Me the new girl and him FINIS...

By xxhottiexx31

105K 700 274


Me the new girl and him (might change this title)
Me the new girl and him CHAPTER 2
Me the new girl and him chapter 3!
me the new girl and him CHAPTER 4
me the new girl and him 5
Me the new girl and him chapter 6!!=0
Me the new girl and him...CHAPTER 7
Me the new girl and him CHAPTER 8 ♥
Me the new girl and him CHAPTER 9 =)
Me the new girl and him chapter 10 =)
Me the new girl and him CHAPTER 11 =)
Me the new girl and him CHAPTER 12!
Me the new girl and him chapter 13!♥
Me the new girl and him chapter 14
Me the new girl and him chapter 15
Me the new girl and him chpt 16 PART ONE
Me the new girl and him chp 16 PART TWO
Me the new girl and him chapter 17 (RE-UPLOAD)
Me the new girl and him chapter 18
Me the new girl and him chapter 19
Me the new girl and him chapter 20
Me the new girl and him chapter 21 PART ONE
Me the new girl and him chp.21 PART TWO
Me the new girl and him chp 22
Me the new girl and him chpt 23
chp24 Me the new girl and him

Me the new girl and him...chap25 LAST CHAPTER

3.3K 27 30
By xxhottiexx31


Okay so if you didn't read the last should do that right now!

So this (unfortunately) is the LAST chapter to me the new girl and him!

Ah this is crazy, I remember when I first started writing this, and didn't realize I would get so many fans from this, yeah so thanks to all my fans who vote and comment and read =) it means a lot, thanks to you if u were here from the beginning or maybe just fanned me recently.

Thank you, thank you, and thank you!

Am I going to write a sequel? Well im not really sure since no one is really voting or commenting, I think I might just quit writing all together after this.

Comment and tell me what you think I should do...

Okay enjoy =)

~!*~!*~!*~!*~!~*!*~!*~!*~!*~!*~!*~!*~!*!~*~!* ~!*~!*~!*~!*~!*~!*~!*

CHAPTER 25! (Last chapter)

Victoria's p.o.v:

I wiped away a tear, and shoved some of my stuff in a cardboard box.

I've been through this so many times before, and it has never been this hard before.

I sniffled and felt arms wrap around me.

I looked at who was holding me, James, oh James.

"Can I come with you?" he whispered in my hair.

I forced out a laugh and replied,

"I wish everyone could come with me. Can I live with you? Your dad likes me right?"

He kissed the top of my head and said,

"Ah I wish, my dad would let you too, but your aunt man."

I sighed dramatically and nodded.

"Ill help you pack your cds, maybe ill take some to think of you" James mumbled.

I chuckled and nodded.

I tapped the box up and labeled it.

I stood up and looked around my very empty pink room.

"Whoa..." I mumbled.

I turned around to see Dylan walked in my room.

He kissed my cheek and looked around at my room to; he stared at James, gave him a dirty look, and then kissed my lips.

"I'm so glad im coming to Florida for a week during the summer." Dylan said.

I nodded.

I know he was only saying that to pissed James off, yeah he doesn't like him all that much.

"Whoa, Vic, this guy is living with you for a week...and you didn't invite me? What the hell" James said in a stern voice.

My eyes widened.

I elbowed Dylan in his stomach; I would say ribs but im way shorter than him.

"Well, James, he's my boyfriend, and like...Florida is far away from here and...I want to spend some time with him." I said.

He rolled his eyes and replied,

"So yeah, Florida is far from here...thank you captain obvious, what you don't want to hang out with me anymore? You're my newest best friend, you tell me your problems I tell you mine, and you didn't invite me? Why the hell is that Victoria? Once you leave are you NEVER going to talk to me again, are you going to forget what we had and what we are now?"

I threw my hands up in the air and said,

"Well no problem sergeant sarcasm! James if you MUST know, I didn't invite you because I know I can depend on talking to you forever. And I don't think we will ever break up!"

As soon as the word "break up" came out I immediately regretted it.

