A Psycho Love Triangle

By roaringasylum

1.4K 95 21

I've been abused all my life but in the worst place I found someone to love me. Will he become the love of... More

The Send-Off
Survival Plan
Devil's Own Luck
Time's Up
If Your Reading This I'm not Okay
The Catastrophe Begins
Suprise, Suprise
Hurts Like Hell
Storyline Takes A Spin
What The Hell Just Happened...
It's Complicated
Is This What A Heartbreak Feels Like?
1, 2,-
I Love You...
Let Go.
She's too good for you
Drunk night...?!
Catering closet
I Did...

Just-Just Stay

34 3 2
By roaringasylum

"Why did you push her?" Roman asks
"I honestly have no clue. I was so mad. I couldn't find her so I got scared. I think my emotions took ahold of me." Seth replies.
"God just look at her she's like a sad little puppy."
"Yeah, wish I could help but she probably hates me right now." Seth says
"Guys. I can hear you. And I don't hate you, but I do despise you very much." I say still staring out the hotel window.
"Look can y'all two make up so I can have sex with my girlfriend without y'all here." Roman smirks.
"Ew." Me and Seth say at the same time. I catch his eye contact and break it immediately to stare back out the window.
"I got this."  Seth says. He walks over to the bed and tries to grab my hand. I rip it awake not looking at him still.
"Fine!" He yells and throws me over his shoulders.
"Put me down you asshole!" I scream as he walks down the hall with me.
"Stop fighting me." He says.
"Never!" I yell.
"Put me DOWN!" I scream once more.
"You heard her put her down." I hear someone say. I can't see them past Seth's ass in my face.
"What are you gonna do about it, cheat on her." Seth says.
"Let me at him!" I scream. Seth sets me my feet down on the ground. I turn around and Dean stands a yard away.
I run towards him and knock him down jumping on top and clawing him across the face. I stop clawing for just a second. Dean is just laying there letting me do it.
"Fight Back!" I scream in his face. But he doesn't say anything he just sits there looking at me with his sad blue eyes.
"Fight back!" I yell again.
"Why?" He whispers.
I look at him confused and just get off of him, stepping backwards until I back into Seth. I turn around and run down the hall into the elevator with someone following me but I don't look back. I don't wanna know.
I get into the elevator not looking up just pressing the button for the main floor. The doors start to close but someone moves in and they open again.
"AJ. Please."
"No..." I say feeling tears burn my eyes.
Arms begin to wrap around me and bury my face into my hands.
The figure stoped the elevator.
"Please..." the voice asks.
I let go of face and stand back to look up but my face it glued to the floor.
"Just Go." I say.
"Please don't call me that." I whisper
"AJ. Please look at me." He says taking my cheeks into his hands.
"Why? Why would you lead me on? Why did you end up in the same closet we had sex in with Paige of all people? Why can't you just love me for once? All I wanted was you!" I say beating on his chest with my fist.
He grabs my wrist and leans his head onto mine, our noses touching.
"AJ..." He whispers. His warm minty breath raises the hairs on my neck.
"Dean...just-just stay..." I say feeling that clump in the back of my throat. "Stay with me..."
He stayed, he stayed and hugged me and then he left. He said he had to talk to Paige and I needed to talk to Seth. But he stayed, he stayed with me.
"Oh my God, AJ are you okay?" Seth asks as I walk into the room.
"Roman... I need to talk to Seth... alone." I say.
Seth's worried look turns to Sadness. He knows what's coming even if I don't.
Roman leaves and Seth just sits on the bed staring at me.
"AJ...please don't." He says.
"Seth. You pushed me. I was with Daniel for almost three years and I can't deal with someone who thinks that when they get mad they can push me. I'm not gonna deal with it."
"AJ..." He says standing up and grabbing my hand. "Please don't." He says gripping tighter.
"I'm in love with Dean..." I say pulling my hand out of his.
"But AJ, he cheated on you. He made you feel small, I was there for you when he wasn't." He says.
"And he was there for me when you weren't." I smart off.
"AJ-" he starts
"It's done Seth...friends?" I question.
"I can't be friends with someone who I'm madly in love with. It's to hard AJ..." He says sadly.
"I guess it's done then..." I say turning around
I hear him whisper something but it's to quiet and I'm afraid to turn back.
"I Love You!" He yells as I walk out the door.
Did he just-?
"I'm in love with you AJ!"
"Seth." I say covering my mouth.
I can't turn around. I'm stuck here. Oh god. I'm stuck and I feel a rush on anxiety hanging over me. I'm stuck in the door way.
I feel him walk up behind me. His breathing is slow and deep but his heart is beating a million miles and hour.
He puts his warm chest on my back, leaning his head over my shoulder.
"I love you." He whispers in my ear.
"Set-." I start but he cuts me off
"Stop. Don't say it again." He says wrapping his hands around my waist, burying his warm face into my shoulder. "Please don't say it again."
I feel the blood rushing to my face. "Just-Just Stay." His strong muscular arms wrapped around me. And his scruffy beard scratching my shoulder.
God don't let this end.
"Hey are you okay?" Dean asks as I stare out the car window. How cliché it is that it's raining on a day like this.
"Yeah I'm fine." I say faking a smile.
"Okay good." He says laying his hand on my thigh and patting it.
I look at his hand, for a second I can see Seth's. I'm just hoping that the feelings of him will go away. Oh how I hope they go.
The storyline still continues and this week I'm with Dean. I watch from backstage as Seth shoots his promo. He's shirtless today, probably just so I'll look.
"AJ, please come back to me." I see the sadness in his face and I know that wasn't part of the promo. I get up to walk out there but instead Dean's music begins to play and Seth seems angry.
"You want her back? The girl you pushed to the ground backstage? The girl you never cared enough to chase? You want AJ Lee back?!"
Seth just looks down at the ground and seems like he's crying.
"Not gonna happen!" Dean yells angrily
Seth stand there, wipes his face, and begins to go ape shit.
"No I want the girl I never once cheated on! I want the girl who you knew I loved for years! I want the girl who cried to me every night cause you made her feel like Shit! I want April Jeanette Mendez!" He screams. He's not supposed to cuss on Live or Say my actual name.
"What the hell are you doing." I whisper to myself.
"He's trying not to cry." A deep voice says behind me.
"What?" I say turning around.
"He gets angry like that so he won't cry." Roman says.
"Did I do this...?" I say looking at the floor

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