A Mob Boss's Territory (Book...

By royal888

377K 19.9K 6.7K

Please don't read this book unless you have read A Mob Boss's Heirs. There are spoilers in this Book from the... More

Author's Note
1. December 1979 (Viggo)
2. December 1979 (Vincenzo)
3. Terza's Touch
4. Terza's Heart
5. His Choices
6. A Jasmin's Call
7. Terza's Fears
8. A Father's Love
9. Born To Be A Don
10. Future Battles
11. Teenage Perceptions
12. Tension At Harlem
13. His Beloved's Battles
14. His Honour
15. Watching Snow
16. Scent of Roses
17. The Church In Harlem
18. His Destiny
19. His Oath
20. Unforgettable Love
21. Battle of Scorpious
22. Invader
23. Icy Times
24. The Love Of A Woman
25. Two Heirs & Their Duties
27. Christmas Eve 1979 (Part 2)
28. Christmas Eve 1979 (Part 3)
29. Christmas Eve 1979 (Part 4)
30. Christmas Eve 1979 (Part 5)
31. The Young Don (Part 1)
32. The Young Don (Part 2)
33. The Young Don (Part 3)
34. The Young Don (Part 4)
35. The Young Don (Part 5)
36. Flying Back To New York
37. The Welcome
38. Nolan At The Mansion
39. Irish Nemesis
40. Show Down
41. 4 Minutes
42. The Past (Part 1)
43. Keys
44. Traitor
45. Adele's Embrace & River of No Return
46. Her Knight
47. Battles Inside
48. Truth
49. Mistakes & Regrets
50. Chambers
51. Allies Always
52. True Meanings
53. Self Discovery
54. One Question
55. True Power
56. New Dawn of Threats
57. His Mother's Words
58. A Hurtful Truth
59. In The City
60. View Of Future
61. Fathers Minds
62. Sweet Dreams
63. Happy Times With Her
64. Early Visit
65. Talking Points
66. Negotiations
67. Cold Wind of Change
68. His Decisions & Choices

26. Christmas Eve 1979 (Part 1)

6.1K 294 116
By royal888

Weeks Later.

Francesco was sitting in his study looking over his photo albums.It was early morning and it was dark outside. He had the lights off and was relying on the lamp on his desk to see the photos. He was staring at the pictures of his family one by one smiling. He was becoming emotional always thinking of the past when he was gifted with children. Nothing brought tears to his eyes anymore but the birth of his children and reminding himself of their memories did. It was such a beautiful perfect world when they were first born. there was nothing to fear. He had protected them. The 1960s were simple. But then came the seventies. His battles had started. He had been forced into raising his children to become fighters. This life was going to be a battlefield for his children to ensure they survived at all costs. He missed the old days. He truly did. He started at Vincenzo and his tiny figure in his arms. He missed his eldest son so much. It was a lonely Christmas Eve without him. Vincenzo hadn't said he was coming but Francesco had a small ray of hope that Vincenzo was going to get himself to New York for their family time around Christmas. Their family dinner was not going to be complete without him. It didnt matter what happened in Sicily. Francesco didnt care. Francesco had blanked out that part from his mind. He didnt want to think about it. He was going to deal with his Sicilian family later. He had a choice between visiting his past by travelling to Sicily or concentrating on his present in New York which was basically the preparation of Viggo for what he had to become.

There was a knock on the door. He muttered. "Come in." He then watched as his Russian-Colombian rival walked in. He stood up "Sergei."

Sergei Smiled as he walked in. "How is my favourite American friend."

Francesco smiled. He then walked around the table "You mean your only American friend?"

Sergei chuckled and walked to Francesco. He embraced Francesco and kissed him on forehead. He spoke in Russian making Francesco roll his eyes as he broke apart. Russian was one of the languages Francesco was unfamiliar with. He never learnt it. So he spoke "No Russian in my house Sergei."

He watched Sergei cross his arms over his chest as he stared him down "Why. You still haven't learnt Russian. Tsk, Tsk..."

Francesco mirrored his actions and crossed his arms over his chest. Sergei fascinated him. He was half Russian and half Colombian. He was in a strategic place in the criminal underground. He had links to South America and Europe.

Francesco joked "Sergei. I dont think I want to go on the communist watchlist for hiring a Russian tutor. That is real. There is a Cold War going on."

Sergei laughed "Well. These politicians play the Cold War. We play the hot war."

Francesco sighed "That is what I wanted to talk to you about. Take a seat." He then walked to his liquor cabinet.

Sergei sat down on a sofa watching Francesco opening his cabinet. Francesco turned to him "Small, Medium or Large."

Sergei said "Get me a medium one."

