Never Gonna Happen (Seme Male...

By Uunouncium

52.1K 1.9K 457

interesting story about an introverted guy named (F/n), aka Sean, who is (believe it or not) a gay guy who yo... More

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 25
chapter 26
chapter 27
chapter 28
chapter 29
chapter 30
chapter 31
chapter 32
chapter 33
chapter 34
chapter 35
chapter 36
chapter 37
chapter 38
chapter 39
chapter 40
chapter 41
chapter 42
chapter 43
chapter 44
chapter 45
chapter 46
chapter 47
chapter 48
chapter 50
chapter 51
chapter 52
chapter 53
chapter 54
chapter 55
chapter 56
Me Being Me (An Alternate Path)

chapter 49

699 33 3
By Uunouncium

three weeks later....

reader pov

I was in the middle of making dinner when I heard the door handle jiggle. the click told me that it was unlocked and I heard it open. "I'm home!" chimed ging as he walked in for the umpteenth time. I laughed. I don't know why he still does that. it makes no sense to me. "welcome back. I'm making sloppy joes for the night," I said as I stirred up the meat mix in the pan. it was almost done. 

he put up his things and headed into the kitchen. he was smiling. it was actually a bit unusual how bright his smile was. "did something neat happen at work?" I asked. he leaned over the island in the kitchen. "naw. work was same as always," he said as he pulled up his seat. "whats with the big smile then?" I asked as I started laying the food out. gon was spending then night over a friends for the weekend so, once again, it was just me and my bro. I was actually planning on heading out on the town. we haven't really had the opportunity to go out and enjoy ourselves since I was busy with the planning. now that that is pretty much over with, its just a matter of time. we have to play the waiting game. 

he chuckled. "whats so unusual about being happy?" he asked, a big grin crossing his face. I just shrugged. I guess its no big deal. I put the mean into a nice bowl and combined it with the other ingredients to make the sauce. I made some extra for lunch tomorrow. I dug out some buns and cheese and spread them on the island, where we usually eat when its just us. "enjoy," I said, taking my seat next to him. 

"so....what do ya have planned for the weekend?" he asked as he took a big bite out of his sandwich. "eh...nothing major. I figured we'd go out since we haven't really had time to do so in a while," I said. he seemed to think about it. "we went out last weekend, didn't we?" he asked. "not really. we just went to a bar and got so drunk that we needed to call an uber back home. that's not really going out," I said. he chuckled. "well if it has anything to do with drinking; count me out. I think I'm still a bit drunk from last weekend," he said, knocking back his glass of soda. 

we ended up shooting the breeze while we ate. he told me some stuff that was happening at his job while I updated him on the job hunt. I found a nice company that is offering a position similar to my old one. the salary is about the same, the bonus is shit compared to what I used to get, and it doesn't have a seat in the brass but....its work. ive pretty much got to start from the ground up from this company. the good news is that its closer to the house I planned to move into once this is all over. 

he cleaned his plate, letting out a frat-boy style belch as he rubbed his stomach and a long sigh of satisfaction. "I swear ya spoil me, babe," he patted my shoulder. I just laughed as I gathered up the dishes and started washing them. "how about we stay in this weekend? who says we have to go out to have a good time, right?" he offered as he watched me clean the kitchen. "I mean...its fine with me but there isn't much we can really do. I got some games and tv but that's about it," I said as I started drying and putting them away. I heard the creak of his stood as he scooted out of it. "well...I know of a few things that we could do," he said.  

I reached over to put the last dish away. when I closed the cabinet back, I turned and we met with ging. he placed his hands on the side of my face and pulled me closer, pressing his lips against mines. 

he pulled away slowly, releasing the suction until a popping noise echoed through the kitchen. he had a grin on his face that was actually starting to get to me. he looked into my eyes for a while. he went to kiss me again but....I stopped him with a finger. he seemed confused. 

"....lets....lets not do this, ging," I said. 

I had my reservations about this from the beginning but it didn't really dawn on me until now. I haven't heard anything about a lady friend from ging pretty much since that last woman he was with who he said was ugly. I know he went out, even though I couldn't. he was go to bars and stuff and drink. "what? why not?" he asked. 

