When We Met (Alex Aiono fanfi...

By musiclover700

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A music-obsessed girl meets her hero in London when going on a field trip with her class. Then during senior... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Visual Guide #1
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30: Best Day Today, Part 1
Chapter 31: Best Day Today, Part 2
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34: Sara's Birthday Surprise, Part 1
Chapter 35: Sara's Birthday Surprise, Part 2
Chapter 36: Sara's Birthday Party, Part 3
Visual Guide #2: Sara's Birthday Surprise
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39: The Salex Reunion
Chapter 40
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50: More Complicated Feelings, Part 1
Chapter 51: Complicated Feelings, Part 2
Visual Guide #3
Chapter 52: Complicated Feelings, Part 3
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Visual Guide #4
Chapter 59: Maya's Christmas Birthday ft. more feelings, Part 1
Chapter 60: Maya's Christmas Birthday ft. more feelings, part 2
Chapter 61
Chapter 62: New Years
Chapter 63
Chapter 64: Alex's Birthday ;)
Chapter 65: Almost At The End
Chapter 66: The End
Epilogue 1: Summer Surprise
Epilogue 2: One Big Change

Chapter 41

57 2 0
By musiclover700

*Sara's POV*

"The ride's about to begin. Please stay seated on you horses," the ride operator says.

I turn to see Alex was on his phone.

"Please tell me that you're not gonna take a picture of me. I look like crap," I tell him.

"No, just taking a casual selfie," he says, sticking out his tongue.

I nod. Wait, Alex never sticks out his tongue.

"Martin--" I try to take the phone out of his hands, until music plays.

"Enjoy the ride, everyone!" The ride operator says.

The ride starts moving.

"Martini, no more pictures," I tell him.

He just smiles. "No."

I giggle. "C'mon, please."

"If that's what you want, babe," he shrugs, putting away his phone.

I giggle. "Thank you, Honey."

He returns a smile.

Maya will eat this up--well Menry will. Speaking of, I bet they're having the best time.

*Maya's POV*

"You were right. We should've went on the rollercoaster," Henry sighs, getting off the cart.

"But no," The rollercoaster is too easy," I mock him.

"Hey, I don't sound like that," he laughs.

"You're right. A little more squeaker," I joke.

"But I still can't believe that you got Salex together!" He starts a new topic.

"Yeah with Sab's help, but it was mostly me," I explain.

"Ooh but do they love each other that much?" He asks.

"Even more than you see in public," I giggle.

"They're goals," he agrees with me.

"So, Henry. You said you were coming next weekend?" i switch the topic.

"I just figured. The earlier I came by, the earlier I get to see to you," he confesses.

"Aw, well I missed you too, Hen," I embrace him into a hug. He hugs me back.

"Do you wanna go on the carousel now?" I ask him.

"Whatever you want, it's my first time here, remember?" He chuckles.

I just smile, dragging him along.

--At the carousel--

"Is that Salex?" He asks, looking over to..Sara and Alex laughing getting off their horses.

Sara looks up to us. She waves, we wave back. 

Sara tells Alex to wave, he smiles and waves us at us. We meet in the middle.

"I guess Salex is all good," I smirk.

"And Menry's in progress, I see," Sara smirks back.

We all giggle.

"I thought we were meeting up at 8--not that I love our conversations as a group--?" Henry chimes in.

"I mean Fate loves us," I inform him.

"Nice to know," he chuckles.

"Martini, I swear--why?" Sara asks Alex something, looking at something on his phone.

"It was just 1 photo. And you were so happy," Alex explains.

"Ooh, I wanna see it!" I chime in.

Sara shows us:

"Aww, Sara," I coo.

"I ship it so hard," Henry randomly says.

"Then you and Maya will love the more cringey pictures that're gonna be taken later," Sara says, giving Alex a death stare.

"C'mon, Sari. You look so happy," Alex tries to convince Sara not to hate her picture.

"I guess," Sara shrugs, developing a smile.

"Well we'll leave Salex to it," I giggle. nudging Henry's elbow to the same.

"I mean we wouldn't want to interrupt the best love story of it's time," Henry adds, as we walk off, arms linked onto the ride's platform.

"Can't wait for all the Menry details, sis!" I hear Sara from the distance.

Wow, we really are hard Salex shippers.

*Alex's POV*

I don't know why Sari was so worked up over a cute little picture. It was only one not like a million. But I can see why Henry and Maya are a thing--both hard Salex shippers.

"Sari, can you please tell me why you're so worked up over a picture?" I ask her.

"It's just that nobody ever took a picture of me--like that. And I don't know..I just look cringey," Sara explains.

"Aww, Sari. You can always count on "cringey" pictures of you," I tell her, as I embrace her into a hug.

"Ok, but, please. Pablo, don't put that picture as your screensaver," Sara pleads.

"Fine, I'll post it on instagram," I tell her as a laugh.

