The Phantom Twins: Season 4

MikaelaMiller4 द्वारा

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Danny and Dayla Phantom are back! Ever since they saved the world, everything has been going great for our gh... अधिक

A Bitter Return
The Trouble With Books
Fright Club
Time Trouble
Playing With Fire And Ice
The Ultimate Return PART 1
The Ultimate Return PART 2
Danny's Final Hour
Attack Of The Mutant Ghosts
Driving Lessons
Four Times The Trouble
The Return Of The Guys In White
Saving Dayla
The Final Battle PART 1
The Final Battle PART 2

Musical Mayham

279 6 0
MikaelaMiller4 द्वारा

Lightning and thunder roared in the night sky but there was no rain coming from the dark grey clouds as Dayla fought off Ember MacLaine on the roof of Casper High. In the corner Danny was an almost unconscious in his human form trying to get back up to help Dayla and the antenna was sending off purple waves into the sky as Paulina climbed the antenna in a yellow dress that went to her knees and in one of her hands was a small square device with a red light flashing on it.


I bet your wondering why I'm up here climbing an antenna during a lightning and thunder storm? Why I'm helping Danny and Dayla in one of their ghost fights? Let's just say these past few weeks have been...well...really life changing for me.

You're probably also wondering what's with the costume I'm wearing? Well believe it or not, we're in currently in the middle of the intermission for our annual school musical but I'm getting ahead of myself. Everything all started seven weeks ago in our regular Drama class....


Paulina was sitting in Drama class at her desk, staring dreamingly at Danny once again. Ever since she found out that Danny Phantom and Danny Fenton was the same person after the Disasteroid incident, she was more determined to have him as her boyfriend but every time she asked him out he would always say no.

Not to mention that ever since Danny and Dayla revealed their secrets to the world, the A-listers pretty much stopped bullying altogether and even started becoming friends with people she would never even think of hanging out with such as Mikey, Valerie, Lester and all the other who she dubbed as geeks and losers

She then looked at his actual girlfriend Sam Manson and glared at her as she groaned in her head, "Just what does he see in her?"

She then watched Dayla walk in with Andrew and also said in her head, "Oh yes. There's the freak of the entire junior class. I can't believe I also was a fan of that art freak!"

Mr Lancer then walked in the classroom with a bright smile on his face and said, "Good morning class. Now we won't actually be in the classroom today, in a few minutes we're all going to go to the auditorium to start auditions. As you all know, we have the Casper High's yearly Junior Drama class musical coming up in seven weeks and we need to start rehearsals beginning this week after school, so for today's class were gonna audition and cast the parts for everyone in the class and tomorrow I will announce them in class and hand you the scripts. This year we're gonna do; Wicked the Musical"

Dayla smiled at the sound of that, she had always been a fan of the Broadway musical ever since she saw it when she went on a trip to New York Andrew and his mum to go and see it. Everyone followed Mr Lancer to the auditorium and sat down in the chairs as he passed them all different sheet music of each song.

The auditions then started with Paulina. Mr Lancer then asked, "Have you decided on a part you want to audition for or are you just going to sing one of the songs?"

Paulina smiled and said, "I have decided to audition for the part of Glinda and the song I'll sing is Popular"

Mr Lancer nodded and then started playing the piano according to the sheet music and Paulina began to sing.


You're gonna be popular

I'll teach you the proper poise when you talk to boys

Little ways to flirt and flounce ooh!

I'll show what shoes to wear

How to fix your hair

Everything that counts to be popular

I'll help you be popular

You'll hang with the right cohorts

You'll be good at sports

Know the slang you've got to know

So let's start

Cause you've got an awful long way to go

Mr Lancer stopped playing the piano, Paulina sounded really good. He then said, "Thank you Miss Sanchez"

Paulina walked off the stage and sat back down in her seat. Valerie then asked Dayla, "Are you gonna go for a part?"

"Actually yes. I'm gonna try Elphaba" Dayla answered. "How about you and Sam?"

"I'm just gonna for a small part, like Nessa" Sam answered.

"Same" Valerie answered.

"How about you Star?" Dayla then asked Star who was sitting next to Valerie.

"I'm also going for the part as Glinda" Star answered.

As auditions continued, most of the class had shown they were good singers, even Danny was pretty good. Well...except for Tucker, he still couldn't sing. It was down to Dayla. Sam and Valerie were standing on the side of the stage encouraging her as she waited for her turn after Star.

"You can do this Dayla" Sam said. "You nervous?"

"A little scared actually. I...I've never actually sung in front of a lot of people" Dayla admitted. "And Mr Lancer had heard me before when we got trapped in the Hunger Games book"

"You'll be fine Dayla. Just focus on trying your best" Valerie said. "We're right behind you girl"

Star finished singing and then walked off the stage. Mr Lancer then called out, "Dayla Fenton your turn"

Dayla took a deep breath and walked onto the stage. Mr Lancer then asked, "Are you going to try for a part Miss Fenton?"

"Yes. I'd like to try for the part as Elphaba and I'll sing Defying Gravity" Dayla answered.

Paulina scoffed and shook her head as she thought in her head, "Like that'll happen"

Mr Lancer turned to the page and then started playing the song on the piano and then cued Dayla to start.

