Chapter Four The Diner.

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"I'm sorry, I'm sorry" I shouted to Cora as I walked behind the counter at the diner "Mr Molina kept us late".

"Don't worry about it" Cora replied with a smile "Can you go take Charlie's order for me?".

I walked over to the table where Charlie and Bella were sat "Hey guys, what can I get ya?".

"Hey Lex" Charlie replied smiling at me and ordering his and Bella's food, I took the order to the kitchen and went back to their table with their drinks, it wasn't too busy in the diner so I stopped to talk to Bella while Charlie talked to the guys on the next table.

"So how was your first day?" I asked her.

"It was good, everyone seemed really nice, well most of them"


"Well there was this one guy in my science class, Edward Cullen, I don't think he liked me"

"Well from what I've heard the Cullen's keep themselves to themselves, so I wouldn't worry about it too much" I said with a smile "You should hear some of the stories on the rez about them".

"What stories?" 


"Lex, orders up!" Pete, the cook called, I went to get the food and brought it back to the table just as the door opened and more customers walked in.

"I'll have to tell you them another time or I'll get Jake to, he tells them better than me" I laughed.

"Hey Lex, you wanna hang out some time?" Bella asked.

"Sure" I replied smiling again "Just give me a call, Charlie should still have my home number".

I went to take the orders of the rest of the customers and overheard the conversation at Charlie and Bella's table.

"I'll bring you your favourite after, cherry pie" Cora told Bella "Your Dad still as it.....".

"Every Thursday" I interupted with a grin.

"Hey Bella, do you remember me?" Waylon asked "I played Santa one year".

"She hasn't had a Christmas here since she was 4" Charlie told him.

I walked away laughing has Waylon argued that he was a good Santa, the door opened again and some Forks kids walked in followed by Embry.

"Hey" Embry smiled at me.

"Hi, where's Jake and Quil?" I asked while pouring drinks.

"At home" He shrugged.

"Which home?" I asked with my eyebrows raised.

"Your house" Embry grinned.

I rolled my eyes "Great that means I'm gonna have no food again".

"Hey vamp, you gonna come take our order?" A voice of one of the forks kids called, I rolled my eyes again and sighed, these guys have really gotta come up with better nicknames.

I walked over to their table and plastered a fake smile on my face "What can I get you?".

"How about some colour, your blinding us" One of the girls cackled.

"Hey, you ok?" Embry asked walking up to me and glaring at Princess Bimbo.

"Hey gorgeous, why don't you ditch her and come sit with us?" The girl asked fluttering her eyelashes at Embry.

"No thanks" Embry said wrapping his arm around my waist and kissing me on the cheek "Come on babe" He steered me away from them, Princess Bimbo glaring at me, and pushed me out the door seen as my shift had finished.

Once we were outside we both burst out laughing.

"Did you see the look on her face?" Embry asked still laughing.

"I know! I thought she was gonna die when you called me babe! And Babe? Seriously?"

"What?! It worked didn't it?"

We walked to my house, I can't wait 3 months to go then I'll be able to drive, Embry kept his arm round me all the way back.

So guys please let me know what you think, and please vote :)

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