A Mob Boss's Territory (Book...

By royal888

377K 19.9K 6.7K

Please don't read this book unless you have read A Mob Boss's Heirs. There are spoilers in this Book from the... More

Author's Note
1. December 1979 (Viggo)
2. December 1979 (Vincenzo)
3. Terza's Touch
4. Terza's Heart
5. His Choices
6. A Jasmin's Call
7. Terza's Fears
8. A Father's Love
9. Born To Be A Don
10. Future Battles
11. Teenage Perceptions
12. Tension At Harlem
13. His Beloved's Battles
14. His Honour
15. Watching Snow
16. Scent of Roses
17. The Church In Harlem
18. His Destiny
19. His Oath
20. Unforgettable Love
21. Battle of Scorpious
22. Invader
23. Icy Times
24. The Love Of A Woman
25. Two Heirs & Their Duties
26. Christmas Eve 1979 (Part 1)
27. Christmas Eve 1979 (Part 2)
28. Christmas Eve 1979 (Part 3)
29. Christmas Eve 1979 (Part 4)
30. Christmas Eve 1979 (Part 5)
31. The Young Don (Part 1)
32. The Young Don (Part 2)
33. The Young Don (Part 3)
34. The Young Don (Part 4)
36. Flying Back To New York
37. The Welcome
38. Nolan At The Mansion
39. Irish Nemesis
40. Show Down
41. 4 Minutes
42. The Past (Part 1)
43. Keys
44. Traitor
45. Adele's Embrace & River of No Return
46. Her Knight
47. Battles Inside
48. Truth
49. Mistakes & Regrets
50. Chambers
51. Allies Always
52. True Meanings
53. Self Discovery
54. One Question
55. True Power
56. New Dawn of Threats
57. His Mother's Words
58. A Hurtful Truth
59. In The City
60. View Of Future
61. Fathers Minds
62. Sweet Dreams
63. Happy Times With Her
64. Early Visit
65. Talking Points
66. Negotiations
67. Cold Wind of Change
68. His Decisions & Choices

35. The Young Don (Part 5)

4.7K 287 115
By royal888

It was a silent night and Terza could only hear her own footsteps and his on the stone covered route that lead to the church from the car. They were surrounded by armed guards dressed in black but the guards didn't make any sounds. They were watching their boss and the surroundings silently. Terza never caught any of them make eye contact with her. She wondered what Vincenzo had threatened these people with. They bowed when she walked past. They looked down or away but never at her. She liked the tiara she was wearing but it was ironic how she was also treated like a queen.

Terza was walking slowly alongside Vincenzo as he was holding her hand while she was looking straight ahead at the old building.

The lights were on at the church. The door suddenly opened and the priest walked outside. The priest didn't wait for them to reach the door and walked towards them.

Vincenzo addressed the priest with a content expression. There was no hostility. "Greetings father."

The priest stopped walking as Vincenzo came to a halt and said to Vincenzo"Greetings my child" He then looked down as he turned in direction of Terza and addressed Terza "Good evening to you too my child."

Terza said "Hello..."

The priest smiled while looking down and then looked at Vincenzo "I will be in my office next door. If you require a service inform me. I will be giving you privacy as you requested." He then walked away after a polite nod and slight bow towards Vincenzo. He didn't look at her at all.

Terza was then lead towards the church again as Vincenzo explained while walking "He is our family priest. He is trusted as he is related to men who work for us. If you want him to perform a service just say so."

Terza turned to Vincenzo and sighed "It's not Sunday Vincenzo. I don't require any service. May you can start by telling me why he was not making eye contact with me? Your guards even don't look at me. They treat me in a business like way. But again they don't look at you either... What is the consequence for eye contact Vincenzo? I am not sure if I want respect by threats. I like to earn respect rather than gaining it with you threatening them..."

Vincenzo chuckled as he stopped in front of the church door. He turned to Terza "I am very impressed. So you are here to stay? That's good..."

Terza asked "What are you talking about?"

