Love Hurts So Much.(mpreg Zar...

By mnopqrstq

17.4K 751 111

This story describes about mr malik a trillionnaire man in the whole world ,,,,he owns the airtel company in... More

Episode 1.
Episode 2.
Episode 3.
Episode 4.
Episode 5.
Episode 6.
Episode 7.
Episode 8.
Episode 9.
Episode 10.
Episode 11.
Episode 12.
Episode 13.
Episode 14.
Episode 15.
Episode 16.
Episode 17.
Episode 18.
Episode 19.
Episode 20.
Episode 21.
Episode 22.
Episode 23.
Episode 24.
Episode 25.
Episode 26.
Episode 27.
Episode 28.
Episode 29.
Episode 31.
Episode 32.
Episode 33.
Episode 34.

Episode 30.

355 15 0
By mnopqrstq

Harry's pov.
Goodbye harry"

I regret telling zayne that i dont love him and i want him to die,,,

I fucking got pissed off how can his parents can control him and hate me that ,,,

When zayne left the house,,,,my son run towards me and hugged me,,,

Mother why did you lied???i know you love my father,,,why did you lie,,,

Son listen ,,,i got very angry about how his parents can control him and he cant do anything about us,,,i know he will have at the end accept what his parents tell him and leave us again,,

Sorry mother, please dont cry,, you know you are my super hero ,,,,i will cry if you cry again mother,,,,

My son made me atleast laugh,,,

Son its time to eat dinner ,,,

We took dinner with my son since jb was not home again,

We finished and my son slept peacefull,,,,

But for me of course i cant sleep,, i cant get off my mind from thinking about zayne,,,,

I know he cant do anything stupid,,,,he only pretended so that i can fall for his lies again.

Son wake up ,,,,your school is closing today before we get late,

Mother alittle please give me five minutes,,,

No son,,,if i give you then i wont go with you and buy you an ice cream,,

No mother am up,,

I laughed at how my son reacts cutely,,,

We arrived at school since it was closing day,,,

Evad's pov.

I arrived at school with my mother,

Parents were sitting on the tenths,,,and students were sitting opposite our parents,,,

I was with my friends when they start praising me,,

Evad your dad is a celebrity why did you hide it from us??

Because i hate him and dont ask me any question or i will be not friends with you.

Sorry evad,, they said unison and the function started,,,

After we closed we went direct with my mother to buy an ice cream since i was number one in my class,,,

Harry's pov.

Am happy that my son was number one in his class,,

After we eat an ice cream we arrived home and i prepared lunch,,,,

We finished taking lunch and my son fall asleep,,,

I took him to bed and went downstaires to watch football match,,,

I was changing station when i saw accident happen and fifthy people died on the spot and ten are seriously injured ,,,

I sighed and thought to my self why should drivers drunk when they know they are driving people.

I change to another station when i got the shock of my life,,,

Breaking news

Zayne malik was one of the people involved in accident that happen near golf bridge

No no this cant happen,,,maybe they are lying,,

I got my phone quickly and i dialled zayne's no but his phone was off ,,,,

I went and check on my son who was sleeping,,,,

I put my jacket and run to the hospital to see if the news are lying ,,,

I arrived at hospital and show many people crying ,,,

I show zayne's parents in the hospital crying,,,,,

You servant go away,you are the one who made our son in critical condition,,,

They were blaming me when the doctor came and said he needs blood or else he will die.

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