Cat & Her First Love (Novella...

By HayleyDooley

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**READ AMBER & HER BALLER FIRST** Whatever our souls are made of, his and mine are the same ~ Emily Bronte Ca... More

Chapter One- Catherine 16yrs Old (Eva & Justin's Wedding)
Chapter Two- Craig
Chapter Three- Catherine
Chapter Four- Craig
Chapter Five-Catherine
Chapter Six-Craig
Chapter Seven-Catherine
Chapter Eight-Craig
Chapter Nine-Catherine
Chapter Eleven-Craig
Chapter Twelve-Catherine
Chapter Thirteen-Catherine
Chapter Fourteen-Craig
Chapter Fifteen-Catherine 18yrs Old
Chapter Sixteen-Craig

Chapter Ten-Craig

1.5K 102 3
By HayleyDooley

I get home and mum squealing happily. "Yo, Am home" I shout as I shut the front door, mum comes running round the corner to me like a fuckin loon.

"Woah. Woah! Where's the fire, ma?" I scold playfully.

"Craig, Craig. Oh, my god. Me and your dad have just found out we're going to be a nan and grandad. Amber's just found out she's pregnant, isn't that wonderful? You're going to be a uncle!!" She squeals happily clapping her hands in excitement.

"Awesome" I say, genuinely happy for my big brother.

"Oh, and that's not all, they're getting married as soon as possible" she squeals in happiness.

"No shit?" I say grinning.

"Yup! He's just called then, he's as the hospital with amber.Eva went into labour early, thankfully the twins are okay" she says with relief on her face.

"I know" I say, and then close my eyes.


"Oh? And how do you know about that, when I've only just found out myself?"She asks raising her eyebrows in question.

I sigh in frustration. "Because I was with Catherine" I tell her and her face morphs into confusion.

"Catherine? Eva's sister, catherine?" She asks with the biggest grin on her face. "I didn't know you're dating" She nudges me playfully.

"I'm not, we're just friends, that's all" I tell her with as much conviction in my voice as possible.

"Just friends, huh?" She asks not convinced.

I nod.

just friend's that eat each other's faces off .

She keeps looking at me to see if I'm telling the truth and must just take my word for it walking away towards the kitchen. "We're having scouse for tea" she tells me as she walks in the kitchen, and I move to the stairs making my way upstairs.

"Let me know when it's done ma, am gonna chill in my room for a bit" I shout down to her.

"Okay, baby" she shouts back.

Getting in my room I call our russ and he answers on the fifth ring. "This better be a fucking emergency, bro" he growls.

"Aww, whats the matter, bruh? You getting all the sexy time in now while you can?" I tease.

"Funny, little prick" he growls. "I take it mum told you?" He says happily.

"Yeah, bro. I'm made up for you both" I say honestly.

"Thanks, my man" he chuckles happily and I hear him gulp, then his voice changes all of a sudden. "Listen, bruh. Am gonna have to go" he tells me, his voice all hoarse.

I chuckle. "No worries, bro. Be sure to give my love to Amber for me?" I tease.

"Dude, the only lovin she's getting is mine and GC's" he growls and put's the phone down on me making me chuckle.

Who the fuck is GC?

I decide to text Catherine let her know the news.

Me: So, I just found out am gonna be a uncle x

Her reply is instant.

Kitty Cat: I believe so, mums just told me. Congrats. That sort of makes me an auntie 3x over x

Before I can even read the text, she sends another.

Kitty Cat: I mean, you know cos I've always thought of amber like a sister anyway. Xx

I chuckle at her words.

so fucking cute...

Me: I know what you mean, any more news on the twins? X

Kitty Cat: Mum told me they need to stay in NICU for a couple of days, am going in to see them later, I can't wait x

Me: Take pics, I wanna see x

Kitty Cat: Will do x

"Craig! Tea's ready" mum shouts.

"Comin, ma" I shout back and text Catherine back.

Me: Gotta go, beaut. Tea's calling x #scouse
Kitty Cat: Jealous! I love scouse, enjoy!! Text you later x

Me: Later's baby x

I put my phone on charge and head downstairs, Mum and dad were already sat at the table eating when I walk in, mum was talking excitedly about planning russ and amber's wedding. "Oh, am so excited" mum gushes and gasps suddenly. "I wonder if russ has told Hayley and Sarah?" She asks as she goes to get the phone.

"Woman, what are you doin?" Dad growls. "Put. The. Phone.Down!! I guarantee russ has already told them, now come sit down and eat your tea before it goes cold" he tells her.

"Yeah, he's probably told them already hasn't he?" She says it like it's stupid that she thought otherwise.

"Have you already spoken to russ, Craig?" Mum asks as she starts on her scouse.

I nod, dipping my bread in mine. "Mmmhmm" I tell her. "Yeah, just as they were about to get their freak on though" I grin wiggling my eyebrows.

Mum chokes slightly on her food and dad tut's at me. "Fucking hell, son. Are you okay, baby?" He asks mum as he pats her back gently.

"Yeah, am good" she smiles at him before scowling at me. "And you, why must you always talk like that, Craig?" She huffs at me.

"What do you mean, it's true?" I protest.

"And how do you know?" She argues.

"Cos he told me, that's why" I chuckle. "He's celebrating" I add with a wink.

"I swear, you boys" mum huffs shaking her head muttering things under her breath
making me and dad chuckle at her grumbling.

I'm back in my bedroom, taking my phone off charge I drop myself on my bed and check for any calls or texts. There is a message from Catherine, smiling I open the text which makes my smile turn into a grin. She sent me a picture of her holding the twins in her arms.

Kitty Cat: Say hello to Aidan and Anaya-Mae Casey x

The twins are tiny in her arms, the wires and tubes coming from them are a little disturbing but seen as though how early they came, I'd say its necessary.

Me: Cute pic x

She replies instantly.

Kitty Cat: Thanks x

I stare at the text contemplating my next move, making a decision to call her, because as much of a pussy I probably sound like right now, I miss her voice.

Pressing dial, I wait for her to answer, she answers on the first ring. "Hello?" She answers breathlessly, the sound doing bad things to my cock.


I clear my throat before speaking."Hey" I say back.

Well fucking congrats, Craig. How about maybe you can say more than one word next time. Fuck.Me.

"Are you Okay, Craig?" She asks concerned.

"Yeah. Yeah. I just wanted to hear your voice" I blurt.

what the fuck, Craig?

She giggles as I realise I must of said that out loud.

"Well I'm glad you called, cos I wanted to hear your voice too" she whispers shyly making my heart flutter in excitement.

"Yeah?" I ask grinning like a fucking fool.

"Yeah" She whispers and just like that everything else doesn't matter, just me and Catherine. We spend the next couple of hours talking on the phone until I hear her yawn, looking at my clock I see it's nearly one o'clock in the morning and we've got school.

"Shit, baby. I didn't realise it was so late. Get some sleep, baby. I'll see you tomorrow, well today" I murmur.

"It's okay, Craig. I've really enjoyed talking to you. I'll see you soon, good night and sweet dreams" she purrs.

fucking no doubt I'll be dreaming of you.. Hang On?!? What?!?

Clearing my throat. "Yeah, you too, Kitty Cat. I'll see you soon" I say before hanging up. I toss my phone on my bedside cabinet and bash my head against my pillow in frustration, I close my eyes willing myself to go to sleep, all the while thinking of Catherine...

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