A Few Ways to Say "I Love You...

Door lady-date

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One shots, based on 85 sentences or more on how Levi says I love you. The art used in the cover is not mine... Meer

"Pull over, let me drive for a while."
"It reminded me of you."
"Go back to sleep."
"No reason."
"I'll still be here when you're ready."
"Stay there. I'm coming to get you."
"Foolish girl."
"The key is under the mat."
"It looks good on you."
"It can wait until tomorrow."
"I like your laugh."
"It's okay. I couldn't sleep anyway."
"You're warm."

"Can I kiss you?"

1.1K 27 16
Door lady-date

Modern AU

Four months into the academic year and students were now busy, not due to academic requirements but for trying to accomplish last minute party preparations. It was a cold December but students were definitely warmed up at the idea of being able to get away from monstrous paperworks and finally toasting to a year that has gone by. In a few hours it will be January but (Y/n) can already hear the fireworks, cheers, and new year greetings.

"Ooooh I'm sooooooooo fucking gonna get laid!" Jean howled from the other side of the room as you both fixed the materials from your previous art lessons, together with Marco and Eren.

"Oi, horse shit, can you like...keep your sex plans to yourself? You're hurting Marco pal over here." Eren retorted as he threw his arm around Marco's shoulders who was blushing madly, awkwardly laughing.

Jean too, blushed in return before throwing a tube of paint towards Eren, who was able to dodge it. You caught it and placed it neatly back in place before facing the boys. "As much as I'd like to have another paint war and seeing you losers all smothered in paint, I still have to get ready for the party, which reminds me: Jean, drive me to the mall. Eren, be my personal assistant and Marco," You faced your precious friend before placing a hand on his shoulder, "Dear, go home and prepare yourself. Get ready so that Jean will gag the moment he sees you at the party." Marco blushed at your statement. Taking your bag, you grabbed Jean and Eren in the process before bidding goodbye to Marco.

You walked, arms linked with the two boys who merely mumbled and scratched their heads as they were dragged to the school parking lot. "Hey, Jaeger, how about you and Mikasa? What would be your plans for tonight?" Jean asked as you released the both of them from your hold, the three of you plying in the car.

"That is none of your business, horse face." Eren grumbled, crossing his arms as he rested at the back seat.

"Aw, come on, Eren. Drop the horse face shit. You're scarring me." Jean mockingly pouted his lips before turning the ignition on and driving away. "Put that on top of your resolutions list, will you deary?" He added before adding kissy sounds and laughing.

Eren made gagging noises before leaning in on your seats. "You know that sound? That's the only thing you'll be hearing tonight as Marco-"

"OKAY LOVER BOYS. Keep the fantasies to yourselves, will you?" You laughed, shaking your head.

"Nah, you're only jealous cause you're loveless last Christmas and, probably, still this New Year." Jean smirked before reaching out to you and pinching your cheeks.

"I disagree. I think, finally our dearest (Y/n) will finally be getting some tonight." Eren howled causing Jean to laugh and agree.

"Oh finally, fuck! This is the moment we've been waiting for Eren." Jean started singing that sex song he always sang and danced stupidly while closing his eyes.

"Eyes on the road, horse shit." You slapped his arm before laughing. "Can the two of you calm the fuck down? I highly doubt the probability of that. And besides, who would even be interested in me?"

"Psh, you? God (y/n). You're the talk of the uni. If you only knew how many have already tried to reach out to you but I only blocked those dickheads as they are nothing but trouble." Eren now rolled his eyes before Jean nodded his head.

"True that, most especially that Reiner fucking Braun? Hell no," Jean neighed, and snapped his fingers in z-motion, earning a laugh from you and Eren. "He'd have to get through us first." He raised his hand in the air and Eren high-fived him, saying words of agreement. "But, still we won't deny that there may be someone who is interested in you. You'll never know, maybe Armin, you're sweet precious boy?"

"Aw that's cute, but Armin's more of my brother than a lover." You chuckled, thinking about the blonde cutie. Eren and Jean just 'aw'ed at your response.

After the car was parked, you all unloaded the car and walked towards the entrance of the mall. As the need to satiate your hunger became stronger, the three of you decided to eat first. You chose your favorite diner and settled in a booth where you've always stayed at.

"Going back to the topic, how about a senior?" Eren all of a sudden declared, taking a fry from your food that only only caused you to swat his hand, a little too late.

"Ohhhh...That's interesting. Hm..." Jean pursed his lips together as he looked up, thinking deeply about who could be a potential candidate. "Erwin Smith!? Yeah, you into those type of guys (y/n)?"

