Chapter Five The Beach.

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What did the ocean say to the other ocean?


Nothing they just waved.


Did you sea what I did there?


I'm shore you did.

How do you have friends?

Don't be such a beach.

Hahaha makes me laugh every time.

It had been about a week since I'd seen Bella in the Diner, a few thigs had happened since then, I heard that Bella had nearly been hit by a car, obviously I called her (with Jake jumping around me asking loads of questions) to make sure she was ok. Billy gave me the money that my Dad had given him for me to buy my first car, still working on that, and it turns out that the rez school has had its funding cut, so from september we will officially be attending Forks High........great.

And I'm pretty sure Embry likes me.

Obviously he likes me, but I think he really likes me, oh my god I sound like a 8 year old. He's always the first to my house in the morning, although that could just be for the food, when we walk to school he's always walking with me and he sits with me in every class and at lunch (again I am well aware that I sound 8) and he's always the last to leave at night.

Anyway it's Saturday and we're off to the beach because its actually sunny in La Push, I know I can't believe it either, I put my swim shorts on and bikini top and pulled a T-shirt over the top and shoved a pair of jeans and a towel in my bag. I walked in to the living room to find Jake, Embry and Quil playing COD, I jumped on the sofa next to Quil and grabbed the other controller and joined the game, after an hour of playing, where I can happily say Quil and I kicked Jake and Embry's butts, we set off to the beach.

When we got to the beach there were already a few people from the rez there sat on the logs where we usually had the fires. Seth was sat on one of the logs talking to Jared.

"Hey guys" I called happily dropping down in the middle of them.

"Blondie!" Jared cried pulling me in to a bear hug, which was no laughing matter seen as he was now about 6 foot and huge, I think his muscles had muscles.

"Can't.......breath" I gasped out.

"Ooops sorry" He grinned letting go of me.

"Hey Seth" I smiled at him.

"Hey Lex" He grinned back, I love this kid he's always happy.

We all sat talking for a while and we were joined by Sam and Paul, I could see Embry watching me from the corner of my eye. We saw a couple of vans pull up next to the beach and a group of Forks kids get out, I recognised one straight away.

"Hey Bella!" I Called jumping up and running towards her.

"Lex!" She shouted back grinning and waving.

"You guys come to surf?" I asked looking at the boards strapped to the van.

"They have, I'm just here to spectate" She laughed "Guys this is my friend Lex".

"Hi" I waved to them all smiling.

They all waved back, one of the guys kept looking me up and down.

We walked over to the others and sat down, Jake immediatley started talking to Bella.

"You guys should keep Bella company, her date bailed" The one called Jessica grinned.

"What date?" Jake and the guy called Eric asked at the same time.

"Edward Cullen" 

"The Cullens don't come here" Sam told them sharply, I rolled my eyes knowing he was meaning the stupid legends which he and a few others took seriously.

"Sorry Bella but I'm swimming" I told her "but I reckon Jake will keep you company" I grinned at him.

Bella and Jake set off walking up the beach, Bella had asked Jake to tell her about the legends.

"Its Lex right?" The guy that was looking me up and down earlier asked.


"I'm Mike"

"Hey, nice to meet you" I smiled.

"You work in the Diner don't you?"

"Yeah, three nights a week"

We talked for a few more minutes.

"I was just" Mike started "If maybe wanna go out som...."

"Are you guys coming or not?" Eric's voice called from the edge of the sea.

We both made our way over to them, Embry glared at Mike all the way, they all stood there in their wetsuits except Embry and Quil, I pulled my T-shirt off and so did Embry and Quil, we stood there in our swimming things.

"Are you guys going in lke that?" Angela asked gaping at us.

"You only live once" I said with a laugh running in to the sea, it was freezing but I knew my body would soon get used to it, I turned around to see Embry making his way over to me with a evil smile on his face.

"What are you doi....oh no Embry don't" I squealed knowing full well that he was about to dunk me, I started treading water trying to get away from him, suddenly I felt arms wrap around my waist and I was lifted in to the air and with a huge splash I was under the water.

I came back up coughing and spluttering, I looked around at Embry and put my hands on his shoulders trying to push him under, he just laughed at my attempts and wrapped his arms around my waist again pulling me in to him, I looked up and mock glared at him and he just grinned back, we both continued to stare at each other when suddenly he leant in and pressed his lips to mine.

I froze for a moment, my first thought been about how Jake would take this....weird, then I found myself kissing him back, wrapping my arms around his neck and he pulled me closer to him.

                                                                    Jakes POV

We were nearly back where we had left the rest of the guys, I'd just finished telling Bella about the legends and I'm pretty sure she'd been flirting with me.

"Hey isn't that Lex............and Embry?" Bella said pointing in to the water.

I looked round and saw Lex with her arms around Embry's neck......kissing him? I felt anger bubble up inside of me and I was shocked at my reaction, its just because she's like my sister, I told myself trying to push the anger away.

So guys please please pleeease tell me what you think :)

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