I looked at Dylan at the corner of my eye, and I couldn't read him at was a mix of pain, sorrow, pissed off and a little bit of jealousy?

Dylan blinked a couple of times and shrieked,

"Oh so you think we are going to break up? You think im going to dump you?"

I turned towards him and replied,

"Long term relationships never work out...and you're going to college in New York, so you know..."

He scrunched up his face and mumbled,

"You really really think we won't last..."

I bit my lip nervously and whispered,

"I want us to...but I really don't think we will..."

He huffed and looked up then back at me,

"Well if you don't think so maybe we should just end this now." He said real nasty.

"Maybe we should!" I shrieked.

He snorted and replied,

"Fine we are done good luck with everything because I don't plan on ever talking to you again."

He pursed his lips and stormed out.

I cannot believe...we just broke.

I looked at James; his eyes were huge and was gaping.

I started crying.

Oh wonderful.

He walked over to me and pulled me into a hug.

"Shh don't cry anymore, you're gonna get a worse headache." He mumbled in my hair.

I sniffled and pulled away, he put his finger underneath my chin and lifted it, he wiped my tears with his thumb and kissed my nose.

"Your gonna be okay babe." He said.

I nodded.

"It's better to be single for the summer anyway right?" I replied.

He smirked and said,

"That a girl {and I have no way how to word that sorry}, that's the spirit you're right it's really good to be."

I nodded and went back to packing up the rest of my stuff.

I really enjoyed having Dylan as a boyfriend, not only could we do sexual things but he was also my best friend and I can't believe this break up will totally ruin it.

I closed my eyes and sighed.

A few days later my house was completely empty, and we were packing up the moving truck.

I rubbed my neck as I watched the rest of my stuff go in.

"Come on kiddo, don't be down, this is going to be a new adventure for us." My aunt said as she rubbed my neck.

I gave her a dirty look and walked away.

Lets put it this way...I haven't spoken to her since she told us that we were moving, and haven't been talking to anyone really since me and Dylan broke up, except my brother and James kinda.

I bit my nails and looked around for Aiden.

He walked over to me and said,

"I know your mad a Clara, so am I, but dude you need to talk to her. She thinks you hate her."

"I do hate her" I snapped.

"How could you hate someone who took us in when we had no one else? Do you realize with out her, we would be in some orphanage or a foster home separated? Or living with some rapist? As much as you are pissed off at her, you can't forget about what she did for us. Mom and Dad would want you to talk to her Victoria, just think about okay." He said and walked away to go yell at one of the movers.

Mom and dad, yeah right I don't even remember them, I was too young to remember, the only memory I have of them is in a picture of me, Aiden, and my parents at the beach, and that was two days before they died.

Of course I know they loved me, and are watching over me, I shouldn't hate my aunt, yeah she makes us move around a lot, but Aiden was right, without her we would have nothing.

I took a deep breath and walked towards her.

"I'm sorry for being such a bitch." I said.

She looked at me and hugged me.

"Oh hun, its okay I deserve it! I'm making you leave all of your friends and your boyfriend. And that is horrible for me to do and I am sorry also. I would be a little bitch if I was in your shoes." She said.

I hugged her and replied,

"Ill get over it eventually its just really hard for me right now...and me and Dylan broke up..."

She pouted and said,

"Aw Victoria...are you okay?"

I fought back a tear and whispered,

"Yeah im good."

She rested her hand on my shoulder and sighed.

"No need to hide it babe. I'm gonna go help your brother" she said and walked away.

So maybe im not okay, maybe I didn't want to end our relationship that way, maybe I was just afraid that he would move on once I left.

I took my phone out of my pocket and dialed Dylan's number.

I pressed send and let it ring; before he could answer I hung up.

The usual thing that I do, I never let him answer.

I put my phone back in my pocket and walked into my house, soon to be someone else's.

James walked up to me and hugged me tightly.

"Ugh God im going to miss you soo much"

I hugged him back and replied,

"I'm going to miss you too."

He pulled away and asked,

"Can I come visit you some time? I've always wanted to go to Florida, ya know like Disney World."