Vincenzo looked at her in an amused way "You want to stay long enough to earn respect. That's a good sign. You can make your own threats if you wish..." He then reached for the door with his hand, but Terza put her hand on the handle stopping him "What have you threatened them with if they look into my eyes?"

Vincenzo glanced at her hand and then looked at her up and down. She was leaning closer to him now. He smiled "Terza. I am tempted to kiss you here and it would rather look unorthodox."

Terza narrowed her eyes and took a step away leaning back " Unorthodox?"

Vincenzo said  "That's right. Let's keep a safe distance on this sacred ground. Although love is sacred but I would rather not kiss you here right now. I want my first kiss with you at this sacred place to be on our wedding day. I would kiss you in any church but not here. This is a special place because this is the only place my father talks about joyfully when the word Sicily comes up. He talks of the day he said his vows and married my mother with the greatest joy I have ever seen him display. So don't tempt me to kiss you here. I don't want to kiss you here before our wedding day. This place is special to my father so its holy to me...,"

Terza was looking at him with bewilderment. She retreated her hand from the door "I am not tempting you. But ... How long have you been planning your wedding and when exactly is this wedding day. I am a girl and haven't started planning my fantasy wedding."

Vincenzo said "I have been planning my wedding day for a long time now... As for the date, I won't worry Terza. It's not today." He then gave her a wink. He then opened the door and said "After you. Go inside Terza.

Terza said "Wait. You did not answer my initial question. Why are these men so formal? I am not used to this much formality from people who have never met me even in New York."

Vincenzo said "Terza. Mistakes are costly here. I dont want to have to punish so many of my men if they dont act respectful towards you. They have a code to go by. This is no ordinary place. This is the birth place of my great grandfather. Everyone knows everybody here. They respect us because they know us. This is different to every place in the world because this land you are standing on has been fought for and has been protected by my people from generations ago. This is Rosario land. Get used to it. I will answer your questions after this visit. It's getting late"

Terza sighed and entered the church. She saw there was a second door within a few steps away from the first door. The second door was so interesting. It had beautiful architecture that made her stare at it for a bit longer. But then as Vincenzo closed the first door after instructing his men, she turned around "Vincenzo. I don't like waiting for answers. Explain to me what exactly have you told these people about me. I have never even met them and they don't address me. I wonder what they have been told..."

Vincenzo said " You didn't address them and they don't address you. They don't speak to you unless they are spoken to. It's the rules. It's my rules Terza. They are not family so can't address you unless you address them or ask them to address you. But it's the same situation in New York. You are just shocked because these people are strangers and you don't look at them as my employees yet. You will get used to it."

Terza sighed "What if they do address me?  What happens if your guards or the priest treat me like an equal? I need to know. I know of the rules in New York but not here... That's why I didn't want to come here. I know nothing of this unfamiliar setting."

Vincenzo closed the distance between them and stood in front of Terza staring into her eyes "Terza. This is not unfamiliar. I am here. Where I live is yours too... So don't let me catch you say something like this again." He then held her hand in his tightly again " I don't kill priests. I don't think I ever have to... As for the others ... " He leaned closer to her ear "They know what I do to them. I live here and rule here. This is Sicily. Read between the lines Terza... I think you know enough about me and my history to know the answers already to such obvious questions... Leave all your questions to later either way. We are here for a different reason."

Terza decided to drop it. Whatever it was it could wait. He was spot on. They were there for a different reason. She wasnt keen on the idea. She was hesitant to go inside. Her father had advised her to avoid being in church with the beast in case he decided to keep her for himself. The beast had morals so he wasn't going to take her for himself without a wedding ceremony.

Vincenzo started walking, leading her to the second door "On our wedding day this is where you will be waiting for a few minutes before they play the music and open the door. Your father will be here to give you away."