Something has changed within me

Something is not the same

I'm through with playing by the rules of someone else's game

Everyone was amazed by her voice, Paulina looked at her in shock as she continued.

Too late for second guessing

Too late to go back to sleep

It's time to trust my instincts

Close my eyes and leap

It's time to try defying gravity

I'll think I'll try defying gravity

And you can't pull me down

Everyone was silent, none of them except Danny and her friends knew that she could sing so beautifully. Mr Lancer smiled and said, "Thank you Miss Fenton. Okay tomorrow I'll announce the parts and the first rehearsal starts tomorrow after school"

Everyone left the auditorium, Valerie then said to Dayla as they all walked out, "Girl that was amazing! I think have you're definitely going to get the part"

"You think so?" Dayla asked.

"Absolutely" Sam and Valerie both answered at the same time.

"I still can't believe Mr Lancer didn't let me finish my song. I'm not that bad right guys?" Tucker asked hopefully.

None of them answered and just kept on walking. Tucker then tried again, "Guys? Be honest with me. I can take it"

Later Danny was at his locker getting the books he would need to do his homework with Mr Lancer, Paulina then came up to Danny and said with a sweet smile, "Hi Danny"

Danny held back a groan of annoyance and said, "Hi Paulina"

"Do you want to go to the movies with me?" Paulina asked.

Danny sighed and said, "Paulina I have already told a thousand times, Sam is my girlfriend. Yeah there was a time where I did like you but then I discovered all the horrible things you were doing to my sister. I'm sorry Paulina but you and me dating is never going to happen"

He closed his locker and then walked off, Paulina growled a little and then walked off to head home in a huff. She then said out loud unware that a certain music ghost was listening, "He doesn't know what he's missing out on. I swear that Danny Fenton will be my boyfriend, even if I have to make a deal with a ghost to make it happen"

"Perhaps I can help with that" A voice said as she passed an alleyway.

Paulina stopped and then asked, "Who said that?"

"Oh a just a simple music loving ghost who may be able to help you with your little boyfriend problem" The voice replied.

Paulina slowly entered the alley and then the revealed herself to be Ember MacLaine!

"You're Ember MacLaine" Paulina said. "One of Danny and Dayla's enemies"

"The one and only but right now you can call if you like, your own fairy godmother" Ember said with a smirk. "You really like that ghost boy don't you?"

Paulina sighed dreamingly and then answered, "He is the boy of my dreams, but he's too busy dating that Goth Freak he calls a girlfriend"

"What if I were to help you make him your boyfriend?" Ember offered.

" can do that?" Paulina asked. "What do you want in return?"

Ember shook her head and answered, "Simple really. I want to be a world famous rock star again and the only way I can do that is to send my music around the world by satellite and the only antenna strong enough in the area to do that is at Casper High, but I won't be able to do that since Danny and Dayla Phantom might think I'm trying to take over the world again and put a stop to me before giving me a chance"

"Okay what's that got to do with me?" Paulina asked. Ember wrapped her arm around her and said, "A very simple task. See the Star Net satellite won't be in synchronisation with Amity Park for about seven weeks from today and I need you to keep little Dayla and her brother busy during that time"

"How do you propose I do that?" Paulina.

"Well a little birdie told me your school is doing a musical right? So hang out with Dayla Fenton, keep her and her brother busy for the next seven weeks and on that night not only will I will become a star again, I will use my music abilities to make Danny fall in love with you and you get the boyfriend of your dreams" Ember answered.

Paulina was silent as Ember removed her arm. Inside she was smiling gleefully at the thought of Danny being her boyfriend.

"So do we have a deal?" Ember asked as she held out her hand for her to shake.

Paulina was hesitant for a moment, but the thought of her finally dating Danny came back in her mind. She nodded and shook her hand.

"Excellent. I'll see you in seven weeks" Ember said and then disappeared in flames.

Paulina smiled and then walked away unaware that Ember watched her leave under invisibility. She laughed and said, "Wow. She is so naïve"

The next day during Drama class that afternoon, Mr Lancer entered the room with the scripts, music sheets and instrumental music CD's for them. He pulled out a piece of paper and said, "Alright class, it's time to announce the results of the audition"

"The following people will be playing these main characters. Paulina Sanchez will be playing as Glinda, Danny Fenton will be playing as Boq, Sam Manson will be playing as Nessa, Kwan will be playing as the Wizard of Oz, Star will be playing as Madam Morrible, Andrew Knight will be staring as Fiyero, Dash Baxter will be playing as Doctor Dillamond, Tucker Foley will be playing as Chistery who is Elphaba's flying monkey and finally Dayla Fenton will be playing the part as Elphaba"

"Way to go sis!" Danny cheered.

Dayla smiled as her friends congratulated her on getting the part. Mr Lancer then announced, "For those who I hadn't called out, will fill in the other parts such as the people of Oz and the students of Shiz. Rehearsals will begin at the end of this class, so for rest of this class I want you all to start reading your scripts and sheet music in order to familiarise yourself with some of your lines and the songs that will be sung during the show"

"Great. Bad enough I have to hang out with the freak and her Goth geek friend but now she has the main part? Ughhh! Well no time for complaining Paulina, if I want Danny I'm gonna have to bear it" Paulina groaned in her head as Mr Lancer handed them their scripts and instrumental CD'S.

