The Crown of Vanaheim (Loki a...

By SlaveToMischief

4.1K 132 21

Sold as a slave to the Court of Vanahiem, Loki is feeling more on edge than ever before. After all, the fall... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7

Chapter 2

553 20 3
By SlaveToMischief

Cuffs and chains were once more placed upon my wrist. Thor stood and observed this justice being thrust upon me with a cold and distant look. I winced as the cuffs squeezed my flesh uncomfortably. They were the same chains I had worn during my ‘enthusiastic’ return to Asgard.

“I bit tight, don’t you think?” I smiled at Thor. His face softened, but only slightly. It was as if he were holding back words, holding back some untold emotion. I wouldn’t be surprised if it were rage and anger. I had hurt Thor worse than any other and I not doubt deserved it.

After the guards made sure my restrains were secure, Thor grabbed hold of them and looked me deep in the eye.

“So you don’t get any ideas.” He mumbled as he began to drag me to the Bifrost. I laughed as I slightly dragged my feet, making Thor’s efforts difficult. As if I would just go on my own accord. If I didn’t fight he would no doubt think I had a plan.

“Me? Get ideas? You certainly overestimate me, Thor.” I feebly gave into his pulling of my chains and walked normally. Thor said nothing more to me as his heavy footsteps out sounded my light walk. I didn’t like the silence. I’d rather us fight and banter than be silent. At least when we were fighting I knew Thor still cared about me. Or at least saw me as a fit being that could be saved.

Though certainly the joke was on him if that was what he thought. I wasn’t able to be saved. I was past redemption, past hope. Nothing could change the monster my twisted heart had made me into. The monster inside me made the Jotun look tame. And it would unleash itself upon Vanahiem’s kingdom until I could make my escape. I just was simply counting down the hours.

We approached the Bifrost at a steady pace and I simply took my time looking around. When my gaze found the stars in the sky, I found the stars of that of Frigga. The mother of my heart and soul. The only person who saw me of any value; that gave me the hope that someday I would find the light from under Thor’s shadow. Though I was born and created a monster, she was the reason I was still a man.

She had been wrong, however. I never found that light. And now I would always be in shadow.

“Heimdal, please open the Bifrost to Palace in Vanahiem.” Thor rumbled quietly. Heimdal gave me a look of pure hatred as he twisted his blade and turned the Bifrost.

“It is done, My King.” He boldly spoke to Thor. I scoffed in Thor’s direction.

“Bet you’ll enjoy that title in my absence.” I spit venomously at him. Thor turned to me before entering the portal with a frustrated look upon his brow.

“The throne is a burden I no longer desire, Loki. You of all people should know that now. Jane Is more importa-“

“Ah yes, your lovely Jane. I forgot how weak she’s made you, how easily she wiped away your determination to rule.” Thor just laughed at my words. This was so odd to me. This was not the man that had almost destroyed the Jotuns because of a petty insult

“And I am grateful for it. Maybe someday you’ll find a woman to curb your determined ways and maybe then you’ll understand more than you do now.” I snorted. I had no time for the feeble mind of a woman. Power was so much more interesting.

Thor ended the conversation as he pulled me into the Bifrost’s portal. I felt my being wiped around and then my feet hit solid ground once more.

I opened my eyes and found myself standing in a matching Bifrost of Asgards except instead of the royal gold that glittered warmly; it was cold steely silver. I felt myself pulled by Thor towards a group of men that stood before us.

I took a deep breath as we approached. Wearing their silver metal armor, they looked formidable and fierce. I watched one step forward and bow to Thor. He was a rather big fellow. With beady black eyes and blond hair, he personally reminded me of a rodent.

“The king and queen have asked us to come and collect the prisoner and save you the trip.” He said haughtily. Thor frowned at the man and looked back to me for a moment before turning back to guard.

“What is your name?” Thor asked the man suddenly. The guard looked up from his bow and frowned.

“Trevor Cesca, my lord.” Trevor replied impatiently. Thor gave him a stern look that seemed to straighten the man out instantly.

“Would you permit me a few moments with my brother, Trevor?” Trevor sighed and rolled his eyes.

“Fine, but the King is not a patient man.” Trevor huffed and waved Thor off. Thor turned and walked over to me. He stood in front of me a long moment and eyes began to looked pained.

“What? Have to mock or gloat once more before you send me to my fate? Save your pity, Thor. I will survive.” I had opened my mouth to continue but my words were choked off as Thor embraced me tightly. This show of affection should have disgusted me but I found myself shocked and warmed by it.

“I hope someday you’ll find your way home, Loki. I love you my brother and hope you’ll find peace someday.” I watched as Thor pulled back, tears gleamed in the water of his eyes. He really cared and that notion made a knot form in my stomach. I found that I myself cared too.

“Peace does not exist, brother.” I whispered as he turned back to the Bifrost. With one sad last look towards me, my brother’s blue harsh eyes disappeared before me back to Asgard. I realized with slight heart ache that it would be the last time I would ever see my dear brother again.

I felt a harsh tug at my chain and my eyes snapped in the direction of Trevor, the guard who had grabbed my restrains with twisted determination. He looked at me wide eyed and irritated. The corners of his mouth quirked up slightly as he pulled harder on the chain and I almost toppled over. Rage consumed me as I heard a slight chuckle amongst the men who had been sent to collect me.

