We're In a Team (IF and Compa...

By Starblaster2000

5.7K 90 15

WARNING BEFORE YOU START READING: This is a story that is, essentially, a story about the writer, me, "hookin... More

Prologue (5 years ago)
The Awakening (Present day)
The Return (3 hours later)
The Past (4 hours later)
I Have To Go Back (2 weeks later)
What Happened? (2 days later)
Hidden Love (2 months later)
How do I handle this?! (1 week later)
Alive Still?
Brute Force (2 months later)
Judgement (9 months later)
This Is No Mistake (2 weeks later)(Lemon Warning)
Fly (6 years later)

Death Is Avoidable!

187 4 0
By Starblaster2000

Father P.O.V.

     Activation plus 6 minutes, pulse is 25, respiration 8...hell, it's just another day for Logan.


     Things weren't looking good. Logan was stable but, not conscious. Compa and I were worried about what the doctors would say once they left that room. It took a couple hours before they stepped out, surgical masks off and hands together in front of them. Don't tell me...

-"W...well?" I asked.

-"Logan will survive...but his severe trauma to all major organs has left him out for quite some time...he may never awake again." One of them said.

     Tears started sliding down Compa's cheek and she rushed inside the room, I followed close behind. We both stood at the sides of his bed, watching as his chest rose and fell from his breath. Compa leaned over and rested her head on his chest to hear his heartbeat, I did the same. It was steady, but not strong enough to wake him up. I heard the door open and turned to see the men with a body bag entering...it had to be done. I felt tears start streaming down my face as well.

Father P.O.V.

     Those two really care for him, I was just joking about the two future wives comment. I didn't realize that it could actually be the case. Logan deserves women like them at his sides, I was waiting to see how far their emotions would take them. This was more than enough for conviction. Those two literally saved my son...and I couldn't be more thankful. I think I better repay by showing them a little secret that runs through the family. By the time I reached the operation room, I saw them just about to zip up the body bag and interjected.

-"Can a father not say goodbye to his only son before he's sent off?" I asked.

     Everyone in the room was startled by my appearance. I was wearing my Praetorian armband after all. They all stepped aside respectfully as I approached the still breathing body.

-"I may be old, but I care about family...and whoever they care about subsequently." I said.

-"What do you mean?" The girl named 'Compa' said, wiping tears from her eyes.

-"There's something I didn't tell anyone here about yet. I was waiting until Logan got used to being one of us but...it seems I have no choice now. He will walk among us again." I said.

-"What? How?" 'IF' asked.

-"An old trick in the family, listen closely. A Praetorian's death is very much unexpected, but seeing as he had a sword through him at one point, it's understandable how he would fade. Especially since he wasn't completely accustomed to the Praetor Armor yet. His Guardian, Orion, unfortunately fell by Zeke's hand in that battle. A bond between a guardian and his Praetorian comes from their very souls. I chose Orion from the moment Logan was born. Their souls were together since the start. But now, seeing as both of them have died, the guardian's soul is capable of restoring the Praetorian's at the cost of the destruction of his own."

-"So...there's a way to bring him back?" Compa asked.

-"Yes...but Orion will be lost forever if we choose to do so." I said.

    No one spoke, it seems as though they were in a dilemma. Not to worry, I had already made the choice for them. 

-"And that's exactly what I came here to do." I pulled out a small blue orb.

-"This container holds Orion's soul inside it. Once it comes into contact with the fallen Praetorian, it seeps through the shell and merges with the body. I suggest you hold on to something sturdy." I said as I unbuttoned Logan's shirt to start.

     I will hand it to my son, he stays in pretty good shape. No time for admiration now however! I set down the glass orb on his chest. Instantly, the glow from the orb starting phasing into Logan's chest. It was working! I held the orb in place as small tremors began to shake the room around me. It was actually working! Pieces of the ceiling and walls started to crack off and hit the ground with a thud. Luckily, the two wives were being shielded by a security officer in the room with us. The shaking hit its peak with the entire fucking wall of the room breaking off, letting sunlight leak into the room as the shaking seemed to subside. It stopped eventually and the orb was completely void of any shine or light; it had been removed. I let it fall out of my hands and it shattered into smoke as it hit the ground. Slowly, the others in the room regained their footing and approached Logan, IF and Compa being the closest.

-"Activation plus 11 minutes, pulse is now 45, respiration 15. Looking fit for duty, Logan." I said into my voice recorder.

-"Who are you talking to?" IF asked.

-"Oh, no one my dear. I suggest you focus on Logan for now. He seems to be waking up." I said in a polite tone. I didn't want to say rude things when I have my son and his wives listening at the same time.

     Silently, I took my leave, he'll be fine, awake in a few seconds. Besides, I have to move out and select a new Guardian for him. Until we meet again...Praetorian Logan.

Logan P.O.V.