Terza took a deep breath as her heart started beating faster. She was becoming more nervous. It felt real. It was a strange feeling. Maybe her father was right. It was not a good idea to enter a church with Vincenzo all alone. She felt like she was becoming his in ways she was too afraid to think about. She wanted to not fear life. But with Vincenzo since she did not know as much as he did, it was not the best feeeling when he was the one leading them in such manner. He knew so much that she didnt. She had no secrets unlike him. Well she may have had a few but nothing life changing.

Vincenzo took a step to the second door but noticed she was not moving. He turned to Terza as he was holding her hand "What is the matter Terza? Don't you feel safe here?"

Terza looked back at him "Does it really matter to you so much Vincenzo?"

Vincenzo said "It makes all the difference. Why are you hesitant?" He gave her hand a squeeze "Answer me Terza."

Terza sighed "I do feel safer here than I have ever felt anywhere else Vincenzo. You have hundreds of armed men guarding us here... But Vincenzo... Don't you think it's a bit unusual for you to speak like this about the future? How can you plan for your wedding and choose the church? You are only seventeen. It's just unusual to hear you talk about a church so passionately with strong emotions in the way that you do. And this... You talk about my future..."

Vincenzo stared at Terza with an unreadable expression "Terza. I don't think you are telling me the truth here. Either that or you are lying to yourself. You don't find it unusual. It hits home when you think of it. Doesnt it. You know it's the inevitable. You will marry me one day Terza. I will make sure you will love me enough to say yes to me when I propose to you. You are nervous Terza. It's ok to be nervous. Don't worry. I won't force you to marry me inside this church tonight when we go in. I  just want us to have a look around. I know your father has advised you not to ever be alone with me in a church. He thinks I may marry you without permission..." He then gave out a chuckle.

Terza was shocked "How do you know about that? Who told you?"

Vincenzo shrugged "I have my ways. I know he has forbid you from walking into a church with me by yourself. He thinks I may marry you and you become a Rosario before he expects it. As much as it tempts me to marry you right now when I walk inside that church with you, I must say we are not getting married tonight. I can wait for the right time to marry you when you are ready. Your father is wrong. I won't give into temptation. I have honour. I have respect."

Terza stated "You don't follow any protocols but your own."

Vincenzo stated "Of course. I follow my own protocols which are very strict. I am more stricter than my own father and your father actually."

Terza asked "Are you stricter than Tristan?"

Vincenzo said "You tell me Terza. You tell me. That's your brother. But again time will tell. You must wait and see. Now let's go."

Terza shook her head "Not tonight Vincenzo. I think I have gotten close enough to the altar."

Vincenzo asked "What are you afraid of?"

Terza said "Let's do this another night. Your family are waiting for us..."

Vincenzo said "Terza. My family is within walking distance from here. I can see you obey your father."

Terza said "I do. Maybe I like to follow his advice or maybe I have my reasons." It was getting too much. A vow made at a wedding was serious. A vow to Vincenzo was not like other vows. He wasn't one to cross or betray. He expected the same loyalty and love that he gave to her unconditionally that Terza did not think she was ready to give him. He had way too many secrets. She didn't think she could truly say her vows from her heart to him if he at least didn't tell her about Cristina.

Vincenzo said "Very well Terza. You don't have to come in. But you must meet my family. It's tradition and I like to introduce you. Do you have objections to that."

Terza said with a weak smile "No. Not at the moment."

Vincenzo mirrored her smile "Of course. But as you get off the car you might change your mind like right now."

Terza sighed "Vincenzo. I can't do this. My father has warned me against it and to be honest all this talk about your wedding day..."

Vincenzo corrected "Our wedding day Terza ..."

Terza sighed "All this talk is not convincing me to come in when I know I am not ready to think about it when you are."

Vincenzo said "I give you time. Time is what you have." He then announced "At least you made it to the first door. Maybe next time you come here it's for our real wedding. Some surprise would be nice I guess."

