Nothing Lasts Forever

By ShivyMay27

358K 2.3K 554

Simone had been on her own for a few years since leaving home. Her mother, a devoted Christian, who prayed da... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
12Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27 ~ Part 1
Chapter 27 ~ Part 2

Chapter 14

10.5K 78 13
By ShivyMay27

Thanks to all those who continue to read, vote and comment, I appreciate it.



I was so happy that Simone came to church today, but I was completely floored when I opened my eyes from praying and saw her standing up at the front of the alter being hugged and kissed by my friends from the church.

God truly works in mysterious ways and although I pray for all my friends daily I can't make the decision for them and seeing her up there touched my heart. My heart went out to her and I hadn't realized that my feet started moving until I was standing beside her.

This was all new to her and I couldn't let her feel like she was going through it alone, I would be there for her no matter what. Besides I really believed that God placed me in her life for this exact purpose.

At first I wasn't sure why but now I see the bigger picture, sometimes we just have to sit back, do our part and let God do the rest. I admit when she first came into my life I thought it was for us to be together.

Then she and Eric got together and I tried to put all my feelings aside and be a true friend. This is why as I sit here, watching her ignore his calls I know I had to tell her to talk to him. It was killing me but if she and Eric were going to end it, it would not be because of anything I did or said.

I would first be her friend and if they did break up that doesn't mean she and I would end up together, I mean I loved her but that doesn't mean she felt anyway shape or form close to what I was feeling.

But us just hanging out and talking, after sharing that experience made me feel that much closer to her and that was going to have to be enough. She looked radiant, I mean she was always beautiful but she had this glow about her and I could see she felt at peace.

"You know Chris; I am actually looking forward to talking to my mom." Her words broke into my thoughts and I smiled up at her, I wasn't sure but I think I was staring.

"I am glad that you feel so confident, and it will bring you closer to your family again" I was starting to feel a little self conscious so I stood up and went into the kitchen for a glass of water.

I really hoped she didn't notice me just staring at her, but she was acting pretty normal so I dismissed the thought.

"Well it's been years since we spoke and feeling like I was never good enough always plagued my thoughts. I never felt worthy of her love, plus I felt like an outcast. But God is truly good."

"All the time Sisi, all the time He is good." I walked back into the room and sat back down on the couch. We had ate and talked all afternoon into the early evening and it felt great spending time together.

"Listen Simone, I don't mean to spoil your mood,"

"Well then don't Chris." She cut me off before I could finish saying what I wanted.

"You don't even know what I was going to say woman." I cocked my head to the side trying to read her emotions, which I had a knack for doing.

"Oh yes I do and I am sure it has something to do with he who shall not be named right now, you're not the only one who can read people you know." This time she smiled and I knew she wasn't angry, maybe a little tired of the whole situation and from the day's events.

"Well I am going to say this anyways, when you call 'him' tomorrow, (I made sure not to call Eric's name) just relax and listen, talk it out, try not to get to upset, I know it might be easier said than done but if you get upset and start getting emotional you guys may not be able to work things out."

The working things out part was not easy for me to say, but I knew it's what I should say right now, so I did.

"Listen Chris I know you are just trying to be a good friend but I can't make any promises, I am hurt by the whole thing, and I don't know if I can forgive him. I will have to sleep on it."

"Well Sisi, that's a fair enough answer and I won't push you on this, it's still your life and your decision, just know that I am here for you and will support you in any way I can."

"You being you; is support enough, but speaking of sleeping on things, I am getting a bit tired, do you mind taking me home?"

"Of course I don't mind, let me grab my keys and I will meet you at the door ok?"

"Sounds pretty good to me."

We sang to a song I had playing in the car; I had not even known she knew the words, and she was a very decent singer too. We laughed and talked on the drive home and I really enjoyed myself.

After dropping Simone off, I walked her to the elevator in her building, we hugged and I headed back to my car. I had been noticing this car with dark tints recently but I had not said anything to her, didn't want her worrying but as I pulled off, I made sure to pause and right down the license plate number, something seemed off about this car.

I had another fraternity brother who was a detective; I would have him run the plates for me to see if anything important comes up.

As soon as I got in the house my cell phone rang, I knew it couldn't be Simone, but I wasn't sure, maybe something happened and she was calling me. I answered without checking the id.


"Why hello stranger, I was wondering if you had fallen off the map or something, had not heard from you in a couple of days and you were suppose to make it up to me, you're not doing a very good job."

There was a long pause on the phone as I realized who I was speaking to and was kicking myself for not checking my id first; I took a few deep breaths trying to come up with something to say. I couldn't tell her that I blew her off to spend time with my best friend who I happened to be in love with.

"Hello, Chris? Are you still there?"

"Yes, I am Lily and I am so sorry for not calling you sooner, I had a few personal stuff come up and didn't have much time. I am so sorry for not calling you though." I really didn't want to hurt this young lady, she was really great.

I checked my watch and saw it was now 6:15 pm and I was a bit tired, but I wasn't going to blow Lily off again.

"Well I know life can get in the way at times, so I understand."

"Thanks for your patience and understanding, your amazing do you know that?" I heard her laugh before she replied.

"Flattery will get you everywhere. But I want to know if you're still interested in making it up to me?"

I was a little scared to ask but I did owe her so I would listen and see what she had in mind, "Sure" I said a little skeptically.