     My senses seemed to turn on once again as my ears heard two very familiar voices and my eyes started slowly opening.

-"---waking up!" I heard Compa's voice say.

     Once I fully opened my eyes, I blinked a few times to let my eyes adjust to the sunlight. 

-"Compa? IF?" I asked.

     I quickly sat up in the bed as I recognized the broken wall. Were we still under attack?!

-"Guys, what happened? Is Zeke's army gone?" I said frantically.

     I was met not with an answer but with two pairs of arms throwing themselves around my neck. I had assumed that yes, the war was over...finally. After seemingly relentless enemy hordes and multiple times we had no escape...my father had given me the means to save the ones I cared about the most. I had finally saved these two and my father included...my father...my...dad. Dad! Where was he?! 

-"Wait, girls, where's my dad?" I asked.

-"Oh, he's right...over...there?" IF said, turning and pointing at an empty corner of the room.

-"Where did he go?" Compa asked.

     I knew, my dad was always the type of person to get while the gettin's good. I still remember his last words to me before he left me on my own with mom. It was when I had asked him why he was leaving...I was 8 then. "Son, one day you'll realize that you're in a bigger picture than you think, It's within you. I promise, one day, I'll return to fully prepare you for what you'll have to face. You've probably guessed by now, but this old man ain't fit to be a father and neither your mother nor I want to disturb the natural order by having another child. You're one of a kind son, you may not know it yet but...let's just say, you can fly a whole lot higher than you think. I care for you son, that's why I need you to find out on your own why I'm doing this. Your mom's a wonderful lady, she'll teach you everything any other parent does. But, in the future, I'll teach you how to hone not just your skills, but yourself as a whole. Goodbye son, until we meet again, Reaper." The only time I saw him again was when I was just starting the military life of becoming a pilot. I remember now that he seemed very happy that I wanted to learn more about it. He taught me everything he knew in the most clear and concise way he could. I knew where he would be, maybe it's just a hunch, but I'll try it anyway. Eventually, I managed to loosen the grip the girls had on me and try to stand.

-"I'm going." I said.

-"Going? Going where?" Compa asked.

-"To find my father." I said.

-"Logan, he already left, how do you know where he is?" IF asked.

-"...Call it a hunch." I said, standing up, only to limp. 

     The girls gave me support, I thanked them and we walked out of the hospital, soldiers stepping aside respectfully, saluting. After a while of walking, I regained my footing and I started towards the location faster. I arrived, back to where I first encountered Orion's call. He was standing there, waiting for something it seemed.

-"Dad!" I called.

     He turned and smiled with pride.

-"I never expected anything less from a Praetorian." he said.

-"Dad, I have to know. What am I? What are the Praetorians? How did you survive? I found out what you meant by I'm in a bigger picture but I don't know who the artist is!" I said, pleading for any sort of explanation.

     His smile faded. He stared at me, taking periodic glances at the girls behind me. He took a deep breath before opening his mouth to speak.

-"Logan...to tell you the truth...I don't know either. All I know is that they were a legendary group of fighters that existed only as tales for the younglings to enjoy. My father never told me too much and information is pretty scarce nowadays. I only lived due to the massive funding I received with my Praetor Armor project and subaquatic tech. The bigger picture has never stopped being painted, it only gets a bigger frame with every descendant. And now Logan." he put his hand on my shoulder. "It's time for you to take the lead. The Praetor Armor will need a new host and the Praetorian will need a new Guardian when your time has passed. My time is nearly done as well, and I have been holding out on you for too long. Now, I need to show you everything I know...nothing. Everything I taught you is stuff you would've learned on your own anyway. It's just that your Praetorian blood emerged early with your big freeze. Now Logan, I assume you will make the right decision with the two..." he forced a handshake onto me and left something in my palm by the time he pulled away. "Until we meet again, Praetorian Reaper." 

    Those were the last words out of his mouth before a sort of tube came out of the sand of the shore and closed him in. He gave me one final genuine nod before the tube sucked him away. I reached a hand out and froze in place when it was gone. 

-"Dammit dad...you were always the type to leave me vague answers..." I said, clutching the object in my hand. 

     I opened my hand and looked at the object in my palm. A small box, lined with red velvet. Dammit...he's settin' me up. Although, strangely enough, I'm not opposed to it.

-"Logan? Are you okay?" Compa asked. 

     I realized I had been standing motionless for a while now. I hastily put the box into my pocket and turned back around.

-"Girls, I have made a decision today...one that I will keep with me for as long as I live." I said.

-"As long as you're sure about your choice, that's fine with me." IF said.

-"Me too!" Compa said.

     Good to know my compani-...my wives...are willing to stay with me even after all the hard times we've been through. It doesn't matter anymore, I've already made my choice. I will ask these two to stay with me forever. And when that day comes, I hope they say those holy words...yes. 

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