Where We Left Off - The Shield

By harleyreigns

40.9K 943 99

Corey Gonzalez and Jaylynn Conners both return to WWE after leaving for 7 months due to injuries. But before... More

1. Back At WWE
2. First Match Back
3. At The Hotel
4. Lunch Date
5. Weird But Fun Night
6. Triple, Triple Threat
7. Wasted
8. Seriously
9. Info On Our Friendship
10. Some Time Out
11. I Think You Should Rest
13. Waiting Room
14. Going Home
15. New #1 Contender
16. Wrestle Mania!!
17. She's Back
18. I'm Sorry
19. Raw
20. Chicago
21. Quality Time
22. Thick As Thieves : Part 1
23. Thick As Thieves : Part 2
24. Hotel
25. Funeral

12. The Triple Threat Match

1.4K 38 3
By harleyreigns


"I don't even think you should be wrestling." Brie said to me. Last week I kinda told Nikki and Brie everything and they've been there for me. Yeah I know Paige, Seth and Roman were oh my side but if I would of told them, they would of said something to Dean and he would of told Jay. And because Jay wouldn't of heard it from me, it would of caused a big fight.

"I'm only wrestling tonight then I'm done. Until I'm 100% again, which will only take 2 weeks." I told her.

"Alright well, we will be waiting for you after your match." Nikki said handing my leather jacket.

"Thanks." I said getting up and putting it on.

"No problem and we can drive you to the hospital tomorrow to if you want?" Nikki asked.

"Works for me." I answered.

"Perfect, now let's get you to the gorilla." Brie said and we all walked there together. Everyone else was already there, including Meredith. I'm happy in one more day I'm not gonna have to deal with her and I'll have my best friend back.

"Hi Corey." Jay said to me as we all stood together, that's first time she's spoken to me other than that little argument in the kitchen the first night Meredith was here.

"Hi Jay." I said back.

"Haven't gotten to talk to you at all." She said.

"Yeah well you were busy." I said.

"We have a few minutes until our match if you wanna go talk." She suggested.

"I think it's a little to late for that." I said as the match before us ended to early.

"Later then?" She asked.

"When Meredith Leaves, I'll tell you everything and how I've been dealing with it without you." I answered in a pissed off tone. I want her to know I'm mad at her, seriously when Meredith is around Jay changes to much and in a way it feels like she abandons me.

But anyways Jay went quite, her and the boys went up to the top of the arena for their entrance since me and Paige have our own. Jays gonna come down with The Shield.

"You laid it on kinda thick." Brie mumbled.

"I want her to feel horrible." I said As Paige went and did her entrance, she was going first and then Jay was coming out and me last.

"Yeah we know, but just focus on Winning this match so you can go to wrestle mania in 1 month." Nikki said.

"Don't worry I am." I said. Jay did her entrance with the shield she got into the ring and my theme started playing. I waited for the right spot in the song before I walked out and did my entrance with the fireworks going off and the lights flickering until I got to the ring.

We all got ready and the referee called for the bell, The Shield stayed at ring side and watched the match.We all circled each other, no one knew who to attack who at first but then I turned my attention to Paige and attacked her and Jay joined in, so it looked like we were working together but that wasn't my plan to work with her.

Once we got Paige down and out, we threw her out of the ring. So it's me and Jay now, the crowd was going crazy for this, we've never faced each other at all before, so this is the first time.

We locked up and I managed to over power her which wasn't easy considering how weak I am right now. I went to put her in a head lock and she quickly grabbed the ropes, then I tried bouncing us off the ropes and into a pin but she held on to the ropes to tight so I went straight on my back and rolling over and back on my feet again and she kicked me right in the face and she went to pin me but Paige quickly broke that up.

Paige started attacking her and I rolled over into the corner to try to get back up on my feet. I turned around and Jay got thrown outside of the ring and it was just me and Paige.

I quickly went after her with a clothesline and she ducked it, I turned around and she kicked me in the face. She grabbed me by my hair and she went to the apron and did those kicks to the chest that she always does.

"This is my house!" She yelled and got back into the ring. I hit her with a forearm across her face and picked her up for Alabama slam as most wrestlers call it. I slammed her into the mat and went for a quick pin and she kicked out at 2.

I set her up in the corner and I got on the top rope I was going to go for one of my signature moves but Paige hit me across the face and Jay came back in and tossed her out of the ring.

