Unbreakable➳ Lahey [book 2]

By akalei

240K 6.9K 2.2K

Kate Argent's dead. Derek's an alpha with a new pack. Gerard Argent head of the hunters is in town, declare... More

It's Not Stupid At All
Sit Still and Shut up
Daire channels Sokka, the face palming king
Sword in the Moonlight
Palpable Emotions
The Grandfucker
Daire ships Outlaw Queen
Your Butt is Crushing Me!
It wasn't Celestial Gate Keys
Who's under the Ice?
An Unfair Battle
All Bark and No Bite
Je te Protegerai
Elfman or the Abomination?
Great the Lizard Can't Swim!
Crystals aren't always a girl's best friend
Margaritas and Sweaty Shirtless Men
Son of a Bitch
The Jackass has more than two brain cells?
Gone for 10 minutes and everything goes to hell
Confusing Boys and Well-Deserved PB&J
Sucky Plans and Magic Dust
Daire's Tired of Saving Jackass' Ass
Everything That Can Go Wrong... Will (Goddamnit!)
What is it to be a Monster?
Bandaids and Hallucinatory Drugs
The Gibbs Gut
Choosing Sides
Life Moves On and So Does Daire
Let The Game Begin
Everything Will Be Okay
Battle Scars

Isaac the Asshat

7.1K 222 106
By akalei

Okay Daire was officially confused. She knew for a fact that she wasn't the kanima and refused to believe Lydia was either, but then how the hell did they pass Isaac's dumbass test?

Well the why didn't matter at the moment, the only thing that Daire was concerned about was protecting Lydia from Derek and his pack of pups. Granted she and her friends had until the school day ended until Derek would come after her. So they just needed to come up with a decent plan to keep Lydia away from Derek and his cronies, and manage to do it without her actually figuring out what was happening. Easy, right?

Ah hell.

Daire was currently zoning out in her history class, waiting for Allison to come back from the bathroom. At least until she felt a little tug of panic and agitation in her chest. Not knowing exactly what was happening, Daire grabbed a hall pass and bolted to the bathroom. 

"You know it's bound to happen at some point right? Your little picture perfect like has to crack eventually," Erica said, stuffing her lipstick in her bra.

"Scott and I are stronger than that," Allison muttered in annoyance.

"You don't get it do you? And why would you? You Argent girls are everyone's first choice. Just a couple of pretty faced bitches who think they can use that to their advantage. That the real world can't hurt them."

Daire stepped into view leaning against the tiled wall, "Honestly Erica, the only bitch in this bathroom is you," she snapped. Erica growled, eyes flashing gold. "Oh, grow up. You're about as menacing as a toy poodle."

Daire grabbed and tugged at Allison's wrist, pulling them out of the bathroom but Erica grabbed onto the girls conjoined hands. 

" Let. Go." Daire muttered.

"Come one, girl fight in the bathroom? It'll be hot," she sneered. "And while I'm at it maybe my next target is Scott. Or Isaac. I know you like him, your pheromones are suffocating." She grinned and and wrinkled her nose, " I'll be sure to show them a great time. And then I'll show them how you two are coldhearted bitches just hiding behind a facade."

Allison winced as Erica scratched her claws against her skin.

"Oh, honey. Everybody already knows that I can be a bitch."

Daire raised her hand and scratched Erica's cheek. Erika immediately let go, her hand pressing against the four red lines on her cheek.

Daire just smirked and waved her clawed hand, "Buh-bye," pulling Allison out of the bathroom. 

The girls walked in silence. Daire fuming at what Erica had said. Did she really emit pheromones when Isaac was around. Damn it, kill me now! 

Suddenly the door to Coach's office flung open and the two Argent girls were pulled inside.

"What the-" Daire looked over to see Scott and Stiles, "Why am I not surprised?"

Allison looked at the two boys, "Why aren't you with Lydia?"

"None of us are in her class and she's working with Danny," Stiles shrugged. "She'll be fine for now." 

"Anyways, we have a problem." 

Daire glanced back at Scott, "Like an 'I've run out of anime to watch' kind of problem or a ' holy shit my mom is actually trying to kill me' kind of problem?"

Scott just rolled his eyes, "Derek's outside waiting for Lydia."

Allison groaned. "Wait to kill her?"

"If he thinks she's the kanima, yes," Scott replied with a sigh. "Especially after what happened at the pool..."

"It's not her," Daire snapped. "I can't tell you why but I know it's not."

"Daire she didn't pass the test."

"Yeah while neither did I! and I haven't turned into a big scaley lizard," She grumbled.

Allison cut in. "It doesn't matter. Because Derek thinks it's her. So we either figure out how to convince him that he's wrong or we have to protect her."

"I don't think he's going to do anything here, not at school."

"What about after school?" Allison said.

Scott groaned and Allison tilted her head back in annoyance. "Okay what if we prove that Derek's wrong?"

"By three o'clock?" Stiles asked, sounding way too skeptical.

"There could be something in the bestiary," she said adamantly.

