Love Has No Age

By ms021226

426K 7K 2.3K

"How about this, every question you get wrong you have to take a piece of clothing off of you and when you ge... More

Part Two
Three Years Later


10.4K 166 34
By ms021226

It was the next day and I woke up in such a good mood since the only thing I could think of was the date I had last night. I thought maybe being in this affair or whatever I'm having with Liam could actually be something that makes me happy for the first time in forever. Though I can't really promise myself that cause being in a secret relationship doesn't work out for me, especially if I want it to last my whole life.

I jumped out of my bed before quickly throwing on a plain white V-neck shirt and black leggings paired with my white strap on heels.

I grab my backpack and run my way downstairs before exiting the house and running towards the school. Eventually I got there but was a minute or two late but I didn't bother to freak out since Liam wouldn't be so harsh on my tardys.

I enter Liam's room and find all of the seats full but mine and the one beside it.

I take my seat and as I do, an unfamiliar girl walks through the door catching my eye from how- how can I say this- much more attractive than all girls in this classroom, me included. She first takes a look around the classroom before ending up beside my desk.

"Hi, is this seat taken?" She questions and points at the seat next to me.

"Um no, go ahead" I replied and gave her a small friendly smile.

"Alright thanks"
".... I'm Phoebe by the way"
"I'm Andry. You a transfer?"
"No, actually I was homeschooled for my whole life so I don't have any experience of public school at all"
"Oh well, I could be your guide if you'd like"
"Really, you'd do that?"

I nodded my head, "Yes of course, I could show you all the hallways & some peoples favorite places to hang out at- that's only if you're taking my offer."

"Yes! Yes- yeah I'd actually like to have someone help me out around here, plus I don't know anyone-besides you now that we've met so..." she responds and starts fidgeting with her fingers.

"Alright we'll start right after this class"

"Alright class, take your seats. Today we've got a new comer. Phoebe would you introduce yourself to the class real quick?" He asked as he looked over to Phoebe.

"Um yes," She gets up and faces the whole class not moving her seat, "Um hi I'm Phoebe. I was homeschooled my whole life so I don't have any public school experience but thanks to Andry she'll be helping me out. Oh and also I like to play softball & eat broccoli."

I groan in response. I hate when people give credit or say something 'good' about me when I really don't need any of it.

"That's nice, student helping out another student- I like that" Liam says as he gave me a lopsided smirk.

I roll my eyes as he lets out a soft chuckle as he moves to the front of his desk.

"So today we won't be doing much but taking notes from the history book so if you all could- grab a book from the shelf & copy the vocab from page 380 to 385. Then answer all of the after reading questions" He instructed as he points at the stack of books on the shelf at the front right corner of the room.

Everyone gets up from their seat to grab a book as I follow behind.

"Oh crap" Phoebe says as she grabs a book from the bottom and all the books from the top clatter to the ground.

Why the hell did she think that getting a book at the bottom was gonna work out?

I push aside the thought and help her out and grab the remaining books that lay on the floor as she stacks a couple back on the shelf herself. As I pick up the last couple of books I hear footsteps coming close and as I look behind me I spot Mr.Evan's shoes behind me as I'm bent down grabbing the last book.

"Ladies" He said in his low husky toned voice.

I knew that the position we were in looked so wrong so I quickly stood back up and placed the book back on the shelf before turning around awkwardly catching his eye.

"She accidentally grabbed a book from the bottom" I respond and give Phoebe the side eye.

"Well Phoebe you might want to learn some common sense while you're here" He says to Phoebe and gives her a stern look before walking back to his desk.

"Shit" She whispers to herself and I turn to her.

"It's okay, he's not as intimidating as you think. You'll be fine" I whispered and walked back to my seat.


The bell finally rang after what felt like 2 hours of one period. I shove my paper into my bag and shut my book before grabbing my bag and waiting for Phoebe to finish packing up.

"Andry could I speak to you real quick" Liam asked.

I followed him behind his desk and spot the open drawer with a condom inside of it.

I open my mouth to speak but he places his index finger between my lips. I knew he was asking if I wanted it to happen cause there wouldn't be another reason he'd show me it.

I shook my head slightly saying no with no verbal response since Phoebe was still in the room. It was like I already knew the answer and it was quick as that.

He mouthed 'okay' and removed his finger from my lips. I look over to Phoebe who was ready and packed up standing beside her desk waiting for me.

I beckon her to follow me out and she heads out first before me.

"Hey" He says softly and I turn back around, "come here after school?"

I give him a one shoulder shrug as I let out a small smirk before leaving the room.


Agh I've been having a writers block ever since I published the last chapter like I couldn't think of a way to continue the date so here's something random and crappy.

Also I've been gone for like AGES and god I hate myself for disappointing y'all and making you guys wait so please understand that I'm trying to get my shit together.

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