Terza felt just way affected by the intense moments and didn't peven try to answer back. He lead her back outside to the car and she let him. She wasn't there to fight. Not that night. He had given her some reasons for contemplation. The way he spoke of his wedding and marrying her just felt too real. She was just sixteen and he was seventeen. She couldn't get her head around the idea that she could be saying her vows in that church. Her father's words rang in her words throughout the car ride "Terza Clarisa, under no circumstances allow the beast to soften you. You go by your own rules. Don't let him sweet talk you. Don't let him try to take away your choices. Take actions in your own pace. Take actions when you are ready. And I will be damned if I let him walk you into a church all alone when you are defenceless. The beast will try to bring your defences down and bring his own defences down too when he is on Holly ground. His faith is his most mysterious characteristic that I even can't analyse. Just be wary of him on holy ground. Also, don't make decisions you regret. Don't give the beast promises you can't keep. Because that's what he can do to you. He has the power to do that. He can make you commit to decisions you can't keep. He is a beast. He is not human. Don't let him lead your relationship that's meant to be a two way street. Don't let him lead you too far down a path you are not ready to take on yet."

Terza came out of her thoughts when they stopped in front of a gate to the place she could tell was the Rosario properties. It was as mesmerising as she had imagined. As they entered she could see its vastness and beauty.

Vincenzo opened the car door and said to her "It won't take long Terza. Then you can come to my place and have a good night sleep."

Terza got off the car and before she knew it she found herself in embrace of Tiziana who came out to greet her.

Tiziana smiled at her "Glad to see you Clarisa." She then glanced at Vincenzo "Is it ok if I introduce her to the ladies here? We have been waiting long. We are in the tea room. Please Vincenzo. I haven't seen any girl my age recently in this fight security fortress as I am home schooled now..."

Terza could see the pleading tone. She was an outgoing girl which meant they got a long.

Vincenzo said "If Terza wants to come with you, she can."

Terza didn't like his bossiness and how his cousin had to ask for permission in that manner but she let it slide. Her people were the hostages so she decided to play along." She turned to Vincenzo and gave him a smile "I may not come out until morning. I may chat with the ladies until the morning and this table talk could be postponed." It was worth a try to say to him she had her choices.

Vincenzo smiled back "Of course. I have no problem with you spending time with the ladies. Not a problem Terza. Take your time."

Tiziana bit her lip and put her hands around her waist and smiled as she said "Let's go." She then whispered "Before he changes his mind."

As Terza felt she was out of hearing range of Vincenzo she said "He made the decision effortlessly. He is not so strict then. I expected him to say no. He is bossy."

Tiziana said "Oh. You have no idea Clarisa. He said take your time because females are no threat. He won't like it if you speak to males. Any male you talk to who is not family could become dinner to the dogs if he doesn't like their tone with you or they look at you the wrong way."

Terza cringed "What? Is that what happens to people if they insult me? No wonder no one makes eye contact."

Tiziana said "Oh that's nothing. That's if he wants a quick death for them. He prefers burning people at stake if anyone messes with his woman. He likes to make an example out of such crazy individuals. As if anyone would dare insult you? But his rules are quite stricter when it comes to treatment of women in general. That's why we don't have anyone who dares disrespect women in anyway. Even at dinner table no one dares comment on how the food didn't have enough salt or oil because Vincenzo doesn't even forgive that. Even though Vincenzo doesn't eat with us anything we say is reported to him. So no one takes the risk. He doesn't tolerate any form of insults to women. He is like his father."

Terza commented "I didn't know he became a champion to women here."

Tiziana laughed "Clarisa. But he is even more strict that my grandpa in all areas. He would bring medieval tortures in if he is displeased with anyone for any reason. One of the biggest crimes committed is if a woman complains to him for any treatment of  being disrespected. But he is quite unforgiving about any crime. He is a champion for people."

Terza sighed "So he does medieval torture if anyone looks at me funny?"

Tiziana shook her head "A public torture if it's you complaining to him so a message goes out."

Terza felt her head was spinning. Vincenzo was taking it all seriously. This was no don in transition. This was one established don. If he didn't eat with his family but they feared him torturing them for saying something wrong at the food table where he didn't even eat said a lot. He was terrorising them and it was only the beginning. She felt sorry for these people in some way but again they needed Vincenzo to guarantee their reign.