"Oh fuck you," You chuckled before punching his arm. "Erwin is so not my type." You rolled your eyes before sipping your milkshake.

"I got someone...Maybe Eld? Gunther? Olou? OR OR OR maybe Petra? Aye, that would be dreamy-" Jean rested his head on his hand, thinking about his inner fantasies, as it seems. He woke up the moment you sprinkled a bit of water in his face, earning a growl from him.

You all laughed before going silent once more. The two of them seem to be putting more thought into it. Eren then smirked before leaning forward, "How about Levi?" He wiggled his eyebrows but you merely stared at him.

You tilted your head sideways before narrowing your eyes on him, "Levi?"

Jean was sipping his milkshake, Eren was eating halfway through his burger, when they both paused and stared at you with pure disbelief in their eyes. They could not comprehend that you, (F/n)(L/n), did not know about the one and only Levi Ackerman.

Time skip brought to you by Eren and Jean impatiently waiting and wanting you and Levi to fuck.

After three hours and a half of rounding up shops, two milk teas (for Eren and Jean), about fifty 'are you done now?' questions asked by Jean, and about a million whines from Eren, they finally dropped you off on your dorm and left immediately to prepare themselves (now that you're 1/4th done with yourself). Believe it or not, the outfit you've chosen for yourself for the party was rather chill and casual, much to the irritation of the two men (however, they still appreciated it since they liked the aesthetic). You dressed up and did some light makeup before a honking noise from outside called you out and you saw Eren and Jean, dressed casually as you are. They grinned as you boarded and soon you were speeding and making your way to the party.

Arriving, you were greeted by the scene of students heavily chatting and the indie music that was playing in the background; a loud atmosphere indeed. Almost all were holding a cup of drink that they mindlessly sip on as they talk with others, as some were holding one whole bottle of beer. No one was hammered yet, which was good. At least Eren and Jean wouldn't get their asses drunk and thus you wouldn't be required to take care of their drunk heads. You walked with the two by your side before you reached to your circle of friends who greeted you all with smiles. You waved them a hi as Eren wrapped his arm around Mikasa and Jean, blushingly, walked at Marco's side.

"How was your last class? I heard you guys were bombarded with plates and sketches over the break?" Armin asked as he handed you over his cup of drink, containing a small amount of alcohol. You smiled.

"Don't you want this anymore?" You arched your brows before taking a sip. He shook his head no before looking down and blushing. "Anyway, yes. And I swear to god tomorrow I'd be starting with those damn sketches."

Somebody then slung their arm around your shoulder. Looking at the side you found out it was Sasha who was already a little bit tipsy, clumsily gripping the cup that was empty and smelled of vodka. "You're no fun (y/n). We have a break to have break, okay?" She slightly slurred but her words were still coherent.

Connie then appeared, grabbing Sasha's form before waving a hi at you. He settled her to the nearby sofa, before coming back at your circle. "Sorry, Hanji seemed to give her a strong drink. Said she needed someone to test out her 'experimental drink'." He shook his head before sighing.

"And potato girl just took up the offer?" Ymir asked, seemingly perplexed by Sasha's stupidity.

"Well yeah, after Ackerman shoved her in front of the mad scientist." Connie scoffed.

"That prick." Mikasa rolled her eyes. The group merely laughed, with you left clueless at who this 'ackerman' might be.

You tilted your head sideways before gaining eye contact with Eren whose laugh died the moment he seemed to remember that you were clueless who the devil might be. He cleared his throat, trying to capture the group's attention to finally shed some light on your lost soul. "Uhh...guys (Y/n) doesn't know who Levi is." The circle went silent and turned their heads to you, shock etched on their faces.

"Honestly, who the fuck is this Levi?" You groaned, inwardly cursing for you not knowing this Levi. How come you did not know this man when it seems that everybody does?

You were about to question them further when suddenly Sasha caused a commotion by suddenly running up to Connie and being all affectionate. She clung into poor Connie while muttering the words 'why are you bald' and 'oh god you look like an egg, yummy', much to his horror. She then spotted Mikasa and swaggered in front of her. She cleared her throat before pointing her index finger straight at the stoic-faced girl. "You! Mikasa! You're always such a meanie and you act all tough, but deep down inside we all know how much of a softie you are, most especially to Eren."

She then snapped her head towards Armin who squeaked and ran beside you. "And you Armin boy! Stop being such a pussy and tell that Annie girl that you like her, sheesh. We're juniors now and soon you'll be saying bye to her. God."

