A Ghosts Secrets

By valblue1314

200K 6.8K 2.8K

In this story Danny was alone when he stepped into the portal and gained his ghost powers. Danny is held in a... More

Unlikely Meeting
Ghosts Exist
Stay Away
Robin The Defense Lawyer
First Mission
Yes Or No
The Facility
Shouldn't Exist
Strange Readings
Into The Ghost Zone
The New King
Not Reliable
Rescue Mission
More Harm Than Good
Never Make Fun Of A Halfa
Revealing Secrets
The Halfa
We Need An Army
To Protect
Prepare For War
Halloween Special!

We Will Fight

3.9K 153 51
By valblue1314

It had been two days since Phantom and the heroes had found out about Vlad's plans. It was the day before the operation and the Leaguers had all been watching him closely, everyone had their own reasons but they still watched him. Most of them were watching him because they didn't think a teenager should be a king, the ghosts didn't agree with them.

Whenever the Leaguers asked a ghost if they thought Phantom should be king they all said yes and glared at the heroes. Even ghosts that used to be his enemies said that he should be king, a lot had changed since Phantom became king. Phantom hadn't let the staring get in the way of what he was supposed to do so he didn't let it bother them.

A few ghost children would come to visit their parents and they weren't shy about talking to Phantom. The heroes were surprised that Phantom was good with kids, they'd play with him and he'd make them laugh. Of course Phantom still got his work done, ghosts would ask him questions and he'd answer them.

He had even helped Skulker with his suit, Skulker vowed to continue to fight Phantom after the battle but they weren't really enemies anymore. The Leaguers also asked Phantom questions to try and see if there was a hole in his plan but they couldn't really find any. Batman was the only one that didn't do that, he knew that Phantom was serious, he had put a lot of thought into this plan.

Phantom still managed to talk to Robin alone and talk to the team as well, Phantom even had something worked out for the crime in the human world. He had ghosts go with the heroes to help since they couldn't spend as much time protecting their cities. They were small teams of ghosts and they went in hour long shifts so they wouldn't get tired.

Now it was the third day, the day that Vlad was going to try and take over the human realm. Tensions were high and the generals had been talking to Phantom in the castle for a while. It was about three in the afternoon and they had been keeping an eye out for trouble in the human realm all day.

Phantom was glad that the generals had gotten along with the Leaguers, of course they still weren't to sure about the heroes. At least this was only temporary, once the fight was over the ghost probably wouldn't have to deal with the heroes again. Phantom hoped to Clockwork that the heroes wouldn't cause trouble for the ghosts, he'd be pissed if they did.

As the sun was going down in Gotham the scouts reported seeing Vlad's forces approaching the city. Reports soon came in from the other three cities that the other cities were about to be attacked. Phantom opened portals for each group that lead to their respective cities and Phantom lead his group through.

A fight broke out almost immediately, if Phantom had to guess he'd say that the soldiers were made by Klarion. Phantom did some research on the members and found out that Klarion could use magic and these soldiers weren't normal. They weren't alive and they were too strong to be human so it was possible that they were made out of magic.

He was glad that ghosts weren't really affected by magic, magic was weak against ghosts so these soldiers weren't to difficult to defeat. Pretty soon it was like an actual battle field and Phantom was fighting soldiers right and left. He punched one in the face, round house kicked another, threw one into three others, blasted a handful and impaled several on some ice spikes.

Phantom activated a comm they had made so they could use it during the battle and he growled as another soldier came after him. He blasted it and he spoke into the comm, "How is everyone?"

Frostbite huffed, "These soldiers are strong but we've managed to hold them off."

"We are alright as well, there have been a few complications but we're alright." Dora said.

"We're outnumbered but we're stronger then the enemy, your plan is working Phantom." Pandora said.

"Let's not celebrate yet, has anyone spotted Vlad?" They all answered no and Phantom glared at nothing as he punched another soldier and knocked it into several others. "Keep me updated on what's going on, I hate to say it but we only get one shot at this."

Phantom blasted more soldiers and he looked for the heroes, none of them were hurt to badly but they might not last for the whole battle. Phantom mentally sighed, where the hell could Vlad be? Frostbite's warriors were freezing a lot of the soldiers before shattering them, they were driven back a few times but they managed to push back.

Dora was in her dragon form and burned many of the soldiers to ashes, her group was faring rather well thanks to her abilities. Pandora was using her lightning to take out the soldiers and she kept an eye out for Vlad, this plan had to work. Fright Knight was standing by in the ghost zone, as soon as someone asked for help he'd be there to aid them.

He hoped Phantom was okay, this plan was a bit risky for everyone involved but Phantom was at more risk then anyone. He didn't want Phantom to be in danger, he had a duty to protect his king, but this was probably the only way that it would work. Phantom was seriously starting to wonder if these things were endless, this battle seemed like it would never end.

Batman and Robin was starting to run out of gear in their utility belts, Artemis was running out of arrows, and everyone was getting tired. Phantom could last a lot longer then them because he had a lot of stamina, the crown of fire and ring of rage also gave him power so that helped. He still couldn't last forever, he might have an army but so did they, anyone could win this fight.

