phone he took a deep breath before sitting up and walking to the bathroom. He caught his reflection in the mirror and was disgusted; this wasn't the Louis he knew. The bruises that littered his collarbone and shoulder was so prominent. He hated himself for letting some asshole do this to him, he hated the fact that he had no control, He felt the tears built up in his eyes as he looked for something to wrap his arm in, because there was no way in hell was he going to school like that in the morning.

After wrapping his arm up he headed back to the bedroom to go to sleep. He didn't want to be awake when Casey got back because he was sure that he would be drunk and mad as hell. And Louis was in no mood to get hit, punched or kicked at this time of night. As he lay in bed the only thing he could think of was Harry and how he wished that the curly haired boy could be here with him. He imagined those arms around his waist as Louis cuddled into his chest. A small smile formed on his face as his eyes fluttered shut...his mind on nothing but Harry.

Louis woke up with Casey's arm around his waist tightly. He couldn't help but flinch a bit when the other boy moved. He carefully maneuvered the boys arm off him and he scampered off to the bathroom to get ready for school. After taking a hot shower he took the bandages off his arm to look at the damage done by Casey. He worried his lip at the angry red burn marks on his looked pretty bad lucky for him he had some cream for it. Wrapping his arm up again he quietly walked out of the bathroom and headed to the closet to find something to wear. He had to pick something that would cover everything...everything as in all the bruises he had all over his body. He settled on a red turtleneck and some jeans, he stopped to look around for his red Toms but couldn't find them.

Sighing he walked back out the closet and noticed that Casey was up and staring right at him.

"Morning Louis." Casey mumbled before getting up and pulling Louis into a hug. Casey nuzzled his neck before he kissed the other boy on lips. "M'sorry about last night...I didn't mean to yell at you." Casey whispered in his ear. Louis gently pushed the other boy away, he couldn't stand to have Casey anywhere near him right now. He had absolutely no right to say such things to him, not after what he did Louis.

"You say that...but the bruises are still there." Louis said softly as he stepped around the boy. He walked over to the bed and picked up his book bag; looked under the bed to see if his shoes were there. Sighing when he didn't see them he stood back up and brushed past Casey. "I told you I was sorry." Casey said as he grabbed the back of Louis' shirt, whipping the boy against the wall. Louis felt that streak of confidence fill him just like yesterday when he yelled at Casey over the phone.

"What, are you going to his me again?" Louis asked. He saw the look of pure rage on the blondes boy face.

"Or do you want to throw more hot tea on me?" he asked. Louis stared at Casey...waiting for the boy to do something.

He laughed a bit, "Tommo don't tempt me to do both...but since I'm in a good mood I won't fuck with you, but do remember what I said about that curly haired twat." Casey hissed. Louis kept his mouth shut as he watched Casey walk off to the bathroom. He felt the tears gather in his eyes, and he quickly wiped them away, frustrated that Casey had so much control over him. Sniffing he walked out the bedroom and to the living. Sitting right there by the door were his shoes, sighing he walked over at slipped them on his feet. Grabbing his jacket he was out the door before Casey could stop him and ask him if he needed a ride to the campus.

Louis usually always walks to campus because Casey's apartment wasn't that far from it. He was just rounding the corner when Zayn pulled up his car. "Hey Lou need a ride?" he asked with a bright smile. Louis eyes the boy like a saint, he wouldn't admit it but he really hated walking to campus. His feet always got sore and he always ended up tired by the time he got there. He just never told anybody because he didn't want to bother other people with his own problems.

"So what's up Louis haven't seen you around lately?" Zayn said. Louis shifted his gaze to the window.

"Been busy y'know homework...projects." Louis said. He wasn't really in the mood to talk about what was really keeping him from his friends.

"Mhhm right Harry has been ranting for the past couple of weeks about you." Zayn said after a while.

Now this was something that peaked Louis' mind...Harry was thinking of him. "Oh do tell." he drawled making Zayn laugh. He goes on telling the brunette about how Harry complains about not being able to see is boo-bear for weeks. Louis started to smile, he was really happy that Harry was so concerned about his well-being. As he listened to Zayn Louis couldn't help but think that Harry felt more for him than a friend. I mean yes they were best friends, but what friends obsess over the things that Harry obsesses over. Louis would like to think that Harry like him more than a friend, but he just couldn't see it. Harry was to perfect, he was everything a girl wants in a guy, and he was going to fuck it up by being gay.