After the next hour of reading their scripts, they were all in the auditorium ready for rehearsals. Mr Lancer stood on the stage and said, "Now for the next two weeks we will only rehearse the lines, but during that time you all need to practice the songs you'll be singing which is why you all have instrumental CD's. After that we'll start putting the songs in the play and also getting the costumes and props ready. All needs to be ready within the next seven weeks including this one, so let's begin with the first scene where Glinda is speaking to the Oziens"

Paulina and the students who were playing the citizens got up on the stage and rehearsals began, they had continued rehearsals for another hour and then it was time everyone went home, Sam was coming over to Fenton Works to practice her scenes with Dayla in the first few scenes of the show.

They were about to head off when Paulina walked up to them and said, "Hey guys?"

"What is it Paulina?" Dayla asked.

"Um....I was wondering if'd guys want to....I don't know get together and practice the scenes we have together?" Paulina asked awkwardly.

"You want to rehearse with us?" Sam asked. "You the girl who has been pretty nasty towards Dayla in the past two years?"

"Yeah. I'm thinking maybe it's time for a change" Paulina answered.

Sam and Dayla looked at each other and then huddled together. Sam then whispered, "I don't know. I think she's up to something"

"I don't know. For once I think she's being honest" Dayla said. "I say we give her a chance, but be cautious in case it is a trick. For some reason, I have a good feeling and a bad feeling about this"

They both then turned back to Paulina and then Dayla said, "Okay Paulina. We're both giving you a chance. We're heading over to Fenton Works to practice the first few scenes if you want to come"

"Uh sure" She said with a smile and then started heading out the door.

"I really hope we don't regret this" Sam said.

"I just how the boys are gonna react. Or Danny in that matter" Dayla said nervously.


"You invited Paulina over?" Danny asked.

"Yeah. Well since we're sharing the two main roles, she wanted to rehearse with us" Dayla answered nervously.

Paulina was downstairs in the living room, waiting for them to come back down from Dayla's room after Danny asked to speak to Danny and Sam alone.

"She's been bullying since the first day you met her and not to mention how many times she's asked to go out with me even after Sam and I got together. How do you know she's not up to something?" Danny asked.

"That's what I said" Sam pointed out. Dayla sighed and said, "Look Danny, I'll keep an eye on her. I don't like it as much as you do, but I can't help but feel something good might come out of this and also a bad feeling about this"

Danny sighed and said, "Okay. I'll trust you on this one and I hope your feelings are right about this"

Danny then left the room and then Dayla called out, "Paulina you can come up now"

Paulina came up and entered the bedroom, she saw the many artworks Dayla had painted over the years on the wall. The room was painted with a nice shade of light green that matched the blanket on her bed with the white pillows. Her desk was in the right corner and her dresser was in the left corner next to the closet, on the desk was a picture with her and Andrew on a date, one with Danny, Sam, Tucker and Andrew and one with her and her family.

She had to admit, for a simple bedroom it was really nice. She then said, "Uh nice bedroom"

"Thanks I guess. So um let's get started" Dayla said as she pulled out her script. "We'll go through our lines of the first scene at Shiz and then we'll practice the Wizard and I as well as What is this feeling? That okay?"

"Yeah sounds good" Paulina answered. She then said in her head, "Being nice to her is a lot harder than I thought"

Dayla then began her lines," What?! What are you looking at? Oh, do I have something in my teeth? Okay, let's get this over with. No, I'm not seasick, yes, I've always been green, no, I didn't chew grass as a child"

"Uh Dayla can I offer you some advice?" Paulina cut in with a suggestion.

"Uh sure Paulina. What's up?" Dayla asked.

"When you say your lines, think of yourself in her shoes. Like um....well sound sort of annoyed more" Paulina suggested. "Like you've been heard what they're thinking so many times before"

Dayla and Sam had to admit, that was some good advice. Dayla nodded and then tried again and this time she took Paulina's advice, "What?! What are you looking at? Oh, do I have something in my teeth? Okay, let's get this over with. No, I'm not seasick, yes, I've always been green, no, I didn't chew grass as a child"

"How was that?" She then asked.

Paulina nodded and said, "Much better. And Sam, when you say your first line, sound really excited at first but then drop all the excitement and feel sad about how your father is treating is treating your sister"

"Okay" Sam said.

Dayla then continued with her lines, "Oh, this is my younger sister, Nessarose. As you can see, she is a perfectly normal colour"

Paulina then said, "Okay now sound like you've calmed down since your father just came in"

Dayla nodded and said, "Yes, I know, to look after Nessarose"

Sam then continued with her lines and followed Paulina's advice, "Now, father... (GASPS) Jewelled shoes!"

She then changed her voice to one of sadness and said, "Elphaba..."

"Well what could he have gotten me? I clash with everything" Dayla then finished.

"That was pretty good guys" Paulina said. She then thought in her head, "They may be freaks, but they're pretty actresses"

"Okay Paulina it's your turn with your line" Dayla said.

