Stranger Things Imagines

By KatetheKat8

956K 11.8K 7.3K

highest ranking: #7 in 'Dustin' & #1 in 'Duffer Brothers' Imagines ranging from the high end of the spectrum... More

Mom Steve
It's Just A Game, Alright?
Halfway Heartbroken
What's Happening To Me?
Goodnight Kiss
stranger talk
stranger talk II
It Wasn't A Suggestion
It Wasn't A Suggestion (pt. 2)
It Wasn't A Suggestion (pt. 3)
Perfect (pt. 2)
Dustin's Little Sister
Dustin's Little Sister (pt. 2)
Dustin's Little Sister (pt. 3)
Meeting Max
Date to the Upside Down
Cold Coffee
stranger talk III
stranger talk IV: EXCITED
Merry Christmas, Harrington
Hot Chocolate
stranger talk V
Christmas Jealousy
Christmas Tree
Matching Ugly Christmas Sweaters
Alcholic Punch
Christmas Movie Marathon
Only For You
Stranger Talk VI: Net Neutrality
Stranger Talk VII: Internet
Between Us
Stranger Talk VIII: YOU GUYS
Will You Dance With Me?
Near Death
Ice Skating
Stranger Talk: Sorry Guys
Let It Snow
Out Of My League
Stranger Talk VIIII: Happy Birthday, Wolfhard
Stranger Talk: Announcement!
Stranger Talk: Merry Christmas!
Best Wishes
Good To Know
How Sweet
How Sweet (part two)
Stranger Talk: OMG
Frozen (pt. 2)
Frozen (pt. 3)
Frozen (pt. 4)
Frozen (pt. 5)
Stranger Talk: Let's Talk
Frozen (pt. 6)
Frozen (pt. 7)
Frozen (pt. 8)
That's A Yes
I'll Make An Exception
Stranger Talk: Requests
Stranger Talk: V V Quick
Don't Wait For Me
Stranger Talk: AHHHH
While You Count Sheep
Stranger Talk: YES
Stranger Talk: New Cover??? You Choose
Stranger Talk: New Cover??? You Choose (pt. 2)
Stranger Talk: OOF
Stranger Talk: OH MY GOD
Stranger Talk: im sick
Party Harder
Stranger Talk: Y'ALL
Stranger Talk: Golden Globes & A Short Talk About This Book
One Call Away
Stranger Talk: OMLLLL
Stranger Talk: Really Think The Internet Has Lost Its Mind
Stranger Talk: Q&A?
Stranger Talk: Top Twenty
Rootbeer Float
Stranger Talk: Q&A?
Stranger Talk: Inspiration
Jailed Dreams, Fairytales, & Just A Kid
Stranger Talk: Stranger Things & IT Questions Answered
Up All Night
Stranger Talk: Requests
Stranger Talk: Poll
Stranger Talk: Face Reveal But Not Much Of A Surprise
Stranger Talk: More Requests
Stranger Talk: YEE 10 THOUSAND
Heat Exhaustion
Stranger Talk: Twitter & Jack Dylan Grazer
Stranger Talk: ultimate playlist
Don't You Dare (part one)
Stranger Talk: 12 Thousand!!!!
Stranger Talk: Life's Better With A Coke
Stranger Talk: GUYS
Headaches & Heartaches
Stranger Talk: :)
Stranger Talk: New Cover, Voting Ready :)
Stranger Talk: Winning Cover
Stranger Talk: Spotify Playlist Yee
Stranger Talk: 15k & More
Stranger Talk: 16K & I'm Sick
Happy Valentine's Day!
Stranger Talk: Yay! & DREAMS
Stranger Talk: About This Book & 18K
it was hard
Stranger Talk: New Book
I have a problem....
Two Things
overflowing with happiness
overflowing with bad karma
thank u, next

Just One More

21.4K 432 206
By KatetheKat8

a/n: so, for this imagine it might get a little frisky so just want you to know that & yes, it's a Steve Harrington (aka the love of my life) imagine. enjoy :)

Rolling over and waking up in a bed that wasn't yours was only slightly part of the issue. The other was that you were laying next to your boyfriend of only a few months, and you weren't wearing a shirt.

You couldn't remember exactly what happened but you must've moved a little too much which made Steve wake up beside you, rolling over as you began to get out of bed.

He grabbed your wrist, pulling back to him before you could escape as he pulled you underneath his bare chest, your heart race speeding up rather quickly.