Now she rushed in front Jean's face before slapping him, hard. Jean widened his eyes and was about to retaliate when Sasha grabbed his shoulders and shook him. "Horse face! Stop. Being. A. Fucking. Fuck. Boy!" And then she slapped him again. "For pete's sake, can't you see how in love you and Marco are? Now shut your fucking mouth and only open them once you've managed to confess your love for Marco or when you present yourself for fucking."

And then she now faced you. "And you missy! You fucking dense bitch, for all I know you love Levi Ackerman too! Now let the midget have his new year and marry him!" Sasha screamed but was abruptly taken by Connie who was muttering apologies to your circle.

Everybody was stunned. The circle was unusually quiet and still, as if the air in your lungs, as well as the others, left for a moment. But as soon as everyone recovered, Armin blushed and soon bid goodbye as he rushed to find Annie in the crowd. Mikasa, snuggled closer to Eren as he merely blushed at the sudden straightforwardness she is exhibiting. Meanwhile, Jean suddenly grabbed Marco by the collar and kissed him. The circle erupted in cheers now that they have declared themselves as an official couple, finally. On the other hand, as the group calmed down, you were left uncertain on what course of action to take cause heck, who the fucking fuck is this Levi Ackerman?The group saw your confusion and laughed as you looked up at them. As you were about to speak, an arm strongly wrapped your shoulders, causing some bones to crack.

"(Y/n)! Boy do I have a surprise for you!" Hanji squealed, as she revealed a cup of drink. "Drink this, come on." She then forced you to drink whatever is in her cup before you could react.

The moment the liquor hit your throat, you shut your eyes as it was strong and burning; like a shot of fire. You coughed hard before staring at Hanji and eyeing her with rage.

"You're such a fucking lunatic, you titan-loving weirdo! " You screamed that only made the group widen their eyes and Hanji squeal in delight.

"The truth never bothered me anyway!! " Hanji sang in glee.


"You really do look like horse shit."

"Got something to say you hot headed maniac?"

"Damn do those eyebrows look like caterpillars."

For the past hour, you have been sputtering a lot of honest statements that caused four individuals to cry, your entire group to be in state of shock, and three seniors to look at you in confusion. You sat by the bar as someone approached the one who sat beside you, wearing a christmas sweater. It would have been alright with you, but with the drink Hanji forced on you, you scowled at it and faced the poor human being.

"Excuse me? But where did you get your sweater?" You asked 'politely'. The girl smiled, taking it as a compliment. She answered you totally oblivious to the fact that you were about to mock the living hell out of her.

"Ah this? I got this from-"

"Cause I have to make sure to not purchase from that fucking store that sells ugly ass clothing that will make make me look dumb and pitiful." You sneered. She stood in shock, before running away crying.

Your gang, Erwin snd Hanji stood not far away from you, clearly observing the human interaction you were engaging in. They eyed the poor girl as she dashed past them with tears and a heavy heart. Eren, not being able to take it anymore started making his way to you when Hanji grabbed his polo and dragged him back to their spot. He glared at her before frustratingly pointing at you again as you made somebody cry once more.

"Seriously Hanji? Can't you see she's causing too much commotion because of this honesty shit she is doing! We have to fucking stop her!" Eren groaned, almost pulling his hair out as he again saw someone ran past the group in tears.

"Oh somebody will stop her alright-" Hanji's glasses glinted as she observed you.

"Somebody! We should be the one to stop her! This is all your fault, if it wasn't for you, we would only be drunk and happy! Nobody would be crying-"

"Oh shut up will you, hot headed maniac?" Hanji grabbed Eren's mouth and shut it. She smirked and pulled him closer to her as she pointed towards a figure that was approaching you. "If it wasn't for me, this wouldn't be happening. The master of the house would be the one stopping her not us! And after she have talked honestly about how ridiculously handsome shorty is, confessed about being in love at first sight and had sex, tada! A Levi-(Y/n) relationship shall bloom!" Hanji started dancing and singing as the group observed the events that would transpire soon.

Meanwhile, someone who was checking on you ever since you walked in the party finally had enough of your antics and decided to stop you from further shitting the party. Levi Ackerman, clad in an expensive sweater, nude pants and fancy loafers approached you with an unamused face. He tapped your shoulder that caused you to face him and look at him in awe as you took sight of him.

"Hi handsome." You grinned at him. Levi merely clicked his tongue before grabbing your wrist and dragging you upstairs. "Woah, well isn't this all too quick? Hey Mr. Golfer, would you please stop dragging me!" You tried prying yourself out from his grip but you weren't able to as his hold on you was firm.

Levi paused for a moment and looked back at you, confused at the nickname you've given him. "Mr. Golfer?"

"Yeah, since you're such a fancy midget, aren't you?"