Francesco grabbed a small vodka bottle and without turning around threw it at Sergei who caught it mid air." He then grabbed himself a glass and poured himself a small amount of Vodka.

Sergei commented "Is that all you drink?"

Francesco said "Its early morning Sergei. I remember the first time I attended a Russian conference. I mistook vodka bottles as water bottles and downed one. The Russians were drinking it like water..."

Sergei chuckled "I dont drink Vodka like water Francesco. I am only half Russian. My other half likes Tequilas, Rum and Mojitos."

Francesco sat down opposite Sergei as he held his drink in his hand. "So... what happened down town.. Who's doing is it? Did you do it?"

Sergei smiled "You are straight to the point. That is the typical American way." He then leaned back in his chair. He opened the lid of the vodka bottle and took a sip. He then said "Yes. That was me..."

Francesco nodded and took another sip "How far are you going to go?"

Sergei said "As far as I need to. I need to take my revenge. The ones who killed my brother will pay. I wont rest until every member of that gang is dead. They are in every state... I have far to go."

Francesco said "Sergei. I am sorry about your brother... But... I need your help and I need you to stop your revenge mission for now. Can you do that for me?"

Sergei shook his head "I would never refuse you anything Francesco...I am listening...But it depends on how urgently you need me."

Francesco took a deep breath downing his vodka in one go and put the glass on the table. Sergei mirrored his actions.

Francesco knew how hard it was to get Sergei to come to the surface of the underworld. He was like a ghost. He didnt come in light for just anyone. He had come all the way to Francesco because he respected him. Francesco truly was his only American friend. Francesco never took that for granted. Francesco said "I need you to... help me... battle the FBI."

Sergei licked his lips "Go on..."

Francesco said "FBI agents have been trying for years to bring down the crime networks that I am part of... But they haven't succeeded. I am keeping my family safe but I don't know how tightly I can hold on. Your organisation is off their radar. You invest most of your income offshore and they have no record of your firms and assets here being illegal. Heck they dont even know your real name... You are Juan Carlos to them... They have no idea you are Sergei Santiago. You can help me battle them..."

Sergei said "I can still help you battle them while I avenge my brother."

Francesco said "No. You cant. I need all your time and resources Sergei... This is a big operation. There are many families involved but the safety of my family is my priority and I need all the help I can get. I believe you are the one man who can make this operation a success. There is no one like you in my network of allies or enemies for that matter." Francesco regarded Sergei very highly. He didnt fail. Full stop. Even his brother's murder was not his fault. His brother was killed because he was the one who had trusted the wrong people without Sergei's knowledge. Now everyone who had caused his death was paying for their sins. Sergei of course wasn't satisfied and wanted to take down the entire organistion that the murderers of his brother were members of. This could take years. The gang of course laid low knowing Sergei wanted their blood. But no one could hide from Sergei if he wanted them dead.

Sergei said "Who else are you working with?"

Francesco said "Some of my trusted allies....O'Neils, Giovannis and O'Kanes... There is Sterling Johnson too....."

Sergei said "You are working with the O'Kanes. Really? Their ways are too Irish...."

Francesco nodded slowly "What is your verdict. Are you going to help me?"

Sergei looked thoughtful. "This is a tough call. I want to continue avenging my brother and you want me to stop. I won't stop for anyone else but I can do for you.... But, there is a problem here... This battle will take years Francesco. We cant take on FBI that easily. You can move your assets off shore and I can protect you. How about that?"

Francesco said. "No. My family's best interests are this path that I have chosen. I have full control here. offshore I will have less control..."

Sergei said "You can trust me to help you. I dont fail Francesco... You know me..."

Francesco said "I know that...But this is what I need from you right now. I need you to help me escape FBI's radar for as long as possible. I am trying hard but they are closing in fast. I need to save the next generation. As you said this battle takes years. IT takes decades. We need team. Use your contacts. Use your international links. You can do it for me. What do you say?."

Sergei said "I say... I need to think about it..."

Francesco said "I need an answer today... I am going to meet any demands you have. You can name anything in return. You can guarantee my family's safety which I have no price for... I truly think you can protect my family. My allies have ties to protect them. The Irish have many contacts in FBI. I dont. I am Italian. If they find anything on me, my family will suffer. I need extra assurance that this operation will succeed and my family is insured." He knew it was not easy to find Sergei. It was more like Sergei found you if he wished it when he wished it. He left no traces behind and his foreign links helped him. Francesco couldn't dream of having the contacts and links he had.

Sergei said "Francesco. Its not about what I get in return..."

Francesco said "Sergei. You can tell, how badly I need you on my side fighting FBI... If there is anything that can persuade you to take a risk and do something you dont like to get involved in that I feel so strongly about, then I am interested in hearing about it.. What is it you want badly but cant have..."