"you don't have to just put up with this, ging. I know some good looking women from my old job that I still chat with from time to time. I'm sure I could set something up for you guys," I said as I continued cleaning off the counters. 

he chuckled. "why?" he asked. "I mean....I don't want this to come in between you and finding a good lady friend, bro. it would be kinda weird having to explain....this to a lady you meet. its like 'yeah, I like pussy but from time to time, I like a lil' dick too' ya know?" It was kinda difficult to put it into words now that I was trying to say it out loud. he chuckled. 

"kinda hard to do that when I'm gay," he deadpanned. "no, no, don't say that, ging. I'm sure that if you keep looking and-" this time I was the one who was cut off with a finger. "I'm not saying this cause I'm desperate or anything. if I were, id just hire a hooker and make due with that until I could get a girlfriend. that's not what I'm after at all, babe," he said, running his hand down my chest. 

"well then....what are you after?" I had to admit that....after hearing all the stories he had told me about his past relationships, it was hard to figure out what he had wanted in the first place. when they broke up with them, it was always because of something they weren't getting from him and he made no effort to keep it together. it didn't make any sense. 

he backed away and leaned against the counter, taking this moment to think about it. he thought for a moment before he spoke again. "ya know, for a long time, I thought I knew what I want, sean. I wanted a pretty little house wife who made me dinner and brought me my slippers and the newspaper. I wanted to get married and live in a little picket fence house and all that. I wanted what was the traditional image of happily ever after. you know what I found out after being around you for so long?" he asked. "what?" I asked. 

"you are fucking perfect, man! I mean seriously! you do the cooking, the cleaning, take care of the kids, and you pay the bills, AND.....ya take care of me, sean. pretty damn well too. I don't think I could take care of myself better than you can, bro. oh....and if that's not enough to convince you, let me tell you this: with you, I don't have to worry about the time of the month, wearing a condom to prevent having kids, bitching and moaning about me not doing shit around the house as soon as I fucking walk in the door from work. I I really have to go on? I can totally go on all day," his grin grew wider. 

I raised a brow. "oh? so you are saying that you are so ok with being pretty much taken care of that you are willing to be my 'girl', huh?" I was being overly blunt with this. he chuckled, gripping my head again and pulling me close. "oh ill be much more than that, babe. so much more," he growled lustfully before kissing me again. 

next thing I knew, who I found to be the best friend in the world, also turned into the start of the best relationship I could ever picture. what started as a 5 or so second kiss turned into a fight to see who's clothes could come off faster. I was glad I put all the dishes away because I ended up knocking the drying rack off the counter as he fought to pull my shirt off. we stumbled all along the hall and up the stairs, laughing when we weren't trying to shove our tongues down each other's throats. 

I kicked open the door to my room as I pulled my shirt over my head. he closed it behind us and, as soon as my head was free he attacked again. his shirt came off easy enough but he was having trouble getting my jeans undone. what would have been typical wrestling between friends had turned into a struggle as we tried to undress each other. 

he actually pinned me down as my jeans finally went slack against my waist. he had a sick grin as he kissed on my chest, working his way down as he pulled off the jeans. he rubbed his face against my crotch as he worked the undies off. "...wait ging...I think that--" he didn't hesitate long enough for me to finish. the moment it was freed, he swallowed it whole. 

he would always tease me about doing this. it was usually during those nights when we would come back from an unsuccessful night on the town. we'd share another case of beer, complaining about how close we were to getting some. he would always say ' this point, id suck your dick if it meant I could have some pussy' and we'd share a laugh, me spouting back that I would just buy him a hooker if he was ever that desperate. 

he was....a lot more aggressive that I thought he would have been. I honestly thought that he would hesitate more, knowing full well how big I am. he bobbed furiously, taking this opportunity to stroke his own member, freed from his boxers. he bobbed diligently, looking as if he found more pleasure in this than I did. he bobbed until I was fully erect be honest, I was getting really close. I didn't want to let loose before he even got started. 

