Cat & Her First Love (Novella...

By HayleyDooley

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**READ AMBER & HER BALLER FIRST** Whatever our souls are made of, his and mine are the same ~ Emily Bronte Ca... More

Chapter One- Catherine 16yrs Old (Eva & Justin's Wedding)
Chapter Two- Craig
Chapter Three- Catherine
Chapter Four- Craig
Chapter Five-Catherine
Chapter Six-Craig
Chapter Seven-Catherine
Chapter Eight-Craig
Chapter Ten-Craig
Chapter Eleven-Craig
Chapter Twelve-Catherine
Chapter Thirteen-Catherine
Chapter Fourteen-Craig
Chapter Fifteen-Catherine 18yrs Old
Chapter Sixteen-Craig

Chapter Nine-Catherine

1.4K 103 1
By HayleyDooley

It's been five months since me and Layla went to Craig's football game, five months since I told him I wanted to take things slow as friends, five months of getting to know him.

Today, I'm meeting up with him for another mate date as Layla calls them, I'm finishing my hair off when all of a sudden I hear. "Oh, my god, Paddy. Our Eva's in labour" mum squeals loudly.

What the fuck? Labour? Already?

I open my bedroom door and mums running around frantically. "Oh, babe. Your sisters gone into labour early, I need you to watch your sister for me whilst me and your dad goes the hospital?" She asks as she hurriedly puts her shoes on.

She sees my hesitation and scowls at me. "Catherine, your sister is in labour. I wouldn't ask you if it wasn't important, you know this" She says.

"I know mum, I know. I was just thinking am best letting Layla know, as I was meant to be meeting up with her, that's all. Go on, I'll look after our Holly, give our Eva my love, okay?" I tell her and she smiles brightly as dad rushes out trying to put his coat on.
"Come on, woman. Hurry up" dad shouts as he runs out the door.

"Am comin. Am comin" mum shouts chasing after him. "I'll call you when we hear something okay, baby? I love you both" she says blowing a kiss to me as she leaves and shuts the door behind her.

I turn towards the living room where our Holly is watching 'something special' on CBeebies laughing and rocking at what Mr Tumble is doing, so I pull my phone out to use her distraction and phone Craig, he answers after the first ring. "Hey, Kitty Cat. I was just thinking about you, are you ready for our mate date?" He asks with a smile in his voice.

"Hey, am so sorry, Craig. But am gonna have to cancel, our Eva's just gone into labour with the twin's so I'm minding our Holly for my mum and dad whilst they're at the hospital" I say sadly.

He's silent for a minute before he clears his throat. "Oh, well that's okay?" He says his voice as sad as mine. "I know, how about I come to you? Your mum and dad aren't in are they?" He asks I can almost see his mischievous grin through his voice.

"I don't know?" I say warily.

"Oh, come on, babe. I'll leave before they get back" he pleads.

I smile at his eagerness to see me, and I really wanna see him too. "Okay" I whisper. "But you'll have to deffo be gone before they get back, or dad will string you up if he finds you here" I warm him.

"I promise, baby. I'm on my way, see you soon" he says hanging up before I can get a goodbye in.

Eager or what?

I pocket my phone and go back into Holly as something special is just finishing. "Hey, beautiful. Looking at me" I say gesturing to my face, she looks to me and I smile. "We're gonna have a visitor soon, you've met him before so thats good" I tell her and she rocks excitedly.

"I really like him hol's" I tell my sister, and my heart hurts because I know I'll never be able to talk to my sister like this because I know her understanding is so limited, and that it brings tears to my eyes.

A knock to the door brings me out of my emotional state, knowing who is at my door, I wipe my tears looking in the mirror and go to the door. Opening the door the first thing I see is Craig's huge grin, but it falters when he sees I've been crying. "Baby? What's wrong? Why've you been crying?" He asks concern written all over his face and brings me into his embrace before shutting the door behind him.