She laughed again, "don't worry Chris I won't have you pulling your nails out with a pliers or anything like that. My friend writes poetry and she has a few readings tonight, I wanted to know if you weren't too busy would you like to join me."

"Oh that sounds pretty cool, what time are we talking?"

"It will start at 9 sharp."

"That is definitely doable my dear, would you like me to come pick you up?"

"No that is ok, I will be giving her a ride, so I will text you the address and you can meet me there, I will be waiting for you outside."

We spoke a little while longer, then we ended the call, I then quickly called my detective friend and asked him to do me the favor of checking out the plates. He agreed, we spoke briefly and decided we should plan some sort of reunion soon.

I wanted to shower and take a power nap before getting ready to go out later, it was Saturday night after all and I couldn't sleep the night away even if I wanted to.

Just as I was about to fall asleep I heard a text come in on my phone, I checked it, sure enough it was from Lily with the address. I said thanks and lay back down on the bed. In minutes I was out.

I remembered waking up to my alarm around 8:15 and feeling like I had slept all night. Thank God for power naps, you feel like a whole new person. I splashed some water on my face, got dressed and headed out the door.

I was actually earlier than Lily and her friend who she introduced me to quickly before the girl headed off to prepare herself. What I gathered is that this was her first time reciting her poetry in public and she was terribly nervous.

We sat down and spoke briefly before the lights dimmed. Lily's friend Carrie was the third person, she did two poems and she did great, and I really enjoyed them both.

She seemed very relieved when it was over but after the show ended we spoke and she was proud of herself for doing it, quite a few people came up to her and told her how good she was, which made her beam with pride.

The show ended around 10:30 and afterwards we had a little refreshments and good conversation. Lily and I spoke for sometime which only made me remember the reason I liked her so much in the first place. She was a really great person, kind, funny and smart and very easy on the eyes.

I got home close to midnight and was glad that I went out; I sat down for a while, reading my bible and thanking God for such a wonderful day. And of course my mind drifted right back to Simone and how much I cared about her and was glad she made this step in her life.

I was there for her but I was wondering if I should just move on with my life as well; I mean, Lily was incredible and Simone may never feel the same way about me as I do her so what's stopping me from moving forward.

After that thought crossed my mind I got a very strange feeling, I am not sure if I could describe it but I knew no matter who came in my life; unless I told Simone how I felt and cleared the air, I could never truly move on.

This could possibly end our friendship but I felt like I needed to do it, so I decided I would, but maybe after we went to visit her family. I didn't want to dwell on the details of it all or I might stay up all night thinking so I decided to call it a night.


After Chris dropped me home I took a shower and decided to relax, although I felt tired I also felt wired and decided instead of putting it off any longer I would call my mother. I do hope that she will be happy for me.

I picked up the phone and dialed my mother's number which had not changed in all these years, "Hello"

"Umm Hi mom it's me."

"Simone, my child is it really you, how are you, is everything alright?" As usual my mom was a worrier and asked me a dozen questions in one breath. I smiled to myself, I have missed her and it was my pride that kept me from calling her.

"I am fine mom, I wanted to call and give you some good news."

"Oh that's wonderful dear, what is it?"

"Well first off things have been a little chaotic in my life lately but to sum it up, I was baptized today."

"Oh thank you Lord!" I heard my mom shout and it sounded like she was jumping up and down from my end.

"Mom, mom are you still there?"

"Yes my child I am, and I am overjoyed, the Lord has heard and answered my prayers after all these years. He is an on time God and I praise His name."

"Yes He truly is amazing, I also wanted to know if I could come and see you soon?"

"Of course you can, you never need to ask me a question like that, this will always be your home and you're always welcomed here." I felt so overwhelmed by how amazing my mother was being that I started to cry.

We continued talking and I told her about everything that has been going on, with Kate and me being chased and finding God and so forth, I didn't mention Eric, I wanted to deal with that on my own. But I also just wanted to continue to hear my mom's voice.

I told her that I had to go to Atlanta for a week but right after I would be coming with my other best friend Chris. I told her a lot about both him and Kate and mom filled me in on what has been going on in her life.

She told me she had changed churches and she too went to church on a Saturday, she was now an Adventist, go figure. My mother always loved her church and the pastor and I figured that she would never leave.

She told me that many members did, including my brother, who had gotten married and was now expecting twins. I was blown away by that part; I was going to be an aunty. Well that's if my brother could be as forgiving as my mom.

The longer I spoke to my mother, the lighter I felt, a weight had been lifted off my shoulders, a burden that I carried around for so long and for what, because I didn't want the life my mom wanted for me. Turns out she was right all along.

We finally decided to end the call but she said she would call me in the morning, she was so happy and so was I.

I headed to my room and got down on my knees beside my bed, giving God praise and thanks for turning my life around. I prayed for Kate's safety and felt in my heart that she was still alive. I knew now that God would never break his promise to me, I was sure of it.

When I climbed into bed it was after midnight and I was thoroughly exhausted. I was drifting away peacefully with my heart absolutely bursting at how happy I was.

I suddenly felt something over my mouth, when I opened my eyes my whole body went limp with fear, it was him; he was in my house. I was trying to fight but whatever he was holding over my mouth made me feel so weak, the last thing I remembered was the clock on my night stand with the red numbers that told me it was 12:30. Then everything went black.


if you like so far don't forget to vote or comment I would love to hear from you guys and see where you think its going.

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