He smiled, a smirk taunting you, as your eyes captured his. He didn't do much but stare back at you with stars in his eyes while you kept quiet, waiting for him to say something, anything, that could hint to last night that would lead you up to this point.

"God, you're gorgeous."

Even with the mass confusion, getting a compliment from your boyfriend was never declined in any situation. You gratefully accepted it, smiling back up at him.

He leaned down slowly and placed a soft kiss on your cheek, moving slowly down your face and towards your collar bone. You squirmed a little, trying to get his attention but he was focused on you instead of what you needed.

"Steve." You said, trying to get his eyes up to yours but he wouldn't look away from your body. Growing slightly uncomfortable, you said his name a little louder now, grabbing his attention. "Steve."

He looked up, coming back up to where your face was to see what you needed. "Yes?"

Your mind was fuzzy with confusion as you began to ask him, "What happened last night?" He smiled a little so maybe it was something good, maybe the opposite of what you were thinking.

"Long story short, you came over here crying because you thought I was breaking up with you. I brought you inside to calm you down and we watched TV some, you smoked a little which is something you usually never do unless you're stressed, and then you got tired so you went up to my bedroom to sleep. Apparently, you also wanted to make out with me before you went to bed so that happened and now here we are."

You closed your eyes as a wave of stupidity washed over you. "Why did I think we were breaking up?" Steve looked down at you again before answering.

"Some idiot had started a rumor that I was going to break up with you, which I wasn't, and you heard it."

You nodded, trying to roll out from underneath Steve but he wasn't going to let you go that easily without a few good morning kisses.

"Hey, I'm not done just yet." He said as you sighed, reaching over for the large t-shirt that Steve had near the side of his bed. Your fingers grasped it as you pulled it back to you and slid it on over your head.

You felt better now that you had a t-shirt at least but you still needed to get home and tell your mom where you were.

"Steve, I need to go." You exclaimed but couldn't suppress a small giggle when he kissed you on a certain spot he knew got you every time, the sweet spot.

"You want to leave me so you can go out into the world where you heard that shit from a stranger?" He asked, looking down at you with eyes that got you every time. They just seemed to captivate you.

Your fingers reached up for the hem of his shirt but he didn't have one on, so it wasn't very helpful. You grabbed another shirt and pulled it over his head so you could play with the hem, to calm your skyrocketing nerves.

When he finally had it on, your fingers found the hem of it as they messed around with it as his eyes kept staring at yours.

Eventually, you got tired of the staring contest, and apparently so did he, as he put his lips against yours, not soft but definitely not rough. Your stomach exploded with butterflies every time you felt those lips on yours.

God, you loved them.

He let go as a wide smile spread across your face. He took notice of this and leaned down to your cheek, placing a soft kiss there as he lead it back to your lips again.

If there was one thing Steve Harrington was good at, it was keeping you with him as long as he wanted to. He had a certain way that he did it, and it felt so much like a spell that you couldn't escape or break it.

"Okay, okay, Harrington, I really need to go." You laughed out as you heard a light come on downstairs.

"You want to leave me?" He mumbled against your skin, his hot breath tickling the hairs on the back of your neck.

You shook your head softly. "I don't want to but I have to." Footsteps were now being heard coming up the stairs towards Steve's bedroom.

"Your parents don't mind if they find us in this position right?" You asked, trying to reassure the information. Steve shook his head.

"No, they love you but not as much as I do." He mumbled again against your neck as your hands played with the back of the hem of his shirt.

A knock was on the door before his mom opened it to see Steve laying on top of you, his face buried in the crook of your neck, and your fingers fidgeting with his hem.

"Hey, ___, you okay? You seemed pretty shaken up last night." She asked, making certain you were okay. You answered with a small nod instead of words as she let out a small smile.

"Steve, come downstairs because we want to talk to both of you."

Steve mumbled an 'okay' against your neck as his mom shut the door and walked back down the stairs. He sat up off of you, allowing a chance for you to get up and climb out of the bed, your hair messily tangled together.

You quickly ran a hand through it, getting it smoother than before as Steve opened the door and grabbed your hand to walk downstairs.

Steve had placed you next to him on the couch, a blanket draped over your knees as his parents sat at the kitchen table, drinking coffee and his dad reading the newspaper. Steve came back over to you after washing a dish or two he had to clean, and plopped down next to you.

