The Untamed Storms~ On hold~

By husnah_hussain

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She was Red Hot Lava Hot and fierce like the Simoon Could Burn without Realizing She Was a fiery Angel Angry... More

Authors note
Chapter two-Evil step mother
Chapter three- Her promise
Chapter four- The elder brother
Chapter five- Truths and Apologies
Chapter six- Umma's duplicates
Chapter seven- Baba's guests
Chapter eight- Endless waiting

Chapter one- Best friend gone

201 37 29
By husnah_hussain

Halima's POV.
Borno, maiduguri.
February 1994.

The loud sound of local drums woke me up from my afternoon nap. The drummers seemed happy, hitting their drums in a systematic rhythm. I meandered outside my room, the hot sun causing me to flinch a little. I sighted my step mother, Mama Saratu, in the kitchen, sitting by the local stove preparing the evening supper. I sauntered pass her to the bathroom, not daring to utter a word to her nor enter her territory, if not a ruckus would be created this afternoon. My step mother would make a mountain out of a mole hole for just greeting her.

I finished praying asr and the drums could still be heard, what could be the occasion, I thought. I went to Mama Fatima's chamber and knocked gently. She answered after a while and I entered.

"As Salam alaikum" I said.

"Wa'alaikumus salam, Halima come inside" she replied. She was sitting on the mat, with her hair falling over her shoulders, while the hair dresser plaited her hair.

"Umma Fatima" I started "Is an occasion on its way? the drums are heard for a long time now" I asked and she took aback by laughing loudly.

"Halima kenan.. So you haven't heard up till now" she chimed, confusing me more.

"Heard? About what?" I asked

"Asiya's wedding date has been fixed" she replied and I felt flabbergasted

"A..Asiya's wedding? When?" I inquired

"It's in seven days time" She responded and signaled to the hair plaiter to leave us alone.

"Seven days!" I exclaimed. She moved closer to me and held my hands.

"Aren't you happy for your friend?"

"Of course I'm happy for's just that it came unexpected" I stuttered . "Can I go and meet her?"

"Sure, you can go, but don't stay late" she ordered

I lumbered to my room and wore my hijab. Trudging past the angry mama Saratu and headed for the house beside ours. I met Asiya's father and Abba and some other people by the zaure of the house. I knelt down and greeted them.

"Where are you going?" Abba asked.

"I...I'm...I want to go and see Asiya" I answered and he nodded.

Passing the women cooking outside, I reached the main house and met Auntie Yagaji, Asiya's mother in the living room.

"Ina wuni" I knelt down and greeted.

"Lafiya Halima, its good that you're here" she bought plate of rice and stew, and handed it to me.

"Take this to her. Ever since she got the news this morning, she has not eaten a morsel of food. Please make sure she eats"

I made my way to her room and knocked gently. I could hear the ruffling sound of pillows and silent sobs. Knowing my friend, she wouldn't open the door for anyone, she'd stay up in her room and cry into her pillows.

"Asiya....its me, halima" she instantly opened the door for me and I walked inside. The room was filled with clothes, some ironed, some washed and yet to be ironed, and some dirty. I found a clean space on the floor and sat down, watching my best friend as she slowly ate her food.

"I can't believe they are doing this to can they just get me married to someone I have absolutely no knowledge about, and that too, in seven days, this isn't fair" She bellowed as she placed the empty plate or rice under the bed. She sat down beside me, leaning on the wall as she continued her ramblings. "Leema, I don't even know how his face looks like, nor his character, and I'm about to dedicate my whole life to him...."

I placed my hand on her's and gave her a small smile."Put your trust in Allah,everything would go smoothly. Maybe this is the best for you" I spoke

"What about my dreams?...I want to study, to be a doctor" she gulped.

"Somethings are just not meant to be...we should actually be thankful, in this society, where female children are married off from the age of twelve, we were allowed to go to school, till the secondary level" she nodded a little, agreeing with me.

"Still...but" she argued. "I don't even know him, how does he even look like, what are his likes and dislikes? Will he accept me?"

"You have your whole life to adjust and get to know each other, don't you think it's enough?"

We stayed up in her room talking until the adhan for maghrib was called and I rushed home before it gets dark, and before mama Saratu makes sure baba scolds me for staying late.

The next few days went by in a flash, and before I knew it, it was already the kamu ceremony. It was the first ceremony, followed by a a small walima, and then the wedding Fatiha on Saturday morning. And then my best friend is gone.

The Kamu went by smoothly, the loud drums, the women yodeling hysterically the children ecstatic and delightful and the bride glowing like the moon.

Siya(the name she calls Asiya) never let me out of her sight after the Kamu. She even asked permission from baba so I could stay with her till she leaves, and to my surprise, baba agreed.

The next morning was the walima, Siya woke up very early, before fajr. She insisted on visiting the river side for the last time.

"Please accompany me..please" She bawled

"It's your wedding tomorrow, and if someone finds out you stepped out, we'll be in big trouble" I said folding the blankets while she threw a black niqabi to my face.

"Not if we wear this" she replied smirking.

We snuck out through the back door. Loud Qur'an recitation could be heard from the northern part of the house. My hands were trembling with fear as we walked to the river.

"What if someone recognizes us?" I asked terrified, looking back for the tenth time. We reached the beautiful riverside and sat down on the bare ground, watching, as the waves moved with high current. Siya started crying after a while.

"Hey...what's wrong?" I inquired as I hugged her, slowly rubbing her back.

"I....I'll so much Leemah" she stammered sobbing loudly.

"'s okay. I'll come visit you everyday" I said and she stiffened.

"That's the problem...I won't be living here"

"Oh...don't worry my dear friend, I'll go all the way to the city to visit you" I said and she looked back at the river before she spoke.

"I'll be living in US" she said slowly and I felt my chest tighten.

"It's alright...I'll still send you letters" I managed to say. My best friend, is getting married tomorrow, and then she's moving to US forever. I felt the tears run down my cheeks, and I made no attempt to clean them.

We sat there and cried our hearts out for what seemed like hours, before she took both my hand and looked straight into my eyes.

"Whatever might be in the future, I want you to know that you're the best friend I've ever wished for, I want you to know that you mean more than a friend to me, you're my sister, a sister that always protects me, that always saves me from mama's wrath whenever I commit an offense. You're that childhood friend that knows every secret of mine. The one we did everything together, we learned how to walk, to talk, to write. And we even learned how to ride a bicycle without our parents knowledge.." She beamed at her last sentence and I could feel the memories flood back.

"I want you to know that I love you so much, and I'll always do. Thank you for everything. May Allah reward you with the highest rank of Jannah" she spoke and I hugged her tightly.

She held my hand yet again before she continued. "I don't have anything to give you for everything you've done for me.." She said. "But if I ever give birth to a son, he'll surely marry your daughter. I promise you that" she sealed her promise with a courteous smile and I placed my hands on top her's.

"My daughter will surely marry your son" I said

And our little promise was sealed, with the exquisite waves and the dazzling blue clouds as our witnesses.


The marriage ceremony was conducted with the waliy(representative) of both the bride and groom. The groom was in US and was not present.

There was loud celebrations after the wedding and the bride was seen off with two old women to escort her to her new home.

Her eyes were red and puffy from all the crying as I hugged her for the last time. She was standing in front of the car that'll take her to the airport and she refused to let go off me until I promised I'll send letters every week.

And then she left. My best friend was gone.

And I felt as if she took a part of me with her.



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