My classmate's a vampire

By darkloving_

284K 12.2K 1.2K

He's different. Really different. She liked him but once she finds out his dirty secret she's not so sure. Sh... More

The Hot New Guy
Lunch and Matt
The Jump
What just happened
answers and more.....
Why me
I like you......
Beach time
Wow what a day
Vampire crap
My happiness
My Heart
That kiss
Dinner Party
Dads other home
Home again
The truth
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100k ?!?

breakup part 2

4.6K 230 2
By darkloving_

I sat in bed thinking to myself. I couldn't keep thus all to myself, I had to tell someone. But who? I know I'm not supposed to but I need to.

Sam left an hour ago and I was about to explode from everything. I couldn't hold it in any longer I had to tell. I picked up my phone and dialed a number.



"Anna is this you"

"Yea, I need to talk to you"

"Oh I never thought you would say that"

"What do you mean"

"Just-nevermind, what do you need to talk to me about"

"I need you to come here to talk and don't worry no one but me is home. "

"Fine, be there in ten." He hung up.

I couldn't believe the person I called, the person I thought I would never call, James.

It was 11:52 pm and my parents weren't home with my sister. They went over to my grandparents house again. They must have made them spend the night.

James got here quickly and I let him in.

"So.....wats up" He said looking around the house making sure no ones home.

"I have a problem" I told him scared he was going to freak out.

"Ok...go on" he said and I pulled him to come sit on the couch.

I told him about everything. The whole Darren being a vampire and how I'm his mate. His eyes filled with hate and sadness. I told him about Sam and how he was a vampire too.i also told him that he still loved me.

I ended the story and James gave me a hug.

" I really need to be in your life, I'm sorry" he didn't stop hugging me but thats what I liked about it.

"It's fine, your here now so....." he nodded and stood up.

"I should really get going ok" I nodded knowing he really didn't want to be in this house.

After James left I climbed onto my bed and fell into deep sleep.

My parents came home the next day. For the first time in years I've never hated my father so much. I never liked him but mom said I had to get over it. She doesn't care if he beats me and Jasmine she never cared. For the first time I hated her too.

I was sitting on the couch when they walked in. They all seemed happy except Jasmine.

"Hey hun" I ignored her hi and ran upstairs. I grabbed my laptop and phone. I put them in a bag, I also grabbed a pair of clean clothes. I ran down stairs and grabbed my keys but my dad stopped me.

"Young lady your mother said hi, and where the hell are you going" I put on a fake smile.

"Sorry, I was upset about something and took it out on you guys. I need to go and see...Darren because he's really sick and I told him I would check up on him." My dad narrowed his eyes.

"Ok, don't do it again and tell him I said feel better." He turned away and headed upstairs. Jasmine came to me and whispered in my ear.

"Take me with you please.'s drunk a little and you know what happens." I saw tears form in her eyes.

I pulled away and looked at my mom trying to hold in the hate. "Mom Jasmine wants to see him also....Darren also wanted to see her...can she come with me." I asked.

"Fine just be home before 8" I nodded and walked out the door. We got in the car and I looked at Jasmine.

"We're not going to Darren's. " I told her but she looked confused.

"Why?" she asked knowing something wasn't right.

"We broke up and well.....yeah but were going somewhere better. " Her eyes grew wide when I said we broke up.

"Oh....where" I drove down the street and sighed.

"Prepare to meet your older brother" She was shocked and I knew she would be.

I called James and he texted me his address. We talked for the whole ride but we got off the phone when I pulled up at his apartment. Jasmine and I got out and walked inside. We found his door and knocked.

James opened the door but hugged me before I could say anything.

"I've been worried about you ever since you told me that crap last night." I laughed and ran my hand through my hair.

"Well...truth is I am to because. ...I broke up with him." His eyes popped out of his head.

"WHAT THE F-" he started to say but stopped once he saw Jasmine. He looked back at me, "This can't be her....she's older....way older"

"Hi, you must be my older brother James.....erm yeah" Jasmine said and I faced palmed myself. She reminded me of Will which reminded me of Darren.

"You ok" James asked me and I nodded. We came into his house and sat down.

"I'm sorry for being a real dick of a brother ok, I-" I cut him off.

"James I told you last night it's fine." he nodded and hugged me.

"Wow I haven't seen Jas in ages." he said laughing and Jasmine blushed. She whispered in my ear.

"You didn't tell me I have a hot older brother but eww hes my brother" I laughed and made a disgusted face.

"Whats so funny "James asked and that made us laugh more.

"Well she thinks your hot but now says ewww because your her brother" Jasmines face turned as red as a tomato.

James laughed but soon stopped.

"I need to get you guys out of that house" James said worried.

"Well I'm about to move out next year." I told him but he shook his head.

"What about Jas." he asked. I had to think and something came into my mind that I would never in life do but for my sister's life I might have to live my life that way......dead.

"I have an idea but you nor I will like it......" I said letting fear enter me.

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