Then Phantom's ghost sense went off and Phantom spotted Vlad floating high in the sky and he growled. He activated his comm, "I've spotted Vlad." Phantom saw something from the corner of his eye and his eyes widened, "He's brought more soldiers with him."

Fright Knight immediately jumped into action, "I'm on my way."

Phantom looked around quickly, "Hurry, everyone remember the plan." Phantom looked at Batman and he nodded, the hero nodded back and Batman pressed a button on his belt. A noise rang through the air and the ghosts got away from the soldiers as Phantom flew in front of them. Phantom took a deep breath and everyone covered their ears as Phantom unleashed his ghostly wail. The pale imitations of the screams he heard filled the air and destroyed everything in it's path. It was stronger then last time, the screams from hell had gotten worse, now that the team knew what they were they felt bad for Phantom.

The soldiers were blown back, they were dropping left and right, none of them stood a chance. When Phantom finally ran out of breath less then a forth of the soldiers were still standing and Phantom took a second to catch his breath. Because of the soldiers Vlad brought there were still a good amount of soldiers left, oh joy, the sarcasm is real.

Phantom thought back to when he had been telling heroes and his generals the plan. "Once one of us spots Vlad we'll meet up where he is, we'll have to get his soldiers to follow us so they don't destroy everything."

Aquaman raised an eyebrow, "And how are we going to do that?"

Phantom almost smiled, "Simple, from what I've gathered Klarion is like a child when he's upset. What would a child do if someone suddenly started ignoring them and walked away?"

Superman raised an eyebrow, "They'd get angry and follow... oh."

Phantom nodded, "He'll get angry and he'll want to follow you, if he isn't the one on control of the soldiers he'll take control to follow."

Frostbite smiled just a little before he looked confused, "What will we do after that?"

Phantom was brought out of his thoughts when he saw his generals coming closer to Gotham. Fright Knight had shown up while he had been lost in thought, they were fighting the remaining soldiers. Phantom dropped a few inches in the air before he stopped himself and shook his head, this had to work.

Phantom could imagine Vlad's smirk before he spoke, "Phantom!" Everything suddenly stopped, the soldiers weren't fighting anymore, the ghosts froze, and the heroes were shocked. Phantom looked at Vlad before the two halfas landed on the ground, the ghosts and soldiers moved out of the way and made a large circle around them.

Vlad had an evil glint in his eye as his smirk widened, "I challenge you to a battle for the crown."

Fright Knight took a step forward, "My king you can't." Phantom looked at Fright Knight over his shoulder and the armored ghost backed away again with a worried look.

Phantom looked at Vlad and nodded, "I accept." Vlad glared at Phantom before he attacked and Phantom just barely moved out of the way in time. Vlad threw a few more punches at Phantom before the teen took to the sky and Vlad followed. Vlad sent a few ecto-blasts at Phantom and he blocked them by putting up a shield and Vlad flew at him once it fell. Vlad punched Phantom in the face before he kicked him in the stomach, this was going to be harder then Phantom thought.

Vlad continued to hit Phantom, not all of the attacks hit but some of them did and Phantom growled. He sent attacks at Vlad but they missed and Vlad blasted Phantom in the stomach and flew above the teen before blasting him again. Phantom fell towards the ground and when he landed a dust cloud formed and Phantom was lying in a crater.

Vlad laughed as he landed, "You should have known better badger, I've had far more training then you." Phantom rolled his eyes, why did he have to do this every time, it was annoying and Phantom could definitely live without the speech. Vlad continued and when he was distracted Phantom smirked and suddenly blasted Vlad in the chest.

Vlad looked shocked, "How are you still able to fight?" Phantom once again thought about the plan he had made with the heroes and his generals.

"Once someone spots Vlad I'll be able to get to wherever he is quickly, I can use my ghostly wail to stop the soldiers. Vlad will think I've used too much power so I'll be to tired to fight, once we all meet he'll challenge me. His soldiers will stop attacking and none of you will be able to fight because you're not allowed to interfere."

Dora frowned, "But your ghostly wail drains a lot of your power."

Phantom nodded, "That's true but it isn't as draining as it used to be."

Fright Knight seemed to think of something, "The crown of fire and ring of rage will also give you more power."

Phantom nodded, "Exactly, I'll make it seem like I'm too weak to fight and once Vlad's guard is down I can surprise him." Phantom forced the memories to the back of his mind and he blasted Vlad again which knocked the halfa back. Vlad growled, now the fight could really begin, Phantom was getting tired of acting like he was weak.

The two took to the sky again and Phantom sent an ecto-blast at Vlad, Vlad created a shield and dropped it right as he sent several blasts at Phantom. The teen dodged and shot Vlad with an ice blast, it hit Vlad's arm and he scowled before he used his powers to shatter the ice. Vlad tried to hit Phantom with lightning but Phantom flew higher into the air and avoided the attack.

Phantom split into four different versions of himself and attacked Vlad from several different directions. Vlad hadn't been expecting it and Phantom landed several good hits before Vlad got angry and destroyed Phantom's clones. The young halfa flew at Vlad and punched him in the face twice before Vlad kicked him in the stomach.