Jay tried suplexing me but I wasn't letting it happen. Then Paige got back in the ring and was gonna power bomb Jay and she had me still set up for the suplex. They both went for it anyways and I landed on my neck and flew half way across the ring. Paige came over and pinned me, lucky I put my foot on the rope and the ref noticed.

''Her foots on the rope Paige." The ref said to her and she threw a huge fit.

"You gotta be kidding me!'' She yelled in his face, then grabbed me and set me up for the rampage. She went for a pin and this time I was able to kick out.

"Come on! It was 3!" She yelled at the ref again. She actually started fighting with him and I set her up for my backstabber move. I was gonna pin her but I seen Jay was still laid out and I want her to feel betrayed like I did. So I rolled Paige out of the ring.

I went over to Jay and lifted her up, I did the backstabber finishing move again and pinned her.

"1...2...3!" The ref counted.

"Ladies and Gentlemen your winner and the number one contender for the divas championship, who will face Kaitlyn at Wrestle Mania, Corey Gonzalez!" Lillian announced as my theme played. Jay looked so shocked because I pinned her.

I got out of the ring and didn't bother to Celebrate, I headed back stage. Brie, Nikki, John and Dolph were waiting for me, yes they know to.

"There's the new number one contender." John said.

"Congrats." Brie and Nikki said in unison.

"Thanks." I said as we all hugged, even Dolph and John.

"You ready to get out of here?" Dolph asked.

"Definitely." I answered and we slowly walked towards the locker rooms.

"How you feeling?" Brie asked me.

"I'm not in a lot of pain but it's still hurting." I answered.

"Where the hell is she?!" We all heard, it had to of been Jay.

"She's pissed Corey." Nikki said as we all stopped.

"That's to bad I didn't want her pissed, I wanted her upset." I told them.

"Let's go." Brie said and we started walking again.

"COREY!" Jay yelled and I knew she was right behind us, we all stopped and turned around.

"What Jay?" I asked.

"Are you serious? You broke a promise to me that we've keep for over 4 years!" She yelled and got in my face.

"And you broke one that we made 2 weeks ago, at least I kept my promises longer than you ever could!" I yelled back in her face.

"Got to hell Corey." She said.

"This is Hell Jaylynn, especially having you as a friend!" I yelled at her and I turned to walk away.


They were both getting into a heated argument, Corey turned to walked away and Jay grabbed her and slammed her into the wall and she fell to the floor, Jay started kicking her in the stomach and Roman grabbed her and held her back with Seth, Dean and Paiges help. Then freaking Meredith came over and Nikki went right after her and damn near killed her.

"This is all your fault you fucking bitch!" Nikki yelled at her and me and John pulled her off of Meredith.

"Guys, we gotta get her to the hospital now. She's not waking up!" Dolph said, he was holding Corey and trying to get her to answer him but she was knocked out. Roman went right over to Corey.

"Corey please." He said then I looked down at her stomach. It was already bruising.

"Oh my god, Jay busted it." I said and Dolph picked her up.

"John go with him we'll meet you at the hospital, go!" Nikki told John and they both ran.

"Busted what?" Roman asked.

"We're not allowed to say but make sure when Jay calms down, tell her that she just killed her friend." Nikki answered.

"I did what?! All I did was knock the bitch out." Jay yelled.

"See if you were paying attention at all this week and would of been there for her you would of known!'' Nikki yelled in Jays face.

"Known what!?" Jay asked.

"Her stomach ulcers came back the day before you guys returned and she didn't realize it until after, the stomach ulcers were way worse this time around and it all happened so fast. She has stomach cancer, she has tumors in her stomach and you just busted them." Nikki explained to her and Jay let out a tear from her eye.

"If you weren't such a horrible person you would of known, but instead you chose a no good bitch over her." Nikki said and slapped Jay across her face.

"You and your bitches have fun with out Corey because there's no way she'll ever forgive you, or any of you for that matter." I Said.

"Let's go, I hope they got her there on time." Nikki said and we left to go straight to the hospital.


"You just killed her." I yelled in Jays face and Dean backed me up away from her. Paige and Seth were still holding her.

"I didn't know Roman, none of us did." Jay said.

"If you weren't such a horrible friend we all could of been there for her, but she wanted you to know first and you didn't give a fuck!" I yelled her.

"I'm sorry." She said with tears running down her face.

"Your sorry, you've gotta learn that sorry isn't going to fix everything! I hope you have a pathetic and miserable time with out her and one day I hope you rot in hell. Also, I hope that pathetic bitch over there on the floor, was worth it!" I yelled at her and I walked away from all of them.

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