Paulina nodded and started, "Oh, Madame, thank you for asking, but I've already been assigned a private suite... No I'm not! Now stop!..."

They continued to read their lines in the scene, Paulina giving them advice on how they should react in each scene. It was then time for Paulina and Dayla to practice their songs. Dayla started with singing her first solo song for the show.


Did that really just happen?

Have I actually understood?

This weird quirk I've tried to supress or hide

Is a talent that could help me meet the wizard

If I make good

So I'll make good

As Dayla continued to sing, Paulina couldn't help herself but think in her head, "She's not bad. She's actually pretty good. (Shakes her head mentally) What am I saying?! I'm meant to just be pretending. Remember the plan girl"

They were about to keep rehearsing but then Maddie called, "Dayla it's time for dinner! Ask Sam and Paulina if they want to stay, I've made plenty"

"Do you guys want to stay for dinner and we can continue rehearsing after for another hour?" Dayla offered.

"Sure" Sam answered.

"Um....sound's nice. I'll just call my papa and let him know" Paulina answered and then pulled out her phone to call her father.

Dinner was a little unusual since Paulina had never really been over to Danny and Dayla's place before. The only time she had even stepped foot in their place was the time Ember and Youngblood had kidnapped all the adults in Amity Park one time. It may have been strange for Danny, Dayla and Sam but it was also cool to see this new side of Paulina for Dayla.

"Hey Dayla I invented something new in the lab today" Jack said as he then placed on the table a small square device with a red light at the top and their logo on it. "I call it the Fenton Disrupter. This baby disrupts any unwanted signals from any ghosts that try to send a signal through a satellite or antenna"

They continued with rehearsals after dinner and Paulina continued giving advice as they went through their lines and practicing their songs. Before Paulina left Dayla asked, "So tomorrow at your place or mine?"

"My place would be cool" Paulina said.

"Okay we'll be there after rehearsal tomorrow" Sam said. "We'll bring the boys as well so we can practice the other scenes that has them in it"

Paulina then left and then before Sam left she said, "Okay that was still the most strangest thing I had ever seen"

"Who knows? Maybe this time she actually will change" Dayla said.

Later that night Andrew and Dayla were talking on the web cams and she had just finished telling him everything that happened.

"And Paulina didn't call you a freak at all?" Andrew asked.

"No. For once she was actually nice" Dayla answered. "Anyway she invited, me, Sam and you guys over at her place tomorrow in order to rehearse the scenes that we're in. Danny thinks she may be up to something but I think....I think she may be changing or at least trying to"

"Well if you think she might be changing, I'll support whatever you decide about her" He then said. He then smiled and said, "So, pretty cool that I got the part as Fiyero huh? I mean we're already boyfriend and girlfriend and now in the show we're playing characters who fall in love with each other"

She giggled and said, "Yeah I know. I can't imagine being paired up with anyone else"

"Neither can I" He said and they both smiled lovingly at each other.

The next day rehearsals continued and then after school that afternoon, they all went to Paulina's house to continue rehearsing. Mrs Sanchez was pleased to see that Paulina had a different set of friends over, while Mr Sanchez though happy to see everyone else he wasn't exactly fully happy to see Danny due to what happened at the school dance a couple of years ago but Mrs Sanchez managed to keep him at bay.

As they continued to rehearse, Paulina couldn't help but feel happy. She could see that all of them didn't have to act like they were better than anyone else but they were just being who they were.

"Is this what it's like for them? They're acting normal to each other and not caring what people think that they're not in a kind of clique" Paulina wondered.

As Sam, Paulina and Dayla went to take everyone's cups to the kitchen, Dayla noticed a picture of an elderly woman smiling with a five year old Paulina. Dayla then asked, "Hey Paulina whose that next you in the picture"

Paulina looked at the picture and smiled sadly as she answered, "That's my abuela (Grandmother). Grandma Sanchez. She uh passed away five years ago"

Dayla and Sam looked at her sympathetically. Sam then said, "I'm so sorry. I don't know what I'd do if my grandmother died"

"Who knows? She could be still watching over you" Dayla said. "My mum once told me that even though someone leaves, they're never truly gone. They're like the stars, they never leave and they are always there to guide you in times of trouble"

"Thanks guys" Paulina said honestly with a smile. She then thought in her head, "Who knew that Dayla Fenton could actually give some really good advice. These girls along with their friends may not be so bad after all"

In the next seven weeks, they continued going to each other's houses to rehearse for the show and each day Paulina found she was having more fun with them than ever. She started to get to know Dayla, Sam, Danny, Andrew, Valerie and even Tucker better. She even got to meet Sam's grandmother who with the help of Maddie and Pamela, made everyone's costumes for the show.

But as they hung out, they were all unaware that it was giving Ember enough time to some sort of signal device to the school's antenna.

It was the night before the show and Paulina was in her room going over her lines one last time, she suddenly heard a tap on the window and she turned to see Ember floating on the outside of it. She opened it and then Ember said, "Excellent job keeping them distracted and as promised tomorrow during intermission, I will make sure you get what you want. Danny Fenton as your boyfriend"

Paulina's eyes widened as she completely forgot about the plan, so she put on a fake smile and said, "Oh right. The plan, yeah sure"

With that Ember disappeared and Paulina closed her window, her fake smile then dropped into sadness. She laid down in her bed and started thinking, as she got to know them all, any feelings she may have had towards Danny just wasn't there. There was no spark like there usually was and all she could see him as was a friend and nothing more.