He leaned close to your ear and whispered, "I seriously hope you realize how stunning you are in the morning." He watched as a smile placed itself on your lips and you laughed a little, sliding down slightly so you could place your head on his shoulder.

He gratefully accepted it.

While you laid there, you searched for his hand and couldn't find it for a while before he recognized what you were doing and handed it to you. You gratefully intertwined them together as his parents made their way into the den now.

"So, what did you need to talk about?" Steve asked, kind of annoyed that he couldn't just spend his whole day focusing on you.

"Well, we just want to say, first of, how happy we are for the both of you. ___, you're such a stunning young lady and we're still not sure how Steve managed to find you but we do have some rules. No sex until later on."

His dad looked at you sternly as you suddenly grew stiff against your boyfriend. He felt it as he quickly explained the whole situation to his parents, his dad's stern look growing into a soft approval.

You instantly relaxed against your boyfriend, pushing yourself against him more. "We just want to be careful, alright? Oh, also, I want you to really treat her right. She's a lucky girl."

Steve nodded at his parents as they got up and began to leave for work but it was Saturday for the two of you. They each left right after the other, leaving you alone in the house with Steve.

"Can I kiss you?" You asked softly in the now quiet household as Steve snickered. You were slightly nervous of making the first move but maybe he would do it instead.

"You don't ever have to ask that."

Before you could respond, you felt his lips brushing yours softly, beginning to press onto yours but he pulled them back to a soft brushing before you could really hang on.

You groaned in annoyance, just wanting the feeling of his lips on yours as he smirked. "Hey, I know you want it but the good things come in proportions."

He began to pull away but you desperately wanted the feeling again so you leaned closer to him to see if he would kiss you but he just smiled.

You looked up at your boyfriend, now the look of desperation in your eyes. He smiled, seeing the look, and leaned down to your lips. "Alright, I'll give you what you want."

He pressed his lips on top of yours as you almost let out a small moan from the satisfaction of the feeling. You just wanted this and not a tease that he had given you. Your heart skipped what felt like twelve beats before you regained consciousness and scooted closer towards him but he let go.

You weren't finished yet. You weren't wanting this to end so soon because dang, you were really quite enjoying it. He watched you as your eyes pleaded for more while you sat basically in his lap, staring up at him with admiration.

He shook his head. "You don't want to waste all of them." Even though his head was shaking no, you still managed to notice the small smirk on his lips. The lips that you wanted on yours.

"Steve." You begged, holding out the end of his name while he laughed, placing a hand in yours. "You're so desperate, you know that, ___?"

You didn't really hear what he said because your mind was still focused on the kiss. That's all you really wanted right now.

"Please?" You asked softly. He smiled, much more of a smirk, and brushed his lips against yours again, teasing you once more. He began to talk.

"If you really want me to kiss you, you just have to say so. You don't have to plead and beg, ___. You just have to ask."

When he pulled back away from your lips, he saw your eyes still begging. "Can you please kiss me?" You asked, a hint of a begging tone in the back of your voice.

He moved his lips a little closer. "Are you sure?"

You whimpered a little like a puppy as Steve just laughed. You really wanted this feeling. You really did. "Steve, come on." You whimpered out.

You were being desperate for that feeling because God, that feeling felt so good to you. And with Steve, he made it ten times better.

"You're so cute, you know that?" He said, trying to keep a conversation going but you didn't want to have one right now. He glanced at your eyes and saw them with pleading all over them.

"Alright." He finally agreed and you eagerly awaited the feeling. You felt jitters inside your entire body as his lips pushed against yours. This time, a moan did escape your lips when he kissed you.

God, you loved the feeling and you weren't sure why but you really did. You put your hand on his while you smiled into the kiss.

Steve let go a little earlier but you weren't done yet. You leaned back, pulling him with you, and asked again. "More?"

He sighed. "I can't kiss you all day, as much as I want too." You whimpered softly, trying to convince him. "Just one more."

He sighed. "Okay, alright, fine."

He pressed his lips against yours once more, holding a little bit longer than usual, before he let go and you felt satisfied.

"Not sure what got into you just now." He asked, laying his head on your chest as you smiled contently.

"I just really love you, Steve Harrington."

alright, so, this one is super long but I love Joe Keery so much & I pictured myself in this one but it's an Imagines book so I mean... 🤷🏼‍♀️.

anyways, hope you enjoyed.

stay strange(r) (things) my friends.


time: 12:14 am
words: 2146

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