"If you do, I'll post this picture of you," I chuckle.

"You're on," he challenges with a laugh.

[--Doesn't Get Better plays--]

"Omg, Alex. That's your song!" I squeak.

He just smiles," Do you wanna want anything?"

"You seem happy," I smirk.

[SPEAKER: She's every color in the spectrum. She's the sunset in July]

He's still grinning his goofy grin.

"Let's go," I drag him to Coldstone.

*Henry's POV*

"Ooh, I sense my salex hart exploding," Maya reports.

"OMG, this is Alex's song..it's so cute," I add.

"It's funny how we're both hard core shippers," Maya chuckles.

"And we're both like matchmakers," I add with a giggle.

"There's a whole list," Maya jokes.

"Remember that time where Alyssa and Claire asked us to help them attempt to create a music video?" I ask her, remembering what happened.

"Ah one of the best memories. We tried so hard to talk so profession, and we messed the editing up," Maya giggles, covering her mouth.

"That's the last time Claire and Alyssa asked us for help," I add with a giggle.

"So how are they?" Maya changes the topic.

"They're good, they miss you though," I tell her.

"Yeah--wait, so..you don't?!" Maya jokingly asks.

"No, Maya," I sarcastically say," I came all the way from New York early for no reason."

"You're so sweet, Hen," Maya embraces me into a hug. I hug her back.

We release.

"You know how you said that fate could bring two people together in the strangest ways?" I ask her.

"Yeah, like how I fell into your lap on the subway. If that's not fate, then I don't know what it is," Maya rolls her eyes, playfully.

"Well if it is fate, then it did the right thing," I cup her face.

"Yeah it did," Maya says, quietly, looking into my eyes. I look into her eyes.

I kiss her, and she kisses back. After a few seconds, we release and exchange smiles.

*Maya's POV*

I can't believe it, my first kiss! Sara--Salex is gonna eat this up!

*Sara's POV*

Today's been the best day. I don't know if anything can ruin it..

"You seem in awfully good mood--happier than usual," Alex examines as I lick my ice cream.

"What?" I ask him, as he giggles.

"You have a little something," he tries to show me.

I can't seem to find it.

"But it looks good on you," he laughs.

I try to find it, I fail.

"Here," he takes a napkin and wipes it off.

I giggle, as I see him smile.

[SPEAKER: Make me feel just like I'm flying. She makes the stars burn brighter than a millions suns]

"Did they put it on repeat?" I giggle.

"They must've, I'm so good," Alex playfully shrugs.

"Then I guess the speakers and I do something the same," I chuckle.

He smiles at me.

[SPEAKER: Once you leave girl then leave..]

"And they didn't," Alex frowns.

"Well they're playing Question," I develop a smile.

"Yeah," he smiles with a nod.

[SPEAKER: Way more than material. You had all my affection, my attention, oh. Now you're out here on the streets asking for blessings. Out here begging, oh. And I tell you all the time, but you don't get it. You don't get it, no]

"Um, Alex, I don't feel very good. I'll be back," I quickly get up from seat.

"Wait, Sari," he grabs my wrist.

I give him a weak smile,"..it's the ice cream."

"C'mon, Sari. Tell me what's wrong," Alex pleads. "I just wanna help you."

"Ok, so.." I start. "So yesterday, my mom and I went to the store, and it was a mistake--she kept pestering me about my future."

"What'd she say?" Alex asks.

"Well she started talking about getting into the software business like my dad or becoming a doctor and living happily," I tell him with a frown.

"Aww," Alex frowns.

"And the thing is--the thing is. I--I tell her all the time--all the time," my voice breaks. "that I wanna something different..a singer. But she doesn't get it," I burst into tears.

He embraces me into hug, while I cry his into his chest.

*Alex's POV*

"Aww, Sari. Don't cry," I tell her, brushing my hands through her hair.

"Alex, this is my mom! She'll go throughout her way just to make me anything but a singer," she explains, still sobbing.

I cup her face, wiping her tears.

"She never said anything about not becoming a singer now.." I start.

"Alex, when am I gonna get the time to record the song--it's gonna take the whole weekend," she says, as her face turns back to normal.

"How about we go now?" I point to the exit door.

"What about Maya and Henry..?" I ask him.

"I can see Salex is cooking," Maya chimes in.

"Woah, Maya--you scared me," Sara giggles.

"Don't let us keep you. Alex, give Sara her dreams," Henry adds.

"But I don't want any funny business," Maya playfully warns.

I chuckle and embrace her into a hug. "I promise there won't be."

We release. 

"Good," Maya giggles.

"Bye," Menry choruses.

"Bye," Alex and I choruses.

*Maya's POV*

"How long do you think until they start looking into each other's eyes and start holding hands?" Henry asks me.

"Probably the first second they step into the studio," I reply with a giggle.

Aww, flashbacks. That pizza fight was so cute! Salex is the greatest love story of all time!

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