Levi stared at you blankly before scowling and continuing to walk up to his room where he would allow you to rest for a while. The moment the two of you reached the room, he pushed you to sit in his bed before walking away from you and locking the door. Levi sighed, leaning his head on the door frame, frustrated to how the night turned out to be. He was supposed to talk normally with you, but with you pulling out this stunt, he don't know anymore. After a while he faced you and gasped as he saw you undressing. He rushed to you as he stopped you from unclasping your bra and further removing the remaining articles of your clothing.

"What the hell, (Y/n)!" He growled as he dressed you up once more.

"What? I thought you brought me here to fuck me." You looked at him confused. "Not that I'm not creeped out as fuck, but since you're such a fine human being I'd take the risk." You shrugged as you smiled foolishly at him.

Levi let out another long sigh as he finished redressing you. He knelt down in front of you with his hands beside your thighs, gripping the edge of the bed, his head hanging low as you sat and looked at him with confusion. "You damn silly brat." He looked up at you before standing up and kissing your forehead.

You sat there confused as he turned away from you, walking to the table that contained lots of glasses and bottles. With eyebrows knit in confusion, your eyes scanned the room as you took in your surroundings. The room was spacious, and the bed you sat at was against the corner of the room that had floor-to-ceiling windows that enabled the view of the city. It had no bed frame, but the luxurious foam rested on a mahogany support that was elevated one step above the same wooden flooring. Expensive wooden cabinets, fashioned in a modern design, adorned the room, together with the sleek flat inch TV. You crawled towards the window, where you allowed yourself to nestle in the pillows that surrounded you and to be enveloped in the silk blanket that was ultimately soft and felt expensive, as you gazed in the night skyline.

Levi held the glass that contained water as he made his way to you, careful not to spill any to his sheets. He sat beside you and gave you the drink. "Don't think of fucking spilling it, brat."

You chuckled before drinking on the water and slightly feeling better. "So why did you kiss me? And drag me all the way here?"

"Since you're so fucking honest, I'll be honest myself too." He leaned toward you as you kept your gaze fixated on him. "I like you and have been liking over the past years in uni."

Instead of blushing, you smiled at him before looking away. "How unfortunate, although I like you Mr. Golfer, I still have to find out who the fuck is that Levi Ackerman as Potato Girl have said."

Levi arched in brow as he heard this. He smirked as you remained clueless to his identity. "And why should you find this Levi Ackerman if I may ask?" He inquired.

"Well, she went on how I should confess my love to him. But the problem is, I don't know who he is!" You groaned.

Levi merely smiled at this, it was true. You never met Levi, introduced yourself to him nor had a proper conversation with him. However he had been in awe with your artworks at first, then at your being when Sasha, Hanji and Erwin dragged him to your art exhibit. He saw you and admired you from afar, ever since then. Of course his friends knew his infatuation with you, but you remained clueless to this and so now, his friends, which is also your friends, decided to intervene.

"Aside from that, the thing is I am not in love with whoever this Levi Ackerman might be!" You looked at Levi who was staring at you with a soft smile. "I have no idea how come she was able to think that I would be in love with some guy I didn't know!" You paused, staring at him a little while longer before realizing something. "Well maybe I can be in love with someone I didn't know..." You mumbled.

However Levi heard this clearly and smiled more. "Really now? How did you say so?"

"I think I might be in love with you Mr. Golfer." You said, straightforwardly.

Not a word was spoken after that. The silence was only broken by the loud countdown that started downstairs. It was now nearing 12, nearing January 1. A new year. A new year spent with a complete stranger whom you have fallen in love with. How cliché .


"Can I get to know you more, Mr. Golfer?"

"Tch. Whatever."


"(Y/n), what are you majoring in again?"

"Fine arts."


"You are graduating this year right, Mr. Golfer?"

"From my pre-law, yes."


"When is your next exhibit?"

"This March."


"Are you sad that you'll be leaving this college?"

"I'll be attending law school here brat."


"Can I attend your next exhibit?"

"You may, but to be fucking honest, I have not started my collection yet."


"Can you be the subject for my collection in the upcoming exhibit?"



"Can you close your eyes for a moment?"

"Sounds shady, but okay."


"Can you fuck me-"



"Can I kiss you?"

You opened your eyes, and saw him staring at you. "And you declined when I asked you to fuck me." You grabbed Levi by his sweater and kissed him softly but passionately. He kissed gently and lovingly, much different to what he appeared to be, rough and dominant. However you will find out where he is rough and dominant soon enough.

"Happy new year, brat."

"Happy new year, Mr. Golfer."

"By the way, the name's Levi Ackerman."

"You son of a bitch."



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