And Dayla, she could now see who she really was along with Sam as well. They were these two brave girls who weren't afraid of being who they are, she felt a lot of regret of treating Dayla so poorly and horrible over the past two years.

She looked at the picture of her grandma and asked, "Grandma what should I do? Should I go on or should I tell Dayla the truth? I'm so confused"

Those questions continued to ponder her mind as she slept, she suddenly started having a dream.


She was in a bright white room and she turned to see her grandma sitting there smiling gently smiling at her. Paulina smiled and shouted in excitement as she hugged her, "Abuela!"

Her grandmother hugged her back and said soothingly as Paulina shed tears of joy, "Oh my nieta (granddaughter). I have missed you so much"

"I have missed you too" Paulina said. "What are you doing here? Are you a ghost?"

She chuckled a little and answered, "No dearie I'm not a ghost. I am just visiting you in your dream, I can sense something is troubling you"

Paulina looked down and said, "I thought I wanted Danny Fenton to be my boyfriend but now, I just don't want that anymore. I have become such great friends with Dayla and Sam as well as their friends and I'm not sure if I want part of this plan anymore. Grandma what should I do?"

Her grandmother lifted her chin gently and said, "You must follow your heart and do what is right, no matter where it leads you. Even if the odds are against you, even if you're all alone but remember my darling, I shall always be with you"

Paulina woke up to the sound of her alarm, she looked at the picture of her grandmother and smiled.

"Thank you abuela" She said as she got out of bed. "I'll tell Dayla the truth and do what is right"

That evening, everyone's families, friends and other students started filling the auditorium for it was almost time for the show. Everyone had just finished getting in their costumes and make-up, Dayla's face was painted green and she had to wear a green skinsuit underneath in order to make her hands green and Paulina was given a blonde wig in order to portray her character.

"I am so excited!" Dayla said smiling as she hugged Andrew who was in his Fieyro costume.

"I have to admit Sam, your grandma did an excellent job on these costumes along with Mrs Fenton and your mum" Tucker said.

Paulina then came up to Dayla and said, "Uh Dayla, I need to talk you and Danny for a moment"

Just before Danny and Dayla were about to listen to what she had to say, Mr Lancer came out and said, "It's time everyone. Places people"

"Uh let us know at intermission Paulina" Danny said.

Before she could say anything they walked off to go get into their places, Paulina sighed and whispered as she got into her place, "This is bad. This is really bad"

Mr Lancer stepped onto the stage with a microphone and announced, "Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Casper High's annual Junior class drama production of Wicked. Please keep all your mobiles off and no flash photography during the show. I hope you all enjoy the show"

The audience clapped as Mr Lancer got off the stage and the lights dimmed down and the curtains opened. Valerie and the other students who were playing the other roles stepped onto the stage as the music began and acted all excited as they begun to sing.


Good news, she's dead!
The Witch of the West is dead!
The wickedest witch there ever was,
The enemy of all of us here in Oz,
Is dead! Good news! Good news!

The platform that Paulina was standing on then began to move in the air and made her appearance and then Mikey called out, "Look it's Glinda!"

"It's good to see me isn't it? No need to respond that was rhetorical. Fellow Oziens" Paulina began.


Let us be glad
Let us be grateful
Let us rejoice that goodness could subdue
The wicked workings of you-know-who
Isn't it nice to know
That good will conquer evil?
The truth we all believe will by and by
Outlive a lie
For you and....

The show continued on, she was about to speak to Dayla before she was about to go on with her and sing the next song together but she didn't get a chance. Danny noticed Paulina was acting like something was wrong but decided to work it out later.



Unadulterated loathing!


For your face


Your voice


Let's just say

I loathe it all

The audience laughed as Paulina and Dayla pretended to really hate each other as the show went on.

A few minutes later, they were all out on the stage in their formal costumes as they were doing the song Dancing Through Life and Danny pushed Sam onto the stage in her wheelchair since her character in the story in crippled and Sam began by asking, "What is in this punch?"

"Lemons and melons and pairs" Danny answered. Sam then said, "Oh my!"


Uh Nessa...

I've got something to confess a

Reason why, well, why I asked you here tonight...
Now, I know it isn't fair

Sam then said, "Oh Boq, I know why"

"You do?" Danny then asked.


It's because I'm in this chair, and you felt sorry for me...
Well, isn't that right?

Danny then said pretending to be nervous, "No... it's because... uh... because..."


Because you are so beautiful!


Oh, Boq!
I think you're wonderful!
And we deserve each other, don't you see this our chance?
We deserve each other, don't we Boq?

As the song went on Dayla then came onto the stage wearing her black frock costume and the witches hat Paulina had given her in one scene, everyone pretended to laugh at her and then she started dancing alone while everyone just stared.

This scene was like a memory for Paulina as she remembered when she first met Dayla, she immediately started picking on her along with some of the other A-listers.