“Come along, trash. We have no time to waste on royal pleasantries.” My eyes found their way to Trevor’s and gave him an icy glare. There were no more words from any of the men during our trip.


I honestly didn’t pay any attention to my surroundings as I was ‘escorted’ to the Court of Vanahiem. My mind was wreckage, in complete chaos and tatters over my loss. My freedom was all I had and now I was as lowly and peasantry as dirt. My name was empty, without title and now without threat. The thought of become a slave brought the taste of bile to my mouth and I spit in disgust.

It wasn’t until a large shadow cast over my face that my mind was brought back to reality. I looked up to see an enormous palace, silver and bright. I hated all the silver I was surrounded by. It was so cold and lifeless. There was no joy in it or passion. It was a dead shine.

A large whining creak escaped from the over bearing hinges of the large metal door as it slowly opened. I took a deep breath as I looked upon the silver shining Court of Vanahiem for the first time. The black and white marbled floors greatly contrasted with the cool metal pillars that lined the throne room. A great bright white chandelier hung from the ceiling, bathing all around in a warm luminescence. But it certainly was the only thing warm about this place.

The grand room was large and empty. My sight could only deduce that the 2 silver chairs several feet before me were filled with the bodies of the King and the Queen of Vanahiem, as they waited patiently for my arrival.

As my metal chains were pulled roughly by Trevor, they clanked and echoed grandly within the room. I couldn’t even escape the sound of my fate.

My pace was slow and steady as I approached the King and Queen. I stood before them grandly, nothing to be ashamed of and Trevor bowed with respect to his liege.

“My Lord, the prisoner from Asgard.” Trevor then stood and looked at me incredulously. I smiled at him, feigning ignorance of what exactly he was trying to get passed me. “Bow to your new King.”

“ I am a KING! I bow to no one!” I hissed at Trevor. His black eyes blazed with unspoken anger as he stomped towards me and kicked my knees from under me. I fell upon them and was kicked to the ground, Trevor’s foot making an impression on my back.

When I escaped these bonds, he was a dead man.

“Trevor, enough!” I heard a commanding voice speak. I immediately felt the foot removed from my back and was allowed to sit up. I looked to the dark haired King, whose blue eyes matched my own. It seemed they were searching for something in my own. Not that he would like what he’d find.

He sat up in his chair slightly more than before and looked to his wife with curious eyes. Her blond hair shown as bright as gold and her eyes were greener than the grass found in the gardens of Asgard. She was judging me as much as her husband just had. But surprisingly it wasn’t with disgust.

“Perhaps you’d like me to strip so you may judge me further, as if to judge a leg of lamb or steak?” I said rather crassly. I didn’t enjoy the attention from their eyes.

My comment seemed to only amuse them as they began to smile at me.

“Welcome Prince Loki, to Vanahiem.” The King spoke proudly. I was more than merely confused. I was completely perplexed.

“Do not torment me with such a title. Dress me in my rags and send me on my way.” I spat viciously. The Queen looked to me with her own confusion.

“Are you in such a hurry to become a slave?” Her question provoked and irked response.

“Was that not what my brother sold me as?” I glared at her. She didn’t seem fazed.

“You’re brother found that our methods are a little more…effective and rehabilitating. You are not a slave yet. You will start at the top of our society, my lord. As a guest of royalty. However with every incident, you will fall down to the bottom.” I was flummoxed. This was completely unheard of. They really thought they were going to change me with a simple title change? I was the monster of Jotunhiem, a creature of nightmares. Why should I care about titles?

“And what makes you think I’ll stay in line at all, guest or slave?” I grinned wickedly at them both and to my delight I watched fear spark in their clear eyes. But the King held his own and smiled back with as just as much malice.

“We have our ways.” And before I knew what was going on a collar was placed around my neck and a bolt of electricity shot through me violently. I fell to the ground as I grasped at the collar, squirming and groaning in pain. And it seemed as soon as it started, it stopped. There was nothing.

 “What did you do to me?” I gasped as I stood up on my shaky legs. Trevor came to the front of me and removed my cuffs and chains, freeing me of my bondage.

“It is unfortunately placed upon individuals who are determined to fight and cause harm.” She said sadly. It was as if she felt pity for me. I scoffed.

“Now because you are a guest, Freyr, my son,” the King motioned to a man Loki hadn’t seen upon his arrival. His tall and gangly physique almost towered over Loki’s and golden curls graced his head. He bowed at the mention of his name to me with grace and dignity. “Will take you to your quarters and explain protocol to you this evening. I hope you’ll join us for the evening meal. It seems my daughters found this meeting something that was to be unattended and I would like to be permitted to introduce you since you’ll be staying with us.” I did not care about this man’s children and getting to know his family. I wanted my freedom. I wanted my power back. But this damned collar put a damper on my plans in the worse way.

“You are dismissed.” The King absentmindedly waved his hand to shoo me away and I watched as Freyr made his ways towards me. His eyes were the color of his mothers, green and bright. He made me a low bow.

“If you’ll follow me, my lord.” He spoke solemnly. I could tell he didn’t wish to speak, which made me all the happier. I needed the silence to think of a way out of my predicament.

But no amount of silence helped take this collar from around my neck. I was in deep trouble.

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