The bet

By jackiefoo

285 20 11

Riley has a hard life. Through a bad boy a bet and cars. Well let's say it gets crazy More

The bet


44 2 1
By jackiefoo

Riley's POV

I hate Mondays. No I hate first days.

I got up out of my bed and made it to my closet. I looked through the 10% of the "girl" clothes I have. I picked a floral blouse with white pants with floral vans to match. Well not that bad. I put on my earrings and a bracelet and straightened my brunette hair. I put mascara and eye liner to make me green eyes pop. Oh forgot to mention I'm 5'9 with brown hair and green eyes.

I walked down stairs and started breakfast.

"Payton! Timmy! breakfast!"

I heard groans and thumping down the stairs. I chuckled as they boys came out of the hall and into the kitchen. I placed a 3 pancakes in front of each of them.

" Hurry up. You guys still need to get ready."

They mumbled a quick ok. I laughed at how this family isn't really a morning family. I grab a pancake and grabbed my backpack and yelled a quick goodbye and left to go to school. I got in my crapy small car I had to buy because of the bet. Trust me if I could I would not taken the bet if it meant giving up my cars.

It was a 10 minute drive to school. When I got there I saw the typical clicks in high school. There was the jocks, the cheerleaders, the goths, the nerds, and the normal people which is me. Then there is the "three". Ryder Taylors , Dylan stone , and Zach lee. Now I call myself bad ass but these boys take it to a whole different level.

I'm talking drugs, in jail for breaking and entering, theft, drinking , fights, and the list goes on. Ryder the "leader"of the group. He is a Brunette with blue green eyes. He is 6'2 with a temper problem. He is built. he is the schools quarter back. I'm not denying that he's hot because he is but the fact that he is a player just is a turn off.

Dylan stone. He is 6'0 with blonde hair and blue eyes. He is the 'sweet' one out of the group. Don't get me wrong their all dicks with egos the size of Jupiter but he can be sweet or so what I've heard.

Last but not least Zach lee. A 6'0 ft tall guy with pitch black hair and bright green eyes. He is what I call the bitch of the group. He isn't on top like Ryder and doesn't have a rep like Dylan. He is the one who is normally quiet and steps up when he is needed. He is the mysterious one. No one really knows who Zach is but the other two. They are all on the football team. They don't like to be 'head' at this school but they sure do take it for granted.

I get out of my car and get engulfed into a huge bear hug.

" I missed you so much riley!" Sam says as she squeezes me tighter.

"H-H-Hey S-Sam." I said trying to breath.

" Sam let the poor girl down."i heard over my shoulder. After I was dropped and I could breath again I turned around to see my other best friend Scott. He has been helping me sense I told him when Stacy left which was right after. He would come over whenever he could and would help me. Scott was great friends with the 'three' too. If he wasn't at my house helping then he was with them.

After we caught up we started to walk in. We got our schedules and looked over them. Me and Scott had all the same classes and Sam had all but in stead of gym like us she had home ect. The first class we had to go was history.

We walked in and took the middle seats. I looked around to see who was in our class. I saw the sluts I mean the cheerleaders. Mandy. She is the head cheerleader. She and her minions would wear skirts that were way to short and shirts that were way to low. She hated me and I hated her.

Before class started the door opened.

"Great to see you made it boys." said mr. Glass. More like mr. Ass. The three walked into the room and sat in the back.

"Now that everybody is here let's start shall we...." he kept talking but I didn't listen all I could think about was how was Payton and Timmy were doing.

" Miss conners"

" What?" I asking in a fake sweet voice.

" Do you know that answer to this question?" he said pointing to the board. I looked at the board and there was one simple question. It read "what did you do over your summer break?"

" Saw you and miss winters fucking each other in a club." I replied. The class laughed and mr. Glass got red.

"Oops was I not suppose to share that?" that made the whole class interrupt in a fit of laughter. Mr. Glass got so mad that his face was as red as a cherry.

"Go to the principles office now!"

" Wow that's a first. I got sent to the principles office before Taylors." I said smirking. I picked up my stuff and headed for the for but before I got out I said something that could of changed my life forever.

" Oh make sure to tell your wife and Ryder try not get him mad it's kinda his time of month." with that I winked at Ryder and walked out of the class room to go god knows where.

Great first day riley...

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