Andrew then said his line, "Well I'll say this, she doesn't give a twig about what anyone else thinks"

Paulina then said after a moments silence, but although it was only what she had to say for the play, she actually felt awful and said it with honesty, "Of course does, she just pretends not to... I feel awful..."

She then walked over and started dancing with Dayla and soon everyone started dancing along with them as they finished the final part of the song together.


Dancing through life, down at the Ozdust
If only because dust is what we come to
And the strange thing, your life could end up changing
While you're dancing through

The audience cheered, Jack though was the loudest out of all of them.

A few minutes later Danny and the others were standing back stage watching as Dayla, Paulina, Kwan, Tucker and Star do the last two scenes before intermission.

Danny's ghost sense suddenly went off and it was coming from near the exit door of the stage, he walked over and opened the door slightly to see Ember MacLaine standing there smiling evilly as she was setting up her guitar.

He then heard her say, "That silly little girl is so naïve if she thought I was actually going to grant her wish to have the little ghost as her boyfriend. When really I'll just leave her to continue to keep those two brats busy enough for me to send my music using the school's antenna, to the satellite which will transmit all over the world and I will finally take over as their ruler!"

Danny gasped quietly as he realised she was talking about Paulina and then went back to the stage. He went to his bag in the change rooms and pulled out the sets of Fenton Phones and placed a pair on, he then went back stage and told Sam, Andrew and Valerie what was going on and gave them pairs of Fenton Phones as well.

"What do we do Danny? Should we tell everyone?" Valerie asked.

Danny shook his head and said, "No. We don't want to cause panic, we have to stop her during intermission"

"And you're sure she was talking about Paulina?" Andrew asked.

"I'm 100% sure, but I think Paulina needs to answer that herself" Danny answered with slight anger of the fact he discovered Paulina was just pretending to be nice to Dayla and them this whole time and he wasn't the only one.

Meanwhile on the stage Dayla and Paulina were doing the final song before intermission Defying Gravity.


I hope you're happy
Now that you're choosing this


I hope it brings you bliss


I really hope you get it
And you don't live to regret it
I hope you're happy in the end
I hope you're happy....
My friend...

Dayla then disappeared in the dark background as Mikey, Lester, Valerie and the other students who didn't get a main part ran on the stage as Dayla then floated into the air using her ability to fly while holding her broomstick. The audience gasped in awe as she continued.

"I'm the one you want! It's me!" Dayla shouted as floated in the air.


So if you care to find me
Look to the western sky!
As someone told me lately:
"Everyone deserves the chance to fly!"
And if I'm flying solo
At least I'm flying free
To those who'd ground me
Take a message back from me

Tell them how I am
Defying gravity
I'm flying high
Defying gravity
And soon I'll match them in renown!
And nobody in all of Oz
No Wizard that there is or was
Is ever gonna bring me down!


I hope you're happy!


Look at her
She's wicked
Get her!


Bring me down!


No one mourns the wicked
So we got to bring her





The audience cheered and clapped as the lights turned back on and the curtains closed. Mr Lancer then stepped onto the stage and said, "Ladies and gentlemen, we will have a thirty minute intermission before continuing"

As Dayla and everyone walked behind stage, Sam walked up to them with Andrew, Tucker, Danny and Valerie behind her and then snapped, "You really are a good actress Paulina!"

"What are you guys talking about? What's going on?" Dayla asked.

"Paulina here was only pretending this whole time to be our friend just so Ember MacLaine could make Danny her boyfriend and in return Ember would take over the world with her music" Valerie answered. "You really haven't changed girl"

"What? No! I mean yes it was like that at first but...." Paulina stuttered. "I-I-I was gonna tell you guys. But I had no idea Ember wanted to take over the world, she told me she was only going to become famous again"

"Yeah sure Paulina" Danny said sarcastically.

"Paulina are they telling the truth? We're you pretending?" Dayla asked.

Paulina remained silent and then looked down in regret, she then looked Dayla in the eyes and answered, "Yes. At the start I was, but as I spent time with you, with all of you guys I realised how wrong I was. I realised that only reason I even liked Danny was because he was half-ghost and you guys really are amazing friends. I was going to tell you the truth before the show even started but....I'm really, really sorry"

"Well isn't that sweet?" Ember said as she appeared in the room. "Unfortunately I have a world to take over"

She then strummed her guitar and hit Danny and Dayla dead on with a wave of music.

"DANNY/DAYLA!" They all shouted and then ran over to check on them.

Ember then said to Paulina, "Enjoy your new boyfriend girly!"

She then laughed and disappeared again. Paulina joined the others as Danny and Dayla stood back up. Sam then asked, "Danny quick question, who's your girlfriend?"

Danny didn't answer and just kissed Sam on the lips. He then stopped and Sam smiled and said, "I guess that answers my question"

"But how? I thought she hit you with a love spell" Paulina asked.

