The White Wolf (Jacob Black l...

By fluffysampan

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Lex, Jake and the guys have been friends their whole lives, but when they turn 16 and the boys phase they le... More

The White Wolf (Jacob Black love story)
Chapter 1 Three Months Later
Chapter Two That Night.
Chapter Three Forgiving Jake.
Authors Note.
Chapter Four The Diner.
Chapter Five The Beach.
Chapter Six Fact or Fiction?
Chapter Seven Dinner with the Family
Chapter Nine, Meeting Edward.

Chapter Eight So, I'm going to play Baseball with vampires?

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By fluffysampan

It's Friday night, I was at the Diner again, but it's my last shift for the week. Well Bella could be dead.....she went to dinner at the Cullens on Wednesday and I haven't heard anything from her since, I kept meaning to call but I was either at work, at school or looking after the five useless boys who I cant seem to get rid of.

"Hey Lex, can you come and take some orders please" Cora shouted in to the kitchen where I was trying to keep up with the dishes, the first person I saw when I walked out was Bella sat at a table near the window, I let out a huge sigh.

"Why haven't you called me?" I demanded walking up to the table.

"I'm sorry I've been busy with school and......".

"Edward?" I asked trying not to grin.

"Well...Yeah, anyway why are you so bothered if you don't believe me?".

"Because I've been thinking and some of the things you've mentioned are really weird, well there's the van thing and the fact that you never see him eat and you said that he doesn't come to school when its sunny, maybe he'd burst in to flames" I laughed at the end.

"He can eat but he doesn't need to and he doesn't burst in to flames, he's shown me......he kind of sparkles".

"He sparkles?" I asked bewildered "This is getting weirder and weirder".

"Hey girls" Charlie greeted us as he sat down at the table.

"Hey Charlie" I smiled.

"So what did you cook up for Bella on Wednesday, she's not mentioned much about it and I want to know if your as good of a cook as your Dad, then you can start coming and cooking for me" Charlie laughed.

"I made a curry" I said at the same time as Bella said "We had lasagne".

I groaned inwardly and Bella looked at me wide eyed.

"What?" Charlie asked looking from one of us to the other "Weren't you together then? Bella whats going on?".

I could see Bella panicking, "She was at mine Charlie, but I've had Jake and the guys stopping with me for a while and I had to cook for them too and they eat loads so I made both"

I was walking home from the Diner, Jake said he was nearly done fixing my truck up and I cant wait, I felt my phone vibrating in my pocket.


"He bought it" Bella told me happily.

"Good, thought we were done for there" I said grinning.

"Anyway I didn't get chance to tell you because my Dad came back, but I've been invited to play baseball with Edward and his family tomorrow......." 

"And you want me to cover for you again? Lets make sure we get our cover story straight this time though bec......"

"I don't want you to cover for me, you'e been invited too"


"I told them about you, about the legends and they want to meet you"

"You don't think that the legends could actually be true do you?" I asked trying to sound sceptical but, for the first  time, actually thinking that there might be something to them.

"Well this is a good chance to find out" Bella replied.

"Do they know that I know about them?".

"Yeah, they weren't too happy until I explained your story".

I was quiet for a few minutes.


"Looks like I'm going to play baseball with vampires".

I really hope you guys like it, I'm sorry its short again but I don't want to keep making you wait ages for updates.

Please comment and tell me what you think (even if its bad, but try not to be too mean haha).

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