New Beginning

De iconicbearhug

93.5K 2.5K 321

Regina, Cruella, Jafar and Malificent all have one wish, to have someone to love and cherish forever. The VKs... Mais

Wishing on a star
Hidden beneath the skin
Mercy is overrated.
Can't break me.
A touch.
I'll catch you when you fall
To love
Sweet child of mine.
Meet the counsellor
Lost girl
Puppy Love
Forget me not.
Split and run
Welcome Home
Burn baby burn.
Sand storm.
What makes a dragon?


5.7K 154 7
De iconicbearhug

Hey guys. So sorry for the late update. There has been a lot of family issues goimg on recently and I haven't been in the right frame of mind to keep writing. However, im hopefully back now :)

Carlos flipped onto the floor, hiding behind a bin as a car drove past him. It had been a few hours since they had escaped the hospital... since he had left Mal and found the other two.

They were both fine though Jay had almost choked him to death before Carlos could tell him what happened. Mal had been the one to break through Jays walls and help him the most, so it was only natural he would be angry and worried for her.

"Long live evil!" He yelled as he climbed onto the rooftop. The others came out of hiding then, Evies eyes red still from her tears over Mals capture.

"What did you find out?" Jay said crossing his muscular arms across his chest.

"They took her back to the hospital. There are three exits, the main entrance way, the back door and then a single entrance on the roof. Police are still driving around looking for us. Parents are too. Think Mals mom and yours Evie are at the hospital still though, as i didnt see their cars around."

"Security?" Evie quizzed.

"Four on the door but more close by. It would have to be quick."

The two nodded. They had been planning this since they'd come back. They knew they were running out of time, who knows what tortures Mal was experiencing. The last time she'd been in hospital... Carlos shuddered internally. When she'd finally come out she was bad... really bad. Carlos shook his head not wanting to remember the image of a broken Mal, blood covering her and paler than he'd ever seen.

"We should do it soon." Jay said looking to the others as they nodded. "We'll go through the roof and then Carlos you use the computer to find Mals room. Evie can keep watch and then we'll grab her and make a break for it."

It was a bad plan and they all knew it. Too many variables that could go wrong but it was the only plan that they had so it was going to have to do.

"We wont get her up here." Evie said looking at the roof they were stood on. "We'll have to find somewhere lower down depending on..." she didnt finish it but they didn't need her to.

This was all dependent on what condition the purple haired girl was in when they found her.

They sprinted to the hospital, jumping and dodging so as to not be seen. When they were hidden on the opposite roof they saw the problem. They could not leap the distance to grab onto the other building which mesnt they would have to start from the bottom. This led to a larger chance they would be seen.

"Back entrance." Jay said rubbing his knuckles as he knew they would have to fight their was through now.

"Jay whatever happens get her out." Evie growled. She knew Jay was the best fighter so he would be the one most likely to make it through whoever they had to face.

They clambered down the rooftop and hid behind a pair of bins close by the back entrance. They could see no guards but the Isle made you cautious and so they slowly snuck in through the doors. No guards. Good.

They sprinted silently down hallways, always on the look out for anyone. It was running down their fifth hallway and sixth turn that they skidded to a stop and hid around the corner. Two guards were stood outside a room with Evil Queen and Malificent sat outside, the Queen was rubbing Malificent back.

"What now?" Carlos hissed.

"I'll distract them you two grab Mal and get out." Jay said.

"There's no way we'll get out without you. I'll be the distraction and you help Carlos." Evies face was pale but she seemed determined.

"What are you doing here?" They all jump to see a male, broad with dark hair walking towards them. He was wearing a doctors uniform and they all knew they had run out of time.

"Move!" Jay shouted and they heard people comimg from around the corner as Carlos launched himself at the man.

Catching him around the middle they both crashed to thw ground. Jay leapt in dragging Carlos off him as he raised his fist, knocking the unknown man out easily.

"Evie!" Regina was shocked to see the blue haired girl again. Evie flinched her hands flying up to protect her face as the woman advanced on her.

"Please mama!" She hit the wall sinking down to try and be a smaller target.

Carlos moved to help but was grabbed by two burly nurses. The two guards had grabbed Jay who was still fighting but couldn't beat the two large men. He was still a boy after all.

"Evie." Regina said her name softly, she knew what being afraid of a mother could do to someone. "Evie its alright. You're safe I'm not mad at you."

Evie shivered not daring to believe that. Her mother had done this before, trying to coax her out of her hiding place and Evie had believed her. She still had the scars of the burns on her stomach.

"Don't hurt them!" Mal skidded around the corner, some very annoyed doctors behind her. She planted herself in front of the others, facing the two women, her back to her cowering friend.

"We wont." Malificent said. "But we need you all to be checked out by the doctors."

"We don't know what we did in your world... we were obviously abusive but on this world you have nothing to fear from us. Please Mal," Regina looked to the girl stood tall in front of her. She was their leader, the one they all seemed to look to. "We can't help them if you dont let us. You can all be in the same room so you will know whats happening to each other. Please."

Mal stared hard into her eyes. She was looking for a hint of a lie and though she found none she knew that meant nothing. The evil queen was an excellent liar. But it was a life line to be in the same room.

They could fight if needed but there was no way they were getting out of the hospital now, they were surrounded and trapped.

"Same room." Mal said and Regina nodded. "We don't seem to have a choice."

The regret was there for her friends and they stood next to her,each touching a small part of her to show they understood they were trapped.

They were pretty much marched to a bigger room where four beds awaited them. Each of them lay down, Jay giving a small fight and then doctors were billowing in and out, going from child to child and muttering to each other.

Mal was not one to be frightened but the looks the doctors gave her made her nervous. They looked... worried almost. Did they know the punishment her friends and herself would receive for disobeying their parents? Were their injuries causing problems? They never had before but that was before they came to this strange place.

"Do they have family?" A young doctor murmured to Regina. She looked at the four children on the beds, each looking at each other to check if they were okay.

"They have each other." She said quietly. "Myself and the others who were here have become their carers of a sort. You recall how Storybrooke normally brings new comers."

The doctor sighed, running a hand through brown tousled hair. "Even with undressing them they are in a bad way. The scars run down a lot of their bodies, they are malnourished and terrified. We will have to do a more thorough scan of them but to do that will take more time."

"My friends are on their way to help talk to the children. Do not to do anything until they arrive." Reginas tone left no space for argument so the doctor just nodded, wondering off to check how the checkups were going.

"They are a family aren't they." Malificent was staring at the children too having just finished calling Cruella and Jafar, both of whom were speeding back to the hospital as they spoke. "The way they act its as though they are siblings not friends."

"They've been through hell." Regina spat, seeing her friend glance at her. "You know it like i do. These kids have been abused by their parents... by our doppelgangers... it will take time for them to trust us... but they only had each other for so long its no wonder they are close."

The two watched the children in silence for a moment before Malificent squared her shoulders.

"If i ever see this other me... i think I'll kill her..."

Regina smiled. It was the smile of the woman she once was. The smile of an evil queen who could feel the anger inside bubbling away already. A smile that promised pain.

"I think," Evie grimaced as one of her bruises were brushed against. "You are not alone in your promise. This Evil Queen best hope she never meets me... or i may have to return to my roots once more."

As Cruella and Jafar burst through the doors Malificent smirked. Oh yes their clones had best be careful.

After all technically these kids were family.

And no one touches her family.

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