"She did but luckily I learned from last time to wear a pair of Fenton Phones" Danny answered and revealed. "Now that's out of the way, we need to stop Ember. She's gonna use the school's antenna to broadcast her music through the satellite and then send it all over the world"

"I have an idea" Dayla said as she went to her bag and pulled out the Fenton Disrupter. "The Fenton Disruptor. All Tucker has to do is connect his PDA to this and then when we put it on the antenna, Tucker can activate it and then disrupt the signal from even going through the antenna"

"But it'll need to attach to the antenna first and then I'll need to connect my PDA to one of the computers in the library in order to do that" Tucker added in.

"Okay but we don't want to cause panic so Andrew, you and Sam go let Mr Lancer know what's going on and then you two keep the audience distracted" Danny said. "The fight might go in a little bit after intermission, Tucker you and Valerie head for the computer lab and start hooking up to the device and get ready for when I signal you. Dayla and I will go take care of Ember and attach the disruptor to the antenna"

Everyone then left to do their jobs as Danny and Dayla changed into their ghost forms and then phased through the roof, leaving Paulina all alone. She continued to look down in regret and then looked on in determination and then started heading for the stairs that would take her to the roof.

"I'm going to fix things! I'm to set everything right!" Paulina said in her head.

Meanwhile Andrew and Sam stood with Mr Lancer and looked at the audience. Andrew then asked, "Mr Lancer how long before intermission ends?"

Mr Lancer looked at his watch and answered, "Fifteen minutes"

"Okay we need to distract the audience for fifteen minutes" Andrew said. "But how?"

Sam looked around and then saw Mr Fenton sitting in the audience and then smiled as she said, "I think I have a way"

She walked onto the stage with the microphone and then announced, "Uh attention everyone, while we are in intermission Jack Fenton is gonna come up and tell us some really great jokes"

"I am?" Jack asked.

"Yes you are, get up here" Sam replied.

Jack simply shrugged and smiled widely as he got on stage and took the microphone from Sam and then started off, "Right. What did the ghost say to the other ghost?"

Sam then left the stage and stood with Andrew and Mr Lancer as Andrew asked, "Are you sure about this Sam?"

"Look we needed distraction and Mr Fenton is the guy to do it....even if he's jokes are terrible" Sam said as they heard the audience groan.

Meanwhile Ember started playing her guitar and sending the signals into the antenna which thanks to her small signal device Skulker had made for her, it was starting to send the signals into outer space heading for the satellite.

Danny and Dayla then appeared on the roof as Danny said, "Wow Skulker must really be boring you if you're doing this Ember. Maybe it's time you guys took a break"

"WHAT?!" Ember shouted in shock. "Impossible! You should drooling over that girl instead of being here!"

"Normally it works but since I already heard what you were up to, I came prepared this time" Danny said as he gestured to his Fenton Phones.

"Any chance of you coming quietly before we kick you get your butt kicked Ember?" Dayla asked with a smirk.

Ember growled but then smirked as she said, "You're too late dipsticks! My signals are already on their way to the satellite and then they be sent all over the world, taking over the mind of every single person on this planet! They shall all be my slaves!"

"Not if we have anything to say about it!" Dayla shouted back as she charged right at her.

Ember dodged and then tried to hit her with her guitar but Dayla dodged and then blasted her back with an ecto ray. Danny then froze Ember's feet to the ground with an ice ray. Dayla then threw the device to Danny and shouted as Ember started thawing out her feet, "DANNY GET THE DISRUPTOR ON THE ANTENNA!"

Danny flew over and was about to put it on but Ember with her feet completely thawed out blasted him back with a strum from her guitar and sent him slamming into the corner edge of the roof, causing him to hit his head a little bit. Dayla was about to go and help him, but Dayla slammed her right into the ground and then blasted them both with another blast of her guitar, Dayla felt a little weak but Danny was barely remaining conscious as he changed back into his human form.

Ember kicked the device over to the door and picked Dayla up by the collar of her jumpsuit and scoffed, "Looks like you're on your own baby pop"

Dayla groaned and then suddenly looked behind Ember to see Paulina climbing the antenna with the device in her hand, she gestured for Dayla to keep Ember distracted. Dayla nodded and then pushed Ember off her and stood ready to fight.

Lightning and thunder roared in the night sky but there was no rain coming from the dark grey clouds as Dayla fought off Ember MacLaine. She fired ice blasts, fire blasts and ecto blasts but Ember had managed to deflect them all.

"What really makes you think you could take me on alone?" Ember said with a smirk. Dayla then saw Paulina had attached the device to the antenna as Ember finished, "You and your brother are weak!"

"But they're not alone!" Paulina shouted as she slid down the antenna and stood behind Ember. She then shouted through her Fenton Phone that she picked up from the ground downstairs, "NOW GUYS!"

Tucker and Valerie heard Paulina give them the signal and with the final push of the button on Tucker's PDA, the disruptor activated and cut off the signals that Ember had sent and completely destroyed them.

"NO! WHAT'S HAPPENING?!" Ember screamed as electrical currents could be seen from the antenna.

"You have been shut down Ember. The only rocking out you'll be doing, is in the thermos!" Dayla shouted. "NOW DANNY!"

Danny got up quickly and pulled out his thermos and before Ember could react, he sucked her into the thermos and all that could be heard as she was pulled in was, "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!"

Danny capped the thermos and then Dayla changed back into her human form and high fived Danny. Sam, Andrew, Tucker and Valerie then came onto the roof and they all cheered for their victory, they all then turned to Paulina who was looking down in regret.