Stiles lifted a brow. "Oh you mean the nine hundred page book written in archaic Latin that none of us can read. Good luck with that!"

"Actually," Daire started, a little grin tugging at her lips, "We already know someone who might be able to translate it."

"We do?" Stiles asked incredulously. 

Daire nodded her head in confirmation.

Another sigh escaped from Scott's lips, "Uh, I can talk to Derek.... convince him that it's not her. But if anything happens, you let Daire and I handle it."

"What does that mean?" Allison asked, clearly confused.

"You can't heal like we do. I just don't want you guys getting hurt," Scott answered.

Allison gave him a look before getting up and grabbing her bag. Seconds later, she whipped out her miniature crossbow. 

"Ah! It's Mr. Pointy" Daire exclaimed smiling.

Allison smirked, "I can protect myself."

Scott just gave her a look. The kind that someone gives when they are clearly worried for your well being. Daire felt fear tighten in her gut. Scott was scared for Allison. Scared of not being able to protect her.

Scott pulled her off to the side and they became subdued in their little moment.

Stiles walked over to the desk that Allison had placed her crossbow. He picked it up and flipped it around in his hands and held it like you were supposed to, Daire cringed.

"Stiles put Mr. Pointy down-"

It was too late. One of the bows was already shooting out of it, the metal point whizzing towards Scott's head. Daire darted over and grabbed it, right before it hit him in between the eyes.

"Yeah, uh," Stiles fumbled under Daire's intense glare. Placing the weapon in Allison's open hand. He rubbed the back of his neck nervously. "Real uh, sensitive trigger on that."


"If we're having a study group, why didn't we just meet in the library?" Lydia asked as they briskly escorted her down the hallway. 

School was finally done for the day, which meant that Derek's window of opportunity was wide open. They had to get her out of here. They needed to get her somewhere that they could protect her and have an advantage. Which apparently meant Scotts house. Though the teen wolf was currently busy, stalling Derek.

Daire kept one hand on Lydia's elbow, her eyes scanning the area. "We're meeting someone."

"Then why didn't they meet us at the library?" Lydia sassed.

"Oh, great idea," Stiles spoke from behind them. "Maybe next time!"

Lydia's persistent questioning was slowing them down. They needed to get her out of here before Derek and his pups realized she was gone.

"Wait, why didn't-"

"Lydia," Jackson snarled. "Just shut up and walk."

He tugged her from Daire's grasp and yanked her closer to him. Stiles looked at Daire and Allison with a shrug.

Daire picked up her pace, "I won't say this often but, man I'm glad Jackass is with us."

Allison and Stiles only nodded in agreement. Finally they made it to Stiles' jeep, everyone climbed in. The tension buzzing in Daire's veins, well won't this be fun.


Stiles made quite the show, locking every possible lock on the McCall's front front door and then looking out the window. Lydia looked at him curiously.

"Uh, there's been a few break in's in the neighborhood," he lied. She sighed but seemed to believe it.

But Stiles just made it worse by wedging a chair under the door knob. Lydia purse her lips and looked at Daire, as if she understood the inner workings of his dumbass brain.

Daire just shrugged, "Yeah, I got no idea why he's doing that."

Allison sighed, before looking at Jackson. She shifted her eyes towards the stairs and he clenched his jaw. 

"Lydia, follow me," he sighed. "I have to talk to you for a minute."

"Seriously?" she groaned, the idea of being alone with her jackass of an ex apparently not pleasing. As she followed him, she added, "What is going on with everyone?"

About an hour passed, every so often someone would look out the window. Nothing had happened so far and Daire knew that the shit pot would explode at any moment.

Jackson and Lydia still hadn't come downstairs, which was mildly concerning. Daire just hoped that they kept it PG. 

Daire pulled the curtain back, eyes widening at what she saw. Across the street stood Derek Hale and his pups. Daire quickly drew the curtain back in place.

"Allison, get Scott on the phone now."

"What? Why?" she asked.

"Because Mr. I don't like 5 seconds of sauce is here. Along with his werewolf Breakfast Club."

Allison's eyes widened and she pulled her phone from her pocket. 

"Werewolf Breakfast Club?" Stiles asked.

"Yes, now shush up."

"Scott said he's on his way," Allison interrupted, Mr. Pointy at her side. 

"Good," Daire muttered, taking another look out the window. Derek's eyes bore back at her. "Okay it's not amazing but it's better than facing a dark guild."

Stiles shook his head at Daire's Fairy Tail reference.

Allison sighed and tapped her phone. 

"What are you doing?" Stiles asked.

"I...I think, I think I have to call my dad."

"Allison, we've already got the shit pot overflowing here," Daire said, " if you call Chris then-"

"I know," she sniffed. "But what are we supposed to do Daire? They're not here to scare us, they're here to kill Lydia."

Daire pursed her lips and closed her eyes. Trying to formulate a somewhat decent plan. She glanced back out the window. They didn't see them as anything but weak humans, they would underestimate them, which could work in their favor...

"I want you to shoot one of them."

"What?" Allison asked.

"Shoot one of them, if we can catch them off guard we can hold them off long enough for Scott to get back." 