Vincenzo was watching his Terza walking to his uncles house. Pietro Rosario and his wife Sofia were living with the old don and mama adriana. It was the cottage house where he was going to introduce his Terza to his family. He was in no rush. He waited for his Terza to have her female only time with the women. Why not? She had the right to be free of him for a while. He didn't mind his Terza having some freedom. He was going to have a life time with her after their wedding. He thought separation from her was a test. It tested his will and he was ready for it. Nothing good in life came easy.

Vincenzo heard his grandfather "She looks like her father. I don't see signs of any Giovanni blood."

Vincenzo didn't like his grandfather's tone but since he was behind closed doors he wasn't too affected by the venom in his voice. Vincenzo was in one of his offices looking outside the window watching Terza enter his uncle's house. Once she disappeared inside the building, he turned "Grandpa. I only came here to get a soda. I didn't come here to get a lecture I know too well. It's quite late for you to be out and about. Why don't you go inside and have some wine." He then walked to the fridge in the office and grabbed a soda from inside.

Paulo watched his grandson open the can and drink. He reminded him of Francesco a lot. His son was always keen on having his near midnight soda. Paulo leaned to the kitchen counter of the office and spoke "You drink too much soda. Too much caffeine can disrupt your sleeping pattern. Have some red wine from our winery. That's less damaging."

Vincenzo laughed as he drank the rest of the soda in one go. He shook his head as he crushed the empty can and threw it in the bin "It's the whole point Grandpa. I don't wish to sleep tonight when my woman is around. I would rather be awake the whole night and watch her sleep."

Paulo crossed his arms over his chest "Your woman? Of course I understand that ... But her father is not one I call a friend to this family. Yet she is remaining as your woman. This baffles me."

Vincenzo nodded as he started to walk slowly to his grandpa "I know. Her father has always made it clear there is no love lost between himself and the Sicilian rosarios but he is one of my fathers closest allies. He is Terza's father. He allowed me to be close to Terza.... and as you pointed out yet, she is still my girl... " He was now standing in front of his grandpa and reached his hand to his tie. He had a look at the tie and smiled "You see grandpa. Sometimes people are not who they seem. Some who you see as foes can be really friends and your point of view maybe inaccurate just like the notion that objects are not what they seem and are not always used for purposes they are used for. This tie is a tie. It's for making you look smart. But if I pull it, you do know it can suffocate you. When you speak of my woman, I don't mind it because it's in the privacy of my office. You are honest about your views. I don't wish to challenge you grandpa. I know deep down you don't mind the O'Neil's. You admire Terence Emanuelle O'Neil. You just don't like him because he threatened to kill you and he refuses to make peace with you. Fair enough. I understand your view but it doesn't mean I like to hear it. The Irish can be our closest ally. I hope you live long enough to witness it grandpa." He then gave his grandpa a pat on the shoulder after he fixed his tie. He took one step away "Is there anything else you wish to discuss?"

Paulo shook his head "You can't expect me to drink to that Vincenzo. The Irish will always find an excuse to declare war..."

Vincenzo said "Grandpa. Times are changing. You have to drink to that ... tonight actually... My Terza will be at the same table with the whole family. If you can't drink then it's best you practice now. You can get used to the idea in the next hour or so."

Paulo sighed and started walking away to the door "I will drink if you wish it Vincenzo. As you said this is behind closed doors. But you will one day regret not listening to my advice." As he opened the door he said "There was a message from Tristan for you. The telephone operator left it at your desk in this office. Enjoy." He then walked outside.

Vincenzo walked to his desk and read the message that was short, sudden and demanding. He was meant to leave for New York immediately. He knew something must have been wrong. He narrowed his eyes at the note as he banged his fist on the table. Tristan knew something he didn't and he hadn't made it clear what this was about not even in secret codes. This was his intention deliberately. Tristan wanted him not to have knowledge about the matter before he arrived in New York and it didn't go down well with Vincenzo.

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