I damn near had to pry him away from it. he didn't want to let it go. I pulled him up on the bed. he laid on his side as he braced himself. I did kinda do it abruptly. I leaned up to kiss him, to which he actually turned away. I made him face me and pressed my lips against his as I ran my hands down his body, slowly tugging his boxers off and tossing them out. 

he clenched as I took over in stroking him. I started kissing his neck, working my way down his furry chest and sucking on his perked nipples. when I got close to his member, he actually pushed me away but....well I wasn't going for that any way. he knew full and well about me in the bed room. I don't suck dick but....I do other things. 

he was more than surprised when I gripped his hips, pulling him to lay on his stomach. he quivered as I kissed down his back and spine. I could feel the heat emanating off his ass and I could feel it twitch as I got closer to it. there was fur there but it was natural me weird but I don't mind it. I knew how well he kept it clean, even before we started getting intimate. 

I took my time as I worked on him, leaving no crack or creavice untouched. I made sure he was more than ready for the big one. it was to the point that when I lined up against him, he practically pulled me inside. he hugged tightly to a bundle of pillows as I entered him once again. he relaxed his legs and let out what I thought to be a cross between a beastial growl and a moan of pleasure. he wiggled his hips, telling me to start. I complied. 

{time skip}

"...and with that! we are finally a thing," he announced as we laid there next to each other. sure we've had sex before, twice, but this time....this time was definitely different. this time we took our time and got to know each other better intimately. hell, he even told me what his favorite position was when being with me: missionary. 'that intimacy, sean, is what I fucking live for. there is nothing more intense than looking each other in the eye like that' he said. 

we laid there for a while, just taking in what just transpired and letting it soak in. "sean...." I turned my head to look at him. he continued to stare at the ceiling fan as it spun ever so slowly. ".....I know I said I was gung ho about being your 'girl' but...(chuckles) I'm not shaving," he said. I couldn't help but laugh. "I'm serious, babe. I know I'm hairy but you just gonna have to get used to it cause I'm not shaving," he said. "ging...." he finally looked me in the eye. 

"I'm GAY. I would be insulted if you felt the need to shave," I said. 

he laughed as well. I scooted a little closer to him, just inch by inch, not wanting to be to sudden. he didn't seem to mind when my arm squeezed under him and around his waist. I pulled him closer and cuddled him up, squeezing him tightly. I rested my head on his. he got comfortable in my embrace. there was a moment of silence. "....I thought you weren't the cuddling type," he let out a sigh of relief. I chuckled. "be prepared babe cause I'm the hopeless romantic," I said. he chuckled. 


3rd pov

"sir! sir please stay in bed!" the older woman had her reservations about this hospital. she worked here for the better part of the last 20 years and she thought she knew by now. she truly believed that the hospital had better common sense but this situation right definitely proved her wrong. 

'seriously....' the older woman thought to herself,' ....why on earth would they have the 63 year old woman taking care of this massive bodybuilder man?'

the question echoed through her head as she, quite valiantly, tried to stop this man who was many times larger than she from getting out the bed. she repeatedly told him that the doctors prescribed at least another month or so of treatment....and that was just so that he could walk around the hospital without an aide. the doctors believed at least another three to four months before he could leave the hospital and a full year before he made a full recovery. 

the older woman had looked at his charts enough to know that what was occurring before her eyes, as aged as they were, was undoubtedly a miracle. 

it was just three days ago that she was given the go-ahead to removed the full body bandages from him. most of the major wounds had closed up enough that a gauze will do just fine. with less care required for the man, he would have less interference and therefore would be able to recover faster. 

this man cared nothing at all about what the doctors told him about his condition. his right arm was broken and in a cast from the many bullets that pierced it and he had more holes in his body than the older woman had years on this earth yet the man moved nearly uninhibited by his condition. 

he got out the bed, despite her attempts to stop him, and he stood to his feet. he wavered for mere seconds before he regained his confidence. at the sight, the older woman felt her blood rush to her face. she knew the difficulty of moving this man around. she knew that, no matter the number, this man would be difficult to care for as what was normal but this....this was unexpected. 

"....oh my," her old voice croaked for the man wore nothing but the gown they gave him and a simple pair of tattered boxers that left nothing to be a secret. 

the older woman had never seen him like this before this moment as she was never one of the people who was called to help move him about. the man stood proudly, the widest of grins on his face as he looked around the room. he walked over to the chair, holding a simple plastic bag full of his personal belongings. 

as the man rummaged through the bag, pulling out the pair of jeans he wore, he only uttered a few words,"....don't worry, babe. I'm comin for ya. you owe me and ill be damned if I don't collect."


seriously imagine the last part going down in real life. I laughed so hard. 


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