"Are you serious?" they questioned.

"Yes, now do it!" Daire replied.

With that, Allison pulled back the curtain again. Daire knew that she would always be the one closest to Lydia. Allison didn't want to see her get killed. Because they both knew that there was no way that Lydia was the kanima. It could be Jackass for fucks-sake. 

"Fine," Allison sighed. "Which one?"

"Derek, shoot him," Stiles breathed. "Preferably in the head."

Daire smacked him upside the head. "He'd be able to catch it, you dumbass." 

"Uh, then shoot one of the other three then," Stiles said.

Allison was still looking out the window. "You mean two."

Daire glanced back out the window. Allison was right. There was Derek, Erica, Boyd...her heart fell in her stomach. Isaac.

"Where the hell is Isaac?" Stiles panicked. 

The hair on the back of her neck stood up. Daire turned around to face Isaac. He somehow managed to get in the house. He grabbed Allison's arm and shoved her and Mr. Pointy down. 

Stiles ran at Isaac, who shoved him into the next room. Stiles fell to the floor, knocking over a lamp in the process. 

Daire glanced over at Allison and mouthed, "go." 

Nodding her head, Allison ran upstairs for Lydia.

"Hey!" Isaac turned around to look at her, leaving Stiles to scramble back up. "Why don't you pick on someone who'd be a challenge?"

A wolfish grin graced Isaac's handsome face as he prowled closer, " I don't know about you half-pint, but I don't think you'd be much of a challenge!"

He lunged at her, claws out, but Daire ducked and rolled to her right. Throwing two finger knives at his legs. 

He hissed as they pierced his flesh, "You say you're not a hunter but your choice of weapon says otherwise." 

Daire stood up and pushed her hair off her shoulders, " Like I told you before, you know nothing about me,"

Isaac pulled the knives from his thigh, " I don't know, Derek told me plenty." 

He threw a punch, " you've been hunting since you we're little," she dodged. 

"Well that isn't a secret," She threw a roundhouse kick, Isaac grabbed her leg.

"He also told me that you killed," He pushed her to the wall and pinned her there, "and I bet you liked it." 

It felt like the air was sucked from her lungs, was that really what he thought of her?

"So why don't you just let us kill her, huh? It's basically the same thing as hunting right? She'll just be one more kill," he leaned closer, "Just one more name off the list."

Daire couldn't contain the rage inside her, he thought she didn't care about taking another life. He thought that she'd be okay with killing Lydia just because she had killed before, what a fucking asshat.

"Let. Go."

He smirked, "Oh did I hit a nerve? I'm sorry, I didn't realize." 

"If you think that I can kill without giving it a second thought, you must be stupid." 

Isaac blinked.

"And if you think that I will let you kill my friend then you don't know anything about me at all."

Daire raised her arms, exposing the puckered white scars and pried off his grip. 

"Yes I've killed, and I will have to live with that for the rest of my life." She pushed Isaac away, " but I will not let anyone else die if I can protect them!" 

Isaac's eyes went wide as he watched the petite girl in front of him, her eyes glowing green. It wasn't like anything he'd ever seen, and then her fist collided with his face. 


"I think I know why you keep refusing me Scott," Derek said as they stood on the porch.

Scott had arrived just in time to watch Daire kick Isaac's ass before throwing both him and Erica onto the lawn by Boyd's feet.  Daire stood next to Scott, while the rest of them stood behind.

"You're not an omega," Derek continued. "Your already and Alpha, of your own pack. But you cant beat me."

"Maybe not right now, but we can hold you off until the cops get here."

Off in the distance, Daire could here police sirens. Lydia must have called them, and a certain werewolf might just get his ass tossed back into jail.

Derek's face fell and looked to the side. He quickly turned back towards them, but he was looking above them. At the roof.

Daire and her friends all backed up as the sound of footsteps above. They leaned slightly, just making out a figure on Scott's roof. Daire looked up, seeing the kanima crawling out. It bared its teeth and let out a giant screech, before scrambling odd into the night.

Derek looked to the roof then at his two fallen betas and then to Boyd. "Get them out of here." 

Boyd stared back at Derek, not moving. At that moment a disheveled and currently panicking Lydia stomped out of the house.

"Would someone please tell me what the hell is going on here?"  she all but screamed.

Daire let out a sigh of relief, she was human. The kanima had just prowled off into the darkness and here she was, completely and utterly human. Which meant it had to be-

"Jackson," Scott breathed the answer.

Ah Hell.



The last chapter hit 20 votes so here's a new one! I wanna give a shout out to @Keayla_Slayzzz for her comment, cuz it made my day and helped the last chapter reach 20 votes. Some major shit went down in this chapter and more clues have been revealed....da Da DAAAA. What do you think will happen next? Any guesses on what Daire is? and what do you think about her and Isaac? Will they ever see eye to eye?? Leave a comment and tell me what you think! And just like last chapter 20 votes and I will publish a new chapter within the week! As always I hope you all are having a wonderful week and thanks for reading!

♥️ Ash

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