Sergei's replied "I think you know the answer.... I want ...My family is my priority ... Protecting my family matters... Protecting my daughter matters..."

Francesco asked "I respect that... So what can I offer you to agree to this. Name anything... Tell me..."

Sergei said "You can't offer me anything. I dont want to work with Jackson O'Kane and I know you cant grant his exclusion from this can. His nephew disrespected my daughter and he is protecting him alongside his new heir, Tristan O'Neil."

Francesco was surprised "Jonas? He did what?"

Sergei explained "He asked my daughter out without speaking to me. That is a big deal in our world. Our daughters are precious to us. The boy is Roman Catholic like you and I. All the Irish and Italians I know of are... He knows the morality we have in our families. Yet, he broke it."

Francesco said "What? How did they even meet? When?"

Sergei said "My daughter was offered protection by Jackson in a school where Jonas attends part time. As you know he is mostly home schooled now... Next thing I know, he was found with my daughter by Jackson at their mansion. My daughter won't do anything without asking permission from me. She knows my "no boys" rule. But she broke my rules because of that boy. I  hold Jonas responsible for this insult to my family. I dont wish to work with the O'Kanes."

Francesco sighed "Sergei. What you want me to do is impossible. I need to work with the O'Kanes. So Jackson know about this and hasn't done anything? His morality rules are stricter than mine or even O'Neil's."

Sergei said "I went to him when it happened months ago and complained. Jackson promised to make sure no one knows of this and his nephew is banned from telling anyone about his affection for my daughter. But I am not satisfied."

"Of course you are not...." Francesco thought to himself. Honour mattered a lot. Francesco said "Jonas is not a bad kid. What did he say about this. Did he say he is sorry?"

Sergei said "I didnt want to hear it. I refused to see him when his uncle offered it."

Francesco said "I can ask O'Kane to send him to you to apologise."

Sergei said "I dont accept apologies. You know that Francesco. He insulted my daughter. I want no deals with him. I boycott his organisation."

Francesco said "I cant exclude the O'Kanes. My daughter is loved by Tristan O'Neil. I can never break my bond with them."

Sergei narrowed his eyes "Thats absurd. It must be young love. You will trust your daughter with the O'Kanes?"

Francesco said "Yes. I do... So should you..."

Sergei was looking furious "Francesco. For the sake of the past, I pretend I did not hear that... I value our brotherhood. You can count on me to help you... Exclude the O'Kanes and I will provide you anything you need... Otherwise good luck enjoying the FBI chase without me."

Francesco replied "Meet with Jonas. Allow him to apologise."

Sergei stated "No."

Francesco said "You owe me ..."

Sergei's expression changed to shock "What? You want to call that favour in now? I cant refuse you anything... But once you call that favour you will have nothing over me Francesco... We will be even."

Francesco said "I am happy to be even with you. We are still friends... Its just you wont owe me anything if you make peace with the O'Kanes. if you dont wish to forgive Jonas after you hear his side, then I accept it. I will offer you other option...  Do it for me Sergei."

Sergei shook his head "You must really want this deal... You are smart." He then leaned closer "You are not the only one who has approached me to use my contacts to protect them from FBI. I know what I am doing... I turned everyone else down... But of course I cant turn you down old friend.  We will be even... That kid is no threat to my daughter. Anastasia broke the rules for the kid so he must really have made an impression. My daughter is not weak... I will see that kid... I will accept his apology and will make peace... But we will be even and you know what that means. I wont give you special treatment... You will be my  friend. But I wont be obliged to say yes if you ask me for anything unless the price is right..."

Francesco said "I understand." He cursed Jonas in his mind. It was hard to get Sergei to do anything. Sergei was loyal and was moral. He didnt call you his friend unless he meant it. At least Francesco had that luxury that no one else in the United States had. Sergei was a brutal global gangster with the reputation of shooting first and asking questions later. He didnt accept apologies. Francesco didnt either but he made allowances when someone deserved it. But Sergei didnt.  He didnt care. Now he had asked Sergei to go against his principles for the Jonas kid... But protecting his family mattered. Sergei was the key element of this operation.

Sergei said "Is there anything else you would like me to know?"

Francesco shook his head "Its on your terms. You will be leading the operation to battle the FBI Sergei. I have your word that you will grant me this. So I know for a fact you will make it happen on your terms. I will be waiting for your next visit."

Sergei said "Good. At least you understand I will be in charge of this mission. I will call you and your people to a meeting. Expect the unexpected when you least expect it Francesco. I will deliver what you need without fail... I like to be debt free. Enjoy your Christmas dinner." He then stood up.