Dayla then walked up to her and just when Paulina thought she was going to yell at her or something, she pulled Paulina into a hug as she said, "Thank you Paulina"

Paulina's eyes widened in shock at the action. She then asked, "How can you forgive me so easily? I have made so many mistakes and I lied to you all. If I were you, I'd be angry"

"I was not angry, I was sad because I thought you were never going to change" Dayla said as she let go of her. She smiled as Dayla then said, "But now I see, you really have changed and for the better"

Paulina looked around and saw the others were all smiling at her. Sam then said, "Sorry for snapping at you earlier"

Paulina nodded and said, "That's okay. I would've done the same thing and and Danny really do make a great couple"

"Danny, I'm sorry for constantly asking you out" She then said to Danny. "Are we cool?"

Danny smiled and nodded, "We're cool"

"I'm sorry to all of you, for lying and the way I treated you in the past" She then said to them all.

"And Dayla, I owe you the biggest apology the most. I treated you so horribly in freshman year when I should've seen what a great friend I was missing out on" She then said to Dayla.

"It's not too late" Dayla said. "We can start being friends now"

She nodded and the two girls shared another hug. Mr Lancer then walked through the door and said, "Uh not that I'm glad that the whole ghost fiasco is over but, we really need to start getting back on stage. I don't know how many more jokes they can take from Jack"

They all laughed and then went back downstairs to get ready for Act II.

Before going on stage, Andrew walked up to Dayla with a smile and said, "Looks like your feelings were right"

"Yeah and right now my feelings are saying to give you a kiss" Dayla said.

They both laughed a little and then shared a passionate kiss, the both then pulled apart as they heard Mr Lancer call out, "Places everyone!"

The show continued on, the audience continued to be amazed by the children's acting skills in each scene, watched in awe as Dayla and Andrew kissed on stage during the song As Long As You're Mine, got a little spooked as she made her eyes flash green during the song No Good Deed and started crying as Paulina and Dayla started singing For Good.


Like a ship blown from its mooring
By a wind off the sea
Like a seed dropped by a skybird
In a distant wood
Who can say if I've been changed for the better?
But because I knew you


Because I knew you


I have been changed for good

Paulina suddenly walked off stage for a moment and pulled Sam and Valerie onto the stage and placed them all with them as Dayla continued.


And just to clear the air
I ask forgiveness
For the things I've done, you blame me for

Mr Lancer was about to stop them, but then stopped as she saw what Paulina was doing and just smiled. The girls caught on and smiled at Paulina.


But then, I guess we know
There's blame to share


And none of it seems to matter anymore

Like a comet pulled from orbit (Paulina and Valerie)
(Like a ship blown from its mooring) ( Sam and Dayla)
As it passes the sun (Paulina and Valerie)
(By a wind off the sea) (Sam and Dayla)
Like a stream that meets a boulder (Paulina and Valerie)
(Like a seed dropped by a bird in the wood) (Dayla and Sam)
Halfway through the wood (Paulina and Valerie)

Who can say if I've been
Changed for the better?
I do believe I have been
Changed for the better


And because I knew you


Because I knew you


Because I knew you
I have been changed for good

The girls shared a group hug as the audience cheered for them, Sam and Valerie then walked off the stage so they could do the final scene of the show.

A few minutes later, everyone stood on the stage as they did the finale, Paulina was once again on the platform while Dayla and Andrew stood together, holding each other close for the final scene. She looked down and could see all her new friends smiling at her, she then went back to pretending to be sad in order to finish the play.

She then said her final lines, "Fellow Ozians, friends, we have been through a frightening time. There will be other times and other things that frighten us. But if you let me, I'd like to try to help. I'd like to try to be... Glinda the Good.

Andrew then said his line, "It's time to go"

"We can never come back to Oz can we? I only wish..." Dayla then continued. "Glinda could know we're alive"

"She can't know. Not if we want to be safe. No one can ever know" Andrew then finished.


Who can say if I've been
Changed for the better


Because I knew you


No one mourns the wicked


Because I knew you

I have been changed....


No one mourns the wicked!



Dayla and Andrew then disappeared off the stage as the lights went out. The entire audience stood up and cheered as the lights came back on and all of them then came back on stage and bowed.

"I was wrong Dayla. Looks like you were right that something good did come from this" Danny said as they bowed to audience.

"Have I ever been wrong before?" Dayla asked with a smirk.

They both laughed at that and continued to bow to the applauding audience.

"Thank you grandma. Thank you so much" Paulina said in her head as she then joined in a group hug with her new friends.


So in the end everything turned out alright. Like I said, the past seven weeks have been life changing for me and now I have really good friends and I don't think I can ask for better ones.



When Vlad discovers the final page he needs to find the amulet, he creates a whole bunch of monstrous mutant ghost animals in his lab and sets them on Amity Park keeping Danny and Dayla busy long enough for Fright Knight to retrieve the final page. Will Team Phantom stop all the animals from taking over Amity Park? Will they stop Vlad from getting that final page? Find out next time on The Phantom Twins in: Attack of the Mutant Ghosts!

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