"I'm okay, it's just something with our Holly, it just theres times when her disability hits me emotionally, you know? It's just heartbreaking sometimes but I know she's happy so thats the only thing that comforts me" I tell him sniffling.

"I can't imagine to know what you're going through, but I know how much your sister means to you, and seeing you like this, how you talk about it all—how passionate you are about helping kids like your sister" he says shaking his head awe written all over his face. "You're amazing, Kitty Cat" he murmurs and kisses me passionately, we get lost in the kiss when my phone rings breaking us apart breathlessly.

I answer the call without looking at the caller. "Hello?" I say breathlessly.

"Catherine? Why are you out of breath?" Mum asks concerned.

"Oh, mum. Hi! Hey! Hi, erm—how's Eva?" I ask ignoring Craig silent laughter.

"That's why I'm ringing, theres a complication" she tells me with worry heavy in her voice.

"What?" I panic. "Why? Why? What's wrong? What's happened?" I ask panicked Craig instantly embraces me but I pull out of his embrace and go to the living room where Holly is, she's watching her iPad happily.

"It's the twin's" mum sobs. "Their heartbeats started to deteriorate, so Eva's been taken down for an emergency caesarean" she tells me.

"Oh, god" I sob covering my mouth to stop Holly from hearing me.

Craig rubs his hand up and down my back soothingly.

"They'll be fine, Cat. They're strong" mum tells me. "I'll call once they're here, okay? Is Holly okay?" She asks.

"Yeah, she's fine. She's on her iPad, happy as Larry" I tell her. "Give our Eva and Justin my love, and make sure you give the twins a kiss for me" I tell her.

"I will, babe. I'll see you soon, I love you both" she says softly.

"Love you too, mum" I tell her. "Bye" I add.

"Bye, baby" she says before hanging up.

Please, god. Please let the babies be okay.

I close my eyes praying to god.

"What's going on, baby?" Craig asks still comforting me by stroking my back hugging me to him.

"It's Eva, she's been taken down for an emergency caesarean, the twins heartbeats have deteriorated" I tell him sadly.

"They'll be just fine, baby. I promise" he says.

"I hope so" I smile sadly, resting my forehead against his and kiss him.

"I'm glad you're here" I murmur against his lips.

"There is no where else I'd rather be, baby" he tells me.

I smile, kissing him again, we spend the next couple of hours in the living room watching something special re-runs with our Holly until I get a phone call from my mum.

"Mum?" I ask.

"The twins are here, Eva's just fine" mum tells me relief heavy in her voice.

"Oh, thank god" I sigh in relief.

"It was Anaya whos heartbeat deteriorated, her and Aidan have both been taken to NICU" mum tells me.

"But they're okay?" I ask her.

"Doctor says they'll be fine, we're waiting to see the babies. Eva and Justin have just gone up to see them" she tells me.

"Okay, make sure you take pictures" I tell her.

Mum scoffs. "Please, Catherine, this is me you're talking to" she chuckles.

"True" I laugh.

"I'll be home once I've had a hold or two of the babies, okay?" She tells me.

"Take your time mum, me and hol's are fine" I tell her.

"Okay, I'll call when we're leaving, okay baby?" She asks.

"Okay mum, tell our Eva and Justin congrats for us" I say grinning.

"Will do, auntie Catherine" she chuckles.

I laugh as she puts the phone down on me. "Auntie Catherine" I laugh out loud shaking my head.

I'm an auntie.

"Everything okay, baby?" Craig asks with a grin on his face.

"Yeah, the twins are fine, Eva's fine, Thank god" I smile brightly at him.

"That's good then" he grins and kisses me leaving me breathless.

We spend the next hour or two with our Holly, until mum texts telling us that she and dad are on their way home. Craig leaves, but not before giving me a toe curling kiss, and a promise for another mate date.

All I can think of is how much longer I can take these mate dates.

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