"Finally were freaking glad this is our last year." Zayn complained as he parked the car. Louis nodded his head in agreement. I mean he was all for school and all but after three whole years of this...not even three if add in the four from elementary then four from middle...and high school. You get the point, schools annoying and Louis had about enough of it. Grabbing his bag he hooked it over his shoulder and stepped out the car.

"ZAAAYNNNNNN!" the two boys looked behind them to see Niall running up to them with Harry and Liam in tow. Louis noticed the little smile on Zayn's face as the little Irish bounded up to his and jumped into the boys arms.

"Morning." Niall stated brightly. Zayn laughed a little, "Morning ya little leprechaun." he answered with a kiss to the cheek.

"Aw what kind of good morning kiss was that." Niall complained as he buried his face in the other boys tanned neck.

Louis laughed at the boys antics, Niall was like a ball of energy always up and doing something.

"He's like a freaking spider monkey." Liam commented. Making Harry laugh, his laugh was so cute. Louis watched as Niall whipped his head around to Liam, "Who you calling a spider monkey." he scowled.

"I'm not the one clinging and squeezing the life out of Zayn." Liam retorted. Niall pouted bur reluctantly let go of Zayn's neck and was gently set to the ground.

"It's to early for this." Louis muttered as he started to walk towards the building.

Harry saw Louis walking towards the school so he headed off to walk with the boy. "Hey Lou...wait up." he called out. Louis stopped and faced him a sweet smile on the boys face.

"Hey Harry what's up?" Louis asked.

"Nothing much really, how was the meeting." Harry asked as he followed Louis inside.

"Uh meeting?" he questioned. "Casey Parents?" Harry said. Louis made an oh with is mouth, his eyes looking off to the side, " was fine...had lots of fun." he answered. Harry saw that look before; he saw it when Casey called Louis yesterday during there little outing. He noticed the other boy rubbing at his arms unconsciously, telling Harry that Louis was nervous for some reason.

"Louis are you really okay?" Harry asked. Louis turned to look at him, "I'm fine Haz really don't worry about me...oh and I promise to make it up to you for yesterday." Louis stated as he hugged the curly haired boy before going off to class. Harry watched him carefully as he walked to class.

"Hey Louis wait up." Niall shouted, he started run after the but before he could Zayn twirled him around and pecked him on the lips. "See ya at lunch." he muttered. Niall was to dazed to even answer all he could do was nod his head.

Zayn watched as the blonde boy brushed past Harry yelling a see you later as he ran to catch up with Louis. Harry stopped and waited for the other two to catch up with him. "You have him in the palm of your hand you know," Liam said. Zayn laughed, "Pretty much, I'll see you guys later." Zayn said as we pass his classroom.

"Liam." Harry said suddenly as they walked to the staircase that led to there classroom.

"Yes." Harry really wanted to know what was going on with Louis. However he was a bit afraid of what he would actually find out.

"Did you get a chance to talk to Louis?" he asked softly. They both walked into there classrooms and took a seat in there chairs in the back by the window. Liam sighed before running hand through his brown hair.

"Harry should really just wait till he has time to tell you." Liam said scratching the back of his head. Harry wasn't going to take that not at all, "What if Louis is in serious trouble Liam." Harry said. Liam sighed.

"Louis told me that he'd take care of it...he promised." Liam stated. Harry started to shake his head back and forth, not wanting to hear that.

"But the bruise Liam that just didn't come out of nowhere." Harry argued. "Look Louis told me that he'll take care of it. Do you trust him?" Liam asked. Harry looked flabbergasted, what kind of question was that.

"Of course I trust him he's my best friend!" Harry explained. Liam waved him off, "Alright then like I said...Lou has it under control." he said.

Harry didn't chance to say anything else because the teacher walked in and told everyone to sit down. Turning the front Harry moved his gaze from the board and to the window. He did trust Louis but something in his gut was telling him that Louis most definitely did not have any control over the situation. Louis is a very happy and cheerful person, but he is also so insecure and shy about things. Meaning that he would let anyone boss him around and he wouldn't do anything about it. He sighed, he knew that Liam meant well; telling him not to worry about it. But there was this nagging little voice in the back of his head telling him that everything was not so peachy as Liam put it. Why was everything so difficult in life, all he wanted was to make his boobear happy. But with that bloke in the way, and these bruises that Louis seems to be hiding. There was no way that he could just storm in there apartment and demand what the hell was going on...even though that's a perfectly good idea. Let alone profess his love Louis at the same time.

"Why is life so difficult." Harry moaned, his head hitting the desk with a thump.

Liam chuckled, "Because it's life." he answered.


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