Phantom sent some lightning at Vlad and he eyes widened just before he got hit. Vlad fell several feet before he stopped himself and he gave Phantom a shocked look before he growled. Vlad managed to round house kick Phantom and the young halfa punched Vlad and he fell to the ground.

Vlad managed to stop himself just before he hit the ground and he landed as Phantom flew down and landed across from him. The two flew at each other and sent attack after attack at each other before Vlad managed to knock Phantom back. Vlad smirked when Phantom held his stomach, it was bleeding and it was a little painful.

"You can't beat me badger, you never could, once I beat you I'll rule the ghost zone and you'll lose everything." Phantom glared at Vlad, images of his ghost friends, the team, the Leaguers despite all of the stupid mistakes they made, and lastly, Robin. He couldn't lose them, he already lost everything he had from before he became a halfa, he couldn't lose them.

Phantom felt his anger rise, he was going to protect them, all of them, even if it cost him his life. Phantom's eyes started glowing brightly and the ground cracked beneath his feet and green flames came from the cracks. Almost everyone was shocked and Vlad was no exception, Phantom flew towards him at an incredible speed and punch him in the face several times.

Phantom was too fast for Vlad to react and Phantom soon sent one kick to Vlad's chest and the older halfa collapsed on the ground. Phantom looked at the army of soldiers as he flew back into the air with a serious look on his face. "I am Phantom, king of the ghost zone, if you dare to attack the human realm or the ghost zone again then you'll have me to deal with."

Phantom extended his hand towards the soldiers and the ground cracked beneath them and they fell into the Earth before they were swallowed by green flames. The ghosts cheered for their king and a few ghosts grabbed Vlad and the heroes were amazed. Phantom opened a portal to the ghost zone and the ghosts flew through it, they were ready to go home.

The heroes weren't far behind and Phantom was the last to step through the portal and he closed it behind him. Phantom was actually tired now, that last part took up all of the power he had, he was ready to go to bed now. Once he stepped through the portal the heroes walked up to him and he acted like he was fine.

Batman crossed his arms, "How long have you been able to do all of that?"

"You'll have to be more specific, you could be referring to a lot of things."

"The lightning, the doubles of yourself, and the flames, how long have you been able to do all of that?"

Phantom shrugged, "I'm not sure about the first two, I learned them before I met any of you. As for the thing with the flames, I just learned how to do it, that one is a new power."

Batman was about to speak when Fright Knight walked up to them, " My king. Vlad is currently being locked up and the ghosts are going back to their lairs."

Phantom nodded, "Thank you Fright Knight." Fright Knight saw how tired Phantom was but he stayed silent about it as the heroes looked at Fright Knight then at Phantom again.

Superman looked confused, "You're taking custody of Vlad?"

Phantom nodded, "He is one of my kind and a prison in the human realm won't be able to hold him. Keeping him hear is the best option right now, he's one of my kind and I'll deal with him."

Fright Knight smiled at Phantom sadly, "I believe you should return to the castle my king. Everyone is tired and you are wounded, someone else can send the living home."

Phantom wanted to argue but he couldn't, he mentally sighed, "Very well." Fright Knight escorted Phantom back to the castle and Wulf sent the heroes home, they didn't want to leave but they had to. Phantom took care of his wounds himself and once they were wrapped up he changed and went to sleep in his room.

*A few days later*

Phantom had come back to the mountain the day after the battle, he was mostly healed so Fright Knight hadn't tried to stop him. Phantom had thanked all of the ghosts that fought and he was able to rest a bit which he was glad for. When Phantom showed up at the mountain again he was dressed in his normal clothes, he wasn't wearing the crown either.

The Leaguers had asked him what seemed like hundreds of questions and he refused to answer some of them. The team had eventually pulled him away from the Leaguers and wouldn't let the Leaguers bother him anymore. Then the team asked him questions and he was so done with being questioned now, it gets old fast.

Phantom was currently sitting with Robin in a tree, and he was glad he could get away from everyone. Well almost everyone, Robin had tried not to question Phantom because he knew that Phantom wouldn't want to answer every single question they had. Robin was holding Phantom's hand and they were looking at the sky, the sun was going down.

Robin looked at Phantom, "So what's going to happen now?"

Phantom shrugged, "I don't know, the world knows about ghosts, Vlad has been locked up, and the ghosts are safe for now. I've got yet another power, the League has no idea what to think about me being a king, and everyone's been questioning me. There's really no way to tell what's going to happen now, I guess we'll just have to wait and find out."

Robin hesitated, "Whatever happens, I just want to be with you." Robin tightened his grip on Phantom's hand a little and Phantom's eyes widened a little before he smiled.

Phantom kissed Robin cheek, "That was a really sappy line." Robin huffed and Phantom laughed a little before he rested his head on Robin's shoulder, "I'd like that though." Robin smiled and rested his head on Phantom's, whatever happened next, they'd face it together.


Hey guys! So the Halloween specials are done but I decided to post an extra chapter of each story before posting the specials! This is the last chapter for A Ghosts Secrets but Omen is still going for those of you that want to see more of this ship! See you guys later!

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