Francesco said "You are welcome to join us..."

Sergei said "No. I think its best not to. I have work to do... I need to build bridges with the O'Kanes... Besides, Christmas is a time for family and not friends. New year is a time for friends..." He then walked away as he said "Tell Adele, my wife, Alyona sends her regards."

Francesco said "I will. I appreciate it." This was Sergei's saying that there was no hard feelings. He didnt allow his wife to be close to many people. This was a compliment that Alyona sent her regards.

When Sergei left the room, Francesco breathed a sigh of relief. He rubbed his forehead. It was dangerous territory. Sergei was in a different league to him and anyone that he knew. He expected Sergei to not agree. But maybe that favour he owed him was worth more than what even Francesco thought. He knew it was worth bringing him on board. Sergei was right. Many wanted him on their side to fight the law. He was going to deliver. Francesco was lucky.

The phone rang in his office suddenly. He walked to the phone and froze. It was Vincenzo. He heard his voice after weeks "Father. I am at the airport. I will make it by dinner time tonight. I need to visit Terza first. Is that alright with you."

Francesco was so overjoyed to have his son back on Christmas Eve. He had never missed any Christmas dinners or Christmas Day church services in his life. "Do what you need to do son... I expect you at dinner... I will tell your mother you are here... You did the right thing today by coming."

Vincenzo smiled as he spoke on the phone "Good to be back...Goodbye." He then put the phone back in his office at the airport. It was time to make a surprise visit. If Terza thought he was going to miss Christmas she was wrong. She was touring a Hollywood studio for the past few days and now it was time for her to return home. Her flight was right after his. Vincenzo sat back in his seat as he put his hands behind his neck watching the security footage at the airport. Terza was lead to security check and then towards an isolation room. He could see her huffing and she even made a face at the security cameras. He smiled. He knew that she knew he had something to do with it. He stood up and made his way to the isolation room that was right next to his office.

Terza was no seated filling the forms that were given to her all alone in the room when she heard his distinct footsteps. He walked a certain way. She looked up. She sucked in a breath. He had a slight tan from the Sicilian son. The glint in his eyes made her wary. He did look abit different. His suit looked more expensive than before. Their designers must have given him their best designs. He looked elegant. She stood up "What are you doing here."

Vincenzo said "Watching you..." He then closed the distance between them and put his hand under her chin tilting her head upwards "Did you miss me?"

Terza said "Did you?"

Vincenzo said "What do you think?"

Terza said "I think you shouldn't go back to Sicily. Your grandfather is not on good terms with your father. Why do you take his side?"

Vincenzo's expression hardened as he took a step away. He shook his head as he paced the floor in front of her "Terza... Dont talk about my grandfather or my Sicilian family......"

Terza said "What if I do?"

Vincenzo turned to her "You will see what happens. You judge my family then I will judge yours Terza."

Terza said "Vincenzo... I am too tired for this discussion. I still dont know why Vitale is not the one taking all responsibility. But I just accept it. Dont expect me to be happy about it... Now tell these people to quit keeping me here for no reason."

Vincenzo said "Oh. You are here for a reason...."

Terza said "What reason? What kind of security breach have I committed?"

Vincenzo started walking towards her as he spoke slowly awhile he put his hand on his heart "You have trespassed into my heart. That is a serious invasion  that warrants for an arrest."

His breath brushed against her cheek. For some reason he seemed abit taller. She wished she was wearing her heels. She looked up into his eyes "Vincenzo... My family is waiting."

Vincezno said " I couldn't agree more... Your family is waiting.... We need to wait for our marriage first though...."

Terza gasped "You are so outrageous. Tell them to let me go. How did you take over security here?"

Vincenzo said "Well, plenty of people here work for Rosarios..."

Terza said "I am serious. My family is waiting..."

Vincenzo said "I agree. Just wait for our wedding...."

Terza couldn't handle this... She lost her temper and raised her hand to slap him. She almost succeeded before Vincenzo grabbed her wrist "Tsk tsk... Terza. Assaulting me gets you some time in the quarantine..."

Terza said "What do you want from me?"

Vincenzo leaned close and whispered in her ear "Kiss me and I let you go earlier after I am done."

Terza said "I refuse to." She then tried to kick him between his legs and he narrowed his eyes "Thats it. You are under my arrest for as long as I need to..."

Terza said "All right..." She then kissed him on the lips and felt how he relaxed suddenly. It was as though all the tension disappeared. He seemed to have missed her a lot and she wanted to tease him by making him wait for any hug or kiss that she was going to initiate in this meeting... It was a bad idea of course and always backfired when she teased him and made him wait.

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