I laughed and said,

"Of course you can."

He smiled and said,

"Ohmygosh, YES! I cannot wait. Look call me some time and we can make plans so I can come."

I smiled and nodded.

"Bye Vic."

"Bye James."

He hugged me one more time and handed me a picture.

It was me and him, in aviators smiling.

I hugged him and watched him skip down the street to his car.

A couple of hours later the doorbell rang, I walked up to the door and answered it.

Holy Shit, Brett.

"Oh Victoria hey." He said.

"Hi...I haven't seen you around how are you?" I replied.

He put his hands in his pockets and said,

"I've been good, I moved in with my grandma when school ended, she lives near Nebraska, and I heard that you were moving so I drove down here to say bye."

I smiled and hugged him,

"Really, wow that's nice. And thanks you really didn't have to drive down to say bye, a phone call would have been okay."

He waved his hand, like a 'no I wanted too'.

"I wanted to come say it to your face, I'm gonna miss you. Good luck with everything and make sure you keep in touch, because if you don't I might just take flight down to Florida and beat your little butt." He joked.

I smiled and replied,

"im going to miss you too, and don't worry ill call you whenever I can."

He smiled and nodded,

"Well I better be going to I can be home before tomorrow afternoon."

He hugged me and we said our goodbyes.

He's so nice, even though all of the things he did to me hurt, I cant bring myself to hate him, he was the first person to be nice to me here.

Why does this have to be so hard?


The next day came way to quick, today was the day I leave.

I pulled my luggage with some of my clothes down the stairs.

It was 3 in the morning and I was so tired I could barley function.

"Victoria, try not to be so loud, your gonna wake up all of Colorado." My brother hissed.

I gave him a dirty look; I am not a morning person.

"Sorry. Miss snippy." He said as he made a face.

I snorted and picked up my bag and held it the rest of the way.

I shoved it into our car, and got into the back seat.

Yes, my lovely aunt thought that we should drive there.

Yay! Not.

It's probably going to take us about two days to get there with stops (and yes I checked this on google, it takes about 29 hours driving non stop).

I sniffled and looked out of my window.

Who would be up at this hour? Wait...that's Dylan.

Shocked I just sat there as he walked up to my door.

He tapped on the window and motioned to roll it down.

I pressed the button.

"Hi?" I said.

"Shh don't talk, just listen. I've been thinking about you a lot, and I really will not be able to live without you. I don't care if you don't want to be my girlfriend anymore I just want to be your friend. I think things will be better that way. Okay so yes I would love to be your boyfriend again, but I will settle to be your best friend again it's up to you." He said super fast.

I bit my lip nervously and sighed, I tried to take it all in.

"I want you to be my best friend, at the moment I dunno im just super tired can I call you? Or call me some time?" I said.

He smiled flashing his cute dimples and replied,

"Best friend is good for me, and yeah ill call you."

He stuck his head inside the car and kissed my cheek.

"I'll miss you Vic." He whispered in my ear.

"I'll miss you too." I replied and kissed the side of his mouth, not purposely.

He blushed and waved and walked away.

I smiled and sighed, im going to miss everyone.

"Okay guys are you ready to go?" my aunt said way too excitedly.

Aiden and I just groaned in a response.

She laughed and pulled away from the house.

Good bye James, Good bye Katie, Good bye Dylan, Good bye Brett, Good bye Colorado- I'll miss all of you, but this is just another chapter in my life, another chance to start over and do better.

Florida, come at me, Victoria is ready for you.












Haha yep that's the end.

Its pretty weird to stop writing this but, this story is just getting old.

Comment and tell me what you think-if I should write a sequel-if you hate me for ending this?

Lol, I love you guys, thank you sooo much for becoming a fan, voting, and commenting. It really means a lot.

After a lot of thinking, im pretty sure this is the end to xxhottiexx31.

Im going into high school this coming September and I probably wont have that much time to be writing and stuff.

I don't think im the best writer out there; I think im okay...but still im probably not going to write anymore, unless I get some motivation.

Please comment and vote =)


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